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Created August 26, 2011 02:26
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*** Cache Cloud ***
Version 0.9.0
by Daniel Vasquez
Updated: August 12, 2011
Python script that creates Maya Particle Disk Cache (PDC) files from a sequence of point cloud data, and also gives you the choice of importing a single point cloud. It could be useful with all the open source data being released from Kinect hacks or 3D scanners. You can start by playing around with Radiohead's House Of Cards data:
point cloud, maya, PDC, particle disk cache, python, data visualization, kinect, 3D scanner
1) The point cloud data source files should be named serially (with numbers in suffix), with padding. Currently it doesn't take numbered prefixes very well. That said, you might have to rename/serialize your source files appropriately - for example, "frame001.txt" or "dynamite01.csv". Here's a good program to do so on a Mac:
2) For a point cloud animation, you can select a range of ordered files or a single file. If one file is selected, all files in the animation sequence will be cached.
3) This version accepts CSV and TXT files containing arrays* in the form of:
integer, float, float, float
float, float, float, integer
float, float, float
*per line, comma-separated or whitespace-separated. Try another form of arrays at your own risk.
4) There's a bug that makes Maya crash when you play the animation past the last frame of the cache. The script automatically sets it to the appropriate timeslider range, so in the meantime just avoid changing the timeslider playback range.
5) For a single point cloud, the extra attribute selected is added automatically; for animated point clouds, you need to manually add the selected attribute after closing Cache Cloud.
6) Be aware that this script creates a new cache folder and a CacheCloud_history.txt file in your Maya workspace (in the particles directory).
7) This script has only been tested in 64-bit Maya 2011 running on OSX, but I don't see why it wouldn't work in Windows. The UI prompts are called from Maya commands.
The Cache Cloud script is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.
This license lets you remix, tweak, and build upon Cache Cloud non-commercially, and although your new works must also acknowledge Daniel Vasquez ( and be non-commercial, you don’t have to license your derivative works on the same terms.
For more information on this license, read and
Things to do:
• Minimize code redundancy.
• GUI for making particle and attributes more customizable.
• Give option for modifying the point cloud data. For example, remove all repeated points, ease translation of position by a factor, or scale up/down.
• Currently this script creates a default particle disk cache using mc.dynExport, which might not be necessary.
• Figure out the bug that's making Maya crash (see notes above).
• Allow flexibility with particleId.
import os
from struct import Struct, pack
import binascii
import maya.cmds as mc
import datetime
class ArrayStructure:
"""Describes the structure of the data in the source file."""
def __init__(self, source):
self.source = source
self.rawData = open(self.source, 'r').readlines() # Return file contents
if '' in self.rawData:
elif '\n' in self.rawData:
def _checkNum(self, strContent):
"""Check the numerical contents of a string without changing type."""
sC = strContent.strip()
if sC.isdigit():
return 'integer'
return 'float'
def arrayForm(self):
"""Analysis of the form of a sample (self.arraySample) in the data. Returns a descriptive tuple: (array delimiter, array form, number of columns) """
self.arraySample = self.rawData[len(self.rawData)//2] # Arbitrary point (median index, in this case) is used for analysis. (This analysis could probably be better done with other statistical methods.
if self.arraySample.count(',') > 1: # Analyze comma-separated values.
if len(self.arraySample.split(',')) == 4:
if self._checkNum(self.arraySample.split(',')[0]) == 'integer':
return 'commas',acceptableArrayforms['i3fC'], 4
elif self._checkNum(self.arraySample.split(',')[0]) == 'float':
return 'commas', acceptableArrayforms['3fiC'], 4
return None,acceptableArrayforms['u'], None
elif len(self.arraySample.split(',')) == 3:
if self._checkNum(self.arraySample.split(',')[0]) == 'float':
return 'commas',acceptableArrayforms['3fC'], 3
return None,acceptableArrayforms['u'], None
elif self.arraySample.count(' ') > 1: # Analyze space-separated values
if len(self.arraySample.split(' ')) == 4:
if self._checkNum(self.arraySample.split(' ')[0]) == 'integer':
return 'spaces',acceptableArrayforms['i3f'], 4
elif self._checkNum(self.arraySample.split(' ')[0]) == 'float':
return 'spaces',acceptableArrayforms['3fi'], 4
return None,acceptableArrayforms['u'], None
elif len(self.arraySample.split(' ')) == 3:
if self._checkNum(self.arraySample.split(' ')[0]) == 'float':
return 'spaces',acceptableArrayforms['3f'], 3
return None,acceptableArrayforms['u'], None
return None,acceptableArrayforms['u'], None
class ExtractData(ArrayStructure):
"""Process point cloud data for use in a Maya particle object. Create an instance by passing in the source file path."""
