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Save dariosalvi78/f2e990b4317199d235bbf5963c3486ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple library for ADS1256 to be used with Arduino. It does not implement the whole set of features, but can be used as a starting point for a more comprehensive library.
/* ADS1256 simple library for Arduino
ADS1256, datasheet:
connections to Atmega328 (UNO)
CLK - pin 13
DIN - pin 11 (MOSI)
DOUT - pin 12 (MISO)
CS - pin 10
DRDY - pin 9
RESET- pin 8 (or tie HIGH?)
DVDD - 3V3
#define ADS_SPISPEED 1250000
#define ADS_RST_PIN 8 //ADS1256 reset pin
#define ADS_RDY_PIN 9 //ADS1256 data ready
#define ADS_CS_PIN 10 //ADS1256 chip select
// 11, 12 and 13 are taken by the SPI
void initADS(){
digitalWrite(ADS_RST_PIN, LOW);
delay(1); // LOW at least 4 clock cycles of onboard clock. 100 microsecons is enough
digitalWrite(ADS_RST_PIN, HIGH); // now reset to deafult values
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, LOW); // select ADS
while (digitalRead(ADS_RDY_PIN)) {} // wait for ready_line to go low
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(ADS_SPISPEED, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE1));
//Reset to Power-Up Values (FEh)
byte status_reg = 0 ; // address (datasheet p. 30)
byte status_data = 0x01; //status: Most Significant Bit First, Auto-Calibration Disabled, Analog Input Buffer Disabled
//0x03; //to activate buffer
SPI.transfer(0x50 | status_reg);
SPI.transfer(0x00); // 2nd command byte, write one register only
SPI.transfer(status_data); // write the databyte to the register
//1 ±5V 000 (1)
//2 ±2.5V 001 (2)
//4 ±1.25V 010 (3)
//8 ±0.625V 011 (4)
//16 ±312.5mV 100 (5)
//32 ±156.25mV 101 (6)
//64 ±78.125mV 110 (7) OR 111 (8)
byte adcon_reg = 2; //A/D Control Register (Address 02h)
byte adcon_data = 0x20; // 0 01 00 000 => Clock Out Frequency = fCLKIN, Sensor Detect OFF, gain 1
//0x25 for setting gain to 32, 0x27 to 64
SPI.transfer(0x50 | adcon_reg);
SPI.transfer(0x00); // 2nd command byte, write one register only
SPI.transfer(adcon_data); // write the databyte to the register
//Set sampling rate
byte drate_reg = 3; // Choosing Data Rate register = third register.
byte drate_data = 0b11000000; // 11000000 = 3,750SPS
SPI.transfer(0x50 | drate_reg);
SPI.transfer(0x00); // 2nd command byte, write one register only
SPI.transfer(drate_data); // write the databyte to the register
//done with settings, can close SPI transaction now
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, HIGH); //unselect ADS
Serial.println("ADS1256 configured");
long readADS(byte channel) {
long adc_val = 0; // unsigned long is on 32 bits
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, LOW);
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(ADS_SPISPEED, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE1)); // start SPI
//The most efficient way to cycle through the inputs is to
//change the multiplexer setting (using a WREG command
//to the multiplexer register MUX) immediately after DRDY
//goes low. Then, after changing the multiplexer, restart the
//conversion process by issuing the SYNC and WAKEUP
//commands, and retrieve the data with the RDATA
while (digitalRead(ADS_RDY_PIN)) {} ;
byte data = (channel << 4) | (1 << 3); //AIN-channel and AINCOM
SPI.transfer(0x50 | 1); // write (0x50) MUX register (0x01)
SPI.transfer(0x00); // number of registers to be read/written − 1, write one register only
SPI.transfer(data); // write the databyte to the register
//SYNC command 1111 1100
//WAKEUP 0000 0000
SPI.transfer(0x01); // Read Data 0000 0001 (01h)
adc_val = SPI.transfer(0);
adc_val <<= 8; //shift to left
adc_val |= SPI.transfer(0);
adc_val <<= 8;
adc_val |= SPI.transfer(0);
//The ADS1255/6 output 24 bits of data in Binary Two’s
//Complement format. The LSB has a weight of
//2VREF/(PGA(223 − 1)). A positive full-scale input produces
//an output code of 7FFFFFh and the negative full-scale
//input produces an output code of 800000h.
if (adc_val > 0x7fffff) { //if MSB == 1
adc_val = 16777216ul - adc_val; //do 2's complement, discard sign
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, HIGH);
Serial.print("Got measurement from ADS ");
return adc_val;
long readADSDiff(byte positiveCh, byte negativeCh) {
long adc_val = 0; // unsigned long is on 32 bits
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, LOW);
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(ADS_SPISPEED, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE1));
while (digitalRead(ADS_RDY_PIN)) {} ;
byte data = (positiveCh << 4) | negativeCh; //xxxx1000 - AINp = positiveCh, AINn = negativeCh
SPI.transfer(0x50 | 1); // write (0x50) MUX register (0x01)
SPI.transfer(0x00); // number of registers to be read/written − 1, write one register only
SPI.transfer(data); // write the databyte to the register
//SYNC command 1111 1100
//WAKEUP 0000 0000
SPI.transfer(0x01); // Read Data 0000 0001 (01h)
adc_val = SPI.transfer(0);
adc_val <<= 8; //shift to left
adc_val |= SPI.transfer(0);
adc_val <<= 8;
adc_val |= SPI.transfer(0);
digitalWrite(ADS_CS_PIN, HIGH);
if (adc_val > 0x7fffff) { //if MSB == 1
adc_val = adc_val - 16777216; //do 2's complement, keep the sign this time!
Serial.print("Got diff measurement from ADS ");
return adc_val;
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LAMSTREAM commented Jul 14, 2021

