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Created November 15, 2017 22:24
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disco_data load problems
(ENV) vagrant@vagrant:~/Projects/disco_data$ bash -x ./
+ eval HERPATH=/home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data
++ HERPATH=/home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data
+ read -e -p 'Enter the path to arches: ' ARCHESPATH
Enter the path to arches: ../my_project
+ eval ARCHESPATH=../my_project
++ ARCHESPATH=../my_project
+ cd ../my_project
+ python packages -o setup_db
operation: setup_db
package: arches
(0 rows)
Operations to perform:
Apply all migrations: sessions, admin, guardian, auth, models, contenttypes
Running migrations:
Rendering model states... DONE
Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK
Applying auth.0001_initial... OK
Applying admin.0001_initial... OK
Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add... OK
Applying contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name... OK
Applying auth.0002_alter_permission_name_max_length... OK
Applying auth.0003_alter_user_email_max_length... OK
Applying auth.0004_alter_user_username_opts... OK
Applying auth.0005_alter_user_last_login_null... OK
Applying auth.0006_require_contenttypes_0002... OK
Applying auth.0007_alter_validators_add_error_messages... OK
Applying guardian.0001_initial... OK
Applying models.0001_initial... OK
Applying models.0002_40b4... OK
Applying models.0003_40b4...deleting index : resource
operation: import_graphs
package: arches
column "isrequired" of relation "nodes" does not exist
LINE 1: ...'::uuid, "config" = NULL, "issearchable" = false, "isrequire...
operation: import_business_data
package: arches
Resources for Import: 1, Resources Saved: 0, Tiles for Import: 0, Tiles Saved: 0, Relations for Import: 0, Relations Saved: 0
Time to import_business_data = 0:00:00.000915
No import errors
Applying models.0004_4_0_1... OK
Applying models.0005_4_0_1... OK
Applying models.0006_4_0_1... OK
Applying models.0007_4_0_1... OK
Applying models.0008_4_0_1... OK
Applying models.0009_4_0_1... OK
Applying sessions.0001_initial... OK
creating index : resource
1 of 1 resources saved
Resources for Import: 1, Resources Saved: 1, Tiles for Import: 9, Tiles Saved: 9, Relations for Import: 0, Relations Saved: 0
Time to import_business_data = 0:00:00.087494
No import errors
deleting index : strings
deleting index : resource
deleting index : resource_relations
creating index : strings
creating index : resource_relations
creating index : resource
+ python packages -o import_reference_data -s /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/reference_data/arches_liverpool_concepts.xml -ow overwrite -st keep
operation: import_reference_data
package: arches
time elapsed to parse rdf graph 1.78763198853 s
Casting dcterms:title to skos:prefLabel
+ python packages -o import_reference_data -s /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/reference_data/DISCO_concepts.xml -ow overwrite -st keep
operation: import_reference_data
package: arches
time elapsed to parse rdf graph 0.0374338626862 s
Casting dcterms:description to skos:scopeNote
Casting dcterms:title to skos:prefLabel
+ python packages -o import_reference_data -s /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/reference_data/Lincoln_Additional_Schemes.xml -ow overwrite -st keep
operation: import_reference_data
package: arches
time elapsed to parse rdf graph 0.0114879608154 s
Casting dcterms:title to skos:prefLabel
+ python packages -o import_reference_data -s /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/reference_data/Lincoln_dm_Type.xml -ow overwrite -st keep
operation: import_reference_data
package: arches
time elapsed to parse rdf graph 0.00336599349976 s
Casting dcterms:title to skos:prefLabel
+ python packages -o import_reference_data -s /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/reference_data/Lincoln_HER_Designation_Type.xml -ow overwrite -st keep
operation: import_reference_data
package: arches
time elapsed to parse rdf graph 0.0124797821045 s
Casting dcterms:title to skos:prefLabel
+ python packages -o import_reference_data -s /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/reference_data/Lincoln_HER_Period_Type.xml -ow overwrite -st keep
operation: import_reference_data
package: arches
time elapsed to parse rdf graph 0.0152680873871 s
Casting dcterms:title to skos:prefLabel
+ python packages -o import_reference_data -s /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/reference_data/Lincoln_Monument_Types_v4.xml -ow overwrite -st keep
operation: import_reference_data
package: arches
time elapsed to parse rdf graph 4.4697098732 s
Casting dcterms:description to skos:scopeNote
Casting dcterms:title to skos:prefLabel
+ python packages -o import_reference_data -s /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/reference_data/Lincoln_Recording_Event_Type.xml -ow overwrite -st keep
operation: import_reference_data
package: arches
time elapsed to parse rdf graph 0.0118288993835 s
Casting dcterms:title to skos:prefLabel