def __init__(self, source):
"""Extract data and put them in self.pointCoords and self.extraAttrValues."""
self.pointCoords = []
self.extraAttrValues = []
ArrayStructure.__init__(self, source)
arrayDelimiter = self.arrayForm()[0]
arrayFormResult = self.arrayForm()[1]
columnsNum = self.arrayForm()[2]
for point in self.rawData:
if arrayDelimiter == 'commas':
pointData = point.split(',')
if arrayFormResult == acceptableArrayforms['i3fC']:
pointPos = float(pointData[1]), float(pointData[2]), float(pointData[3])
elif arrayFormResult == acceptableArrayforms['3fiC']:
pointPos = float(pointData[0]), float(pointData[1]), float(pointData[2])
elif arrayFormResult == acceptableArrayforms['3fC']:
pointPos = float(pointData[0]), float(pointData[1]), float(pointData[2])
elif arrayDelimiter == 'spaces':
pointData = point.split(' ')
if arrayFormResult == acceptableArrayforms['i3f']:
pointPos = float(pointData[1]), float(pointData[2]), float(pointData[3])
elif arrayFormResult == acceptableArrayforms['3fi']:
pointPos = float(pointData[0]), float(pointData[1]), float(pointData[2])
elif arrayFormResult == acceptableArrayforms['3f']:
pointPos = float(pointData[0]), float(pointData[1]), float(pointData[2])
def scaleAllpointcoords(self, factor = 1):
"""Return pointCoords scaled proportionally by factor."""
return [(factor*coord[0], factor*coord[1], factor*coord[2]) for coord in self.pointCoords]
def scaleXpointCoords(self, factor = 1):
"""Scale the x-coordinate by factor in each point."""
self.pointCoords = [(factor*coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]) for coord in self.pointCoords]
def scaleYpointCoords(self, factor = 1):
"""Scale the y-coordinate by factor in each point."""
self.pointCoords = [(coord[0], factor*coord[1], coord[2]) for coord in self.pointCoords]
def scaleZpointCoords(self, factor = 1):
"""Scale the z-coordinate by factor in each point."""
self.pointCoords = [(coord[0], coord[1], factor*coord[2]) for coord in self.pointCoords]
def scaleExtraAttr(self, factor = 1):
"""Return scaled self.extraAttrValues by factor for each point."""
return [factor*v for v in self.extraAttrValues]
class PdcWriter:
"""Provides methods for processing one frame's worth of data for a single Maya particle object and outputting to binary Particle Disk Cache (.pdc) file format.
At minimum, the 'position' data should be passed into the instance, along with the 'particleId' data. For example, instanceName = PdcWriter(position = [(0.12, 0.34, 3.67), (2.98, 0.53, 1.74)], particleId = [0,1])
Information on the file format can be found in the Autodesk Maya documentation, under 'PDC File Format':
The packData() method uses the classes Struct and pack from Python's standard library."""
fileType = 'PDC '
formatVersion = 1
byteOrder = 1
extra1 = 0
extra2 = 0
dataType = {'Integer': 0,
'Integer Array': 1,
'Double': 2,
'Double Array': 3,
'Vector': 4,
'Vector Array': 5}
headerForm = '>4sii2iii' # The default format specifier for the header
def __init__(self, **data):
self.collectedData = data
self.attributes = self.collectedData.keys() # FIX THIS!!
if 'position' in data:
self.particlesTotal = len(self.collectedData['position'])
else: print("// Warning: Data must contain a 'position' attribute. The following was passed into the instance: {0} ".format(self.attributes))
def headerValues(self):
"""Returns the default header values."""
return (self.fileType,
len(self.attributes) )
def recordsValues(self):
"""Generates records values from data. Note: Only data types Vector Array and Double Array are supported here."""
rValues = ()
for attr in self.attributes:
if type(self.collectedData[attr][0]) == tuple: # If the values are tuples, then make them Vector Array...
rValues += (len(attr), attr, self.dataType['Vector Array'])
for v in self.collectedData[attr]:
rValues += v[0], v[1], v[2]
else: # otherwise, make the values Double Array
rValues += (len(attr), attr, self.dataType['Double Array'])
for v in self.collectedData[attr]:
rValues += v,
return rValues
def recordsForm(self):
"""Generates format specifier for the records of the data. Note: Only data types Vector Array and Double Array are supported here."""
rForm = ''
for attr in self.attributes:
if type(self.collectedData[attr][0]) == tuple:
rForm +='i{0}si{1}d'.format(len(attr), 3*len(self.collectedData[attr]))
rForm +='i{0}si{1}d'.format(len(attr), len(self.collectedData[attr]))
return rForm
def packData(self):
"""Packs data that is to be written to a binary file."""
