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This script combines many sheets into a single sheet even when the columns on each sheet are different (or are in different order)
Option Explicit
Public Sub CombineSheetsWithDifferentHeaders()
Dim wksDst As Worksheet, wksSrc As Worksheet
Dim lngIdx As Long, lngLastSrcColNum As Long, _
lngFinalHeadersCounter As Long, lngFinalHeadersSize As Long, _
lngLastSrcRowNum As Long, lngLastDstRowNum As Long
Dim strColHeader As String
Dim varColHeader As Variant
Dim rngDst As Range, rngSrc As Range
Dim dicFinalHeaders As Scripting.Dictionary
Set dicFinalHeaders = New Scripting.Dictionary
'Set references up-front
dicFinalHeaders.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
lngFinalHeadersCounter = 1
lngFinalHeadersSize = dicFinalHeaders.Count
Set wksDst = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
'Start Phase 1: Prepare Final Headers and Destination worksheet'
'First, we loop through all of the data worksheets,
'building our Final Headers dictionary
For Each wksSrc In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
'Make sure we skip the Destination worksheet!
If wksSrc.Name <> wksDst.Name Then
With wksSrc
'Loop through all of the headers on this sheet,
'adding them to the Final Headers dictionary
lngLastSrcColNum = LastOccupiedColNum(wksSrc)
For lngIdx = 1 To lngLastSrcColNum
'If this column header does NOT already exist in the Final
'Headers dictionary, add it and increment the column number
strColHeader = Trim(CStr(.Cells(1, lngIdx)))
If Not dicFinalHeaders.Exists(strColHeader) Then
dicFinalHeaders.Add Key:=strColHeader, _
lngFinalHeadersCounter = lngFinalHeadersCounter + 1
End If
Next lngIdx
End With
End If
Next wksSrc
'Wahoo! The Final Headers dictionary now contains every column
'header name from the worksheets. Let's write these values into
'the Destination worksheet and finish Phase 1
For Each varColHeader In dicFinalHeaders.Keys
wksDst.Cells(1, dicFinalHeaders(varColHeader)) = CStr(varColHeader)
Next varColHeader
'End Phase 1: Final Headers are ready to rock!'
'Start Phase 2: write the data from each worksheet to the Destination!'
'We begin just like Phase 1 -- by looping through each sheet
For Each wksSrc In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
'Once again, make sure we skip the Destination worksheet!
If wksSrc.Name <> wksDst.Name Then
With wksSrc
'Identify the last row and column on this sheet
'so we know when to stop looping through the data
lngLastSrcRowNum = LastOccupiedRowNum(wksSrc)
lngLastSrcColNum = LastOccupiedColNum(wksSrc)
'Identify the last row of the Destination sheet
'so we know where to (eventually) paste the data
lngLastDstRowNum = LastOccupiedRowNum(wksDst)
'Loop through the headers on this sheet, looking up
'the appropriate Destination column from the Final
'Headers dictionary and creating ranges on the fly
For lngIdx = 1 To lngLastSrcColNum
strColHeader = Trim(CStr(.Cells(1, lngIdx)))
'Set the Destination target range using the
'looked up value from the Final Headers dictionary
Set rngDst = wksDst.Cells(lngLastDstRowNum + 1, _
'Set the source target range using the current
'column number and the last-occupied row
Set rngSrc = .Range(.Cells(2, lngIdx), _
.Cells(lngLastSrcRowNum, lngIdx))
'Copy the data from this sheet to the destination!
rngSrc.Copy Destination:=rngDst
Next lngIdx
End With
End If
Next wksSrc
'Yay! Let the user know that the data has been combined
MsgBox "Data combined!"
End Sub
'INPUT : Sheet, the worksheet we'll search to find the last row
'OUTPUT : Long, the last occupied row
'SPECIAL CASE: if Sheet is empty, return 1
Public Function LastOccupiedRowNum(Sheet As Worksheet) As Long
Dim lng As Long
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheet.Cells) <> 0 Then
With Sheet
lng = .Cells.Find(What:="*", _
After:=.Range("A1"), _
Lookat:=xlPart, _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
End With
lng = 1
End If
LastOccupiedRowNum = lng
End Function
'INPUT : Sheet, the worksheet we'll search to find the last column
'OUTPUT : Long, the last occupied column
'SPECIAL CASE: if Sheet is empty, return 1
Public Function LastOccupiedColNum(Sheet As Worksheet) As Long
Dim lng As Long
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheet.Cells) <> 0 Then
With Sheet
lng = .Cells.Find(What:="*", _
After:=.Range("A1"), _
Lookat:=xlPart, _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
End With
lng = 1
End If
LastOccupiedColNum = lng
End Function
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Hey @yuenhoe I do not have that file unfortunately, but you can read about it and see the walk through (including a Youtube screencast) here:

Thanks! -Dan

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Dear Sir,
Its working well, after some sort of additional work of my file.
Could you please help me how to use this code in a better way,
F:\Inv\1 Inv July2020 Close\BU wise Invt July 2020 Close.xls

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Dear Sir,
My file is not getting attaching to this thread.
My issue is : Each work sheet contains manual calculations and comments etc., from the first Row After 21 st Row Data with different Headers in Different Order Position. When macro runs it is getting abnormal page run up issue is coming.
Thats why I am making copy as another Work Book and deleting all calculations etc.
Please help me to releave additional pain.
Thank you sir.

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