Casting dcterms:description to skos:scopeNote
+ python packages -o import_reference_data -s /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/reference_data/Lincoln_Source_Type.xml -ow overwrite -st keep
operation: import_reference_data
package: arches
time elapsed to parse rdf graph 0.0190229415894 s
Casting dcterms:description to skos:scopeNote
Casting dcterms:title to skos:prefLabel
+ python packages -o import_reference_data -s /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/reference_data/DISCO_collections.xml -ow overwrite -st keep
operation: import_reference_data
package: arches
time elapsed to parse rdf graph 2.23483204842 s
+ python packages -o import_graphs -s arches/db/graphs/branches
operation: import_graphs
package: arches
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 29, in <module>
File "/home/vagrant/Projects/ENV/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 353, in execute_from_command_line
File "/home/vagrant/Projects/ENV/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 345, in execute
File "/home/vagrant/Projects/ENV/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 348, in run_from_argv
self.execute(*args, **cmd_options)
File "/home/vagrant/Projects/ENV/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 399, in execute
output = self.handle(*args, **options)
File "/home/vagrant/Projects/ENV/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/arches/management/commands/", line 166, in handle
File "/home/vagrant/Projects/ENV/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/arches/management/commands/", line 799, in import_graphs
file_paths = [file_path for file_path in os.listdir(path) if file_path.endswith('.json')]
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'arches/db/graphs/branches'
+ python packages -o import_graphs -s /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/graphs/branches/
operation: import_graphs
package: arches
u"'E9_Move' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E13_Attribute_Assignment' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E34_Inscription' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E62_String' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E84_Information_Carrier' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E12_Production' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'S6_Data_Evaluation' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E13_Attribute_Assignment' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'D9_Data_Object' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E62_String' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E55_Type' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E52_Time-Span' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E41_Appellation' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E52_Time-Span' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E52_Time-Span' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E13_Attribute_Assignment' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E62_String' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E30_Right' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E50_Date' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E55_Type' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E38_Image' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'S19_Encounter_Event' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E5_Event' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E64_End_of_Existence' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E44_Place_Appellation' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E13_Attribute_Assignment' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'S5_Inference_Making' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E55_Type' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
+ python packages -o import_graphs -s /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/graphs/resource_models/
operation: import_graphs
package: arches
u"'E49_Time_Appellation' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E13_Attribute_Assignment' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'D11_Digital_Measurement_Event' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'I2_Belief' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E82_Actor_Appellation' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
u"'E42_Identifier' is not a valid CIDOC CRM v6.2 ontology class"
+ python packages -o add_mapbox_layer -j /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/mapbox_styles/Emerald/style.json -n Emerald -b
operation: add_mapbox_layer
package: arches
+ python packages -o add_mapbox_layer -j /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/mapbox_styles/Outdoors/style.json -n Outdoors -b
operation: add_mapbox_layer
package: arches
+ python packages -o add_mapbox_layer -j /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/mapbox_styles/Light/style.json -n 'Light Streets' -b
operation: add_mapbox_layer
package: arches
