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Created April 10, 2016 12:14
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# dapolinario @ xps in ~ [9:12:26]
$ bash -x pacaur -S yaourt
+ version=4.6.0
+ unset aur cleancache devel edit info installpkg foreign needed noconfirm nodeps noedit
+ unset operation pac pacQ pacS quiet rebuild refresh repo search selective upgrade
+ TEXTDOMAINDIR=/usr/share/locale
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ configdir=/etc/xdg/pacaur
+ userconfigdir=/home/dapolinario/.config/pacaur
+ userpacmandir=/home/dapolinario/.config/pacman
+ usercachedir=/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur
+ [[ -r '' ]]
+ source /etc/makepkg.conf
++ DLAGENTS=('ftp::/usr/bin/curl -fC - --ftp-pasv --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o %o %u' 'http::/usr/bin/curl -fLC - --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o %o %u' 'https::/usr/bin/curl -fLC - --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o %o %u' 'rsync::/usr/bin/rsync --no-motd -z %u %o' 'scp::/usr/bin/scp -C %u %o')
++ VCSCLIENTS=('bzr::bzr' 'git::git' 'hg::mercurial' 'svn::subversion')
++ CARCH=x86_64
++ CHOST=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
++ CFLAGS='-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong'
++ CXXFLAGS='-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong'
++ LDFLAGS=-Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro
++ DEBUG_CFLAGS='-g -fvar-tracking-assignments'
++ DEBUG_CXXFLAGS='-g -fvar-tracking-assignments'
++ BUILDENV=(!distcc color !ccache check !sign)
++ OPTIONS=(strip docs !libtool !staticlibs emptydirs zipman purge !optipng !upx !debug)
++ STRIP_BINARIES=--strip-all
++ STRIP_SHARED=--strip-unneeded
++ STRIP_STATIC=--strip-debug
++ MAN_DIRS=({usr{,/local}{,/share},opt/*}/{man,info})
++ DOC_DIRS=(usr/{,local/}{,share/}{doc,gtk-doc} opt/*/{doc,gtk-doc})
++ PURGE_TARGETS=(usr/{,share}/info/dir .packlist *.pod)
++ COMPRESSGZ=(gzip -c -f -n)
++ COMPRESSBZ2=(bzip2 -c -f)
++ COMPRESSXZ=(xz -c -z -)
++ COMPRESSLRZ=(lrzip -q)
++ COMPRESSLZO=(lzop -q)
++ COMPRESSZ=(compress -c -f)
++ PKGEXT=.pkg.tar.xz
++ SRCEXT=.src.tar.gz
+ [[ -r /home/dapolinario/.config/pacman/makepkg.conf ]]
+ [[ -r /home/dapolinario/.makepkg.conf ]]
+ tmpdir=/tmp/pacaurtmp-dapolinario
+ clonedir=/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur
+ editor=nvim
+ displaybuildfiles=diff
+ fallback=true
+ silent=false
+ sortby=popularity
+ sortorder=descending
+ sudoloop=true
+ pacmanbin=pacman
+ aurrpc='/rpc.php?type=info&v=5'
+ source /etc/xdg/pacaur/config
+ [[ -r /home/dapolinario/.config/pacaur/config ]]
+ [[ ! -d /tmp/pacaurtmp-dapolinario ]]
+ [[ ! -d /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur ]]
+ trap Cancel INT
+ args=($@)
+ for i in '"${args[@]}"'
+ [[ -S =~ ^-[a-zA-Z0-9] ]]
+ opts+=($i)
+ for i in '"${args[@]}"'
+ [[ yaourt =~ ^-[a-zA-Z0-9] ]]
+ count=0
+ [[ -n -S ]]
+ getopts sidmykufecqrahvxVDFQRSTUbglnoptw-: OPT
+ pacmanarg+=("-$OPT")
+ case "$OPT" in
+ pacS=1
+ operation=sync
+ [[ -S =~ w ]]
+ installpkg=true
+ [[ -S =~ g ]]
+ [[ -S =~ l ]]
+ [[ -S =~ p ]]
+ getopts sidmykufecqrahvxVDFQRSTUbglnoptw-: OPT
+ [[ -z yaourt ]]
+ pkgs+=(${!OPTIND})
+ shift 2
+ [[ -n '' ]]
++ grep '^Color' /etc/pacman.conf
+ [[ -n Color ]]
+ [[ '' != \n\e\v\e\r ]]
+ [[ '' = \a\l\w\a\y\s ]]
+ coweropts+=("--color=auto")
+ reset='\e[0m'
+ colorR='\e[1;31m'
+ colorG='\e[1;32m'
+ colorY='\e[1;33m'
+ colorB='\e[1;34m'
+ colorM='\e[1;35m'
+ colorW='\e[1;39m'
+ pacmanarg=(${pacmanarg[@]/--/})
+ pacmanarg=(${pacmanarg[@]/-r/})
+ pacmanarg=(${pacmanarg[@]/-a/})
+ [[ sync = sync ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ 1000 -eq 0 ]]
+ [[ -n 1 ]]
+ pacmanarg=(${pacmanarg[@]/-e/})
+ [[ -n 1 ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n 1 ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n nvim ]]
+ [[ sync = sync ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ diff = diff ]]
+ [[ /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur = /tmp/pacaurtmp-dapolinario ]]
+ [[ ! -w /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur ]]
+ [[ -z yaourt ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ case $operation in
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -z yaourt ]]
+ ClassifyPkgs yaourt
+ local noaurpkgs norepopkgs
+ [[ true = true ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ unset noaurpkgs
+ for i in '"${pkgs[@]}"'
+ [[ yaourt == aur/* ]]
+ noaurpkgs+=($i)
+ [[ -n yaourt ]]
+ norepopkgs=($(LANG=C $pacmanbin -Sp ${noaurpkgs[@]} 2>&1 >/dev/null | awk '{print $NF}'))
++ pacman -Sp yaourt
++ awk '{print $NF}'
+ for i in '"${norepopkgs[@]}"'
+ [[ ! yaourt =~ [a-zA-Z0-9.+-]+/yaourt[^a-zA-Z0-9.+-] ]]
+ aurpkgs+=($i)
+ repopkgs=($(grep -xvf <(printf '%s\n' "${aurpkgs[@]}") <(printf '%s\n' "${noaurpkgs[@]}")))
+++ printf '%s\n' yaourt
++ grep -xvf /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62
+++ printf '%s\n' yaourt
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n yaourt ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ true = true ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ Note w 'Pacote(s) \e[1;39myaourt\e[0m não encontrados nos repositórios, tentando \e[1;35mAUR\e[0m...'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e '\e[1;33m::\e[0m Pacote(s) \e[1;39myaourt\e[0m não encontrados nos repositórios, tentando \e[1;35mAUR\e[0m...'
:: Pacote(s) yaourt não encontrados nos repositórios, tentando AUR...
+ Core yaourt
+ GetIgnoredPkgs
+ ignoredpkgs+=($(grep '^IgnorePkg' '/etc/pacman.conf' | awk -F '=' '{print $NF}' | tr -d "'\""))
++ grep '^IgnorePkg' /etc/pacman.conf
++ awk -F = '{print $NF}'
++ tr -d ''\''"'
+ ignoredpkgs=(${ignoredpkgs[@]//,/ })
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ IgnoreChecks
+ local checkaurpkgs checkaurpkgsAname checkaurpkgsAver checkaurpkgsQver i
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ return
+ DepsSolver
+ local aurpkgsproviders aurpkgsprovidersname i
+ Note i 'resolvendo dependências...'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e '\e[1;34m::\e[0m resolvendo dependências...'
:: resolvendo dependências...
