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Last active March 17, 2020 11:50
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drift Ghost X Wi-Fi interaction (copying media files, accessing live video stream)

Here's some information about interactiong with your drift Ghost X camera via Wi-Fi

So, when you turn on a Wi-Fi on the camera, it creates a hotspot and becomes avaiable at You can access the camera's terminal via telnet (using root username):


Getting media

Your videos and photos are located in /var/www/DCIM/100MEDIA.

To copy those videos and photos you can use the HTTP enpoint, served by the camera (knowing filepathes):


Accessing live stream

drift Ghost X also supports streaming live video (in bad quality, just as preview). The stream is available at tcp:// If using VLC media player, you need to add :demux=h264 parameter.

Playing live video in VLC

To get more information, you can see some Chinese documentation.

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