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Dario Devcic dariodev

  • Zagreb
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* WordPress Query Comprehensive Reference
* Compiled by luetkemj -
* Source:
$args = array(
function akv3_query_format_standard($query) {
if (isset($query->query_vars['post_format']) &&
$query->query_vars['post_format'] == 'post-format-standard') {
if (($post_formats = get_theme_support('post-formats')) &&
is_array($post_formats[0]) && count($post_formats[0])) {
$terms = array();
foreach ($post_formats[0] as $format) {
$terms[] = 'post-format-'.$format;
$(document).ready(function() {
$.waypoints.settings.scrollThrottle = 30;
$('#main').waypoint(function(event, direction){
/* Just as we have a sticky class applied when we hit the top waypoint,
we'll have a different class applied when we bottom out */
if (direction === 'down') {
else {
add_filter("the_content", "the_content_filter");
function the_content_filter($content) {
// array of custom shortcodes requiring the fix
$block = join("|",array("col","shortcode2","shortcode3"));
// opening tag
add_filter("the_content", "the_content_filter");
function the_content_filter($content) {
// array of custom shortcodes requiring the fix
$block = join("|",array("col","shortcode2","shortcode3"));
// opening tag
// create fake page called "chat-room"
// modify function and variable names with "ABCD" to whatever you like
// modify variable $fakepage_ABCD_url to the fake URL you require
function fakepage_ABCD_detect($posts){
global $wp;
global $wp_query;
global $fakepage_ABCD_detect; // used to stop double loading
add_filter( 'tgmsp_pre_load_slider', 'tgm_soliloquy_transform_to_gallery', 10, 5 );
* Circumvents the slider output and allows access to raw format.
* @param bool $bool Boolen if the filter should be run. Default is false.
* @param int $id The slider ID being filtered.
* @param array $images Array of images in the slider.
* @param array $data Array of meta for the slider.
* @param int $count The current number of the slider on page (if there is more than one on the page).
* @return bool|string False if you want to keep a slider, HTML output for something else.
add_filter( 'tgmsp_pre_load_slider', 'tgm_soliloquy_transform_to_gallery', 10, 5 );
* Circumvents the slider output and allows access to raw format.
* @param bool $bool Boolen if the filter should be run. Default is false.
* @param int $id The slider ID being filtered.
* @param array $images Array of images in the slider.
* @param array $data Array of meta for the slider.
* @param int $count The current number of the slider on page (if there is more than one on the page).
* @return bool|string False if you want to keep a slider, HTML output for something else.
upstream phpfpm {
server unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
upstream hhvm {
server unix:/var/run/hhvm/hhvm.sock;
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
* Plugin Name: WooCommerce - List Products by Tags
* Plugin URI:
* Description: List WooCommerce products by tags using a shortcode, ex: [woo_products_by_tags tags="shoes,socks"]
* Version: 1.0
* Author: Remi Corson
* Author URI:
* Requires at least: 3.5
* Tested up to: 3.5