form = Struct(self.headerForm + self.recordsForm())
allValues = self.headerValues() + self.recordsValues()
return form.pack(*allValues)
def hexbytes(self):
"""Converts to a sequence of hex bytes."""
bindata = self.packData()
return binascii.hexlify(bindata)
class PdcFileStep:
"""Provides methods for setting up the appropriate naming convention of PDC files. The step number in the names of PDC files depends on the frame rate of the animation. See self.displayunits() for the list of timeunit/filestep pairs."""
filesteps = [('pal', 240), ('ntsc', 200), ('film', 250), ('palf', 120), ('ntscf', 100), ('show', 125), ('millisec', None), ('sec', None), ('min', None), ('hour', None), ('2fps', None), ('3fps', None), ('4fps', None), ('5fps', None), ('6fps', None), ('8fps', None), ('10fps', None), ('12fps', None), ('16fps', None), ('20fps', None), ('40fps', None), ('75fps', None), ('80fps', None), ('100fps', None), ('120fps', None), ('125fps', None), ('150fps', None), ('200fps', None), ('240fps', None), ('250fps', None), ('300fps', None), ('375fps', None), ('400fps', None), ('500fps', None), ('600fps', None), ('750fps', None), ('1000fps', None), ('1200fps', None), ('1500fps', None), ('2000fps', None), ('3000fps', None), ('6000fps', None)]
stepdict = dict(filesteps)
def __init__(self, timeunit):
self.timeunit = timeunit
if type(self.timeunit) == str:
if self.stepdict[self.timeunit] == None:
print('// Warning: The time unit {0} does not yet have a corresponding file step number. Set it with method self.setfilestep().\n'.format(self.timeunit))
self.filestep = self.stepdict[self.timeunit]
print('// Warning: Argument must be a string specifying the working time unit. For a list of available time units, execute the method self.displayunits()')
def pdcfilestep(self):
if self.stepdict[self.timeunit] == None:
print('// A file step has not been specified for time unit "{0}". Set it with method self.setfilestep(time unit, file step).\n'.format(self.timeunit))
return self.stepdict[self.timeunit]
def displayunits(self):
header = '(Time unit, File step)'
l = [(unit, self.stepdict[unit]) for unit in self.stepdict.keys()]
for unit in l:
print(unit[0], unit[1])
print('\nIf file step is None, must set it with method self.setfilestep().\n')
def setfilestep(self,timeunit, filestep):
if timeunit not in self.stepdict.keys():
print('// "{0}" is not a valid time unit; must use Maya-specific time unit. See self.displayunits() for list and try again.'.format(timeunit))
self.timeunit = timeunit
d = self.stepdict
d.update(dict([(timeunit, filestep)]))
print('// Time unit "{0}" has been set up to correspond to a file step of {1}.'.format(self.timeunit, self.stepdict[self.timeunit]))
def exitPrompt():
surePrompt = mc.confirmDialog( icn = 'warning', title='Leaving Cache Cloud...', message='Sure you want to stop here?', button=['Go Back','Stop'], defaultButton='Go Back', cancelButton='Stop', dismissString='Stop' )
if surePrompt == 'Go Back':
return True
print("*** Goodbye.")
#historyLog.write('{0}\n\n\n'.format(("SESSIONEND\tNo particles created. User exited: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
return False
### Initiate-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
versionNum = '0.9.0'
print('*** Welcome to Cache Cloud version {0} ***'.format(versionNum))
# Prepare the directory for particle disk cache (PDC) files
projectrootDir = str(mc.workspace(q=1,rootDirectory=1))
particlesDir = projectrootDir + 'particles/'
if os.path.isfile(particlesDir + 'CacheCloud_history.txt'): # Record session in history log
historyLog = open(particlesDir + 'CacheCloud_history.txt', 'a') # If file exists, append write
historyLog = open(particlesDir + 'CacheCloud_history.txt', 'w') # If file doesn't exist, create new and write
historyLog.write('{0} Cache Cloud {1} {2}\n'.format('*'*6, versionNum,'*'*6 )) # Write title and general info
historyLog.write('Written by Daniel Vasquez\nEmail:\n\n')
historyLog.write('History log:\n\n')
acceptableArrayforms = {'i3fC': 'int, float, float, float',
'3fiC': 'float, float, float, int',
'3fC': 'float, float, float',
'i3f': 'int float float float',
'3fi': 'float float float int',
