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David is a consultant with Kovarus and lives in Boston, MA. He has a background in operations for government, higher education, research, healthcare, and SaaS organizations. David is passionate about open source and contributes to a number of projects primarily related to Puppet.

Princess Leia and open source; a story of understanding and coping with Impostor Syndrome

This talk was born, quite surprisingly, out of listening to Carrie Fisher talk about her struggle with addiction. What really resonated with me was when she talked about how she coped with her struggles by talking about them with others.

It creates community when you talk about private things and you can find other people that have the same things. Otherwise, I don't know - I felt very lonely with some of the issues that I had or history that I had. And when I shared about it, I found that others had it, too. – Carrie Fisher on Fresh Air with Terry Gross, 28 Nov 2016

At that moment, I decided I had to talk about my struggle with Impostor Syndrome. As I reflect on my life I’ve identified Impostor Syndrome as a central theme. Over the years I’ve been terrified to raise my hand in class, speak up in meetings, file bug reports, and—especially—contribute to open source projects. I was constantly afraid that I’d be

DevOpsDays Vancouver Talk Submission

Friday, March 31 - Saturday, April 1, 2017 UBC Robson Square


David is a Cloud Architect with Kovarus and lives in Boston, MA. He has a background in operations for government, higher education, research, healthcare, and SaaS organizations. David is passionate about open source and contributes to a number of projects primarily related to Puppet.


How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Contribute to Open Source

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am danzilio on github.
  • I am danzilio ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is FEB1 2999 E90D 7E1A 6393 9D30 B836 F18D 3748 4AC0

To claim this, I am signing this object:

info: Loading downloaded plugin /var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/README.markdown
/var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/README.markdown:6: warning: parenthesize argument(s) for future version
/var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/README.markdown:6: warning: parenthesize argument(s) for future version
/var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/README.markdown:6: warning: parenthesize argument(s) for future version
/var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/README.markdown:6: warning: parenthesize argument(s) for future version
/var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/README.markdown:6: warning: parenthesize argument(s) for future version
/var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/README.markdown:6: warning: parenthesize argument(s) for future version
/var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/README.markdown:6: warning: parenthesize argument(s) for future version
/var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/README.markdown:6: warning: parenthesize argument(s) for future version
/var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/README.markdown:6: warning: parenthesize
"puppet-mcollective": {
"forks": 188,
"stars": 115,
"watchers": 115,
"contributors": 48
"puppet-module-amanda": {
"forks": 13,
"stars": 12,
Hi folks,
here's the email that Leslie and me drafted for all you to review.
When everyone is happy, we can send it to the Software Freedom
Conservancy, and then we can have a happy christmas.
Hello Bradley & Karen,
danzilio / centos.pp
Created January 7, 2016 16:20
First stab at converting your kickstart
define community_kickstarts::centos (
$rootpw = '--plaintext changeme',
$url = '',
$architecture = 'x86_64',
$lang = 'en_US.UTF-8',
$keyboard = 'us',
$network = '--onboot yes --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --hostname',
$firewall = '--service=ssh',
$authconfig = '--enableshadow --passalgo=sha512',
$selinux = '--enforcing',
"repos": 62,
"committer_stats": {
"Igor Galić": 47,
"Alexander Fisher": 3,
"Alexander Fisher (C)": 1,
"Mickaël Canévet": 3,
"Joseph Yaworski": 11,
"Kal McFate": 1,
"Lee Briggs": 3,
require 'spec_helper'
describe Puppet::Runner do
subject { context }
let(:expected_retval) { 0 }
before(:each) do
allow(status).to receive(:status).and_return expected_retval