+ for i in '"${!aurpkgs[@]}"'
++ awk -F '>|<|=' '{print $1}'
+ aurpkgs[$i]=yaourt
+ deps+=(${aurpkgs[@]})
++ DownloadJson yaourt
++ local urlencodedpkgs urlargs
++ urlencodedpkgs=($(sed 's/+/%2b/g;s/@/%40/g' <<< $@))
+++ sed 's/+/%2b/g;s/@/%40/g'
+++ printf '&arg[]=%s' yaourt
++ urlargs='&arg[]=yaourt'
++ [[ 13 -lt 8125 ]]
++ curl -sfg --compressed -C 0 '[]=yaourt'
+ json='{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}'
+ aurpkgsproviders=($(GetJson "array" "$json" "Provides"))
++ GetJson array '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Provides
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/^"Provides"/,/]/!d'
++ tr -d '[]"'
++ tr -d '\n'
++ cut '-d ' -f 2-
++ sed 's/] /]\n/g'
++ tr -d '\"'
++ tr '\n' ' '
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ foreignpkgs=($($pacmanbin -Qmq))
++ pacman -Qmq
+ FindDepsAur yaourt
+ local errdepsname depspkgs depspkgstmp vcsdepspkgs assumedepspkgs prevname prevver prevaurver i j
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ depspkgsaur=(${aurpkgs[@]})
++ DownloadJson yaourt
++ local urlencodedpkgs urlargs
++ urlencodedpkgs=($(sed 's/+/%2b/g;s/@/%40/g' <<< $@))
+++ sed 's/+/%2b/g;s/@/%40/g'
+++ printf '&arg[]=%s' yaourt
++ urlargs='&arg[]=yaourt'
++ [[ 13 -lt 8125 ]]
++ curl -sfg --compressed -C 0 '[]=yaourt'
+ json='{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}'
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ errdepsname=($(GetJson "var" "$json" "Name"))
++ GetJson var '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Name
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d '", '
++ grep -Po 'Name:.*'
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
++ sed -r s/Name:/Name#/g
+ errdeps+=($(grep -xvf <(printf '%s\n' "${aurpkgs[@]}") <(printf '%s\n' "${errdepsname[@]}")))
+++ printf '%s\n' yaourt
++ grep -xvf /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62
+++ printf '%s\n' yaourt
+ errdeps+=($(grep -xvf <(printf '%s\n' "${errdepsname[@]}") <(printf '%s\n' "${aurpkgs[@]}")))
+++ printf '%s\n' yaourt
++ grep -xvf /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62
+++ printf '%s\n' yaourt
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ depspkgs=($(GetJson "array" "$json" "Depends"))
++ GetJson array '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Depends
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/^"Depends"/,/]/!d'
++ tr -d '\"'
++ tr -d '\n'
++ tr '\n' ' '
++ tr -d '[]"'
++ cut '-d ' -f 2-
++ sed 's/] /]\n/g'
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ depspkgs+=($(GetJson "array" "$json" "MakeDepends"))
++ GetJson array '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' MakeDepends
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/^"MakeDepends"/,/]/!d'
++ sed 's/] /]\n/g'
++ cut '-d ' -f 2-
++ tr -d '[]"'
++ tr -d '\"'
++ tr -d '\n'
++ tr '\n' ' '
+ depspkgs+=($(GetJson "array" "$json" "CheckDepends"))
++ GetJson array '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' CheckDepends
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/^"CheckDepends"/,/]/!d'
++ tr '\n' ' '
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d '\n'
++ tr -d '[]"'
++ cut '-d ' -f 2-
++ sed 's/] /]\n/g'
++ tr -d '\"'
+ [[ x86_64 == \i\6\8\6 ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ depspkgs=($($pacmanbin -T ${depspkgs[@]} | sort -u))
++ pacman -T diffutils 'pacman>=5.0' 'package-query>=1.8' gettext
++ sort -u
+ unset depspkgsaur
+ [[ -n package-query>=1.8 ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n package-query>=1.8 ]]
+ depspkgsaur=($(LANG=C $pacmanbin -Sp ${depspkgs[@]} 2>&1 >/dev/null | awk '{print $NF}'))
++ awk '{print $NF}'
++ pacman -Sp 'package-query>=1.8'
+ repodeps+=($(grep -xvf <(printf '%s\n' "${depspkgsaur[@]}") <(printf '%s\n' "${depspkgs[@]}")))
+++ printf '%s\n' 'package-query>=1.8'
++ grep -xvf /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62
+++ printf '%s\n' 'package-query>=1.8'
+ unset depspkgs
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n package-query>=1.8 ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ prevdepspkgsaur=(${depspkgsaur[@]})
+ for i in '"${!depspkgsaur[@]}"'
++ awk -F '>|<|=' '{print $1}'
+ depspkgsaur[$i]=package-query
+ depspkgsaur=($(tr ' ' '\n' <<< ${depspkgsaur[@]} | sort -u))
++ sort -u
++ tr ' ' '\n'
+ for i in '"${!depspkgsaur[@]}"'
+ [[ yaourt =~ package-query ]]
+ [[ -n package-query ]]
+ aurdepspkgs+=(${depspkgsaur[@]})
+ deps+=(${depspkgsaur[@]})
+ FindDepsAur package-query
+ local errdepsname depspkgs depspkgstmp vcsdepspkgs assumedepspkgs prevname prevver prevaurver i j
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -z package-query ]]
++ DownloadJson package-query
++ local urlencodedpkgs urlargs
++ urlencodedpkgs=($(sed 's/+/%2b/g;s/@/%40/g' <<< $@))
+++ sed 's/+/%2b/g;s/@/%40/g'
+++ printf '&arg[]=%s' package-query
++ urlargs='&arg[]=package-query'
++ [[ 20 -lt 8125 ]]
++ curl -sfg --compressed -C 0 '[]=package-query'
+ json='{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":286497,"Name":"package-query","PackageBaseID":35915,"PackageBase":"package-query","Version":"1.8-2","Description":"Query ALPM and AUR","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/package-query\/","NumVotes":1106,"Popularity":25.565918,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1269472680,"LastModified":1458558221,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/package-query.tar.gz","Depends":["pacman>=5.0","yajl>=2.0"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}'
+ [[ -z package-query>=1.8 ]]
+ [[ -n package-query>=1.8 ]]
+ for i in '"${!prevdepspkgsaur[@]}"'
+ unset prevname prevver prevaurver
+ prevname='package-query>=1.8'
+ prevname=package-query
+ prevname=package-query
+ prevver='package-query>=1.8'
+ prevver=1.8
+ prevver=1.8
++ GetJson varvar '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":286497,"Name":"package-query","PackageBaseID":35915,"PackageBase":"package-query","Version":"1.8-2","Description":"Query ALPM and AUR","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/package-query\/","NumVotes":1106,"Popularity":25.565918,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1269472680,"LastModified":1458558221,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/package-query.tar.gz","Depends":["pacman>=5.0","yajl>=2.0"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Version package-query
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ grep -Po 'Version:.*'
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
++ sed -r s/Version:/Version#/g
++ sed -e '/"Name":"package-query"/,/}/!d'
++ tr -d '"'
+ prevaurver=1.8-2
+ [[ ! -n 1.8-2 ]]
+ case "${prevdepspkgsaur[$i]}" in
+ case "${prevdepspkgsaur[$i]}" in
++ vercmp 1.8-2 1.8
+ [[ 0 -ge 0 ]]
+ continue
+ depspkgs=($(GetJson "array" "$json" "Depends"))
++ GetJson array '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":286497,"Name":"package-query","PackageBaseID":35915,"PackageBase":"package-query","Version":"1.8-2","Description":"Query ALPM and AUR","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/package-query\/","NumVotes":1106,"Popularity":25.565918,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1269472680,"LastModified":1458558221,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/package-query.tar.gz","Depends":["pacman>=5.0","yajl>=2.0"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Depends
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/^"Depends"/,/]/!d'
++ tr -d '\"'
++ tr -d '\n'
++ tr '\n' ' '
++ tr -d '[]"'
++ sed 's/] /]\n/g'
++ cut '-d ' -f 2-
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ depspkgs+=($(GetJson "array" "$json" "MakeDepends"))
++ GetJson array '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":286497,"Name":"package-query","PackageBaseID":35915,"PackageBase":"package-query","Version":"1.8-2","Description":"Query ALPM and AUR","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/package-query\/","NumVotes":1106,"Popularity":25.565918,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1269472680,"LastModified":1458558221,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/package-query.tar.gz","Depends":["pacman>=5.0","yajl>=2.0"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' MakeDepends
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/^"MakeDepends"/,/]/!d'
++ sed 's/] /]\n/g'
++ tr -d '[]"'
++ tr -d '\n'
++ cut '-d ' -f 2-
++ tr '\n' ' '
++ tr -d '\"'
+ depspkgs+=($(GetJson "array" "$json" "CheckDepends"))
++ GetJson array '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":286497,"Name":"package-query","PackageBaseID":35915,"PackageBase":"package-query","Version":"1.8-2","Description":"Query ALPM and AUR","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/package-query\/","NumVotes":1106,"Popularity":25.565918,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1269472680,"LastModified":1458558221,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/package-query.tar.gz","Depends":["pacman>=5.0","yajl>=2.0"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' CheckDepends