'3f':'float float float',
'u': 'unknown'}
cleanPrompt = None
surePrompt = True
### Choose import type and select file(s)
while surePrompt:
importChoice = mc.confirmDialog(icn='information',title='Welcome to Cache Cloud!',message="Create PDC files from a point cloud animation or\nimport point cloud single.",button=['Animation', 'Single', 'Cancel'],defaultButton='Animation',cancelButton='Cancel',dismissString='Cancel')
if importChoice == 'Animation':
sourceFiles = mc.fileDialog2(fm=4, ds = 2, okc = 'Select', cap = 'Select the first file in the point cloud animation or a range of files')
sourceFiles.sort() # Sort files in order - important for timeslider range
except: AttributeError
if sourceFiles == None:
surePrompt = exitPrompt()
elif importChoice == 'Single':
sourceFiles = mc.fileDialog2(fm=1, ds = 2, okc = 'Select', cap = 'Select a point cloud data file')
if sourceFiles == None:
surePrompt = exitPrompt()
surePrompt = exitPrompt()
if importChoice == 'Animation':
while surePrompt:
result = mc.promptDialog(title='New scene',message='Name the scene for your point cloud animation:',button=['OK', 'Cancel'],defaultButton='OK',cancelButton='Cancel',dismissString='Cancel')
if result == 'OK':
sceneName = mc.promptDialog(query=True, text=True)
elif result == 'Cancel':
surePrompt = exitPrompt()
while surePrompt:
timeUnits = {'25 fps': 'pal', '60 fps': 'ntscf', '30 fps': 'ntsc', '50 fps': 'palf', '24 fps': 'film', '15 fps': 'game', '48 fps': 'show', 'Other': 'Next', 'Not sure': 'ntsc'}
frameRate = timeUnits[mc.confirmDialog(icn = 'question', title='Set time unit',message = 'choose frame rate:', button=['30 fps','25 fps', 'Other'],defaultButton='30 fps',cancelButton='30 fps',dismissString='30 fps')] # Choose a frame rate. To do: Get rid of text field.
if frameRate != 'Next':
print('*** Frame rate has been set to {0}.'.format(frameRate))
elif frameRate == 'Next':
frameRate = timeUnits[mc.confirmDialog(icn = 'question', title='Set time unit',message = 'choose frame rate:', button=['24 fps', '60 fps', '50 fps', '48 fps', 'Not sure'],defaultButton='Not sure',cancelButton='Not sure',dismissString='Not sure')] # Choose a frame rate. To do: Get rid of text field.
print('*** Frame rate has been set to {0}.'.format(frameRate))
# Give save current scene options
mc.file(save=1, type='mayaAscii') # Only saves as .ma file
mc.currentUnit(time = frameRate) #
except RuntimeError:
savePrompt = mc.confirmDialog(icn = 'warning',title='Create new scene:', message='Save and close the current scene?', button=['Save','Save As','Don\'t Save', 'Cancel'], defaultButton='Save', cancelButton='Cancel', dismissString='Cancel' )
if savePrompt == 'Save':
nameSavedscene = str(mc.file(q=1,sceneName=1, shortName=1))
print('*** The following was saved and closed: "{0}" '.format(nameSavedscene))
mc.file(save=1, type='mayaAscii')
mc.currentUnit(time = frameRate)
print('*** New scene "{0}.ma" was created. '.format(sceneName))
elif savePrompt == 'Save As':
chosenFile = mc.fileDialog2()[0]
mc.file(rename = chosenFile)
mc.file(save=1) # To do: When replacing an .ma file with a .mb file. Unable to reopen it after. // Error: Error reading file. //
print('*** The following was saved and closed: "{0}" '.format(chosenFile))
mc.file(save=1, type='mayaAscii')
mc.currentUnit(time = frameRate)
print('*** New scene "{0}.ma" was created. '.format(sceneName))
elif savePrompt == 'Don\'t Save':
mc.file(new=1, f=1)
mc.file(save=1, type='mayaAscii')
mc.currentUnit(time = frameRate)
print('*** New scene "{0}.ma" was created. '.format(sceneName))
elif savePrompt == 'Cancel':
surePrompt = exitPrompt()
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
### Prepare the directory for particle disk cache (PDC) files
sceneNameWithExt = str(mc.file(q=1,sceneName=1, shortName=1))
sceneName = sceneNameWithExt.split('.')[0] # Re-assign sceneName with current scene name, just to be sure. (Also good to have for script updates.)
cacheoutputDir = particlesDir + sceneName + '/'
#print("particlesDir = '{0}' \ncacheoutputDir = '{1}' \nsceneName = '{2}'".format(particlesDir, cacheoutputDir, sceneName))
while surePrompt:
if os.path.exists(particlesDir): # If particles folder exists.
