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Forked from slinkp/
Created April 22, 2010 21:38
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Test out 20 binary-search functions harvested from
See results at the bottom.
import random
failures = {}
def test(search):
"""Test that the given search function obeys the contract:
If array is sorted ascending, then search(array, key) returns a j
such that array[j] == key, if possible; else -1.
Report whether it passes, giving a failing test case if it fails.
(We don't try to interrupt infinite loops -- we didn't happen to
get any.)"""
ok1 = test_passes(test_randomly, search)
ok0 = test_passes(test_search, search)
#assert ok0 == ok1 # (To see if either tester beats the other)
if ok0 and ok1:
print 'PASS: %s' % search.__name__
if ok0 or ok1:
# only one of the testers passed!
print "------ Only one tester passed for %s! ---- " % search.__name__
print "Random failures: %s" % str(failures.get((search, 'random')))
print "Exhaustive failures: %s" % str(failures.get((search, 'exhaustive')))
print "-------------------------------------------"
print ' : %s\t%s' % (test_case, search.__name__)
def test_passes(test_it, function):
return False
return True
test_case = "Can't happen"
def test_randomly(search):
global test_case
for length in xrange(10):
for times in xrange(100):
array = random_array(length, length)
key = random.randint(-1, length)
test_case = (array, key)
j = search(array, key)
if j == -1:
assert key not in array
assert 0 <= j < length
assert key == array[j]
failures[(search, 'random')] = test_case
def random_array(length, hibound):
return [random.randint(0, hibound-1) for i in xrange(length)]
def test_search(search):
"""An 'exhaustive' tester following the 0-1 principle: if a
function fails on any input, we can expect it to fail on some
input using just 0's and 1's. I don't know if this is a theorem as
it is for sorting networks, but it happened to work here! At first.
Eventually a failure was only found with ([0, 0, 2], 1). If more
numbers are indeed necessary, it's not a big surprise: I suspected,
since comparisons are 3-way unlike sorting networks that do 2-way
swapping, that we might need to generalize to a 0-1-2 principle.
But 0-1 was the simplest thing that could possibly work, and
exhaustively generating 0-1-2 sequences is no longer much simpler
than random sequences. (Also, of course, real code might not
conform to the decision-tree model that this conjectured principle
depends on.) Oh, well."""
for length in xrange(20):
for boundary in range(length + 1):
array = [0]*boundary + [1]*(length-boundary)
def expect(key, lo, hi=-1):
"Check that search finds key in [lo..hi) (or -1 if absent)."
global test_case
test_case = (array, key)
if lo < hi:
assert lo <= search(array, key) < hi
assert -1 == search(array, key)
expect(0, 0, boundary)
expect(1, boundary, length)
failures[(search, 'exhaustive')] = test_case
# And the following tests seem redundant in practice -- no
# extra failures found with them:
# expect(-1, -1)
# expect(2, -1)
# Now for the harvested functions
def patrick_shields(array, key):
def bsearch(listy, val, index):
if len(listy) == 1:
if listy[0] != val:
return -1
return index
new_ind = len(listy)/2
if listy[new_ind] == val:
return index+new_ind
elif listy[new_ind] < val:
return(bsearch(listy[new_ind+1:], val, index+new_ind+1))
return(bsearch(listy[:new_ind], val, index))
return bsearch(array, key, 0)
# Fail: Throws an error:
def ed_marshall(range, target):
crange = range
offset = 0
while True:
ctarget = len(crange) / 2
if crange[ctarget] == target:
return ctarget + offset
elif crange[ctarget] > target:
crange = crange[:ctarget]
crange = crange[ctarget+1:]
offset += ctarget+1
if len(crange) == 0:
return -1
# Fail: Also throws an error:
def ashish_yadav(array, key):
def bsearch(arr,key,start=0,end=None):
if end == None: end = len(arr) - 1
if start > end: return None
if start == end and arr[start] != key: return None
mid = (start+end)/2
if arr[mid] == key:
return mid
if arr[mid] > key:
return bsearch(arr,key,start,mid-1)
if arr[mid] < key:
return bsearch(arr,key,mid+1,end)
i = bsearch(array, key)
return -1 if i is None else i
# passes
def travis(lst, item):
bottom, top = 0, len(lst)
while top - bottom >= 3:
mid = (top + bottom) // 2
c = cmp(item, lst[mid])
if c < 0:
bottom = mid + 1
return True
if item == lst[bottom]:
return True
return top - bottom == 2 and item == lst[bottom + 1]
# Fails:
def travis_wrapped(array, key):
return array.index(key) if travis(array, key) else -1
def dan(l, n):
H = len(l) - 1
L = 0
M = int(H / 2)
while H - L > 0 and n != l[M]:
if n > l[M]:
L = M
H = M
M = int((H + L) / 2)
if n == l[M]:
return M
return -1
# Fails: #. IndexError: list index out of range
def ben_gutierrez(l, needle):
start, end = 0, len(l)-1
while start <= end:
mid = (start + end) / 2
if l[mid] == needle:
return mid
elif l[mid] < needle:
start = mid + 1
end = mid - 1
return -1
# Passes, but N.B. it'd need // instead of / in Python 3
def si(array, key):
def bsearch(nums, item):
while nums:
mid = len(nums) / 2
if nums[mid] > item:
nums = nums[:mid]
elif nums[mid] < item:
nums = nums[mid+1:]
return True
return False
if bsearch(array, key):
return array.index(key)
return -1
# Passes
def aaron_maxwell(array, key):
def bsearch(needle, haystack):
lower = 0
upper = len(haystack) - 1
idx = int(upper/2)
found = haystack[idx] == needle
while not found:
if lower >= upper:
if needle > haystack[idx]:
lower = idx + 1
upper = idx - 1
idx = int(.5 *(lower + upper))
found = haystack[idx] == needle
if found:
return idx # found it!
