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Created October 6, 2023 14:55
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eBTC Specification


List of properties of the eBTC protocol, following the categorization by Certora:

  • Valid States
  • State Transitions
  • Variable Transitions
  • High-Level Properties
  • Unit Tests

Active Pool

Property Description Category Tested
AP-01 The collateral balance in the active pool is greater than or equal to its accounting number High Level
AP-02 The collateral balance of the ActivePool is positive if there is at least one CDP open High Level
AP-03 The eBTC debt accounting number in active pool equal to the EBTC total supply High Level
AP-04 The total collateral in active pool should be equal to the sum of all individual CDP collateral High Level
AP-05 The sum of debt accounting in active pool should be equal to sum of debt accounting of individual CDPs High Level

CDP Manager

Property Description Category Tested
CDPM-01 The count of active CDPs is equal to the SortedCdp list length High Level
CDPM-02 The sum of active CDPs stake is equal to totalStakes High Level
CDPM-03 The systemStEthFeePerUnitIndex tracker for individual CDP is equal to or less than the global variable High Level
CDPM-04 The total system Assets - Liabilities does not decrease constant during redemptions Unit Tests
CDPM-05 Redemptions do not increase the total system debt Unit Tests

Borrower Operations

Property Description Category Tested
BO-01 Users can only open CDPs with healthy ICR Unit Tests
BO-02 Users must repay all debt to close a CDP State Transitions
BO-03 Adding collateral improves the Nominal ICR of a CDP if there is no rebase Unit Tests
BO-04 Removing collateral does not increase the Nominal ICR Unit Tests
BO-05 If an existing CDP's adjustment reduces its ICR in Recovery Mode, the transaction is only executed if the resulting TCR is above 125% State Transitions TODO: May change to TCR + Buffer. KEY invariant
BO-05 When a borrower closes their active CDP, the gas compensation is refunded to the user: the amount of shares sent by the user is transferred back from the GasPool to the user Unit Tests
BO-06 Each time I change my ICR, the TCR changes by an impact that is equal to the relative weight of collateral and debt from my position State Transitions
BO-07 eBTC tokens are burned upon repayment of a CDP's debt State Transitions
BO-08 TCR must increase after a repayment Variable Transitions

Collateral Surplus Pool

Property Description Category Tested
CSP-01 The collateral balance in the collSurplus pool is greater than or equal to its accounting number High Level

Sorted List

Property Description Category Tested
SL-01 The NICR ranking in the sorted list should follow descending order High Level ✅️
SL-02 The the first(highest) ICR in the sorted list should be greater or equal to TCR High Level ✅️
SL-03 All CDPs have status active and stake greater than zero High Level
SL-04 Nodes need only be re-inserted to the sorted list upon a CDP operation - when the owner adds or removes collateral or debt to their position. Only if the Debt and Coll ratio changes as well, if the ratio remains the same, a call to re-insert may happen, but the resulting order should be the same (e.g. add more coll and debt at same CR) Variable Transitions
SL-05 The CDPs should be sorted in descending order of new ICR (accrued) Variable Transitions


Property Description Category Tested
GENERAL-01 After any user operation, the system should not enter in Recovery Mode High Level
GENERAL-02 The dollar value of the locked stETH exceeds the dollar value of the issued eBTC if TCR is greater than 100% High-Level
GENERAL-03 CdpManager and BorrowerOperations do not hold value terms of stETH and eBTC unless there are donations Valid States
GENERAL-04 stETH in the system lives in ththe ActivePool, the DefaultPool. When an operation is made, stETH is transferred in one of three ways: From a user to a Pool, From a Pool to a user, and From one Pool to another Pool. Except for Liquidations and Redemptions Variable Transitions
GENERAL-05 At all times, the total stETH shares of the system exceeds the deposits if there is no negative rebasing events High Level
GENERAL-06 At all times, the total debt is greater than the sum of all debts from all CDPs High Level
GENERAL-07 Without a price change, a rebasing event, or a redistribution, my position can never reduce in absolute value State Transitions
GENERAL-08 At all times TCR = SUM(ICR) for all CDPs High Level
GENERAL-09 After any operation, the ICR of a CDP must be above the MCR in Normal Mode, and after debt increase in Recovery Mode the ICR must be above the CCR High Level
GENERAL-10 All CDPs should maintain a minimum collateral size High Level
GENERAL-11 The TCR pre-computed (TCRNotified) is the same as the one after all calls High Level
GENERAL-12 The synchedTCR matches the TCR after accrual (as returned by CrLens) High Level
GENERAL-13 The SynchedICR of every CDP in the Linked List Matches the ICR the CDPs will have the call (as returned by CrLens) High Level


