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Created January 19, 2020 13:21
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LED display thing Python control code. Yes.
import requests
import re
base = ''
obl_params = {'controller': 'stel', 'stel_key':'eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3'}
useragent = 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.1.38 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15A372 Safari/604.1'
def request(method, params, **kwargs):
ans = requests.request(method, base, params=params, headers={'user-agent':useragent}, **kwargs)
#print(method, params, kwargs, '==>', ans.text)
return ans
def send_anime(anime_id, anime_type, **kwargs): # not kidding, this is what it's called UwU
return request('POST', {'action':'turn'}, data={'anime_id':anime_id, 'anime_type':anime_type}, **kwargs)
def get_turn_id(resp):
match ='turn_id=[01234567890]*', resp.text)
turn_id = match.string[slice(*match.span())]
turn_id = turn_id.split('=')[-1]
return turn_id
def get_turn_data(turn_id):
return request('GET', {'action':'get_status_turn', 'turn_id':turn_id}).json()
def cancel_turn(turn_id):
return request('GET', {'action':'cancel', 'turn_id':turn_id})
def override(anime_id, anime_type):
my_turn = get_turn_id(send_anime(anime_id, anime_type))
print('My turn is:', my_turn)
my_turn = int(my_turn)
info = get_turn_data(my_turn)
print('My turn info is:',info)
num = info['turn_number']
num = int(num)
print('I am number', num, 'in the queue')
to_kill = range(my_turn-1, my_turn-1-num, -1)
while 1:
info = get_turn_data(my_turn)
print('My stats:', info)
if info['turn_status']=='past':
print('My turn is past, exiting')
return 0
for i in to_kill:
print('Cancelling turn number',i)
print('Stats:', get_turn_data(i))
def do_ddos():
import random
proxies = {'http': 'socks5://', 'https': 'socks5://'}
print(requests.get('', proxies=proxies).text)
# return 0
def anime_generator():
while 1:
v = random.choice([79, 83, 87])
yield (v, v+random.randint(1,3))
turns = []
for i in anime_generator():
# turn_id = get_turn_id(send_anime(*i, proxies=proxies))
turn_id = get_turn_id(send_anime(*i))
print('new:', turn_id, end='; \n', flush=True)
# new_turns = turns[:]
# for turn_id in turns:
# if get_turn_data(turn_id)['turn_status']=='past':
# new_turns.remove(turn_id)
# turns = new_turns
# print('len:', len(turns))
cmd = input('Type "O" to override (does not seem to work) and spawn with tracking, "D" to DDOS, anything to spawn several:')
if cmd == 'O':
override(input('anime_id: '), input('anime_type: '))
elif cmd == 'D':
n = int(input('number to spawn:'))
ai, at = input('anime_id: '), input('anime_type: ')
for i in range(n):
print('Spawned turn', get_turn_id(send_anime(ai, at)))
#import code
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