return False # indicating item not in the list
j = bsearch(key, array)
return -1 if j is False else j
# Fails: #. IndexError: list index out of range
def Max(array, key):
def bsearch(srtd,x):
l = len(srtd)
if l == 0:
return False
med = srtd[l/2]
#print med
if med == x:
return True
if x < med:
return bsearch(srtd[:(l/2)],x)
return bsearch(srtd[(l/2)+1:],x)
return array.index(key) if bsearch(array, key) else -1
# Pass
def clark(data, toFind):
begin = 0
end = len(data) - 1
while begin < (end - 1):
pivot = int(begin + (end - begin) / 2)
if data[pivot] == toFind:
return pivot
elif data[pivot] < toFind:
end = pivot
if data[begin] == toFind:
return begin
elif data[end] == toFind:
return end
return -1
# Fails: #. assert boundary <= search(array, 1) < length
def martin(array, key):
def bsearch(needle, slice):
if len(slice) == 1:
if slice[0] == needle:
return needle
return None
p = len(slice) // 2
if slice[p] > needle: return bsearch(needle, slice[:p])
else: return bsearch(needle, slice[p:])
i = bsearch(key, array)
return -1 if i is None else i
# Fails: #. IndexError: list index out of range
def paul(array, key):
def binsearch_iterative(t, seq):
Return index where target `t` is found in ordered sequence `seq`.
If t is not found, return None.
left = 0
right = len(seq) - 1
while right >= left:
mid = (right + left) // 2
if seq[mid] == t:
return mid
elif seq[mid] > t:
right = mid -1
left = mid +1
return None
i = binsearch_iterative(key, array)
return -1 if i is None else i
# passes
def dave_r(array, key):
def bsearch(haystack, needle):
start = 0
length = len(haystack)
end = length - 1
idx = length / 2
while True:
val = haystack[idx]
if val == needle:
return idx
elif val > needle:
end = idx
elif val < needle:
start = idx
idx = start + ((end - start) / 2)
i = bsearch(array, key)
return -1 if i is None else i
# Fails: #. IndexError: list index out of range
def scott(array, key):
from math import ceil
def bsearch(needle, haystack):
top = len(haystack)-1
bottom = 0
# check that needle can still possibly exist in haystack
if (not haystack) or haystack[-1] < needle or haystack[0] > needle:
return None
# get a value for middle val
middle = (len(haystack) - (len(haystack)%2)) / 2
middle_val = haystack[middle]
# check value
if needle == middle_val:
return middle
elif needle < middle_val:
return bsearch(needle, haystack[:middle])
return middle + 1 + bsearch(needle, haystack[middle+1:])
i = bsearch(key, array)
return -1 if i is None else i
# Fails:
# XXX Blew up the `assert ok0 == ok1` check!
# This raises TypeError on recursive calls since it potentially
# adds middle + 1 + None in the final `else` clause. Only caught by the random tests, not the
# 'exhaustive' tests. Typical failing input has some repeated values: ([0, 0, 2], 1)
def michael_fogleman(array, value):
a = 0
b = len(array) - 1
while a <= b:
m = (b - a) / 2 + a
if array[m] == value:
return m
elif array[m] > value:
b = m - 1
a = m + 1
return -1
# Pass
def rodrigo_b(ary, val):
lo = 0
hi = len(ary)
oldm = -1
while True:
m = int((lo+hi)/2)
if oldm == m:
return -1
if val < ary[m]:
oldm = m
lo = m
return m
# Fails: #. IndexError: list index out of range
def jasper(array, key):
def bsearch(li, val, lo=None, up=None):
if lo is None or up is None:
lo = 0
up = len(li)
# check that the value is inside the list
if val < li[lo]:
return None
if val > li[up - 1]:
return None
print li, val, lo, up
# the interval to check is [lo, up), check its size
if (up - lo) <= 1:
if li[lo] == val:
return lo
return None
# slice and dice!
mid = (lo + up) / 2
if (li[mid] <= val):
return bsearch(li, val, mid, up)
return bsearch(li, val, lo, mid)
i = bsearch(array, key)
return -1 if i is None else i
# Fails: #. IndexError: list index out of range
def tomas_henriquez(array, key):
def bs(array,findme):
array = sorted(array)
len = array.__len__()
#trunk because its an integer
if mid%2 and mid != 1: mid=mid/2+1
else: mid=mid/2
if (findme == array[pos]):
return array[pos]
elif (findme > array[pos]):
elif (findme < len-1 or pos < 0): break
return "None"
j = bs(array, key)
return -1 if j is "None" else j
# Fails: #. assert boundary <= search(array, 1) < length
# Returns the index of data in inArray, or -1 if none found
def yc(inArray, data):
start = 0
end = len(inArray) - 1
if end < start:
return -1
if data < inArray[0] or data > inArray[-1]:
return -1
while (True):
if (start == end):
if data == inArray[start]:
return start
return -1
middle = start + ((end-start) / 2)
if (data == inArray[middle]):
return middle
elif (data < inArray[middle]):
end = middle
start = middle + 1
# Pass
def guilherme_melo(array, key):
def binary_search(a_list, elem):
if not a_list:
return False
index = len(a_list)/2
ret = cmp(elem, a_list[index])
if ret < 0:
return binary_search(a_list[0:index], elem)
elif ret > 0:
return binary_search(a_list[index + 1:len(a_list)], elem)
return True
return array.index(key) if binary_search(array, key) else -1
# Pass
# This was sent to me by its author, not part of the original sample.
# Unless it happens to be the function I skipped because I was too lazy
# to deal with the Wordpress formatting on that it, then counting this
# result would somewhat reduce any validity you can assign the statistics.
# Still, here it is:
def matt_curtis(lat, target):
def bsearch_core(lat, target, begin, end):
# empty range
if begin==end:
return failure
# one element
if begin==end-1:
if lat[begin]==target:
return begin
return failure
if target<lat[pivot]:
return bsearch_core(lat, target, begin, pivot)
return bsearch_core(lat, target, pivot, end)
if lat is None:
return failure
return bsearch_core(lat, target, 0, len(lat))
# Pass
# Finally, the output. The ones that don't say PASS failed; the middle
# column holds the first failing test case.
# Of the 8 that pass, several must be O(n) since they use array slicing.
# These ones don't, and are presumably O(log(n)):
# ashish_yadav ben_gutierrez paul michael_fogleman yc
# So overall, we get 5 of 20 that succeed with O(log(n)) -- though I don't
# actually measure the time complexity. [Paul tallied it as 4 of 20 --
# Paul, do you see another bug?]
# I also would have included Luke Stebbing's function, which appears correct,
# except it obeys a different contract; that'd make 6 of 21 submissions good.
# There were a couple more I skipped for looking like too much trouble to
# get into a testable format; I wouldn't bet on them raising the average.
# (I had to reindent and de-HTMLize many of the others; this could conceivably
# have introduced errors. There may also still be errors in the needed wrappers.)
# Otherwise I just picked up every Python entry until I got tired, going at first
# from the start, and then from the end.
# My main motivation was to try out 'exhaustive' testing with the 0-1
# principle. It found nearly all of the same bugs as a random test, *except* one
# failure in the scott() function that was only found by random tests.
# Neither tester uncovered any infinite loops -- I wonder if there are
# any they missed? Incidentally many of the failing functions here were
# certified by their authors -- passed their own tests. [I have not checked
# whether this is still true after fixing wrapper bugs.]
#. : ([], 0) patrick_shields
#. : ([], 0) ed_marshall
#. PASS: ashish_yadav
#. : ([1], 1) travis_wrapped
#. : ([], 0) dan
#. PASS: ben_gutierrez
#. PASS: si
#. : ([], 0) aaron_maxwell
#. PASS: Max
#. : ([1], 1) clark
#. : ([], 0) martin
#. PASS: paul
#. : ([], 0) dave_r
#. ------ Only one tester passed for scott! ----
#. Random failures: ([0, 0, 2], 1)
#. Exhaustive failures: None
#. -------------------------------------------
#. PASS: michael_fogleman
#. : ([], 0) rodrigo_b
#. : ([], 0) jasper
#. : ([1], 1) tomas_henriquez
#. PASS: yc
#. PASS: guilherme_melo
# PASS: matt_curtis # Probably doesn't "count" -- see matt_curtis comment.
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