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Last active April 10, 2017 12:46
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import re
import os
Put transcripts to be processed into the "transcripts" subfolder
Split transcripts will be output into the "out" subfolder
FILE_ENCODING = "latin-1"
#FILE_ENCODING = "utf-8"
# Lines starting with those words don't require a (PARTY) before the colon:
SPECIAL_WORDS = ["Vizepräsident", "Präsident"]
# Those words will be filtered from the words before the colon
SPECIAL_NAME_WORDS = ["Dr.", "Bundespräsident"] + SPECIAL_WORDS
# Max 4 + 1 (party/special) words before colon
# Choosen pretty randomly, may need tweaking
# without it there are a lots of false positivies as the criterium "parentheses + colon" isn't very strong
# party should also contain no spaces
PATTERN_PARTY = "([^\(]+)\(([^)]+)\)"
MONTHS = "Januar|Februar|März|April|Mai|Juni|Juli|August|September|Oktober|November|Dezember"
PATTERN_FILE_META = "\n.*Deutscher.*Bundestag.*?([0-9]+)\..*Wahlperiode.*?([0-9]+)\..*Sitzung.*?([0-9]{1,2})\..*(MONTHS).*([0-9]{4}).*?\n".replace("MONTHS", MONTHS)
PATTERN_PAGE_NUM = "\n\n([0-9])+\n\n"
def matchLine(line, currentPage):
# REQUIREMENT doesn't begin with a parenthesis (comment form other politician) and contains colon
isMatch = line and line[0] != "(" and ":" in line
# split the checks into seperate ifs to try to always do the minimum work to weed out non-matching lines
# if all the requirements would be in a single if like REQUIREMENT1 and REQUIREMENT2 and ...
# python would do this automatically as it is lazy evaluating big expressions like that
# if REQUIREMENT2 would be false all additional REQUIREMENTS after 2 wouldn't even be evaluated
if isMatch:
split = line.split(":")
beforeColon, rest = split[0], ":".join(split[1:])
# REQUIREMENT length less or equal than NAME_MAX_LENGTH, less or equal than NAME_MAX_WORDS words
isMatch = len(beforeColon) <= NAME_MAX_LENGTH and len(beforeColon.split()) <= NAME_MAX_WORDS
if isMatch:
# in the case there are more colons just take the first part and put the rest back together
beforeColon, rest = split[0], ":".join(split[1:])
# REQUIREMENT either starts with special word
beginsWithSpecial = any([beforeColon.startswith(word) for word in SPECIAL_WORDS])
# OR REQUIREMENT part before colon contains opening and closing parentheses (party)
partyMatch =, beforeColon)
if beginsWithSpecial:
split = beforeColon.split()
sectionName, sectionParty = " ".join(split[1:]), split[0]
# special words are included in empty lines containing only the word
fullName = " ".join(split)
elif partyMatch:
sectionName, sectionParty = partyMatch.groups()
fullName = sectionName
isMatch = beginsWithSpecial or partyMatch
# remove special_name_words
if isMatch:
sectionPage = currentPage
sectionContent = rest + "\n"
sectionName = " ".join([w for w in sectionName.split() if w not in SPECIAL_NAME_WORDS])
return (sectionName, sectionParty, sectionPage, sectionContent, fullName)
return None
def main():
# Collect input files (only .txt files)
inputFiles = [f for f in os.listdir("transcripts") if os.path.isfile(os.path.join("transcripts", f)) and f.endswith("txt")]
for iFile in inputFiles:
print("Parsing", iFile)
# read fileline
with open(os.path.join("transcripts", iFile), "rb") as f:
text =
# parse metadata, once per file
metaMatch =, text)
if not metaMatch:
print("Error parsing metadata. Skipping this file")
# extract capturing groups for meta
legPeriod, session, day, monthStr, year = metaMatch.groups()
# convert month to int by getting the index in MONTHS
# this is generally a bad approach but in this we only deal with German dates and in a very specific format so it should get the job done
month = str(MONTHS.split("|").index(monthStr) + 1)
# Remove all Wahlperiode/session lines
text = re.sub(PATTERN_FILE_META, "", text)
lines = text.split("\n")
# find first section and first page
# remember the line index of the first section as that's the index which the next loop will start working from
firstSectionIndex, currentPage = None, None
i = 0
while i < len(lines):
if matchLine(lines[i], currentPage=None):
foundFirstSection = True
firstSectionIndex = i
# digits preceeded and succeed by an empty line
if lines[i].strip().isnumeric() and i >= 1 and i < len(lines)-1 and lines[i-1].strip() == "" and lines[i+1].strip() == "":
# found a section before a page num was found => currentPage (current section page) is page-1
currentPage = int(lines[i].strip())
if firstSectionIndex:
currentPage -= 1
currentPage = str(currentPage)
if firstSectionIndex and currentPage:
i += 1
if not firstSectionIndex:
print("No section found. Skipping this file")
if not currentPage:
print("No page number found. Skipping this file")
i = firstSectionIndex
print("Putting the first {} lines into '{}'".format(i, "beginning_" + iFile))
with open(os.path.join("out", "beginning_" + iFile), "w") as f:
sectionName, sectionParty, sectionPage, sectionContent, fullName = None, None, None, None, None
skipped = 1
subpageNum = 1
while i < len(lines):
match = matchLine(lines[i], currentPage)
# if new section found or last line in input write current data to file (and not first section)
if (match or i == len(lines) - 1) and sectionName:
# add last line
if i == len(lines) - 1:
sectionContent += lines[i]
# if you don't like this behaviour you can just change this line back to
# fileName = sectionPage + "_"
fileName = sectionPage + "." + str(subpageNum) + "_"
fileName += sectionName + "_"
fileName += sectionParty+ "_"
fileName += legPeriod + "_"
fileName += session + "_"
fileName += day + month + year + ".txt"
fileName = fileName.lower().replace("/", "_").replace(" ", "_")
print("Writing to '{}'".format(fileName))
with open(os.path.join("out", fileName), "w") as f:
# not first match. previous match written to file. now extract current match
if match:
if match[2] == sectionPage:
subpageNum += 1
subpageNum = 1
sectionName, sectionParty, sectionPage, sectionContent, fullName = match
# first match
elif match:
sectionName, sectionParty, sectionPage, sectionContent, fullName = match
# page number found
elif not match and lines[i].strip().isnumeric() and i >= 1 and i < len(lines)-1 and lines[i-1].strip() == "" and lines[i+1].strip() == "":
currentPage = lines[i].strip()
i += 1
# exclude lines containing speaker name (doesn't check that this line is preceded by a "Deutscher Bundestag..."-line)
elif not match and lines[i].strip() == fullName:
# add content lines to current section (skip empty lines)
elif not match and (INCLUDE_EMPTY_LINES or lines[i].strip()):
sectionContent += lines[i] + "\n"
i += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
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