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/^"CheckDepends"/,/]/!d'
++ tr -d '\n'
++ tr -d '[]"'
++ cut '-d ' -f 2-
++ sed 's/] /]\n/g'
++ tr '\n' ' '
++ tr -d '\"'
+ [[ x86_64 == \i\6\8\6 ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ depspkgs=($($pacmanbin -T ${depspkgs[@]} | sort -u))
++ pacman -T 'pacman>=5.0' 'yajl>=2.0'
++ sort -u
+ unset depspkgsaur
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ unset depspkgs
+ [[ -n package-query>=1.8 ]]
+ [[ package-query>=1.8 == '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
++ DownloadJson yaourt package-query
++ local urlencodedpkgs urlargs
++ urlencodedpkgs=($(sed 's/+/%2b/g;s/@/%40/g' <<< $@))
+++ sed 's/+/%2b/g;s/@/%40/g'
+++ printf '&arg[]=%s' yaourt package-query
++ urlargs='&arg[]=yaourt&arg[]=package-query'
++ [[ 33 -lt 8125 ]]
++ curl -sfg --compressed -C 0 '[]=yaourt&arg[]=package-query'
+ json='{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":2,"results":[{"ID":286497,"Name":"package-query","PackageBaseID":35915,"PackageBase":"package-query","Version":"1.8-2","Description":"Query ALPM and AUR","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/package-query\/","NumVotes":1106,"Popularity":25.565918,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1269472680,"LastModified":1458558221,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/package-query.tar.gz","Depends":["pacman>=5.0","yajl>=2.0"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]},{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}'
+ depsAname=($(GetJson "var" "$json" "Name"))
++ GetJson var '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":2,"results":[{"ID":286497,"Name":"package-query","PackageBaseID":35915,"PackageBase":"package-query","Version":"1.8-2","Description":"Query ALPM and AUR","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/package-query\/","NumVotes":1106,"Popularity":25.565918,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1269472680,"LastModified":1458558221,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/package-query.tar.gz","Depends":["pacman>=5.0","yajl>=2.0"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]},{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Name
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d '", '
++ grep -Po 'Name:.*'
++ sed -r s/Name:/Name#/g
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
+ depsAver=($(GetJson "var" "$json" "Version"))
++ GetJson var '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":2,"results":[{"ID":286497,"Name":"package-query","PackageBaseID":35915,"PackageBase":"package-query","Version":"1.8-2","Description":"Query ALPM and AUR","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/package-query\/","NumVotes":1106,"Popularity":25.565918,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1269472680,"LastModified":1458558221,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/package-query.tar.gz","Depends":["pacman>=5.0","yajl>=2.0"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]},{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Version
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d '", '
++ grep -Po 'Version:.*'
++ sed -r s/Version:/Version#/g
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
+ depsAood=($(GetJson "var" "$json" "OutOfDate"))
++ GetJson var '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":2,"results":[{"ID":286497,"Name":"package-query","PackageBaseID":35915,"PackageBase":"package-query","Version":"1.8-2","Description":"Query ALPM and AUR","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/package-query\/","NumVotes":1106,"Popularity":25.565918,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1269472680,"LastModified":1458558221,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/package-query.tar.gz","Depends":["pacman>=5.0","yajl>=2.0"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]},{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' OutOfDate
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d '", '
++ grep -Po 'OutOfDate:.*'
++ sed -r s/OutOfDate:/OutOfDate#/g
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
+ for i in '"${!depsAname[@]}"'
++ expac -Qs %v '^package-query$'
+ depsQver[$i]=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ depsQver[$i]='#'
++ grep -E '\-(cvs|svn|git|hg|bzr|darcs|nightly.*)$'
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ for i in '"${!depsAname[@]}"'
++ expac -Qs %v '^yaourt$'
+ depsQver[$i]=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ depsQver[$i]='#'
++ grep -E '\-(cvs|svn|git|hg|bzr|darcs|nightly.*)$'
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ FindDepsRepo
+ local allrepopkgs providersrepopkgs providersrepopkgsrm i j
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ return
+ IgnoreDepsChecks
+ local i
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ return
+ ProviderChecks
+ local allproviders providersdeps providers providerspkgs provided nb providersnb rmproviderpkgs providerpkgsrm
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ return
+ ConflictChecks
+ local allQprovides allQconflicts Aprovides Aconflicts aurconflicts aurAconflicts i j k
+ local repodepsprovides repodepsconflicts checkedrepodepsconflicts repodepsconflictsname repodepsconflictsver localver repoconflictingpkgs
+ Note i 'procurando por conflitos internos...'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e '\e[1;34m::\e[0m procurando por conflitos internos...'
:: procurando por conflitos internos...
+ allQprovides=($(expac -Q '%n'))
++ expac -Q %n
+ allQprovides+=($(expac -Q '%S'))
++ expac -Q %S
+ allQconflicts=($(expac -Q '%C'))
++ expac -Q %C
+ Aprovides=(${depsAname[@]})
+ Aprovides+=($(GetJson "array" "$json" "Provides"))
++ GetJson array '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":2,"results":[{"ID":286497,"Name":"package-query","PackageBaseID":35915,"PackageBase":"package-query","Version":"1.8-2","Description":"Query ALPM and AUR","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/package-query\/","NumVotes":1106,"Popularity":25.565918,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1269472680,"LastModified":1458558221,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/package-query.tar.gz","Depends":["pacman>=5.0","yajl>=2.0"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]},{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Provides
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/^"Provides"/,/]/!d'
++ tr -d '[]"'
++ cut '-d ' -f 2-
++ tr -d '\n'
++ sed 's/] /]\n/g'
++ tr '\n' ' '
++ tr -d '\"'
+ Aconflicts=($(GetJson "array" "$json" "Conflicts"))
++ GetJson array '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":2,"results":[{"ID":286497,"Name":"package-query","PackageBaseID":35915,"PackageBase":"package-query","Version":"1.8-2","Description":"Query ALPM and AUR","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/package-query\/","NumVotes":1106,"Popularity":25.565918,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1269472680,"LastModified":1458558221,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/package-query.tar.gz","Depends":["pacman>=5.0","yajl>=2.0"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]},{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Conflicts
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ tr -d '\"'
++ tr '\n' ' '
++ tr -d '\n'
++ sed -e '/^"Conflicts"/,/]/!d'
++ tr -d '[]"'
++ cut '-d ' -f 2-
++ sed 's/] /]\n/g'
+ for i in '"${!Aprovides[@]}"'
++ awk -F '>|<|=' '{print $1}'
+ Aprovides[$i]=package-query
+ for i in '"${!Aprovides[@]}"'
++ awk -F '>|<|=' '{print $1}'
+ Aprovides[$i]=yaourt
+ aurconflicts+=($(grep -xf <(printf '%s\n' "${Aprovides[@]}") <(printf '%s\n' "${allQconflicts[@]}")))
+++ printf '%s\n' package-query yaourt
++ grep -xf /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62
