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Created April 29, 2023 15:35
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Skeleton for Tor crawler (for Eamon)
import requests
import re
# This script assumes you already have Tor installed and running
# Snagged from StackOverflow, haven't tested it!
def get_tor_session():
session = requests.session()
# My Tor daemon is on port 9150
# On your computer, it's more likely 9050
session.proxies = {'http': 'socks5h://',
'https': 'socks5h://'}
return session
# We start out with the URL for, a Tor link aggregator
seed_url = "http://tortaxi2dev6xjwbaydqzla77rrnth7yn2oqzjfmiuwn5h6vsk2a4syd.onion/"
# This regular expression will help us extract Tor links to crawl
# ChatGPT actually wrote this regex for me!
onion_regex = re.compile("[a-z0-9]+.onion")
def crawl(url, found_urls=[], dead_links=[], search_term="hacking", session=None):
if session is None:
session = get_tor_session()
# Todo: use beautiful soup to extract only visible text from page...
# (including title and meta description of course)
html = session.get('http://' + url).text
return # URL is a dead link, mark it as such so we don't visit it again
# Eventually we'll replace all of these in-memory arrays with proper databases...
if search_term in html:
print('Found search term:', url)
links = [] # ...
# Make sure to remove duplicates, and don't add dupes to found_links
pass # TODO: crawl recursively
# Make sure the basics work...
session = get_tor_session()
html = session.get(seed_url).text
links = onion_regex.findall(html)
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