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Last active November 12, 2022 01:35
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import { execSync } from "node:child_process";
// Usage
// ```
// node ttd.mjs "Oct 29 2022 14:00:00 GMT+0000" latest
// ```
const ttdTargetDateStr = process.argv[2];
const blockNumberReference = process.argv[3] ?? "latest";
const rpcUrl = process.argv[4] ?? "";
const secondsPerBlock = 5; // Edit in networks with missed blocks
const ttdTargetDate = new Date(ttdTargetDateStr);
if (isNaN(ttdTargetDate))
throw Error(
`Invalid date ${ttdTargetDateStr}, use format 'Oct 29 2022 12:00:00 GMT+0000'`
// number: '0x1786dd7'
// timestamp: '0x63514d94',
// totalDifficulty: '0x1786dd6ffffffffffffffffffffffffeaac82a5',
const { totalDifficulty, timestamp, number } = fetchBlock(blockNumberReference);
const secondsToTTD =
Math.round(ttdTargetDate.getTime() / 1000) - parseInt(timestamp);
const blocksToTTD = Math.round(secondsToTTD / secondsPerBlock);
const difficultyToTTD =
BigInt(blocksToTTD) * BigInt("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe");
const TTD = BigInt(totalDifficulty) + difficultyToTTD;
const TTDBlockNum = parseInt(number) + blocksToTTD;
block ${TTDBlockNum}
time ${ttdTargetDate.toISOString()}
sec/b ${secondsPerBlock}
Ref block ${parseInt(number)} from ${rpcUrl}
function fetchBlock(blockRef) {
// wrap "latest" with quotes, do not wrap numbers
const blockArg = isNaN(blockRef) ? `"${blockRef}"` : blockRef;
const txt = execSync(
`curl -s -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getBlockByNumber","params":[${blockArg}],"id":0}' ${rpcUrl}`,
{ encoding: "utf8" }
const json = JSON.parse(txt);
if (!json.result) throw Error(txt);
return json.result;
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