Property Description Category Tested
R-01 When a user redeems eBTC, it is exchanged for stETH, at face value (minus a redemption fee) Unit Tests
R-02 When eBTC is redeemed for stETH, the system cancels the eBTC with debt from CDPs, and the stETH is drawn from their collateral in exact amounts (totalDebt Decrease is equal to TS decrease). The debt reduction is pro-rata to all CDPs open based on their size Unit Tests
R-03 A redemption sequence of n steps will fully redeem from up to n-1 CDPs, and, and partially redeems from up to 1 CDP, which is always the last CDP in the redemption sequence. Unit Tests
R-04 Redemptions are disabled during the first 14 days of operation since deployment of the eBTC protocol Valid States
R-05 Partially redeemed CDP is re-inserted into the sorted list of CDPs, and remains active, with reduced collateral and debt. Linked List invariant is maintained. And new values correspond with tokens burned and transferred. Unit Tests
R-06 If the redemption causes a CDP's full debt to be cancelled, the CDP is then closed: Gas Stipend from the Liquidation Reserve becomes avaiable for the borrower to reclaim along of the CDP's Collateral Surplus. The original CDP owner gets the stipend when a CDP is fully closed by redemption Unit Tests
R-07 TCR should not decrease after redemptions Unit Tests
R-08 The user eBTC balance should be used to pay the system debt Unit Tests


Property Description Category Tested
L-01 Liquidation only succeeds if ICR < 110% in normal mode, or if ICR < 125% in Recovery Mode. State Transitions
L-03 As a reward for their service, the liquidator receives a percentage of the CDP's collateral, ranging from 3% to 10%. Additionally, the liquidator also receives a "Gas Stipend" of 0.2 stETH. The liquidator will always recieve 3% minimum bonus of collateral versus debt returned. However, they only get the 0.2 stETH stipend in a full liquidation. For a partial liquidation, only the % bonus is recieved based on the debt value returned. I'll actually need to check what happens if the CDP is below 3% ICR. I'd also clarify that the stipend is not strictly 0.2 stETH. It is stored as shares within the system upon opening of the CDP and therefore will differ based on rebases, and this can be checked through cdpManager.getCdpLiquidatorRewardShares(cdpId) Unit Tests
L-04 A "Gas Stipend" of 0.2 stETH is previously deposited by the borrower as insurance against liquidation costs Unit Tests
L-05 Anyone may call the public liquidateCdps and batchLiquidateCdps functions Unit Tests
L-06 Mass liquidations functions cost 60-65k gas per CDP, thus the system can liquidate up to a maximum of 95-105 CDPs in a single transaction Unit Tests
L-07 Gas compensation per liquidated CDP is given by the formula: Full liquidation Gas compensation = max(1.03, min(ICR, 1.1)) + Gas Stipend, Partial liquidation Gas compensation = max(1.03, min(ICR, 1.1)) Unit Tests
L-08 When a CDP is liquidated, all of the collateral is transferred to the liquidator. When it's fully liquidated, the SHARES are transferred (balance may cause rounding errors). State Transitions
L-09 Undercollateralized liquidations are also incentivized with the Gas Stipend. Full liquidations of any type, always pay the stipend Unit Tests
L-10 As a Individual Leveraged to the maximum (110 CR), I can only be liquidated if: The oracle price changes in such a way that my CR goes below 110 or Other depositors bring the system CR to 125 (edge of Recovery Mode), then the Oracle Price updates to a lower value, causing every CDP below RM to be liquidatable State Transitions
L-11 A user can only be liquidated if there is a negative rebasing event or a price change that make the position go below the LT, or RM is triggered State Transitions
L-12 TCR must increase after liquidation with no redistributions High Level
L-14 If the RM grace period is set and we're in recovery mode, new actions that keep the system in recovery mode should not change the cooldown timestamp High Level
L-15 The RM grace period should set if a BO/liquidation/redistribution makes the TCR above CCR High Level
L-16 The RM grace period should reset if a BO/liquidation/redistribution makes the TCR below CCR High Level


Property Description Category Tested
F-01 All fees generated by the core system are recieved at the FeeRecipient address after being claimed. Before being claimed, they are tracked in a variable FeeRecipientColl Unit Tests


Property Description Category Tested
EBTC-01 Anyone with an Ethereum address can send or receive eBTC tokens, whether they have an open CDP or not Unit Tests
EBTC-02 Any eBTC holder (whether or not they have an active CDP) may redeem their eBTC unless TCR is below MCR High Level
EBTC-03 The eBTC token contract implements the ERC20 fungible token standard in conjunction with EIP-2612 and a mechanism that blocks (accidental) transfers to contracts and addresses like address(0) that are not supposed to receive funds through direct transfers Unit Tests


Property Description Category Tested
GOV-01 Only authorized accounts can call functions which require authorization (requiresAuth modifier) Unit Tests

Price Feed

Property Description Category Tested
PF-01 The price feed must never revert High Level
PF-02 The price feed must follow valid status transitions State Transitions
PF-03 The price feed must never deadlock State Transitions TODO: this is hard to test, as we may have false positives due to the random nature of the tests
PF-04 The price feed should never report an outdated price if chainlink is Working High Level
PF-05 The price feed should never use the fallback if chainlink is Working High Level
PF-06 The system never tries to use the fallback if it is not set High Level
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