+ python packages -o add_mapbox_layer -j /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/mapbox_styles/Dark/style.json -n 'Dark Streets' -b
operation: add_mapbox_layer
package: arches
+ python packages -o add_mapbox_layer -j /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/mapbox_styles/Satellite-Streets/style.json -n Satellite_Streets -b
operation: add_mapbox_layer
package: arches
+ python packages -o add_mapbox_layer -j /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/mapbox_styles/3d_buildings/3d-buildings-mapbox.json -n '3d Buildings'
operation: add_mapbox_layer
package: arches
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 29, in <module>
File "/home/vagrant/Projects/ENV/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 353, in execute_from_command_line
File "/home/vagrant/Projects/ENV/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 345, in execute
File "/home/vagrant/Projects/ENV/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 348, in run_from_argv
self.execute(*args, **cmd_options)
File "/home/vagrant/Projects/ENV/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 399, in execute
output = self.handle(*args, **options)
File "/home/vagrant/Projects/ENV/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/arches/management/commands/", line 184, in handle
self.add_mapbox_layer(options['layer_name'], options['mapbox_json_path'], options['layer_icon'], options['is_basemap'])
File "/home/vagrant/Projects/ENV/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/arches/management/commands/", line 884, in add_mapbox_layer
with open(mapbox_json_path) as data_file:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/mapbox_styles/3d_buildings/3d-buildings-mapbox.json'
+ python packages -o add_tileserver_layer -m ../my_project/arches/tileserver/town_plan_3857.xml -n 'Lincoln 1886-1887'
operation: add_tileserver_layer
package: arches
+ python packages -o import_business_data -s '/home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/business_data/HER Activities_master.csv' -c '/home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/business_data/HER Activities.mapping' -ow overwrite -bulk
operation: import_business_data
package: arches
ERROR: No resource model found. Please make sure the resource model this business data is mapped to has been imported into Arches.
+ python packages -o import_business_data -s '/home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/business_data/HER Information Assets.csv' -c '/home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/business_data/HER Information Assets.mapping' -ow overwrite -bulk
operation: import_business_data
package: arches
ERROR: No resource model found. Please make sure the resource model this business data is mapped to has been imported into Arches.
+ python packages -o import_business_data -s /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/business_data/Assets.csv -c /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/business_data/Assets.mapping -ow overwrite -bulk
operation: import_business_data
package: arches
ERROR: No resource model found. Please make sure the resource model this business data is mapped to has been imported into Arches.
+ python packages -o import_business_data -s '/home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/business_data/HER Actors_master.csv' -c '/home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/business_data/HER Actors.mapping' -ow overwrite -bulk
operation: import_business_data
package: arches
ERROR: No resource model found. Please make sure the resource model this business data is mapped to has been imported into Arches.
+ python packages -o import_business_data -s '/home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/data_export/DISCO Project_2017-04-14_18-24-49.json' -ow overwrite
operation: import_business_data
package: arches
Resources for Import: 4, Resources Saved: 0, Tiles for Import: 0, Tiles Saved: 0, Relations for Import: 0, Relations Saved: 0
Time to import_business_data = 0:00:00.012772
No import errors
+ python packages -o import_business_data_relations -s '/home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/data_export/DISCO Project_2017-04-14_18-24-49.relations'
operation: import_business_data_relations
package: arches
***** Errors occured during import. Some data may not have been imported. For more information, check resource import error log: /home/vagrant/Projects/my_project/my_project/logs/resource_import.log
+ python packages -o import_business_data_relations -s /home/vagrant/Projects/disco_data/business_data/HER_master.relations
operation: import_business_data_relations
package: arches
500 relations saved
1000 relations saved
1500 relations saved
2000 relations saved
2500 relations saved
3000 relations saved
3500 relations saved
4000 relations saved
4500 relations saved
***** Errors occured during import. Some data may not have been imported. For more information, check resource import error log: /home/vagrant/Projects/my_project/my_project/logs/resource_import.log
(ENV) vagrant@vagrant:~/Projects/disco_data$
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