createDirPrompt = mc.confirmDialog( title='Prepare folder for PDC files:', message='The following folder will be created in the particles directory of your project:\n /{0} '.format(sceneName), button=['Okay','Stop'], defaultButton='Okay', cancelButton='Stop', dismissString='Stop' )
if createDirPrompt == 'Okay':
if os.path.exists(cacheoutputDir):
print('*** The folder /{0} already exists and was not overwritten. '.format(sceneName))
break # If cache folder with same name already exists, skip folder creation.
print('*** The folder /{0} was created in your project workspace. '.format(sceneName))
surePrompt = exitPrompt()
createDirPrompt = mc.confirmDialog( title='Preparing folders for PDC files:', message='The following folders will be created in the directory of the current project:\n /{0}/{1} '.format('particles',sceneName), button=['Okay','Stop'], defaultButton='Okay', cancelButton='Stop', dismissString='Stop' )
if createDirPrompt == 'Okay':
print('*** The folders /{0} was created in your project workspace. '.format(cacheoutputDir))
else: # Exit prompt
surePrompt = exitPrompt()
### Create particle object at first frame and make initial cache
while surePrompt:
particlenamePrompt = mc.promptDialog(title='Create particle',message='Name the particle object:',button=['OK', 'Cancel'],defaultButton='OK',cancelButton='Cancel',dismissString='Cancel')
if particlenamePrompt == 'OK':
particlesName = mc.promptDialog(query=True, text=True)
if particlesName == '':
particlenamePrompt = mc.confirmDialog( icn = 'warning', title='Careful...', message='No particle name was entered', button=['Try Again'], defaultButton='Try Again', cancelButton='Try Again', dismissString='Try Again' )
# Get shape name of particle object. This name will be used for naming the PDC files.
pdcBasename = [n for n in if n.startswith(''.join(i for i in particlesName if not i.isdigit()))][0] # Get particle shape name. The following command is much faster: mc.particle(q=1,n=1)
print('*** Particle "{0}" was created. '.format(particlesName))
elif particlenamePrompt == 'Cancel':
surePrompt = exitPrompt()
while surePrompt:
### Make a list of the source files and analyze data structure to clean up
#Extract information from the first file
if len(sourceFiles) == 1: # If only one file was selected, use all relevant files in the directory. Otherwise, keep sourceFiles as is.
namePrefix = ( ''.join(i for i in os.path.split(sourceFiles[0])[1] if not i.isdigit()) ).split('.')[0] # Get the prefix name
firstFrame = int(''.join(i for i in os.path.split(sourceFiles[0])[1] if i.isdigit()))
#sourcefileDir = os.path.split(sourceFiles[0])[0] # This is just in case someone gets confused with the expression below to re-assign sourceFiles. (No idea how I managed this one. Basically, it makes a list of all the files in the remaining sequence with the same prefix name.)
sourceFiles = [(os.path.split(sourceFiles[0])[0] + '/' + f) # Selected directory + f
for f in os.listdir(os.path.split(sourceFiles[0])[0]) # Make list: For f in [all files in selected directory]
if f.startswith(namePrefix) and # Only if f starts with the same namePrefix
os.path.isfile(os.path.split(sourceFiles[0])[0] + '/' + f) and # and if f is an actual file
firstFrame <= int(''.join(i for i in f if i.isdigit())) ] # and if f is greater than the selected file.
inFile = ExtractData(sourceFiles[0])
print('*** Single file in the data sequence was selected. Using all files in same sequence.')
# Clean up some points
zerosCount = len([x for x in inFile.pointCoords if sum(x) ==0]) # Get the offset of every zero-value point
if zerosCount > 0:
cleanPrompt = mc.confirmDialog(icn = 'warning', title='Clean Up', message='After looking at the data in "{1}", {0} points were found to have zero-value.\nRemove all zero-value points?'.format(zerosCount, os.path.split(sourceFiles[0])[1]), button=['Remove','Keep'], defaultButton='Keep', cancelButton='Keep', dismissString='Keep' )
if cleanPrompt == 'Remove':
print('*** {0} zero-value points will be removed.'.format(zerosCount))
print('*** There are zero-values that will not be removed.')
sourceDir= os.path.split(sourceFiles[0])[0] + '/'
elif len(sourceFiles) > 1: # Keep sourceFiles as is.
namePrefix = ( ''.join(i for i in os.path.split(sourceFiles[0])[1] if not i.isdigit()) ).split('.')[0] # Get the prefix name
print('*** A range of files in the data sequence was selected.') # If a range of files was selected, use those files only
inFile = ExtractData(sourceFiles[0])
# Clean up some points
zerosCount = len([x for x in inFile.pointCoords if sum(x) ==0]) # Get the offset of every zero-value point
if zerosCount > 0:
cleanPrompt = mc.confirmDialog(icn = 'warning', title='Clean Up', message='After looking at the data in "{1}", {0} points were found to have zero-value.\nRemove all zero-value points?'.format(zerosCount, os.path.split(sourceFiles[0])[1]), button=['Remove','Keep'], defaultButton='Keep', cancelButton='Keep', dismissString='Keep' )
if cleanPrompt == 'Remove':
print('*** Zero-value points will be removed.')
