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Created October 30, 2020 22:15
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# A small simulation to investigate bagging
# 2020-10-30 DLO
# Root mean squared error metric
rmse <- function(y_pred, y) {
r <- y_pred - y
# Calculate a metric on a model and test set
metric_fit <- function(fit, dat_test, metric = rmse) {
y_pred <- predict(fit, newdata = dat_test)
metric(y_pred, dat_test$y)
# Train an (unstable) model
fit_mod <- function(dat) {
lm(y ~ .^3, data = dat)
# Draw one bootstrap sample and fit the model
boot_fit <- function(i_boot, dat) {
idx_boot <- sample(1:nrow(dat), size = nrow(dat), replace = TRUE)
dat_boot <- dat[idx_boot, ]
# Data generating process (DGP), returns a data frame
dgp <- function(n, beta) {
J <- length(beta)
xpop <- matrix(rnorm(n) + rnorm(n * J), n)
ypop <- xpop %*% beta + rnorm(n)
data.frame(x = xpop, y = ypop)
sim <- function(it, n, n_boot, dat_pop, beta, progress_bar) {
# Update the reassuring progress bar with iteration number
setTxtProgressBar(progress_bar, it)
# Draw fresh sample from the DGP (=infinite population)
dat_sam <- dgp(n, beta = beta)
# Uncomment below for finite population setup
# idx_sam <- sample(1:nrow(dat_pop), size = n, replace = FALSE)
# dat_sam <- dat_pop[idx_sam, ]
# Fit the model without anything special
fit_sam <- fit_mod(dat_sam)
# Calculate metric for model without anything special
rmse_train <- metric_fit(fit = fit_sam, dat_test = dat_pop)
# Draw n_boot bootstrap samples and fit, returning a list of models
fit_boot <- lapply(1:n_boot, boot_fit, dat = dat_sam)
# Obtain predictions of the models in the list
y_pred_boot <- sapply(fit_boot, predict, newdata = dat_pop)
# Summarize predictions by averaging them over bootstrap samples
# (NOTE: using median instead of mean appears to improve performance a lot!)
y_pred_bagged <- apply(y_pred_boot, 1, median)
# Calculate metric for bagged predictions
rmse_bagged <- rmse(y_pred_bagged, dat_pop$y)
return(c(rmse_train = rmse_train,
rmse_bagged = rmse_bagged))
# Number of features
J <- 8
# True weights on features in linear predictor
beta <- runif(J, min = -5, max = +5)
# A "population" to use as test set, generated from DGP
dat_pop <- dgp(2e3, beta) # data frame
# Number of simulation replicates
nsim <- 50
# Nice-looking progress bar, updated inside sim()
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = nsim, style = 3)
# Run the simulation
system.time({ # time result
res <- t(sapply(1:nsim, # Number of replicates
sim, # Call simulation function
n = 100, # Sample size in each replicate
n_boot = 60, # No. bagged bootstrap samples
dat_pop = dat_pop, # Population used as test set
beta = beta, # True beta weights
progress_bar = pb # Reassuring progress bar
# Compare performance of bagging with regular fit:
# Bagging is better when:
# * Model is overspecified (e.g. .^3)
# * Sample size is low
# When model is very unstable, just a few bootstraps (5) already does the trick
# See how the two compare in different samples
limits <- c(min(as.vector(res)), quantile(as.vector(res), 0.9))
plot(res, pch = 19, xlim = limits, ylim = limits,
main = "Bagged vs. Non-bagged over samples",
col = "#00000099")
abline(0, 1, col = "#66000077")
text(mean(limits), mean(limits)*0.96, labels = "Bagging is better",
adj = 0.5, srt = 45, col = "#00000077")
text(mean(limits), mean(limits)*1.04, labels = "Not bagging is better",
adj = 0.5, srt = 45, col = "#00000077")
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