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Last active June 6, 2017 15:58
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CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.login(email text, pass text)
RETURNS basic_auth.jwt_token
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
_role name;
result basic_auth.jwt_token;
-- check email and password
select basic_auth.user_role(email, pass) into _role;
if _role is null then
raise invalid_password using message = 'invalid user or password';
end if;
select sign(
row_to_json(r), 'mysecret'
) as token
from (
select _role as role, as email,
extract(epoch from now())::integer + 60*60 as exp
) r
into result;
return result;
CREATE ROLE anonymous;
CREATE ROLE webuser;
GRANT anonymous, webuser TO owner;
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION public.login(text, text) TO anonymous;
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