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Created October 26, 2021 20:47
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import random
from collections import Counter
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import json
import os
import re
from tqdm import tqdm
urls_counts = {}
years_count = {}
classes = {
'': 0,
'': 1,
'': 2
combined_years = {
'2009': '2009_2010',
'2010': '2009_2010',
'2011': '2011_2012',
'2012': '2011_2012',
'2013': '2013_2014',
'2014': '2013_2014',
'2015': '2015_2016',
'2016': '2015_2016',
adaptation_per_year = {}
def process_file(file, split):
infile = open(file, 'r')
count_total = 0
count_filtered = 0
summarization_rows_per_year = {}
classification_rows_per_year_and_class = {}
for line in tqdm(infile.readlines()):
jsonline = json.loads(line)
url = jsonline['url']
o = urlparse(url)
url_cleaned = o.netloc
text = jsonline['text']
summary = jsonline['summary']
date = jsonline['date']
year = date[:4]
count_total += 1
if year not in url:
count_filtered += 1
# find mentions of years in the summary
years_mentioned = re.findall('[ .,\/]\d{4}[ .,\/]', summary) + re.findall('[ .,\/]\d{4}[ .,\/]', text)
if len(years_mentioned) > 0:
years_mentioned = [x.replace(".", "").replace("/", "").replace(",", "") for x in years_mentioned]
valid_years = [x for x in years_mentioned if int(x) > int(year) and int(year) <= 2016]
# print(valid_years)
# if there are any "future" years in the article, it is very likely invalid date
if len(valid_years) > 0:
if int(year) < 2009:
year = combined_years[year]
if year not in years_count:
years_count[year] = 0
years_count[year] += 1
if url_cleaned not in urls_counts:
urls_counts[url_cleaned] = 0
urls_counts[url_cleaned] += 1
if year not in summarization_rows_per_year:
summarization_rows_per_year[year] = []
classification_rows_per_year_and_class[f"{year}_0"] = []
classification_rows_per_year_and_class[f"{year}_1"] = []
classification_rows_per_year_and_class[f"{year}_2"] = []
# adaptation_per_year[year] = ""
{"year": year, "score": 0, "text": text, "summary": summary, "label": 0}
# adaptation_per_year[year] += text
if url_cleaned in classes.keys():
cls = classes[url_cleaned]
{"year": year, "score": 0, "text": text, "label": classes[url_cleaned]}
# summarization
if False:
summarization_min_count = min([len(summarization_rows_per_year[str(year)]) for year in combined_years.values()])
print(f" * min count: {summarization_min_count}")
for year in combined_years.values():
year = str(year)
name = f'{year}.{split}.forlabels.scores'
if split == 'train':
name = 'indivs/' + name
outfile = open(f"/Users/danielk/ideaProjects/temporal_drift/newsroom/summarization/{split}/{name}", '+w')
for row in summarization_rows_per_year[year][:summarization_min_count]:
outfile.write(json.dumps(row) + "\n")
# unlabeled text
if True:
summarization_min_count = min([len(summarization_rows_per_year[str(year)]) for year in combined_years.values()])
print(f" * min count: {summarization_min_count}")
for year in combined_years.values():
year = str(year)
name = f'{year}.{split}.txt'
if split == 'train':
name = 'indivs/' + name
outfile = open(f"/Users/danielk/ideaProjects/temporal_drift/newsroom/newsroom_dapt/{split}/{name}", '+w')
for row in summarization_rows_per_year[year][:summarization_min_count]:
outfile.write(row['text'] + "\n")
# source classification
if False:
# balance for each classes
print([len(classification_rows_per_year_and_class[f"{year}_0"]) for year in combined_years.values()])
print([len(classification_rows_per_year_and_class[f"{year}_1"]) for year in combined_years.values()])
print([len(classification_rows_per_year_and_class[f"{year}_2"]) for year in combined_years.values()])
classification_min_count_across_years_and_cats = min(
[len(classification_rows_per_year_and_class[f"{year}_0"]) for year in combined_years.values()] +
[len(classification_rows_per_year_and_class[f"{year}_1"]) for year in combined_years.values()] +
[len(classification_rows_per_year_and_class[f"{year}_2"]) for year in combined_years.values()]
print(f" * min count: {classification_min_count_across_years_and_cats}")
for year in combined_years.values():
year = str(year)
name = f'{year}.{split}.forlabels.scores'
if split == 'train':
name = 'indivs/' + name
outfile = open(f"/Users/danielk/ideaProjects/temporal_drift/newsroom/newsroom_source_classification/{split}/{name}", '+w')
rows = classification_rows_per_year_and_class[f"{year}_0"][:classification_min_count_across_years_and_cats]
rows += classification_rows_per_year_and_class[f"{year}_1"][:classification_min_count_across_years_and_cats]
rows += classification_rows_per_year_and_class[f"{year}_2"][:classification_min_count_across_years_and_cats]
for row in rows:
outfile.write(json.dumps(row) + "\n")
process_file('/Users/danielk/ideaProjects/temporal_drift/newsroom/release/dev.jsonl', 'dev')
process_file('/Users/danielk/ideaProjects/temporal_drift/newsroom/release/test.jsonl', 'test')
process_file('/Users/danielk/ideaProjects/temporal_drift/newsroom/release/train.jsonl', 'train')
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