+++ printf '%s\n' xfsacl xfsattr bc-readline binutils-multilib obexd-client obexd-server ca-certificates-java chromium-pepper-flash-dev foomatic-filters dbus-core libdjvu dropbox-experimental freerdp-git freshplayerplugin-git gcalctool gnome-themes dirmngr gnupg2 goffice grub-common grub-bios grub-emu grub-efi-x86_64 grub-legacy gtk-theme-arc-git iproute netkit-base arping netkit-tftpd jack-audio-connection-kit java-common js vlock module-init-tools libsystemd libjpeg turbojpeg libmysqlclient quvi libreoffice-still openoffice-pt-BR libreoffice-pt-BR cyrus-sasl-plugins libsigc++2.0 libsoup-gnome libltdl libtool-multilib libusbx usbmuxd x264-dev libxml++2 linux-firmware-git kernel26-firmware ar9170-fw iwlwifi-1000-ucode iwlwifi-3945-ucode iwlwifi-4965-ucode iwlwifi-5000-ucode iwlwifi-5150-ucode iwlwifi-6000-ucode rt2870usb-fw rt2x00-rt61-fw rt2x00-rt71w-fw amd-ucode lua-bitop lvm mkinitcpio lzo2 man mkinitcpio libglapi osmesa libgbm libgles libegl khrplatform-devel ati-dri intel-dri nouveau-dri svga-dri mesa-dri mutter-wayland libnm-gtk ntfsprogs numix-circle-icon-theme numix-circle-light-icon-theme numix-icon-theme numix-light-icon-theme libcl pacman-contrib pcmcia-cs perl-libwww perl-libwww pkgconfig poppler-qt3 postgresql-client procps sysvinit-tools dbus-python python pycairo qt mailx mailx-heirloom heirloom-mailx shrew-vpn-client-alpha nss-myhostname systemd-tools udev sysvinit laptop-mode-tools pm-utils totem-plugin util-linux-ng eject zramctl libv4l webkitgtk3 libwebkit3 libwebkit xorg-server X-ABI-XINPUT_VERSION X-ABI-XINPUT_VERSION xorg-server X-ABI-VIDEODRV_VERSION X-ABI-VIDEODRV_VERSION xf86-video-intel-sna xf86-video-intel-uxa xf86-video-i810 xf86-video-intel-legacy xkbdata font-util font-misc-ethiopic font-misc-meltho nvidia-utils glamor-egl xf86-video-modesetting
+ aurconflicts+=($(grep -xf <(printf '%s\n' "${Aconflicts[@]}") <(printf '%s\n' "${allQprovides[@]}")))
+++ printf '%s\n'
++ grep -xf /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62
+++ printf '%s\n' a52dec aalib accountsservice acl acpid adwaita-icon-theme alsa-lib alsa-plugins aqbanking archlinux-keyring aria2 aspell at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core atk atkmm attr autoconf automake avahi baobab bash bbswitch bc binutils bison bluez boost-libs bumblebee bzip2 c-ares ca-certificates ca-certificates-cacert ca-certificates-mozilla ca-certificates-utils cairo cairomm cantarell-fonts caribou cdparanoia celt celt0.5.1 cheese chromaprint chromium chromium-pepper-flash chromium-widevine cifs-utils clucene clutter clutter-gst clutter-gtk cogl colord colord-gtk compositeproto coreutils cower cracklib cryptsetup cups cups-filters cups-pk-helper curl damageproto db dbus dbus-glib dcadec dconf dconf-editor desktop-file-utils device-mapper dhclient dhcpcd diffutils djvulibre dnsmasq dotconf dropbox e2fsprogs elfutils enchant eog ethtool evince evolution-data-server exempi exiv2 expac expat faac faad2 fakeroot ffmpeg fftw file file-roller filesystem findutils firefox firefox-i18n-pt-br fixesproto flac flex fluidsynth fontconfig fontsproto foomatic-db-engine freerdp freetype2 freshplayerplugin fribidi fuse gawk gc gcc gcc-libs gconf gcr gd gdbm gdk-pixbuf2 gdm geoclue2 geocode-glib gettext ghostscript giflib git gjs glew glib-networking glib2 glibc glibmm glu gmime gmp gnome-backgrounds gnome-bluetooth gnome-calculator gnome-color-manager gnome-control-center gnome-desktop gnome-disk-utility gnome-font-viewer gnome-icon-theme-symbolic gnome-keyring gnome-menus gnome-online-accounts gnome-screenshot gnome-session gnome-settings-daemon gnome-shell gnome-shell-extensions gnome-system-monitor gnome-terminal gnome-themes-standard gnome-tweak-tool gnome-user-docs gnome-video-effects gnucash gnupg gnutls gobject-introspection-runtime goffice0.8 google-talkplugin gpgme gpm graphene graphite grep grilo groff grub gsettings-desktop-schemas gsfonts gsm gst-libav gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-base-libs gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-ugly gstreamer gtk-engine-murrine gtk-theme-arc gtk-update-icon-cache gtk-vnc gtk2 gtk3 gtkmm3 gtksourceview3 guile guile1.8 gvfs gvfs-mtp gvfs-smb gwenhywfar gzip harfbuzz harfbuzz-icu hdparm hicolor-icon-theme hplip hspell hunspell hwids hyphen iana-etc icu imagemagick imlib2 inetutils inputproto intel-ucode iproute2 iptables iputils iso-codes iw jack jansson jasper java-runtime-common jemalloc jfsutils jre js js17 json-c json-glib kbd kbproto keyutils kmod krb5 ktoblzcheck lame lcms2 ldb less libabw libaio libarchive libart-lgpl libass libassuan libasyncns libatasmart libatomic_ops libavc1394 libbluray libbsd libcaca libcacard libcanberra libcanberra-pulse libcap libcap-ng libcddb libcdio libcdio-paranoia libcdr libcmis libcroco libcups libdaemon libdatrie libdbi libdbi-drivers libdbus libdca libdrm libdv libdvdnav libdvdread libe-book libedit libelf libepoxy libetonyek libevdev libevent libexif libexttextcat libfbclient libffi libfontenc libgcrypt libgdata libgdm libgee libglade libglvnd libgme libgnome-keyring libgnomecanvas libgnomekbd libgpg-error libgphoto2 libgsf libgtop libgudev libgusb libgweather libgxps libibus libical libice libid3tag libidn libiec61883 libieee1284 libimobiledevice libinput libixion libjpeg-turbo libksba liblangtag libldap liblouis liblqr libmad libmariadbclient libmbim libmm-glib libmms libmng libmodplug libmp4v2 libmpc libmpeg2 libmspub libmtp libmusicbrainz5 libmwaw libnautilus-extension libndp libnewt libnl libnm-glib libnotify liboauth libodfgen libofa libofx libogg libomxil-bellagio liborcus libpagemaker libpaper libpcap libpciaccess libpeas libpgm libphonenumber libpipeline libplist libpng libproxy libpulse libpwquality libqmi libquvi libquvi-scripts libraw1394 libreoffice-fresh libreoffice-fresh-pt-BR librevenge librsvg libsamplerate libsasl libseccomp libsecret libshout libsidplay libsigc++ libsm libsndfile libsodium libsoup libsoxr libspectre libsrtp libssh libssh2 libstemmer libsystemd libtasn1 libteam libtermkey libthai libtheora libtiff libtirpc libtool libtracker-sparql libtxc_dxtn libunistring libunwind libusb libusbmuxd libutil-linux libuv libva libvdpau libvisio libvisual libvoikko libvorbis libvpx libvterm libwacom libwbclient libwebp libwnck3 libwpd libwpg libwps libx11 libx264 libxau libxaw libxcb libxcomposite libxcursor libxdamage libxdmcp libxext libxfixes libxfont libxft libxi libxinerama libxkbcommon libxkbcommon-x11 libxkbfile libxklavier libxml++ libxml2 libxmu libxpm libxrandr libxrender libxres libxshmfence libxslt libxss libxt libxtst libxv libxvmc libxxf86vm licenses linux linux-api-headers linux-firmware llvm-libs logrotate lpsolve lsb-release lua52 lua52-bitop lua52-expat lua52-lpeg lua52-luajson lua52-socket lvm2 lz4 lzo m4 make man-db man-pages mcpp mdadm mesa mesa-libgl mime-types mjpegtools mkinitcpio mkinitcpio-busybox mobile-broadband-provider-info modemmanager mozilla-common mpfr mpg123 msgpack-c mtdev mutter nano nautilus nautilus-dropbox nautilus-sendto ncurses neon neovim neovim-gnome-terminal-wrapper net-snmp net-tools netctl nettle networkmanager nm-connection-editor npth nspr nss ntfs-3g numix-circle-icon-theme-git numix-icon-theme-git nvidia nvidia-utils ocl-icd opencore-amr openjpeg openresolv opensp openssl opus orc p11-kit p7zip pacaur packagekit pacman pacman-mirrorlist pam pambase pango pangomm parted patch pciutils pcmciautils pcre perl perl-clone perl-dbi perl-encode-locale perl-error perl-file-basedir perl-file-listing perl-html-parser perl-html-tagset perl-http-cookies perl-http-daemon perl-http-date perl-http-message perl-http-negotiate perl-io-html perl-ipc-system-simple perl-libwww perl-lwp-mediatypes perl-net-http perl-uri perl-www-robotrules perl-xml-libxml perl-xml-namespacesupport perl-xml-sax perl-xml-sax-base pinentry pixman pkg-config pm2ml polkit poppler poppler-glib popt postgresql-libs powerpill ppp primus procps-ng protobuf psmisc pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa pyalpm pygobject-devel pygobject2-devel pygtk python python-atspi python-cairo python-chardet python-dbus python-dbus-common python-gobject python-pycups python-pycurl python-requests python-urllib3 python-xdg python2 python2-cairo python2-gobject python2-gobject2 python3-memoizedb python3-xcgf python3-xcpf qpdf qt4 randrproto raptor rasqal readline recordproto redland reflector reiserfsprogs renderproto rest rfkill rp-pppoe rtkit rtmpdump run-parts s-nail sane sbc schroedinger scrnsaverproto sdl seahorse sed shadow shared-color-targets shared-mime-info shrew-vpn-client simple-scan slang slib smartmontools smbclient snappy sound-theme-freedesktop soundtouch spandsp speech-dispatcher speex speexdsp spice-glib spice-gtk3 sqlite startup-notification sudo sushi sysfsutils system-config-printer systemd systemd-sysvcompat t1lib taglib talloc tar tcl tdb telepathy-glib telepathy-logger telepathy-mission-control tevent texinfo thin-provisioning-tools tlp tlp-rdw totem totem-plparser transmission-gtk ttf-dejavu ttf-liberation tzdata udisks2 ufw unibilium unrar unzip upower usb_modeswitch usbredir usbutils util-linux v4l-utils vi vid.stab videoproto vinagre virtualgl vte-common vte3 wavpack wayland wayland-protocols webkit2gtk webkitgtk webkitgtk2 webrtc-audio-processing wget which wildmidi wpa_supplicant x265 x86_energy_perf_policy xcb-proto xcb-util xcb-util-keysyms xcursor-numix xdg-user-dirs xdg-user-dirs-gtk xdg-utils xextproto xf86-input-libinput xf86-video-intel xf86vidmodeproto xfsprogs