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Created December 6, 2023 03:13
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Lisp Parser
import { assertEquals } from "";
import { parseLisp, tokenize } from "./parser.ts";
Deno.test("tokenizer", () => {
const input = "(first (list 1 (+ 2 3) 9))";
["(", "first", "(", "list", 1, "(", "+", 2, 3, ")", 9, ")", ")"],
Deno.test("LISP parser", () => {
const input = "(first (list 1 (+ 2 3) 9))";
assertEquals(parseLisp(input), ["first", ["list", 1, ["+", 2, 3], 9]]);
assertEquals(parseLisp("((lambda x (+ x x)) 10)"), [
["lambda", "x", ["+", "x", "x"]],
#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run
// Run either via "./parser.ts" or "deno run parser.ts"
export type AST = number | string | AST[];
const SPECIAL_CHARS = " \n\t()";
export function* tokenize(text: string) {
while (text) {
const c = text[0];
if (SPECIAL_CHARS.includes(c)) {
text = text.slice(1);
if (c === " " || c === "\n" || c === "\t") {
// ignore whitespace
} else if (c === "(" || c === ")") {
yield c;
} else {
// scan until next special character
let pos = 1;
for (; pos < text.length; pos++) {
if (SPECIAL_CHARS.includes(text.charAt(pos))) {
const tokenText = text.slice(0, pos);
if (!isNaN(Number(tokenText))) {
yield Number(tokenText);
} else {
yield tokenText;
text = text.slice(pos);
// firstToken is the current token, stream is a stream of remaining tokens.
export function parseStream(
firstToken: string | number,
stream: Generator<string | number>,
): AST {
if (firstToken === "(") {
// recursively parse each expression in the list until we hit our ')'.
const result: AST = [];
while (true) {
const v =;
if (v.done) {
throw new Error("Premature end of token stream");
const token = v.value;
if (token === ")") {
return result;
// either a primitive or another list; let the recursive call figure it out.
result.push(parseStream(token, stream));
} else if (firstToken === ")") {
throw new Error('Surprise ")" token');
} else {
return firstToken;
export function parseLisp(text: string): AST {
const stream = tokenize(text);
const first =;
if (first.done) {
throw new Error("Empty string is invalid");
return parseStream(first.value, stream);
if (import.meta.main) {
// [ "first", [ "list", 1, [ "+", 2, 3 ], 9 ] ]
let input = "(first (list 1 (+ 2 3) 9))";
// [ [ "lambda", "x", [ "+", "x", "x" ] ], 10 ]
input = "((lambda x (+ x x)) 10)";
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