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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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UI for Game of Life in Scala
object GofUI extends SimpleSwingApplication {
val grid = new OnOffGrid(20, 20) {
onOff = gridCellIsLive
val tickButton = new Button {
text = "Tick"
def top = new MainFrame {
title = "Game of Life"
contents = new BorderPanel {
layout(grid) = BorderPanel.Position.Center
layout(tickButton) = BorderPanel.Position.West
reactions += {
case ButtonClicked(`tickButton`) =>
model = model.tick
case CellClicked(`grid`, x, y) =>
model = model.toggleCell(Cell(x, y))
* Holds the GoF model for the current generation. The model is changed in response to a 'tick'
* or to cells being toggled by the user.
var model = GofModel(Cell(0, 0), Cell(0, 2), Cell(2, 2))
* Function passed to the OnOffGrid to determine whether any particular cell is dead of alive.
def gridCellIsLive: (Int, Int) => Boolean = { (x, y) => model.getCells contains (Cell(x, y)) }
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