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Last active May 3, 2024 15:13
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Glaze Windows Manager Configuration
# Whether to automatically focus windows underneath the cursor.
focus_follows_cursor: false
# Whether to jump the cursor between windows focused by the WM.
cursor_follows_focus: false
# Whether to switch back and forth between the previously focused workspace
# when focusing the current workspace.
toggle_workspace_on_refocus: false
# Whether to show floating windows as always on top.
show_floating_on_top: false
# Amount to move floating windows by (eg. when using `alt+<hjkl>` on a floating window)
floating_window_move_amount: "1%"
# Whether to center new floating windows.
center_new_floating_windows: false
# *Strongly* recommended to set to 'false'. Whether to globally enable/disable
# window transition animations (on minimize, close, etc). Set to 'unchanged'
# to make no setting changes.
window_animations: "false"
# Gap between adjacent windows.
inner_gap: "8px"
# Gap between windows and the screen edge.
outer_gap: "8px"
# Highlight active/inactive windows with a colored border.
# ** Exclusive to Windows 11 due to API limitations.
enabled: true
color: "#202024"
enabled: true
color: "#202024"
# color: "#cbcbcb"
height: "31px"
position: "bottom"
opacity: 1.0
background: "#191919fb"
# background: "#191919" # No opacity
foreground: "#ffffff"
font_family: "Segoe UI"
font_size: "13px"
padding: "4px 4px"
offset_x: "0"
offset_y: "0"
border_radius: "0"
- type: "workspaces"
focused_workspace_background: "#ffffff21"
displayed_workspace_background: "#00000033"
default_workspace_background: "transparent"
padding: "0 6px 0 0"
- type: "cpu"
label: "〃 ‎ ‎ CPU: {percent_usage}%"
refresh_interval_ms: 10000
padding: "0 10px 0 0"
- type: "memory"
label: "RAM: {percent_usage}%"
refresh_interval_ms: 10000
padding: "0 10px 0 0"
- type: "volume"
label_low: "• ‎ ‎ lıl l l"
label_medium: "• ‎ ‎ lılıl l"
label_high: "• ‎ ‎ lılılıl"
label_mute: "• ‎ ‎ l l l l"
# components_center:
# - type: "window title"
# - type: "clock"
# time_formatting: "hh:mm tt"
- type: "system tray"
padding: "1px 0 0 0"
- type: "tiling direction"
label_horizontal: "⮂"
label_vertical: "⮁"
background: "#00000000"
padding: "0 4px 0 8px"
- type: "clock"
# # Documentation on formatting date/time string:
# #
time_formatting: "hh:mm tt - ddd MMM dd ‎ ‎ 〃"
# time_formatting: "ddd MMM dd, 2024 ‎ ‎ 〃" #Top
padding: "0 8px"
- type: "network"
padding: "0 12px 0 0"
label_no_internet: "NC"
label_ethernet: "☰"
label_wifi_strength0: "☷"
label_wifi_strength25: "☷"
label_wifi_strength50: "☳"
label_wifi_strength75: "☱"
label_wifi_strength100: "☰"
- type: "battery"
background: "#ffffff21"
padding: "0 8px"
label_draining: "{battery_level}%"
label_power_saver: "{battery_level} ⋅˚"
label_charging: "{battery_level} ˊ˗"
- name: "1"
keep_alive: true
- name: "2"
keep_alive: true
- name: "3"
keep_alive: true
- name: "4"
keep_alive: false
- name: "5"
keep_alive: false
- name: "6"
keep_alive: false
- name: "7"
keep_alive: false
- name: "8"
keep_alive: false
- name: "9"
keep_alive: false
# Task Manager requires admin privileges to manage and should be ignored unless running
# the WM as admin.
- command: "ignore"
match_process_name: "/Taskmgr|ScreenClippingHost/"
# Launches system dialogs as floating by default (eg. File Explorer save/open dialog).
- command: "set floating"
match_class_name: "#32770"
# Do not manage picture-in-picture windows for browsers. Note that the default is for
# English; change `match_title` to the window's title if you use another language.
- command: "ignore"
match_title: "[Pp][Pp]icture"
match_class_name: "Chrome_WidgetWin_1|MozillaDialogClass"
# Some applications (eg. Steam) have borders that extend past the normal border size.
- command: "resize borders 0px -7px -7px -7px"
match_process_name: "steam"
# Ignore flow launcher
- command: "ignore"
match_process_name: "Flow.Launcher"
# Shift focus in a given direction.
- command: "focus left"
bindings: ["Alt+Ctrl+H", "Alt+Left"]
- command: "focus right"
bindings: ["Alt+Ctrl+L", "Alt+Right"]
- command: "focus up"
bindings: ["Alt+Ctrl+K", "Alt+Up"]
- command: "focus down"
bindings: ["Alt+Ctrl+J", "Alt+Down"]