It truly working!Really thank you my dear dariosalvi78.And it work very good even on my arm's Arduino.Maybe I should fork a simple library for those newbie like me to use ADS1256 in all kinds of Arduino. Pretty appreciation for you my dear! :)

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chepo92 commented Jul 14, 2021

It truly working!Really thank you my dear dariosalvi78.And it work very good even on my arm's Arduino.Maybe I should fork a simple library for those newbie like me to use ADS1256 in all kinds of Arduino. Pretty appreciation for you my dear! :)


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LAMSTREAM commented Jul 14, 2021

It truly working!Really thank you my dear dariosalvi78.And it work very good even on my arm's Arduino.Maybe I should fork a simple library for those newbie like me to use ADS1256 in all kinds of Arduino. Pretty appreciation for you my dear! :)


Thank you bro,I have watch yours library yesterday.It can work well on my Aruino Nano,and I know your code is cross optimize.But it can't work on Arduino DUE or NANO 33 IOT which based on ARM's ,cause they are 32bit.Your pins' denfine couldn't use on them.But still thank for your reply and work for ADS1256. :)

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Hello, first of all I would like to congratulate you for your work. I'm also trying to use firebeetle esp32 card on ide. I've been trying to promote ads1256 libraries for a while, but in vain. After all, when I installed the library you shared above, I was very happy to see the "ADS1256.h" line in red in the ide interface.
Unfortunately I am getting the following errors while compiling. What can I do about it? I'm so fed up. I will be glad if you help