xineramaproto xkeyboard-config xorg-bdftopcf xorg-font-util xorg-font-utils xorg-fonts-alias xorg-fonts-encodings xorg-fonts-misc xorg-mkfontdir xorg-mkfontscale xorg-server xorg-server-common xorg-server-xwayland xorg-setxkbmap xorg-xhost xorg-xkbcomp xorg-xrdb xorg-xset xproto xvidcore xz yajl yelp yelp-xsl zenity zeromq zip zita-alsa-pcmi zita-resampler zlib zsh zsh-completions xfsacl xfsattr sh ca-certificates ca-certificates-java cairo-xcb pepper-flash foomatic-filters dbus-core dhcp-client dhcp-client libdjvu awk git-core dirmngr gnupg2 grub-common grub-bios grub-emu grub-efi-x86_64 gst-ffmpeg iproute jack-audio-connection-kit java-runtime java-runtime-headless java-web-start java-runtime-jre java-runtime-headless-jre java-web-start-jre java-openjfx vlock module-init-tools libdts libtextcat libjpeg turbojpeg libmysqlclient mpeg2dec libreoffice libreoffice-en-US openoffice-pt-BR libreoffice-pt-BR libsigc++2.0 libsoup-gnome libltdl libtool-multilib libusbx x264-dev libxml++2 lzo2 man libglapi osmesa libgbm libgles libegl khrplatform-devel ati-dri intel-dri nouveau-dri svga-dri mesa-dri libgl libnm-gtk ntfsprogs numix-circle-icon-theme numix-circle-light-icon-theme numix-icon-theme numix-light-icon-theme libcl opencl-icd-loader resolvconf pacman-contrib perl-archive-tar perl-attribute-handlers perl-autodie perl-autoloader perl-autouse perl-b-debug perl-base perl-bignum perl-carp perl-compress-raw-bzip2 perl-compress-raw-zlib perl-config-perl-v perl-constant perl-cpan-meta-requirements perl-cpan-meta-yaml perl-cpan-meta perl-cpan perl-data-dumper perl-db_file perl-devel-ppport perl-devel-selfstubber perl-digest-md5 perl-digest-sha perl-digest perl-dumpvalue perl-encode perl-encoding-warnings perl-env perl-experimental perl-exporter perl-extutils-cbuilder perl-extutils-command perl-extutils-constant perl-extutils-install perl-extutils-makemaker perl-extutils-manifest perl-extutils-parsexs perl-file-fetch perl-file-path perl-file-temp perl-filter-simple perl-filter-util-call perl-getopt-long perl-http-tiny perl-i18n-collate perl-i18n-langtags perl-if perl-io-compress perl-io-socket-ip perl-io-zlib perl-io perl-ipc-cmd perl-ipc-sysv perl-json-pp perl-lib perl-libnet perl-locale-codes perl-locale-maketext-simple perl-locale-maketext perl-math-bigint-fastcalc perl-math-bigint perl-math-bigrat perl-math-complex perl-memoize perl-mime-base64 perl-module-corelist perl-module-load-conditional perl-module-load perl-module-loaded perl-module-metadata perl-net-ping perl-params-check perl-parent perl-parse-cpan-meta perl-pathtools perl-perl-ostype perl-perlfaq perl-perlio-via-quotedprint perl-pod-checker perl-pod-escapes perl-pod-parser perl-pod-perldoc perl-pod-simple perl-pod-usage perl-podlators perl-safe perl-scalar-list-utils perl-search-dict perl-selfloader perl-socket perl-storable perl-sys-syslog perl-term-ansicolor perl-term-cap perl-term-complete perl-term-readline perl-test-harness perl-test-simple perl-test perl-text-abbrev perl-text-balanced perl-text-parsewords perl-text-tabs perl-thread-queue perl-thread-semaphore perl-threads-shared perl-threads perl-tie-file perl-tie-refhash perl-time-hires perl-time-local perl-time-piece perl-unicode-collate perl-unicode-normalize perl-version perl-xsloader html-tagset perl-uri-escape perl-libxml perl-xml-libxml-common pkgconfig postgresql-client procps sysvinit-tools python3 pycairo pygobject mailx mailx-heirloom heirloom-mailx x11-ssh-askpass sqlite3 nss-myhostname systemd-tools udev ttf-font ttf-font util-linux-ng eject zramctl libv4l webkitgtk3 libwebkit3 libwebkit xf86-input-driver xf86-video-intel-uxa xf86-video-intel-sna xkbdata font-util font-misc-ethiopic font-misc-meltho X-ABI-VIDEODRV_VERSION X-ABI-XINPUT_VERSION X-ABI-EXTENSION_VERSION x-server
+ aurconflicts=($(tr ' ' '\n' <<< ${aurconflicts[@]} | LC_COLLATE=C sort -u))
++ tr ' ' '\n'
++ sort -u
+ NothingToDo yaourt package-query
+ [[ -z yaourt package-query ]]
+ return 0
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ ReinstallChecks
+ local i depsAtmp
+ depsAtmp=(${depsAname[@]})
+ for i in '"${!depsAtmp[@]}"'
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! yaourt =~ package-query ]]
+ continue
+ for i in '"${!depsAtmp[@]}"'
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! yaourt =~ yaourt ]]
+ [[ =~ yaourt ]]
+ [[ -z # ]]
+ [[ # = \# ]]
+ continue
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ NothingToDo yaourt package-query
+ [[ -z yaourt package-query ]]
+ return 0
+ OutofdateChecks
+ local i
+ for i in '"${!depsAname[@]}"'
+ [[ null -gt 0 ]]
+ for i in '"${!depsAname[@]}"'
+ [[ null -gt 0 ]]
+ Prompt
+ local i binaryksize sumk summ cachedpkgs strname stroldver strnewver strsize action
+ local depsver repodepspkgsver strrepodlsize strrepoinsize strsumk strsumm lreposizelabel lreposize
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ for i in '"${!depsAname[@]}"'
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ break
++ grep '^VerbosePkgLists' /etc/pacman.conf
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ for i in '"${!deps[@]}"'
+ depsver='package-query-1.8-2 '
+ for i in '"${!deps[@]}"'
+ depsver='package-query-1.8-2 yaourt-1.8.1-1 '
+ printf '\n\e[1;33m%-17s\e[0m %s\n' 'Pacotes do AUR (2):' 'package-query-1.8-2 yaourt-1.8.1-1 '
Pacotes do AUR (2): package-query-1.8-2 yaourt-1.8.1-1
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n true ]]
+ action=instalação
+ Proceed y 'Proceder com instalação?'
+ local Y y N n answer
++ gettext pacman Y
+ Y=S
+ y=s
++ gettext pacman N
+ N=N
+ n=n
+ case "$1" in
+ printf '\e[1;34m%s\e[0m \e[1;39m%s\e[0m' :: 'Proceder com instalação? [S/n]'
:: Proceder com instalação? [S/n]+ read -r -n 1 answer
s+ echo
+ case $answer in
+ return 0
+ MakePkgs
+ local oldorphanpkgs neworphanpkgs orphanpkgs pkgsdepslist vcsclients vcschecked aurdevelpkgsAver aurdevelpkgsQver basepkgsupdate checkpkgsdepslist isaurdeps builtpkgs builtdepspkgs i j
+ DownloadPkgs yaourt package-query
+ local i
+ Note i '\e[1;39mObtendo pacote(s)...\e[0m'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e '\e[1;34m::\e[0m \e[1;39mObtendo pacote(s)...\e[0m'
:: Obtendo pacote(s)...
+ GetPkgbase yaourt package-query
+ local i
++ DownloadJson yaourt package-query
++ local urlencodedpkgs urlargs
++ urlencodedpkgs=($(sed 's/+/%2b/g;s/@/%40/g' <<< $@))
+++ sed 's/+/%2b/g;s/@/%40/g'
+++ printf '&arg[]=%s' yaourt package-query
++ urlargs='&arg[]=yaourt&arg[]=package-query'
++ [[ 33 -lt 8125 ]]
++ curl -sfg --compressed -C 0 '[]=yaourt&arg[]=package-query'
+ json='{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":2,"results":[{"ID":286497,"Name":"package-query","PackageBaseID":35915,"PackageBase":"package-query","Version":"1.8-2","Description":"Query ALPM and AUR","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/package-query\/","NumVotes":1106,"Popularity":25.565918,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1269472680,"LastModified":1458558221,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/package-query.tar.gz","Depends":["pacman>=5.0","yajl>=2.0"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]},{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}'
+ for i in '"$@"'
+ pkgsbase+=($(GetJson "varvar" "$json" "PackageBase" "$i"))
++ GetJson varvar '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":2,"results":[{"ID":286497,"Name":"package-query","PackageBaseID":35915,"PackageBase":"package-query","Version":"1.8-2","Description":"Query ALPM and AUR","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/package-query\/","NumVotes":1106,"Popularity":25.565918,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1269472680,"LastModified":1458558221,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/package-query.tar.gz","Depends":["pacman>=5.0","yajl>=2.0"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]},{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' PackageBase yaourt
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/"Name":"yaourt"/,/}/!d'
++ tr -d '"'
++ grep -Po 'PackageBase:.*'
++ sed -r s/PackageBase:/PackageBase#/g
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
+ for i in '"$@"'
+ pkgsbase+=($(GetJson "varvar" "$json" "PackageBase" "$i"))
++ GetJson varvar '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":2,"results":[{"ID":286497,"Name":"package-query","PackageBaseID":35915,"PackageBase":"package-query","Version":"1.8-2","Description":"Query ALPM and AUR","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/package-query\/","NumVotes":1106,"Popularity":25.565918,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1269472680,"LastModified":1458558221,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/package-query.tar.gz","Depends":["pacman>=5.0","yajl>=2.0"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]},{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' PackageBase package-query