# Move focused window in a given direction.
- command: "move left"
bindings: ["Alt+Shift+H", "Alt+Shift+Left"]
- command: "move right"
bindings: ["Alt+Shift+L", "Alt+Shift+Right"]
- command: "move up"
bindings: ["Alt+Shift+K", "Alt+Shift+Up"]
- command: "move down"
bindings: ["Alt+Shift+J", "Alt+Shift+Down"]
# Resize focused window by a percentage or pixel amount.
- command: "resize width -2%"
binding: "Alt+Ctrl+U"
- command: "resize width +2%"
binding: "Alt+Ctrl+P"
- command: "resize height +2%"
binding: "Alt+Ctrl+O"
- command: "resize height -2%"
binding: "Alt+Ctrl+I"
# Change tiling direction. This determines where new tiling windows will be inserted.
- command: "tiling direction toggle"
binding: "Alt+V"
# Change focus between floating / tiling windows.
- command: "focus mode toggle"
binding: "Alt+Space"
# Change the focused window to be floating / tiling.
- command: "toggle floating"
binding: "Alt+Ctrl+Space"
# Change the focused window to be maximized / unmaximized.
- command: "toggle maximized"
binding: "Alt+X"
# Minimize focused window.
- command: "set minimized"
binding: "Alt+M"
# Close focused window.
- command: "close"
binding: "Alt+A"
# Kill GlazeWM process safely.
- command: "exit wm"
binding: "Alt+Shift+A"
# Re-evaluate configuration file.
- command: "reload config"
binding: "Alt+Shift+R"
# Focus the workspace that last had focus.
- command: "focus workspace recent"
binding: "Alt+I"
# Focus the next/previous workspace defined in `workspaces` config.
- command: "focus workspace next"
binding: "Alt+N"
- command: "focus workspace prev"
binding: "Alt+Shift+N"
# Change focus to a workspace defined in `workspaces` config.
- command: "focus workspace 1"
binding: "Alt+1"
- command: "focus workspace 2"
binding: "Alt+2"
- command: "focus workspace 3"
binding: "Alt+3"
- command: "focus workspace 4"
binding: "Alt+4"
- command: "focus workspace 5"
binding: "Alt+5"
- command: "focus workspace 6"
binding: "Alt+6"
- command: "focus workspace 7"
binding: "Alt+7"
- command: "focus workspace 8"
binding: "Alt+8"
# - command: "focus workspace 9"
# binding: "Alt+9"
# Move focused window to a workspace defined in `workspaces` config.
- commands: ["move to workspace 1", "focus workspace 1"]
binding: "Alt+Ctrl+1"
- commands: ["move to workspace 2", "focus workspace 2"]
binding: "Alt+Ctrl+2"
- commands: ["move to workspace 3", "focus workspace 3"]
binding: "Alt+Ctrl+3"
- commands: ["move to workspace 4", "focus workspace 4"]
binding: "Alt+Ctrl+4"
- commands: ["move to workspace 5", "focus workspace 5"]
binding: "Alt+Ctrl+5"
- commands: ["move to workspace 6", "focus workspace 6"]
binding: "Alt+Ctrl+6"
- commands: ["move to workspace 7", "focus workspace 7"]
binding: "Alt+Ctrl+7"
- commands: ["move to workspace 8", "focus workspace 8"]
binding: "Alt+Ctrl+8"
# - commands: ["move to workspace 9", "focus workspace 9"]
# bindings: ["Alt+Ctrl+9"]
# Move focused workspace to a monitor in a given direction.
# - command: "move workspace left"
# binding: "Alt+A"
# - command: "move workspace right"
# binding: "Alt+F"
# - command: "move workspace up"
# binding: "Alt+D"
# - command: "move workspace down"
# binding: "Alt+S"
# - command: "binding mode resize"
# binding: "Alt+Ctrl+R"
# - type: "binding mode"
# background: "#ffffff33"
# padding: "0 8px"
# binding_modes:
# - name: "resize"
# keybindings:
# # Resize focused window by a percentage or pixel amount.
# - command: "resize width -2%"
# bindings: ["H", "Left"]
# - command: "resize width +2%"
# bindings: ["L", "Right"]
# - command: "resize height +2%"
# bindings: ["K", "Up"]
# - command: "resize height -2%"
# bindings: ["J", "Down"]
# # Press enter/escape to return to default keybindings.
# - command: "binding mode none"
# bindings: ["Escape", "Enter"]
# # to start Windows Terminal and Git Bash respectively.
# - command: "exec wt"
# binding: "Alt+Enter"
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