print('*** There are zero-values that will not be removed.')
sourceDir= os.path.split(sourceFiles[0])[0] + '/'
firstFrame = int(''.join(i for i in os.path.split(sourceFiles[0])[1]if i.isdigit()))
fileExt = '.' + ( ''.join(i for i in os.path.split(sourceFiles[0])[1] if not i.isdigit()) ).split('.')[1] # File extension
### Set up timeslider depending on number of source files (i.e. sourceFiles). (This section is questionable and might not even be necessary.)
framesCount = len(sourceFiles)
startFrame = mc.playbackOptions(e=1, ast= firstFrame)
endFrame = mc.playbackOptions(e=1, animationEndTime = firstFrame + framesCount - 1)
mc.playbackOptions(e=1, min=startFrame)
mc.playbackOptions(e=1, max=endFrame) # The minus 2 buffer is a temporary fix to the issue of Maya crashing at the last frame.
# Create a default particle disk cache (which will be overwritten)
mc.dynExport( particlesName, path = sceneName, f = 'cache', mnf = firstFrame, mxf = endFrame, oup = 0)
if inFile.arrayForm()[2] == 4:
print('*** The following form of array was detected: {0}'.format(inFile.arrayForm()[1]))
extraAttr = mc.confirmDialog( title='Extra attribute', message='There was an extra integer value detected in the arrays. Assign it to an attribute?', button=['radiusPP','opacityPP', 'rotationPP', 'SKIP' ], defaultButton='SKIP', cancelButton='SKIP', dismissString='SKIP' )
avgAttrvalues = sum(inFile.extraAttrValues)/len(inFile.extraAttrValues)
maxAttrValue = max(inFile.extraAttrValues)
#minAttrValue = min(extraAttrValues)
if extraAttr == 'SKIP': # If no attribute was chosen , make the arrayLength = 3
arrayLength = 3
while surePrompt:
scalefactorPrompt = mc.promptDialog(title='Scale attribute',text = '{0}'.format(str(1/maxAttrValue)),message='The highest value of {0} is {2}. The average value is {1:.2f}.\n Scale it by:'.format(extraAttr,avgAttrvalues, maxAttrValue),button=['OK', 'Cancel'],defaultButton='OK',cancelButton='Cancel',dismissString='Cancel')
if scalefactorPrompt == 'OK':
extraScalefactor = mc.promptDialog(query=True, text=True)
if extraScalefactor == '':
mc.confirmDialog( icn = 'warning', title='Careful...', message='No scale value was entered', button=['Try Again'], defaultButton='Try Again', cancelButton='Try Again', dismissString='Try Again' )
print('*** A multiplication factor of {0} will be applied to {1} values. '.format(extraScalefactor, extraAttr))
elif scalefactorPrompt == 'Cancel':
surePrompt = exitPrompt()
print('*** The extra integer value has been assigned to the attribute: {0}.'.format(extraAttr))
arrayLength = inFile.arrayForm()[2] # This should reference to 4
arrayLength = inFile.arrayForm()[2] # This should reference to 3
print('*** The following form of array was detected: {0}'.format(inFile.arrayForm()[1]))
print('*** Beginning to write PDC files. This may take some time...')
print("*** Started: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
historyLog.write('{0}\n'.format(("SESSIONSTART Started creating PDC files: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
historyLog.write('INPUT\t{0} files ({3}) with root name "{1}" from {2}\n'.format(str(len(sourceFiles)),namePrefix,sourceDir,fileExt))
### This is where it all the magic happens! Writing the PDC files in binary...
# This is important for naming the PDC files in a Maya-specific incremental value
step = PdcFileStep(frameRate)
pdcNameIncrementsValue = step.pdcfilestep()
pdcIncrements = firstFrame * pdcNameIncrementsValue
writtenPDCCount = 0 # Loop for each file to make a PDC file.