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/"Name":"package-query"/,/}/!d'
++ sed -r s/PackageBase:/PackageBase#/g
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
++ grep -Po 'PackageBase:.*'
++ tr -d '"'
+ for i in '"${pkgsbase[@]}"'
+ [[ =~ yaourt ]]
+ basepkgs+=($i)
+ for i in '"${pkgsbase[@]}"'
+ [[ yaourt =~ package-query ]]
+ basepkgs+=($i)
+ for i in '${basepkgs[@]}'
+ cd /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur
+ [[ ! -d yaourt ]]
+ cd /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/yaourt
+ [[ -e .git/FETCH_HEAD ]]
+ [[ diff = diff ]]
+ cp -pf .git/FETCH_HEAD .git/FETCH_HEAD.prev
+ git reset --hard HEAD -q
+ git pull -q
+ for i in '${basepkgs[@]}'
+ cd /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur
+ [[ ! -d package-query ]]
+ cd /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query
+ [[ -e .git/FETCH_HEAD ]]
+ [[ diff = diff ]]
+ cp -pf .git/FETCH_HEAD .git/FETCH_HEAD.prev
+ git reset --hard HEAD -q
+ git pull -q
+ EditPkgs yaourt package-query
+ local viewed timestamp i j
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ unset viewed
+ for i in '"$@"'
+ [[ =~ yaourt ]]
+ cd /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/yaourt
+ unset timestamp
+ GetInstallScripts yaourt
+ local installscriptspath
+ [[ ! -d /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/yaourt ]]
+ unset installscriptspath installscripts
+ installscriptspath=($(find "$clonedir/$1/" -maxdepth 1 -name "*.install"))
++ find /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/yaourt/ -maxdepth 1 -name '*.install'
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! diff = none ]]
+ [[ -e .git/FETCH_HEAD.prev ]]
+ [[ diff = diff ]]
++ stat -c %Y /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/yaourt/.git/FETCH_HEAD.prev
+ timestamp=1460251004
++ git show --since 1460251004
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ Note w '\e[1;39myaourt\e[0m build files are up-to-date -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e '\e[1;33m::\e[0m \e[1;39myaourt\e[0m build files are up-to-date -- skipping'
:: yaourt build files are up-to-date -- skipping
+ for i in '"$@"'
+ [[ =~ package-query ]]
+ cd /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query
+ unset timestamp
+ GetInstallScripts package-query
+ local installscriptspath
+ [[ ! -d /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query ]]
+ unset installscriptspath installscripts
+ installscriptspath=($(find "$clonedir/$1/" -maxdepth 1 -name "*.install"))
++ find /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/ -maxdepth 1 -name '*.install'
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! diff = none ]]
+ [[ -e .git/FETCH_HEAD.prev ]]
+ [[ diff = diff ]]
++ stat -c %Y /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/.git/FETCH_HEAD.prev
+ timestamp=1460251005
++ git show --since 1460251005
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ Note w '\e[1;39mpackage-query\e[0m build files are up-to-date -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e '\e[1;33m::\e[0m \e[1;39mpackage-query\e[0m build files are up-to-date -- skipping'
:: package-query build files are up-to-date -- skipping
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ diff = diff ]]
+ [[ '' = true ]]
+ oldorphanpkgs=($($pacmanbin -Qdtq))
++ pacman -Qdtq
+ sudo pacman -V
[sudo] senha para dapolinario:
+ for i in '"${!pkgsbase[@]}"'
+ for j in '"${!deps[@]}"'
+ [[ true = true ]]
+ [[ yaourt = \y\a\o\u\r\t ]]
+ SudoV
+ [[ ! =~ yaourt ]]
+ touch /tmp/pacaurtmp-dapolinario/sudov.lck
+ pkgsdeps+=(${deps[$j]})
+ for j in '"${!deps[@]}"'
+ [[ yaourt = \p\a\c\k\a\g\e\-\q\u\e\r\y ]]
+ pkgsdeps+=("#")
+ for i in '"${!pkgsbase[@]}"'
+ for j in '"${!deps[@]}"'
+ [[ package-query = \y\a\o\u\r\t ]]
+ for j in '"${!deps[@]}"'
+ [[ package-query = \p\a\c\k\a\g\e\-\q\u\e\r\y ]]
+ [[ ! yaourt # =~ package-query ]]
+ pkgsdeps+=(${deps[$j]})
+ pkgsdeps+=("#")
+ pkgsdeps=($(sed 's/ # /\n/g' <<< ${pkgsdeps[@]} | tr -d '#' | sed '/^ $/d' | tr ' ' ',' | sed 's/^,//g;s/,$//g'))
++ sed 's/ # /\n/g'
+ [[ -e /tmp/pacaurtmp-dapolinario/sudov.lck ]]
+ sudo pacman -V
++ tr -d '#'
++ sed '/^ $/d'
++ sed 's/^,//g;s/,$//g'
++ tr ' ' ,
+ basepkgs=($(awk '{for (i=NF;i>=1;i--) print $i}' <<< ${basepkgs[@]} | awk -F "\n" '{print}'))
++ awk '{for (i=NF;i>=1;i--) print $i}'
++ awk -F '\n' '{print}'
+ pkgsdeps=($(awk '{for (i=NF;i>=1;i--) print $i}' <<< ${pkgsdeps[@]} | awk -F "\n" '{print}'))
++ awk '{for (i=NF;i>=1;i--) print $i}'
++ awk -F '\n' '{print}'
+ sleep 2
+ for i in '"${!basepkgs[@]}"'
+ pkgsdepslist=($(awk -F "," '{for (k=1;k<=NF;k++) print $k}' <<< ${pkgsdeps[$i]}))
++ awk -F , '{for (k=1;k<=NF;k++) print $k}'
++ grep -E '\-(bzr|git|hg|svn)$'
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ for j in '"${pkgsdepslist[@]}"'
++ GetJson varvar '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":2,"results":[{"ID":286497,"Name":"package-query","PackageBaseID":35915,"PackageBase":"package-query","Version":"1.8-2","Description":"Query ALPM and AUR","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/package-query\/","NumVotes":1106,"Popularity":25.565918,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1269472680,"LastModified":1458558221,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/package-query.tar.gz","Depends":["pacman>=5.0","yajl>=2.0"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]},{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Version package-query
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -r s/Version:/Version#/g
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
++ json_reformat
++ sed -e '/"Name":"package-query"/,/}/!d'
++ tr -d '"'
++ grep -Po 'Version:.*'
+ depsAver=1.8-2
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ unset vcsclients
+ vcsclients=($(grep -E "makedepends = (bzr|git|mercurial|subversion)$" "$clonedir/${basepkgs[$i]}/.SRCINFO" | awk -F " " '{print $NF}'))
++ grep -E 'makedepends = (bzr|git|mercurial|subversion)$' /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/.SRCINFO
++ awk -F ' ' '{print $NF}'
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ cd /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query
+ Note i 'Checking \e[1;39mpackage-query\e[0m integrity...'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e '\e[1;34m::\e[0m Checking \e[1;39mpackage-query\e[0m integrity...'
:: Checking package-query integrity...
+ [[ false = true ]]
+ makepkg -f --verifysource
==> Criando o pacote: package-query 1.8-2 (Dom Abr 10 09:12:57 BRT 2016)
==> Obtendo fontes...
-> Encontrado package-query-1.8.tar.gz
==> Validando source arquivos com sha256sums...
package-query-1.8.tar.gz ... Passou
+ (( 0 > 0 ))
+ makepkg -od --noprepare --skipinteg
+ for i in '"${!basepkgs[@]}"'
+ pkgsdepslist=($(awk -F "," '{for (k=1;k<=NF;k++) print $k}' <<< ${pkgsdeps[$i]}))
++ awk -F , '{for (k=1;k<=NF;k++) print $k}'
++ grep -E '\-(bzr|git|hg|svn)$'
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ for j in '"${pkgsdepslist[@]}"'
++ GetJson varvar '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":2,"results":[{"ID":286497,"Name":"package-query","PackageBaseID":35915,"PackageBase":"package-query","Version":"1.8-2","Description":"Query ALPM and AUR","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/package-query\/","NumVotes":1106,"Popularity":25.565918,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1269472680,"LastModified":1458558221,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/package-query.tar.gz","Depends":["pacman>=5.0","yajl>=2.0"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]},{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Version yaourt
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/"Name":"yaourt"/,/}/!d'
++ tr -d '"'
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
++ sed -r s/Version:/Version#/g
++ grep -Po 'Version:.*'
+ depsAver=1.8.1-1
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ unset vcsclients
+ vcsclients=($(grep -E "makedepends = (bzr|git|mercurial|subversion)$" "$clonedir/${basepkgs[$i]}/.SRCINFO" | awk -F " " '{print $NF}'))
++ grep -E 'makedepends = (bzr|git|mercurial|subversion)$' /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/yaourt/.SRCINFO
++ awk -F ' ' '{print $NF}'
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ cd /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/yaourt
+ Note i 'Checking \e[1;39myaourt\e[0m integrity...'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e '\e[1;34m::\e[0m Checking \e[1;39myaourt\e[0m integrity...'
:: Checking yaourt integrity...
+ [[ false = true ]]
+ makepkg -f --verifysource
==> Criando o pacote: yaourt 1.8.1-1 (Dom Abr 10 09:12:58 BRT 2016)
==> Obtendo fontes...
