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Created October 13, 2011 05:59
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PyMel function that copies the value(s) of the attribute from sourceObj to targetObj. Handles multi-attributes.
import pymel.core as pm
sourceObj ='aFluidShape')[0]
targetObj ='myFluidShape')[0]
def hlCopyAttr(sourceObj, targetObj, attribute):
"""Copies the value(s) of the attribute from sourceObj to targetObj. Handles multi-attributes."""
if pm.attributeQuery(attribute, node =, exists=True): # Execute only if the entered attribute exists
multiAttrCheck = pm.attributeQuery(attribute,, m=1) # Check if it's a multi-attribute or not
if multiAttrCheck: # If the attribute is a multi-attribute, copy the values from each instance
extraInst = set(sourceObj.getAttr(attribute, mi=1)).symmetric_difference( set(targetObj.getAttr(attribute, mi=1)) ) # Get the set of extra instances in multi-attribute
for ins in extraInst: # Remove these extra instances
pm.removeMultiInstance('{0}.{1}[{2}]'.format(, attribute, ins) )
multiAttr = pm.attributeQuery(attribute,, listChildren=1) # Get list of multi-attribute children
for attrChild in multiAttr:
for ind in sourceObj.getAttr(attribute, mi=1):
attrString = '{attr}[{index}].{child}'.format( attr = attribute,
index = ind,
child = attrChild )
attrVal = sourceObj.getAttr( attrString )
targetObj.setAttr( attrString, attrVal )
print( '// {objName}.{attr} was set to {val} //'.format(objName =,
attr = attrString,
val = attrVal) )
else: # If not a multi-attribute, copy individual value
attrVal = sourceObj.getAttr(attribute)
targetObj.setAttr(attribute, attrVal)
print('// {0}.{1} was set to {2} //\n'.format(, attribute, attrVal) )
print('!! {0} does not exist !!\n'.format(attribute))
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