for sourcefile in sourceFiles:
pc = ExtractData(sourcefile)
particleIds = range(len(pc.pointCoords))
if cleanPrompt == 'Remove': # Clean up zero-point values if user chose 'Remove' in cleanPrompt above
particleIds = [pc.pointCoords.index(x) for x in pc.pointCoords if sum(x) != 0] # Collect offsets that correspond to nonzero-value points to use as particleIds
historyLog.write('OUTPUT\t{1} points were removed from {0}\n'.format(os.path.split(sourcefile)[1],len([x for x in pc.pointCoords if sum(x) == 0])))
pc.pointCoords = [x for x in pc.pointCoords if sum(x) !=0] # Filter out all zero-value pointsparticlesTotal = len(pointCoords)
if arrayLength == 4:
extraAttrValuesR = []
[extraAttrValuesR.append(pc.extraAttrValues[i]*float(extraScalefactor)) for i in particleIds]
pc.extraAttrValues = extraAttrValuesR
# Pack the binary data into the PDC files
bindata = PdcWriter(position = pc.pointCoords, particleId = particleIds)
bindata.collectedData[extraAttr] = pc.extraAttrValues # Append the extra attribute extraAttr and its values to the dictionary self.collectedData
bindata.attributes += [str(extraAttr)]# Append the extra attribute to the list self.attributes
bindata = PdcWriter(position = pc.pointCoords, particleId = particleIds)
fileName = pdcBasename + '.' + str(pdcIncrements) + ".pdc"
outputPDCfile = open(cacheoutputDir + fileName, 'wb')
print('// Writing PDC file from {0}: {1}'.format(os.path.split(sourcefile)[1], cacheoutputDir + fileName) )
#historyLog.write('OUTPUT Source file {0}: {1}\n'.format(os.path.split(sourcefile)[1], cacheoutputDir + fileName) )
pdcIncrements += pdcNameIncrementsValue # Add value according to frameRate
writtenPDCCount += 1
if surePrompt:
historyLog.write('OUTPUT\t{0} PDC files have been written to {1}\n'.format(str(writtenPDCCount),cacheoutputDir))
#historyLog.write('HEADER\tType = {0}\nHEADER\tFormat version = {1}\nHEADER\tByte order = {2}\nHEADER\tExtra1 = {3}\nHEADER\tExtra2 = {4}\n'.format(fileType,formatVersion, byteOrder,extra1,extra2))
historyLog.write('RECORDS\tTotal points = {0}\nRECORDS\tAttributes assigned = {1}\n'.format(len(pc.pointCoords),bindata.attributes))
historyLog.write('{0}\n\n\n'.format(("SESSIONEND\tPDC files completed: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
print('*** Your particle disk cache has been created. Thanks for using Cache Cloud!\n\n')
finalPrompt = mc.confirmDialog(title='Done.', message='Your particle disk cache has been created.\nThanks for using Cache Cloud!', button=['Close',''], defaultButton='Close', cancelButton='Close', dismissString='Close' )
if finalPrompt == 'Close':
#mc.addAttr (-ln goalWeight0PP0 -dt doubleArray drtfhShape
import webbrowser'')
surePrompt = False
elif surePrompt == False:
finalPrompt = mc.confirmDialog(title='Exit', message='Your particle disk cache has not been created. Thanks for using Cache Cloud anyway!', button=['Close'], defaultButton='Close', cancelButton='Close', dismissString='Close' )
### If importing a single point cloud ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
elif importChoice == 'Single':
inFile = ExtractData(sourceFiles[0])# Instantiate file object, which collects pointCoords and extraAttrValues data
if inFile.arrayForm()[1] == 'unknown':
abortPrompt = mc.confirmDialog(title='Aborting', message='An {0} form of array was detected. Aborting Cache Cloud.'.format(inFile.arrayForm()[1]), button=['Close'], defaultButton='Close', cancelButton='Close', dismissString='Close' )
print('*** An {0} form of array was detected. Aborted Cache Cloud.'.format(inFile.arrayForm()[1]))
surePrompt = False
print("// Started: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
historyLog.write('{0}\n'.format(("SESSIONSTART\tCreated single point cloud: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
particleIds = range(len(inFile.pointCoords))
#if surePrompt: # I think this surePrompt is totally unnecessary. Remove later, and test.
zerosCount = len([x for x in inFile.pointCoords if sum(x) ==0]) # Get the offset of every zero-value point
if zerosCount > 0:
cleanPrompt = mc.confirmDialog(icn = 'warning', title='Clean Up', message='After looking at the data in "{1}", {0} points were found to have zero-value.\nRemove all zero-value points?'.format(zerosCount, os.path.split(sourceFiles[0])[1]), button=['Remove','Keep'], defaultButton='Keep', cancelButton='Keep', dismissString='Keep' )
if cleanPrompt == 'Remove':
print('*** Zero-value points will be removed.')
print('*** There are zero-values that will not be removed.')
