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Created August 1, 2016 05:54
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Ratpack "Hello World" on a t2.micro, Ubuntu 14.04, no extra server configuration.

~30,000 req/s

# ./wrk -t4 -c72 -d60s -R35000 http://localhost:5050
Running 1m test @ http://localhost:5050
  4 threads and 72 connections
  Thread calibration: mean lat.: 823.764ms, rate sampling interval: 3041ms
  Thread calibration: mean lat.: 800.518ms, rate sampling interval: 2902ms
  Thread calibration: mean lat.: 800.900ms, rate sampling interval: 2902ms
  Thread calibration: mean lat.: 787.521ms, rate sampling interval: 2805ms
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     5.41s     2.32s   10.53s    64.38%
    Req/Sec     7.43k    63.49     7.58k    62.69%
  1777389 requests in 1.00m, 152.55MB read
Requests/sec:  29623.25
Transfer/sec:      2.54MB
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