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Last active September 14, 2018 23:34
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FW webcam USB light
# Use an USB light to let FW webcam see
UHCOPTS=$(uhubctl | awk '{ text=text"\n"$0; if ($0~/hub/) text=$0; if (text~/power$/) { print text; text="" } }' \
| awk -F',| |:' -v ORS=" " '{ print $5 }' | awk '{ print "-p "$2" -l "$1 }')
if [ -n "$UHCOPTS" ]; then
uhubctl -a 0 ${=UHCOPTS}
DEVNAME="iSight"; DEVGUID=$(system_profiler SPCameraDataType | awk -v dev="$DEVNAME:" -F':|x|-' '{ if ($0~dev) n=NR; if (NR==n+3 && NR!=3) print $3 }')
IOFWUCC=$(ioreg -r -n IOFireWireDevice@$DEVGUID | awk -F'"' '/IOUserClientClass/ { print $4 }')
RNUMBER=$(ioreg -r -n IOFireWireDevice@$DEVGUID | awk -F' |>' -v ucc=" $IOFWUCC " '{ if ($0~ucc) { print $17; exit } }')
while [ -n "$RNUMBER" ]; do
RNUMBER=$(ioreg -r -n IOFireWireDevice@$DEVGUID | awk -F' |>' -v ucc=" $IOFWUCC " '{ if ($0~ucc) { print $17; exit } }')
if [ $OLDRNUM -eq 5 -a $RNUMBER -eq 6 ]; then
uhubctl -a 1 ${=UHCOPTS}
if [ $OLDRNUM -eq 6 -a $RNUMBER -eq 5 ]; then
uhubctl -a 0 ${=UHCOPTS}
sleep 1
HL="$HOME/Library"; HLASCLA="$HL/Application Support/Camera Lights Action"; HLLA="$HL/LaunchAgents"
chmod a+rx; mkdir $HLASCLA; cp $HLASCLA; cp it.dardo82.CameraLightsAction.plist $HLLA
launchctl load -w "$HLLA/it.dardo82.CameraLightsAction.plist"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>/Library/Application Support/Camera Lights Action/</string>
HL="$HOME/Library"; HLASCLA="$HL/Application Support/Camera Lights Action"; HLLA="$HL/LaunchAgents"
launchctl unload "$HLLA/it.dardo82.CameraLightsAction.plist"
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mvp commented Nov 20, 2015

Hi, I'm the author of uhubctl. Nice to see you using it in some inventive ways :)
This script looks quite ugly, all just to find which port to turn on/off.
I had this idea for a while: add feature to uhubctl to be able to specify which port to control not by number, but by identity of connected USB device: vendor, device type, or device serial number.
The only issue with that approach that it will work to turn off, but not to turn on: if device is off, we could not possibly know which port to operate on, unless we remembered it beforehand.

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dardo82 commented Feb 1, 2016

It would be obviously very useful, can i help you about that?

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mvp commented Feb 23, 2016

Ok, thanks for input. I will start coding it, and will commit when ready - may take a week or two.
You can help by pushing it into homebrew: - I cannot comment on that thread, unfortunately. Thanks!

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dardo82 commented Feb 27, 2016

I can't, too... Sorry. :-/
Anyway, the ports are on by default so we can note which port is that before turning it off and then remember it to turn it on.

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