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Last active September 7, 2018 15:54
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Demonstrate use of typeclasses and simple monad transformer stacks to structure haskell apps
-- This is a small example for structuring Haskell programs so that
-- you neither have to 1) define half your program to live in IO or
-- 2) build complex Monad transformer stacks where you have to lift
-- several times to be able to do the correct operations.
-- Instead, this approach (shown to me by @am_i_tom at BusConf 2018)
-- uses type classes that define a set of operations and then define
-- a type `App a` that is a small Monad transformer stack of EitherT,
-- ReaderT and IO that implement these type classes. This allows
-- you to write functions that declare (via these type classes) which
-- capabilities they need to run. You can also easily write a different
-- implementation substituing for App for testing :)
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Except
import qualified Data.Char as C
import qualified Data.List as L
-- config for the program
data Config = Config
{ makeUpperCase :: Bool
-- union type enumerating the possible errors
data AppError
= NameEmpty
| SomeOtherError
-- first example typeclass, here doing nothing but getting
-- the config
class Monad m => MonadConfigReader m where
getConfig :: m Config
-- second example typeclass that demonstrates a logging concern
class Monad m => MonadLogger m where
logMessage :: String -> m ()
-- third example typeclass for asking for a name (most real world typeclasses would be
-- a bit more complex ;) )
class Monad m => MonadNameGet m where
getName :: String -> m String
-- The App type. This is a small monad transformer stack that gives you the ExceptT
-- so you are able to handle failures; ReaderT so you have access to the config;
-- and IO so you can do everything else you need
newtype App a = App { runApp :: ExceptT AppError (ReaderT Config IO) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader Config, MonadIO, MonadError AppError)
-- Instances for the App type for the three type classes above
instance MonadConfigReader App where
getConfig = ask
instance MonadLogger App where
logMessage msg = liftIO (putStrLn msg)
instance MonadNameGet App where
getName prompt = do
liftIO $ putStrLn prompt
name <- liftIO getLine
if name == "" then
throwError NameEmpty
return name
-- Function that will turn a string into upper case if the config says so. It only
-- needs the capabilities of the MonadConfigReader type class
uppercase :: MonadConfigReader m => String -> m String
uppercase text = do
options <- getConfig
let uppercased = if makeUpperCase options then C.toUpper text else text
return uppercased
-- Function that asks for a name. It needs the capabilities of the
-- MonadLogger and MonadNameGet typeclass
askName :: (MonadLogger m, MonadNameGet m) => m String
askName = do
name <- getName "Please enter your Name"
logMessage ("The name was " ++ name)
return name
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- create the option type (in a real app these values would come from a file or command line args)
let options = Config { makeUpperCase = True }
-- run the three nested monad transformers and do the main app logic
appResult <-
runReaderT (runExceptT $ runApp $ do
name <- askName
uppercase name
-- pattern match on the result and print some output
case appResult of
Left NameEmpty -> putStrLn "The name was empty!"
Left SomeOtherError -> putStrLn "Some other error occured"
Right name -> putStrLn $ "Hello " ++ name
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