-> Encontrado yaourt-1.8.1.tar.xz
==> Validando source arquivos com sha256sums...
yaourt-1.8.1.tar.xz ... Passou
+ (( 0 > 0 ))
+ makepkg -od --noprepare --skipinteg
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -e /tmp/pacaurtmp-dapolinario/build.lck ]]
+ touch /tmp/pacaurtmp-dapolinario/build.lck
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ for i in '"${!basepkgs[@]}"'
+ pkgsdepslist=($(awk -F "," '{for (k=1;k<=NF;k++) print $k}' <<< ${pkgsdeps[$i]}))
++ awk -F , '{for (k=1;k<=NF;k++) print $k}'
+ cd /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query
+ unset aurdevelpkgsAver
++ grep -E '\-(bzr|git|hg|svn)$'
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ for j in '"${pkgsdepslist[@]}"'
+ [[ -n '' ]]
++ GetJson varvar '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":2,"results":[{"ID":286497,"Name":"package-query","PackageBaseID":35915,"PackageBase":"package-query","Version":"1.8-2","Description":"Query ALPM and AUR","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/package-query\/","NumVotes":1106,"Popularity":25.565918,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1269472680,"LastModified":1458558221,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/package-query.tar.gz","Depends":["pacman>=5.0","yajl>=2.0"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]},{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Version package-query
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/"Name":"package-query"/,/}/!d'
++ tr -d '"'
++ grep -Po 'Version:.*'
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
++ sed -r s/Version:/Version#/g
+ depsAver=1.8-2
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ package-query = \# ]]
+ Note i 'Construindo o(s) pacote(s) \e[1;39mpackage-query\e[0m...'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e '\e[1;34m::\e[0m Construindo o(s) pacote(s) \e[1;39mpackage-query\e[0m...'
:: Construindo o(s) pacote(s) package-query...
+ makeopts=(${makeopts[@]/-r/})
+ [[ ! -n true ]]
+ [[ false = true ]]
+ makepkg -sfc --noconfirm
+ [[ -e /tmp/pacaurtmp-dapolinario/sudov.lck ]]
+ sudo pacman -V
+ sleep 2
==> Criando o pacote: package-query 1.8-2 (Dom Abr 10 09:12:59 BRT 2016)
==> Verificando as dependências de tempo de execução...
==> Verificando as dependências de tempo de compilação...
==> Obtendo fontes...
-> Encontrado package-query-1.8.tar.gz
==> Validando source arquivos com sha256sums...
package-query-1.8.tar.gz ... Passou
==> Extraindo fontes...
-> Extraindo package-query-1.8.tar.gz com bsdtar
==> Iniciando build()...
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking for style of include used by make... GNU
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking how to print strings... printf
checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
checking for fgrep... /usr/bin/grep -F
checking for ld used by gcc... /usr/bin/ld
checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes
checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... /usr/bin/nm -B
checking the name lister (/usr/bin/nm -B) interface... BSD nm
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 1572864
checking how to convert x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu file names to x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu format... func_convert_file_noop
checking how to convert x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu file names to toolchain format... func_convert_file_noop
checking for /usr/bin/ld option to reload object files... -r
checking for objdump... objdump
checking how to recognize dependent libraries... pass_all
checking for dlltool... no
checking how to associate runtime and link libraries... printf %s\n
checking for ar... ar
checking for archiver @FILE support... @
checking for strip... strip
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking command to parse /usr/bin/nm -B output from gcc object... ok
checking for sysroot... no
checking for a working dd... /usr/bin/dd
checking how to truncate binary pipes... /usr/bin/dd bs=4096 count=1
checking for mt... no
checking if : is a manifest tool... no
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking for dlfcn.h... yes
checking for objdir... .libs
checking if gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no
checking for gcc option to produce PIC... -fPIC -DPIC
checking if gcc PIC flag -fPIC -DPIC works... yes
checking if gcc static flag -static works... yes
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes
checking whether the gcc linker (/usr/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64) supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... no
checking dynamic linker characteristics... GNU/Linux
checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes
checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build static libraries... yes
checking ctype.h usability... yes
checking ctype.h presence... yes
checking for ctype.h... yes
checking getopt.h usability... yes
checking getopt.h presence... yes
checking for getopt.h... yes
checking glob.h usability... yes
checking glob.h presence... yes
checking for glob.h... yes
checking libintl.h usability... yes
checking libintl.h presence... yes
checking for libintl.h... yes
checking limits.h usability... yes
checking limits.h presence... yes
checking for limits.h... yes
checking locale.h usability... yes
checking locale.h presence... yes
checking for locale.h... yes
checking regex.h usability... yes
checking regex.h presence... yes
checking for regex.h... yes
checking signal.h usability... yes
checking signal.h presence... yes
checking for signal.h... yes
checking sys/ioctl.h usability... yes
checking sys/ioctl.h presence... yes
checking for sys/ioctl.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... (cached) yes
checking sys/utsname.h usability... + [[ -e /tmp/pacaurtmp-dapolinario/sudov.lck ]]
+ sudo pacman -V
+ sleep 2
checking sys/utsname.h presence... yes
checking for sys/utsname.h... yes
checking for alpm_version in -lalpm... yes
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
checking for alpm... yes
checking for yajl_free in -lyajl... yes
checking for gawk... (cached) gawk
checking for curl-config... /usr/bin/curl-config
checking for the version of libcurl... 7.48.0
checking for libcurl >= version 7.19.4... yes
checking whether libcurl is usable... yes
checking for curl_free... yes
checking whether NLS is requested... yes
checking for msgfmt... /usr/bin/msgfmt
checking for gmsgfmt... /usr/bin/msgfmt
checking for xgettext... /usr/bin/xgettext
checking for msgmerge... /usr/bin/msgmerge
checking for ld used by gcc... /usr/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64
checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64) is GNU ld... yes
checking for shared library run path origin... done
checking for CFPreferencesCopyAppValue... no
checking for CFLocaleCopyCurrent... no
checking for GNU gettext in libc... yes
checking whether to use NLS... yes
checking where the gettext function comes from... libc
checking for git... git
checking for .git/... no
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating src/Makefile
config.status: creating doc/Makefile
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating config.h
config.status: executing depfiles commands
config.status: executing libtool commands
config.status: executing po-directories commands
Build information:
source code location : .
prefix : /usr
sysconfdir : /etc
conf file : /etc/pacman.conf
localstatedir : /var
database dir : /var/lib/pacman/
compiler : gcc
compiler flags : -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong
package-query version : 1.8
using git version : no
git ver :
Variable information:
root working directory : /
aur base url :
make all-recursive
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/src/package-query-1.8'
Making all in src
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/src/package-query-1.8/src'
gcc -DLOCALEDIR=\"/usr/share/locale\" -DCONFFILE=\"/etc/pacman.conf\" -DROOTDIR=\"/\" -DDBPATH=\"/var/lib/pacman/\" -DAUR_BASE_URL=\"\" -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -D_GNU_SOURCE -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -MT aur.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/aur.Tpo -c -o aur.o aur.c
mv -f .deps/aur.Tpo .deps/aur.Po
gcc -DLOCALEDIR=\"/usr/share/locale\" -DCONFFILE=\"/etc/pacman.conf\" -DROOTDIR=\"/\" -DDBPATH=\"/var/lib/pacman/\" -DAUR_BASE_URL=\"\" -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -D_GNU_SOURCE -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -MT alpm-query.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/alpm-query.Tpo -c -o alpm-query.o alpm-query.c
mv -f .deps/alpm-query.Tpo .deps/alpm-query.Po
gcc -DLOCALEDIR=\"/usr/share/locale\" -DCONFFILE=\"/etc/pacman.conf\" -DROOTDIR=\"/\" -DDBPATH=\"/var/lib/pacman/\" -DAUR_BASE_URL=\"\" -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -D_GNU_SOURCE -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -MT util.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/util.Tpo -c -o util.o util.c
mv -f .deps/util.Tpo .deps/util.Po
gcc -DLOCALEDIR=\"/usr/share/locale\" -DCONFFILE=\"/etc/pacman.conf\" -DROOTDIR=\"/\" -DDBPATH=\"/var/lib/pacman/\" -DAUR_BASE_URL=\"\" -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -D_GNU_SOURCE -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -MT color.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/color.Tpo -c -o color.o color.c
mv -f .deps/color.Tpo .deps/color.Po
gcc -DLOCALEDIR=\"/usr/share/locale\" -DCONFFILE=\"/etc/pacman.conf\" -DROOTDIR=\"/\" -DDBPATH=\"/var/lib/pacman/\" -DAUR_BASE_URL=\"\" -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -D_GNU_SOURCE -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -MT package-query.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/package-query.Tpo -c -o package-query.o package-query.c
+ [[ -e /tmp/pacaurtmp-dapolinario/sudov.lck ]]
+ sudo pacman -V
+ sleep 2
mv -f .deps/package-query.Tpo .deps/package-query.Po
/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=link gcc -D_GNU_SOURCE -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -lcurl -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro -o package-query aur.o alpm-query.o util.o color.o package-query.o -lyajl -lalpm
libtool: link: gcc -D_GNU_SOURCE -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z -Wl,relro -o package-query aur.o alpm-query.o util.o color.o package-query.o -lcurl -lyajl -lalpm
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/src/package-query-1.8/src'
Making all in doc
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/src/package-query-1.8/doc'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/src/package-query-1.8/doc'
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/src/package-query-1.8'
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/src/package-query-1.8'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/src/package-query-1.8'
==> Entrando no ambiente fakeroot...
==> Iniciando package()...
