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Created November 15, 2012 17:16
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The quest for simple parsing

The quest for nice simple parsing

Problem: I keep needing a new parsing system.

Solution?: A simple-enough library could be adapted or rewritten as needed.

Related problem: Newish programmers learning about parsing usually face either toy demos or beasts like yacc.

Non-solution in Python:

import re

def parse(p, s):
    "Return the value from p parsing (a prefix of) s, or None on failure."
    for value, rest in p(s): return value

def give(val):  return lambda s: [(val, s)]
def take(p, f): return lambda s: [res for val, s1 in p(s) for res in f(val)(s1)]

def drop(p, q): return take(p, lambda _: q)
def cons(p, q): return take(p, lambda vp: take(q, lambda vq: give([vp]+vq)))

def match(regex):  return lambda s: [(, s[m.end():])
                                     for m in [re.match(regex, s)] if m]

def alt(p, *qs):   return lambda s: p(s) or (alt(*qs)(s) if qs else [])
def complement(p): return lambda s: [] if p(s) else [(None, s)]

def star(p):       return alt(cons(p, lambda s: star(p)(s)),
def opt(p):        return alt(p, give(None))
def plus(p):       return cons(p, star(p))
  • Python's not Haskell
  • Error reporting
  • Memoizing

Not-quite solution by Norvig:

from grammar import *

G = grammar(r"""
Exp => Term [+-] Exp | Term
Term => Factor [*/] Term | Factor
Factor => Funcall | Var | Num | [(] Exp [)]
Funcall => Var [(] Exps [)]
Exps => Exp [,] Exps | Exp
Var => [a-zA-Z_]\w*
Num => [-+]?[0-9]+([.][0-9]*)?

>>> parse('Exp', '2+3', G)
(['Exp', ['Term', ['Factor', ['Num', '2']]], '+', ['Exp', ['Term', ['Factor', ['Num', '3']]]]], '')
  • Produces a concrete parse tree
  • Error reporting
  • Missing 'not' operator


from peglet import *
from operator import *

def funcall(f, *args): return f(*args)
decimal = int

parse = Parser(r"""
exp      term \+ exp      :add
exp      term - exp       :sub
exp      term

term     factor \* term   :mul
term     factor / term    :div
term     factor

factor   var :eval [(] exps [)] :funcall
factor   var
factor   num
factor   [(] exp [)]

exps     exp , exps
exps     exp

var      ([a-zA-Z_]\w*)
num      ([-+]?[0-9]+(?:[.][0-9]*)?)   :decimal
""", **globals())

>>> parse('2+3')
  • A bit over the 1-page target (not counting comments)
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