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Created November 7, 2019 05:39
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// Option utils
type Some<T> = {
type: 'some';
value: T;
type None = {
type: 'none';
type Option<T> = Some<T> | None;
const some = <T>(value: T): Option<T> => ({type: 'some', value});
const none: None = {type: 'none'};
const getOrElse = <T>(option: Option<T>, defaultValue: T): T => {
if (option.type === 'some') {
return option.value;
} else {
return defaultValue;
const map = <T, U>(option: Option<T>, mapper: (t: T) => U): Option<U> => {
if (option.type === 'some') {
return some(mapper(option.value));
} else {
return none;
// Binary tree utils
type BinaryTree<T> = {
payload: T;
left: Option<BinaryTree<T>>;
right: Option<BinaryTree<T>>;
type NumberBinaryTree = BinaryTree<number>;
const bt = (
payload: number,
left?: NumberBinaryTree,
right?: NumberBinaryTree,
): NumberBinaryTree => {
return {
left: left === undefined ? none : some(left),
right: right === undefined ? none : some(right),
// Code
const maxPathSum = (tree: NumberBinaryTree): number => {
// Six cases, viewing left-to-right:
// 1. Path starts on left, ends on right
// 2. Path starts on left, ends on root
// 3. Path starts on left, ends on left
// 4. Path starts on root, ends on root (zero-length, zero sum)
// 5. Path starts on root, ends on right
// 6. Path starts on right, ends on right
// Note that the minimum is always zero because of 4.
const {payload, left, right} = tree;
const leftRootSum = getOrElse(map(left, maxPathSumFromRoot), 0);
const rightRootSum = getOrElse(map(right, maxPathSumFromRoot), 0);
const sum1 = leftRootSum + payload + rightRootSum;
const sum2 = leftRootSum + payload;
const sum3 = getOrElse(map(left, maxPathSum), 0);
const sum4 = 0;
const sum5 = payload + rightRootSum;
const sum6 = getOrElse(map(right, maxPathSum), 0);
return Math.max(sum1, sum2, sum3, sum4, sum5, sum6);
const maxPathSumFromRoot = (tree: NumberBinaryTree): number => {
const {payload, left, right} = tree;
const leftSum = map(map(left, maxPathSumFromRoot), l => l + payload);
const rightSum = map(map(right, maxPathSumFromRoot), r => r + payload);
return Math.max(
getOrElse(leftSum, payload),
getOrElse(rightSum, payload),
// Tests
const assert = (value: boolean, message: string) => {
if (!value) {
console.log(`Failed assertion: #{message}`);
} else {
const it = (description: string, test: () => void) => {
it('provided example', () => {
const tree = bt(
bt(3, bt(20), bt(1)),
bt(10, undefined, bt(-20, bt(5), bt(2))),
assert(maxPathSum(tree) == 43, 'Expected maxPathSum=43');
it('tree of only negative numbers', () => {
const tree = bt(-1, bt(-1, bt(-1), bt(-1)), bt(-1, bt(-1), bt(-1)));
assert(maxPathSum(tree) == 0, 'Expected maxPathSum=0');
it('tree where path is only on left side', () => {
// Build a tree that's positive but nested deeply on the left under a bunch
// of value=-1 nodes
const positiveTree = bt(2, bt(3), bt(1));
const tree = bt(-1, bt(-1, bt(-1, bt(-1, positiveTree))), bt(2));
assert(maxPathSum(tree) == 2 + 3 + 1, 'Expected maxPathSum=6');
it('tree where path is on left side and includes root', () => {
// In this example, we have to "dig" through two -1 to get to the value=3
// node. We should also ignore the two value=2 nodes because they're not
// worth it
const tree = bt(3, bt(-1, bt(-1, bt(3), bt(2))), bt(-3, bt(2)));
assert(maxPathSum(tree) == 3 - 1 - 1 + 3, 'Expected maxPathSum=4');
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