Making install in src
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/src/package-query-1.8/src'
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/src/package-query-1.8/src'
/usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/pkg/package-query/usr/bin'
/bin/sh ../libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c package-query '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/pkg/package-query/usr/bin'
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c package-query /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/pkg/package-query/usr/bin/package-query
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/src/package-query-1.8/src'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/src/package-query-1.8/src'
Making install in doc
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/src/package-query-1.8/doc'
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/src/package-query-1.8/doc'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'.
/usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/pkg/package-query/usr/share/man/man8'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 package-query.8 '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/pkg/package-query/usr/share/man/man8'
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/src/package-query-1.8/doc'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/src/package-query-1.8/doc'
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/src/package-query-1.8'
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/src/package-query-1.8'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'.
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/src/package-query-1.8'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/src/package-query-1.8'
==> Organizando a instalação...
-> Removendo arquivos libtool...
-> Expurgando arquivos indesejados...
-> Removendo arquivos de biblioteca estática...
-> Removendo símbolos desnecessários dos executáveis e bibliotecas...
-> Comprimindo páginas de man e info...
==> Verificando por problemas de empacotamento...
==> Criando pacote "package-query"...
-> Gerando arquivo .PKGINFO...
-> Gerando arquivo .BUILDINFO...
-> Gerando arquivo .MTREE ...
-> Compactando pacote...
==> Saindo do ambiente de fakeroot.
==> Compilação concluída: package-query 1.8-2 (Dom Abr 10 09:13:04 BRT 2016)
==> Limpando...
+ (( 0 > 0 ))
+ unset builtpkgs builtdepspkgs
+ for j in '"${pkgsdepslist[@]}"'
+ [[ -n '' ]]
++ GetJson varvar '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":2,"results":[{"ID":286497,"Name":"package-query","PackageBaseID":35915,"PackageBase":"package-query","Version":"1.8-2","Description":"Query ALPM and AUR","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/package-query\/","NumVotes":1106,"Popularity":25.565918,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1269472680,"LastModified":1458558221,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/package-query.tar.gz","Depends":["pacman>=5.0","yajl>=2.0"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]},{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Version package-query
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ sed -e '/"Name":"package-query"/,/}/!d'
++ grep -Po 'Version:.*'
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
++ sed -r s/Version:/Version#/g
++ tr -d '"'
+ depsAver=1.8-2
+ GetBuiltPkg package-query-1.8-2 /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query
+ local pkgext
+ unset builtpkg
+ for pkgext in '$PKGEXT' .pkg.tar.xz .pkg.tar .pkg.tar.gz .pkg.tar.bz2 .pkg.tar.lzo .pkg.tar.lrz .pkg.tar.Z
+ builtpkg=/home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/package-query-1.8-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
+ [[ ! -f /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/package-query-1.8-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz ]]
+ [[ -f /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/package-query-1.8-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz ]]
+ break
+ [[ ! -f /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/package-query-1.8-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz ]]
+ [[ package-query =~ package-query ]]
+ builtdepspkgs+=($builtpkg)
+ [[ -n true ]]
+ Note i 'Installing \e[1;39mpackage-query\e[0m package(s)...'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e '\e[1;34m::\e[0m Installing \e[1;39mpackage-query\e[0m package(s)...'
:: Installing package-query package(s)...
+ [[ -z /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/package-query-1.8-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz ]]
+ [[ -n /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/package-query-1.8-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz ]]
+ sudo pacman -U /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/package-query-1.8-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz --ask 36 --noconfirm
carregando pacotes...
resolvendo dependências...
procurando por pacotes conflitantes...
Pacotes (1) package-query-1.8-2
Tamanho total instalado: 0,09 MiB
:: Continuar a instalação? [S/n]
(1/1) verificando chaves no chaveiro [######################] 100%
(1/1) verificando integridade do pacote [######################] 100%
(1/1) carregando arquivos do pacote [######################] 100%
(1/1) verificando conflitos de arquivo [######################] 100%
(1/1) verificando espaço em disco disponível [######################] 100%
:: Processando alterações do pacote...
(1/1) instalando package-query [######################] 100%
+ [[ -n true ]]
+ for j in '"${pkgsdepslist[@]}"'
+ [[ ! yaourt =~ package-query ]]
+ sudo pacman -D package-query --asdeps
+ [[ =~ --asdeps ]]
+ [[ =~ --asexplicit ]]
+ for i in '"${!basepkgs[@]}"'
+ pkgsdepslist=($(awk -F "," '{for (k=1;k<=NF;k++) print $k}' <<< ${pkgsdeps[$i]}))
++ awk -F , '{for (k=1;k<=NF;k++) print $k}'
+ cd /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/yaourt
+ unset aurdevelpkgsAver
++ grep -E '\-(bzr|git|hg|svn)$'
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ for j in '"${pkgsdepslist[@]}"'
+ [[ -n '' ]]
++ GetJson varvar '{"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":2,"results":[{"ID":286497,"Name":"package-query","PackageBaseID":35915,"PackageBase":"package-query","Version":"1.8-2","Description":"Query ALPM and AUR","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/package-query\/","NumVotes":1106,"Popularity":25.565918,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1269472680,"LastModified":1458558221,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/package-query.tar.gz","Depends":["pacman>=5.0","yajl>=2.0"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]},{"ID":282175,"Name":"yaourt","PackageBaseID":5863,"PackageBase":"yaourt","Version":"1.8.1-1","Description":"A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support","URL":"https:\/\/\/archlinuxfr\/yaourt","NumVotes":2859,"Popularity":49.76868,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"archlinuxfr","FirstSubmitted":1152045478,"LastModified":1457263531,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/yaourt.tar.gz","Depends":["diffutils","pacman>=5.0","package-query>=1.8","gettext"],"OptDepends":["aurvote: vote for favorite packages from AUR","customizepkg: automatically modify PKGBUILD during install\/upgrade","rsync: retrieve PKGBUILD from official repositories"],"License":["GPL"],"Keywords":[]}]}' Version yaourt
++ json_verify -q
++ case "$1" in
++ json_reformat
++ tr -d ', '
++ awk -F '#' '{print $2}'
++ sed -e '/"Name":"yaourt"/,/}/!d'
++ sed -r s/Version:/Version#/g
++ grep -Po 'Version:.*'
++ tr -d '"'
+ depsAver=1.8.1-1
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/package-query-1.8-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz ]]
+ [[ package-query =~ yaourt ]]
+ [[ -n true ]]
+ Note i 'Instalando o pacote em cache de \e[1;39myaourt\e[0m...'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e '\e[1;34m::\e[0m Instalando o pacote em cache de \e[1;39myaourt\e[0m...'
:: Instalando o pacote em cache de yaourt...
+ sudo pacman -U /home/dapolinario/.cache/pacaur/package-query/package-query-1.8-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz --ask 36 --noconfirm
carregando pacotes...
atenção: package-query-1.8-2 está atualizado -- reinstalando
resolvendo dependências...
procurando por pacotes conflitantes...
Pacotes (1) package-query-1.8-2
Tamanho total instalado: 0,09 MiB
Alteração no tamanho: 0,00 MiB
:: Continuar a instalação? [S/n]
(1/1) verificando chaves no chaveiro [######################] 100%
(1/1) verificando integridade do pacote [######################] 100%
(1/1) carregando arquivos do pacote [######################] 100%
(1/1) verificando conflitos de arquivo [######################] 100%
(1/1) verificando espaço em disco disponível [######################] 100%
:: Processando alterações do pacote...
(1/1) reinstalando package-query [######################] 100%
+ [[ ! yaourt =~ yaourt ]]
+ pkgsdeps=($(tr ' ' '\n' <<< ${pkgsdeps[@]} | sed "s/^$j,//g;s/,$j$//g;s/,$j,/,/g;s/^$j$/#/g"))
++ tr ' ' '\n'
++ sed 's/^yaourt,//g;s/,yaourt$//g;s/,yaourt,/,/g;s/^yaourt$/#/g'
+ continue
+ [[ # = \# ]]
+ continue
+ [[ ! -n true ]]
+ [[ -e /tmp/pacaurtmp-dapolinario/sudov.lck ]]
+ rm /tmp/pacaurtmp-dapolinario/sudov.lck
+ rm /tmp/pacaurtmp-dapolinario/build.lck
+ orphanpkgs=($($pacmanbin -Qdtq))
++ pacman -Qdtq
+ neworphanpkgs=($(grep -xvf <(printf '%s\n' "${oldorphanpkgs[@]}") <(printf '%s\n' "${orphanpkgs[@]}")))
++ grep -xvf /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62
+++ printf '%s\n'
+++ printf '%s\n' package-query
+ for i in '"${neworphanpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w '\e[1;39mpackage-query\e[0m é um \e[1;33mnovo pacote órfão\e[0m'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e '\e[1;33m::\e[0m \e[1;39mpackage-query\e[0m é um \e[1;33mnovo pacote órfão\e[0m'
:: package-query é um novo pacote órfão
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ exit
# dapolinario @ xps in ~ [9:13:04]
$ + [[ -e /tmp/pacaurtmp-dapolinario/sudov.lck ]]
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