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Last active June 4, 2020 11:40
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Call RunLoop service
package ioleo.tictactoe
import ioleo.tictactoe.domain.State
import zio.{console, App, UIO, ZIO}
object TicTacToe extends App {
val program = {
def loop(state: State): ZIO[app.RunLoop, Nothing, Unit] =
_ => UIO.unit
, nextState => loop(nextState)
def run(args: List[String]): ZIO[Environment, Nothing, Int] =
for {
env <- prepareEnvironment
out <- program.provide(env).foldM(
error => console.putStrLn(s"Execution failed with: $error") *> UIO.succeed(1)
, _ => UIO.succeed(0)
} yield out
private val prepareEnvironment =
new app.ControllerLive
with app.RunLoopLive
with cli.TerminalLive
with logic.GameLogicLive
with logic.OpponentAiLive
with mode.ConfirmModeLive
with mode.GameModeLive
with mode.MenuModeLive
with parser.ConfirmCommandParserLive
with parser.GameCommandParserLive
with parser.MenuCommandParserLive
with view.ConfirmViewLive
with view.GameViewLive
with view.MenuViewLive
with zio.console.Console.Live
with zio.random.Random.Live {}
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