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Created November 27, 2022 17:12
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Print Gnosis fork bellatrix readiness, with data from
import { execSync } from "node:child_process";
const URL = "";
// From
const known_versions = {
"0x00000064": "gnosis-phase0",
"0x01000064": "gnosis-altair",
"0x02000064": "gnosis-bellatrix",
const ready_fork_key = next_fork_key("0x02000064", 385536);
// the query should be a one-liner, without newlines
const script = `query {
aggregateByHardforkSchedule {
}`.replaceAll("\n", "\\n");
// Where do version and epoch came from?
// ```
// Epoch: peer.NextForkEpoch.String(),
// Version: peer.NextForkVersion.String(),
// ```
// ```
// NextForkVersion: eth2Data.NextForkVersion,
// NextForkEpoch: Epoch(eth2Data.NextForkEpoch),
// ```
// How to understand next_fork_version field?
// - It shows the next fork version if already scheduled (declared in config) or the current version otherwise
// - For Ethereum mainnet (bellatrix already happened) 0x02000000 + FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH = capella fork not known
// - For Gnosis (bellatrix not happened) 0x02000064 + FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH = bellatrix fork known, but not scheduled yet
// - For Gnosis (current fork is altair) 0x01000064 + FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH = bellatrix fork not known to the codebase
function next_fork_key(version, epoch) {
return `${version}-${epoch}`
// {
// "data": {
// "aggregateByHardforkSchedule": [
// {"version":"0x02000000","epoch":"18446744073709551615","count":7779}
// ]
// }
// }
const resTxt = execSync(
`curl -s -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "query": "${script}"}' ${URL}`,
{ encoding: "utf8" }
const res = JSON.parse(resTxt);
let readyCount = 0;
let totalCount = 0;
for (const { version, epoch, count } of {
if (known_versions[version]) {
console.log(`count: ${count} \tnext_fork_version: ${version} \tnext_fork_epoch: ${epoch}`);
if (next_fork_key(version, epoch) === ready_fork_key) {
readyCount += count
totalCount += count
console.log(`Ready nodes ${(100*readyCount/totalCount).toFixed(1)}% ${readyCount}/${totalCount}`)
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