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Created April 27, 2022 07:06
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Dynamic Time Warping in Java (DTW)
package io.github.cawfree.dtw.alg;
* A class that implements the awesome Dynamic Time Warping algorithm.
* Absolutely all credit for this implementation goes to the developers of the Gesture and Activity Recognition Toolkit, (GART).
* @
public final class DTW {
/** Defines the result for a Dynamic Time Warping operation. */
public static class Result {
/* Member Variables. */
private final int[][] mWarpingPath;
private final double mDistance;
/** Constructor. */
public Result(final int[][] pWarpingPath, final double pDistance) {
// Initialize Member Variables.
this.mWarpingPath = pWarpingPath;
this.mDistance = pDistance;
/* Getters. */
public final int[][] getWarpingPath() { return this.mWarpingPath; }
public final double getDistance() { return this.mDistance; }
/** Default constructor for a class which implements dynamic time warping. */
public DTW() { }
public DTW.Result compute(final float[] pSample, final float[] pTemplate) {
// Declare Iteration Constants.
final int lN = pSample.length;
final int lM = pTemplate.length;
// Ensure the samples are valid.
if(lN == 0 || lM == 0) {
// Assert a bad result.
return new DTW.Result(new int[][]{ /* No path data. */ }, Double.NaN);
// Define the Scalar Qualifier.
int lK = 1;
// Allocate the Warping Path. (Math.max(N, M) <= K < (N + M).
final int[][] lWarpingPath = new int[lN + lM][2];
// Declare the Local Distances.
final double[][] lL = new double[lN][lM];
// Declare the Global Distances.
final double[][] lG = new double[lN][lM];
// Declare the MinimaBuffer.
final double[] lMinimaBuffer = new double[3];
// Declare iteration variables.
int i, j;
// Iterate the Sample.
for(i = 0; i < lN; i++) {
// Fetch the Sample.
final float lSample = pSample[i];
// Iterate the Template.
for(j = 0; j < lM; j++) {
// Calculate the Distance between the Sample and the Template for this Index.
lL[i][j] = this.getDistanceBetween(lSample, pTemplate[j]);
// Initialize the Global.
lG[0][0] = lL[0][0];
for(i = 1; i < lN; i++) {
lG[i][0] = lL[i][0] + lG[i - 1][0];
for(j = 1; j < lM; j++) {
lG[0][j] = lL[0][j] + lG[0][j - 1];
for (i = 1; i < lN; i++) {
for (j = 1; j < lM; j++) {
// Accumulate the path.
lG[i][j] = (Math.min(Math.min(lG[i-1][j], lG[i-1][j-1]), lG[i][j-1])) + lL[i][j];
// Update iteration varaibles.
i = lWarpingPath[lK - 1][0] = (lN - 1);
j = lWarpingPath[lK - 1][1] = (lM - 1);
// Whilst there are samples to process...
while ((i + j) != 0) {
// Handle the offset.
if(i == 0) {
// Decrement the iteration variable.
j -= 1;
else if(j == 0) {
// Decrement the iteration variable.
i -= 1;
else {
// Update the contents of the MinimaBuffer.
lMinimaBuffer[0] = lG[i - 1][j];
lMinimaBuffer[1] = lG[i][j - 1];
lMinimaBuffer[2] = lG[i - 1][j - 1];
// Calculate the Index of the Minimum.
final int lMinimumIndex = this.getMinimumIndex(lMinimaBuffer);
// Declare booleans.
final boolean lMinIs0 = (lMinimumIndex == 0);
final boolean lMinIs1 = (lMinimumIndex == 1);
final boolean lMinIs2 = (lMinimumIndex == 2);
// Update the iteration components.
i -= (lMinIs0 || lMinIs2) ? 1 : 0;
j -= (lMinIs1 || lMinIs2) ? 1 : 0;
// Increment the qualifier.
// Update the Warping Path.
lWarpingPath[lK - 1][0] = i;
lWarpingPath[lK - 1][1] = j;
// Return the Result. (Calculate the Warping Path and the Distance.)
return new DTW.Result(this.reverse(lWarpingPath, lK), ((lG[lN - 1][lM - 1]) / lK));
/** Changes the order of the warping path, in increasing order. */
private int[][] reverse(final int[][] pPath, final int pK) {
// Allocate the Path.
final int[][] lPath = new int[pK][2];
// Iterate.
for(int i = 0; i < pK; i++) {
// Iterate.
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
// Update the Path.
lPath[i][j] = pPath[pK - i - 1][j];
// Return the Allocated Path.
return lPath;
/** Computes a distance between two points. */
protected double getDistanceBetween(double p1, double p2) {
// Calculate the square error.
return (p1 - p2) * (p1 - p2);
/** Finds the index of the minimum element from the given array. */
protected final int getMinimumIndex(final double[] pArray) {
// Declare iteration variables.
int lIndex = 0;
double lValue = pArray[0];
// Iterate the Array.
for(int i = 1; i < pArray.length; i++) {
// .Is the current value smaller?
final boolean lIsSmaller = pArray[i] < lValue;
// Update the search metrics.
lValue = lIsSmaller ? pArray[i] : lValue;
lIndex = lIsSmaller ? i : lIndex;
// Return the Index.
return lIndex;
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