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Created September 6, 2019 07:21
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QGIS - Calculate EOV section from EOV coordinates
leptek = ['M 1:100000','M 1:50000','M 1:25000','M 1:10000', 'M 1:4000','M 1:2000','M 1:1000','M 1:500','M 1:250']
#1: 100000 #2: 50000 #3: 25000 #4: 10000 #5: 4000 #6: 2000 #7: 1000 #8: 500 #9: 250
#leptek m:
def eov_coord_to_szelveny(x,y):
#y=844116.87 #720750.0 #test coord
#x=246253.3 #278500.0 #test coord
dy = 48000.0
dx = 32000.0
print("Lépték: "+leptek[m-1])
print("y: "+str(y)+" x:"+str(x))
if (y < 384000.0 or y > 1008000 or x < 32000 or x > 384000):
print("Nem EOV koordináta! 384000 <= y <= 1008000 és 32000 <= x <= 384000")
raise Exception("Nem EOV koordináta! 384000 <= y <= 1008000 és 32000 <= x <= 384000")
sor = int((x - 32000.0) / dx)
oszlop = int((y - 384000.0) / dy)
y0 = oszlop * dy + 384000.0
x0 = sor * dx + 32000.0
sz = str(sor) + str(oszlop) + "-"
for i in range(1,m):
dx = dx/2.0
dy = dy/2.0
if len(sz) == 6: sz = sz + "-"
if len(sz) == 10: sz = sz + "-"
if (y <= y0 + dy and x > x0 + dx):
sz = sz+"1"
x0 = x0+dx
elif (y > y0 + dy and x > x0 + dx):
sz = sz+"2"
x0 = x0+dx
y0 = y0+dy
elif (y <= y0 + dy and x <= x0 + dx):
sz = sz+"3"
elif (y > y0 + dy and x <= x0 + dx):
sz = sz+"4"
y0 = y0+dy
return sz
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