LF-Antenna1:22:9: error: no matching function for call to 'ADS1256::ADS1256()'
ADS1256 ADS; //initialize ADS as object of the ads12xx class
In file included from C:\Users\Hp\Documents\Arduino\LF-Antenna1\LF-Antenna1.ino:1:0:
C:\Users\Hp\Desktop\arduino-1.8.19\libraries\ADS1255-ADS1256-master/ADS1256.h:128:3: note: candidate: ADS1256::ADS1256(float, float, bool)
ADS1256(float clockspdMhz, float vref, bool useresetpin);
C:\Users\Hp\Desktop\arduino-1.8.19\libraries\ADS1255-ADS1256-master/ADS1256.h:128:3: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 0 provided
C:\Users\Hp\Desktop\arduino-1.8.19\libraries\ADS1255-ADS1256-master/ADS1256.h:126:7: note: candidate: constexpr ADS1256::ADS1256(const ADS1256&)
class ADS1256 {
C:\Users\Hp\Desktop\arduino-1.8.19\libraries\ADS1255-ADS1256-master/ADS1256.h:126:7: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided
C:\Users\Hp\Desktop\arduino-1.8.19\libraries\ADS1255-ADS1256-master/ADS1256.h:126:7: note: candidate: constexpr ADS1256::ADS1256(ADS1256&&)
C:\Users\Hp\Desktop\arduino-1.8.19\libraries\ADS1255-ADS1256-master/ADS1256.h:126:7: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided
C:\Users\Hp\Documents\Arduino\LF-Antenna1\LF-Antenna1.ino: In function 'void loop()':
LF-Antenna1:103:7: error: 'class ADS1256' has no member named 'Reset'
ADS.Reset(); //Reset the AD chip. Every time you see the message on the Serial Terminal, everything is set to default!
LF-Antenna1:108:10: error: 'class ADS1256' has no member named 'SetRegisterValue'
ADS.SetRegisterValue(STATUS, B00110100); //Autocal is ON
LF-Antenna1:108:33: error: expected primary-expression before ',' token
ADS.SetRegisterValue(STATUS, B00110100); //Autocal is ON
LF-Antenna1:109:10: error: 'class ADS1256' has no member named 'SetRegisterValue'
ADS.SetRegisterValue(MUX, B00001000); //
LF-Antenna1:109:27: error: 'MUX' was not declared in this scope
ADS.SetRegisterValue(MUX, B00001000); //
LF-Antenna1:110:10: error: 'class ADS1256' has no member named 'SetRegisterValue'
ADS.SetRegisterValue(ADCON, B00000000); //
LF-Antenna1:110:27: error: 'ADCON' was not declared in this scope
ADS.SetRegisterValue(ADCON, B00000000); //
LF-Antenna1:111:10: error: 'class ADS1256' has no member named 'SetRegisterValue'
ADS.SetRegisterValue(DRATE, B11010000); //7500 SPS
LF-Antenna1:111:27: error: 'DRATE' was not declared in this scope
ADS.SetRegisterValue(DRATE, B11010000); //7500 SPS
LF-Antenna1:112:10: error: 'class ADS1256' has no member named 'SetRegisterValue'
ADS.SetRegisterValue(IO, B11101111); //
LF-Antenna1:112:27: error: 'IO' was not declared in this scope
ADS.SetRegisterValue(IO, B11101111); //
LF-Antenna1:113:10: error: 'class ADS1256' has no member named 'SendCMD'
ADS.SendCMD(SELFCAL); //run self calibration
LF-Antenna1:113:18: error: 'SELFCAL' was not declared in this scope
ADS.SendCMD(SELFCAL); //run self calibration
LF-Antenna1:120:21: error: 'class ADS1256' has no member named 'SendCMD'
ADS.SendCMD(SELFCAL); //Self calibration
LF-Antenna1:122:21: error: 'class ADS1256' has no member named 'SetRegisterValue'
ADS.SetRegisterValue(MUX, B00000001);//AIN0+AIN1 -- CH0
LF-Antenna1:125:28: error: 'class ADS1256' has no member named 'GetConversion'
LF-Antenna1:132:12: error: 'class ADS1256' has no member named 'SetRegisterValue'
ADS.SetRegisterValue(DRATE, B01100011);
LF-Antenna1:133:13: error: 'class ADS1256' has no member named 'SendCMD'
ADS.SendCMD(SELFCAL); //Self calibration
LF-Antenna1:145:13: error: 'class ADS1256' has no member named 'SetRegisterValue'
ADS.SetRegisterValue(MUX, B00000001);//AIN0+AIN1 -- CH0
LF-Antenna1:146:26: error: 'class ADS1256' has no member named 'GetConversion'
LF-Antenna1:147:20: error: 'class ADS1256' has no member named 'GetConversion'
pop[o]=ADS.GetConversion(); // saving signal value to a variable array
exit status 1
no matching function for call to 'ADS1256::ADS1256()'

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