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Last active September 26, 2022 08:28
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  • Save darbicus/8621632 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save darbicus/8621632 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
3d icosahedron on a 2d canvas
function Point3d(a, c, b) {
this.x = (a === undefined) ? 0 : a;
this.y = (c === undefined) ? 0 : c;
this.z = (b === undefined) ? 0 : b;
this.fl = 400;
this.vpX = 0;
this.vpY = 0;
this.cX = 0;
this.cY = 0;
this.cZ = 0
Point3d.prototype = {
setVanishingPoint: function (b, a) {
this.vpX = b;
this.vpY = a
setCenter: function (c, b, a) {
this.cX = c;
this.cY = b;
this.cZ = a
rotateX: function (a) {
var d = Math.cos(a),
b = Math.sin(a),
c = this.y * d - this.z * b,
e = this.z * d + this.y * b;
this.y = c;
this.z = e;
return this
rotateY: function (a) {
var d = Math.cos(a),
c = Math.sin(a),
b = this.x * d - this.z * c,
e = this.z * d + this.x * c;
this.x = b;
this.z = e;
return this
rotateZ: function (a) {
var d = Math.cos(a),
b = Math.sin(a),
c = this.x * d - this.y * b,
e = this.y * d + this.x * b;
this.x = c;
this.y = e;
return this
getScreenX: function () {
var a = this.fl / (this.fl + this.z + this.cZ);
return this.vpX + (this.cX + this.x) * a
getScreenY: function () {
var a = this.fl / (this.fl + this.z + this.cZ);
return this.vpY + (this.cY + this.y) * a
var points = new Array();
points.push(new Point3d(0, 0, -100));
var change = Math.sqrt(5) / 2;
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
points.push(new Point3d(Math.sin(change) * Math.cos(2 * i * Math.PI / 5) * -100, Math.sin(change) * Math.sin(2 * i * Math.PI / 5) * -100, Math.cos(change) * -100))
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
points.push(new Point3d(Math.sin(change) * Math.cos(2 * i * Math.PI / 5) * 100, Math.sin(change) * Math.sin(2 * i * Math.PI / 5) * 100, Math.cos(change) * 100))
points.push(new Point3d(0, 0, 100));
function display(b) {;
context.moveTo(b[0].getScreenX(), b[0].getScreenY());
for (var a = 0; a < b.length; a++) {
context.lineTo(b[a].getScreenX(), b[a].getScreenY())
context.strokeStyle = "RGBA(0,0,0,.5)";
context.fillStyle = b.color;
var faces = new Array(6);
faces[0] = [points[0], points[1], points[2]];
faces[1] = [points[0], points[2], points[3]];
faces[2] = [points[0], points[3], points[4]];
faces[3] = [points[0], points[4], points[5]];
faces[4] = [points[0], points[5], points[1]];
faces[5] = [points[8], points[5], points[1]];
faces[6] = [points[8], points[9], points[1]];
faces[7] = [points[1], points[9], points[2]];
faces[8] = [points[10], points[9], points[2]];
faces[9] = [points[10], points[3], points[2]];
faces[10] = [points[6], points[4], points[3]];
faces[11] = [points[6], points[10], points[3]];
faces[12] = [points[7], points[6], points[4]];
faces[13] = [points[7], points[4], points[5]];
faces[14] = [points[8], points[7], points[5]];
faces[15] = [points[11], points[6], points[7]];
faces[16] = [points[11], points[7], points[8]];
faces[17] = [points[11], points[8], points[9]];
faces[18] = [points[11], points[9], points[10]];
faces[19] = [points[11], points[10], points[6]];
faces.forEach(function (d, c, b) {
d.color = "RGBA(" + ((Math.random() * 255) | 0) + "," + ((Math.random() * 255) | 0) + "," + ((Math.random() * 255) | 0) + ",.8)"
var can = document.createElement("canvas");
can.width = 500;
can.height = 500;
var context = can.getContext("2d");
var mousex = 250,
mousey = 250;
context.lineWidth = 2;
function displayer() {
context.clearRect(0, 0, can.width, can.height);
points.forEach(function (a) {
a.rotateX((mousey - a.vpY) * 0.0001).rotateY((mousex - a.vpX) * 0.0001);
a.setVanishingPoint(250, 250);
a.setCenter(a.x, a.y, 500)
faces = faces.sort(sortbyaz);
document.body.onmousemove = function (a) {
mousex = a.pageX;
mousey = a.pageY
function sortbyaz(d, c) {
var h = 0,
g = 0;
for (var f = 0; f < d.length; f++) {
h += d[f].z
for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
g += c[e].z
h /= d.length + 1;
g /= c.length + 1;
return g - h
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