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:: Source
:: Batch file example from May 2023 blog post:
@echo off
:: Note - this extra call is to avoid a bug with %~f0 when the script
:: is executed with quotes around the script name.
:: %1 %2 %3 are example command-line parameters, include as desired
call :getLock %1 %2 %3
exit /b
:: Redirection
:: The Windows NT command processor interprets a single digit followed by a redirection
:: symbol as a request to redirect to the handle represented that single digit.
:: Handles 0, 1, and 2 are the standard input, standard output, and standard error, respectively.
:: In Powershell, 3,4,5,6 are used for warning,verbose,debug,info output, so we will use 9 as its currently undefined
:: Path
:: %~f0 expands to the fully qualified path of this batch file
:: Access
:: >> Opens the file in append mode and fails if already in use
call :singleuser-main %1 %2 %3 9>>"%~f0"
exit /b
:: Body of your script goes here. Only one process can ever get here at a time.
:: The lock on this batch file will be released upon return from this routine,
:: or when the script terminates for any reason
echo %*
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Well that was before I even started programming. And while my first "codding" attempts were actually with batch files I must admit that I haven't known about caret feature till today.

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