historyLog.write('INPUT\tSingle point-cloud data file: {0}\n'.format(str(sourceFiles[0])))
if inFile.arrayForm()[2] == 4:
print('*** The following form of array was detected: {0}'.format(inFile.arrayForm()[1]))
extraAttr = mc.confirmDialog( title='Extra attribute', message='There was an extra integer value detected in the arrays. Assign it to an attribute?', button=['radiusPP','opacityPP', 'mass', 'SKIP' ], defaultButton='SKIP', cancelButton='SKIP', dismissString='SKIP' )
maxAttrValue = max(inFile.extraAttrValues)
avgAttrvalues = sum(inFile.extraAttrValues)/len(inFile.extraAttrValues)
if extraAttr == 'SKIP': # If no attribute was chosen , make the arrayLength = 3
arrayLength = 3
while surePrompt:
scalefactorPrompt = mc.promptDialog(title='Scale attribute',text = '{0}'.format(str(1/maxAttrValue)),message='The highest value of {0} is {2}. The average value is {1:.2f}.\n Scale it by:'.format(extraAttr,avgAttrvalues, maxAttrValue),button=['OK', 'Cancel'],defaultButton='OK',cancelButton='Cancel',dismissString='Cancel')
if scalefactorPrompt == 'OK':
extraScalefactor = mc.promptDialog(query=True, text=True)
if extraScalefactor == '':
mc.confirmDialog( icn = 'warning', title='Careful...', message='No scale value was entered', button=['Try Again'], defaultButton='Try Again', cancelButton='Try Again', dismissString='Try Again' )
print('*** A multiplication factor of {0} will be applied to {1} values. '.format(extraScalefactor, extraAttr))
elif scalefactorPrompt == 'Cancel':
surePrompt = exitPrompt()
print('*** The extra integer value has been assigned to the attribute: {0}.'.format(extraAttr))
arrayLength = inFile.arrayForm()[2] # This should reference to 4
arrayLength = inFile.arrayForm()[2] # This should reference to 3
print('*** The following form of array was detected: {0}'.format(inFile.arrayForm()[1]))
if cleanPrompt == 'Remove': # Clean up zero-point values if user chose 'Remove' in cleanPrompt above
particleIds = [inFile.pointCoords.index(x) for x in inFile.pointCoords if sum(x) !=0] # Collect offsets that correspond to nonzero-value points to use as particleIds
#print('///{1} points were removed from {0}'.format(os.path.split(sourcefile)[1],len([pointCoords.index(x) for x in pointCoords if sum(x) ==0])))
historyLog.write('OUTPUT\t{1} points were removed from data in {0}\n'.format(os.path.split(sourceFiles[0])[1],len([x for x in inFile.pointCoords if sum(x) == 0])))
inFile.pointCoords = [x for x in inFile.pointCoords if sum(x) !=0] # Filter out all zero-value pointsparticlesTotal = len(inFile.pointCoords)
mc.particle(n= os.path.split(sourceFiles[0])[1].split('.')[0]+'particle',position = inFile.pointCoords)# create particles with same name as source file
attributes = ['position','particleId']
if arrayLength == 4:
attributes = [str(extraAttr)] + attributes
extraAttrValuesR = []
[extraAttrValuesR.append(inFile.extraAttrValues[i]*float(extraScalefactor)) for i in particleIds]
inFile.extraAttrValues = extraAttrValuesR
mc.addAttr(mc.particle(q=1,n=1),ln=extraAttr, dt='doubleArray') # Add the extraAttr to the particle object
mc.addAttr(mc.particle(q=1,n=1),ln=extraAttr+'0', dt='doubleArray') # Add the extraAttr to the particle object
[mc.particle(e=1, at = extraAttr, id=i, fv = v) for i, v in enumerate(inFile.extraAttrValues)] # Edit the values corresponding to extraAttrValues for each particle
historyLog.write('OUTPUT\tTotal points = {0}\nOUTPUT\tAttributes assigned = {1}\n'.format(str(len(inFile.pointCoords)),attributes))
historyLog.write('OUTPUT\tNo cache was created for single frame\n')
historyLog.write('{0}\n\n\n'.format(("SESSIONEND\tImport completed: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
print("// Completed: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
print('*** Your point cloud has been imported. Thanks for using Cache Cloud!\n')
finalPrompt = mc.confirmDialog(title='Done.', message='Your particles have been created.\nThanks for using Cache Cloud!', button=['Close',''], defaultButton='Close', cancelButton='Close', dismissString='Close' )
if finalPrompt == 'Close':
elif finalPrompt == '':
import webbrowser'')
else: pass
elif surePrompt == False:
finalPrompt = mc.confirmDialog(title='Exit', message='Thanks for using Cache Cloud anyway!', button=['Close'], defaultButton='Close', cancelButton='Close', dismissString='Close' )
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