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Created December 23, 2018 05:51
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aoc day 22
;; Simple least-cost search was too slow.
(import (use "advent-utils")
simple-parser<- product<-)
(import (use "lib/memoize")
(import (use "lib/pairing-heap")
(let input (with-input-file '.read-all "advent22"))
;(let input (with-input-file '.read-all "advent22.test"))
(let parser
(simple-parser<- "'depth: ' :nat '\ntarget: ' [:nat ',' :nat :hug] '\n'"))
(to (parse string)
('.results (parser string)))
(let `(,depth ,target) (parse input))
(print depth)
(print target)
(let geologic-index<-
(memoize (given (p)
(if (= p target)
(match p
('(0 0) 0)
(`(,x 0) (* x 16807))
(`(0 ,y) (* y 48271))
(`(,x ,y) (* (erosion-level<- `(,(- x 1) ,y))
(erosion-level<- `(,x ,(- y 1))))))))))
(to (erosion-level<- p)
((+ (geologic-index<- p) depth) .modulo 20183))
(to (type<- p)
((erosion-level<- p) .modulo 3))
(to (risk<- p)
(type<- p))
(let types '#(rocky wet narrow))
(display "\nPart 1\n")
(to (part-1)
(total-risk (rectangle<- '(0 0) target)))
(to (total-risk area)
(sum (each risk<- area)))
(to (rectangle<- `(,xl ,yl) `(,xh ,yh))
(product<- (xl .up-to xh)
(yl .up-to yh)))
(format "~w\n" (part-1))
(display "\nPart 2\n")
(let usables (list<- (set<- 'climbing-gear 'torch) ; rocky
(set<- 'climbing-gear 'neither) ; wet
(set<- 'torch 'neither))) ; narrow
(to (usable? tool p)
;; (surely (symbol? tool) "tools are symbols")
;; (surely (list? p) "coords")
((usables (type<- p)) .maps? tool))
(to (part-2)
;; A state is {state p tool} with position and current tool equipped.
(let start-state {state '(0 0) 'torch})
;; Map from state to earliest time when it's been found to be
;; reachable, so far.
(let bests (map<- `((,start-state 0))))
;; An 'effort' is a state at a time it can be reached. TODO better name?
(let start-effort {at 0 start-state})
(to (keep-early efforts)
(for those (({at t state} efforts))
(match (bests .get state)
(#no (bests .set! state t)
(t1 (if (< t t1)
(do (bests .set! state t)
(to (equip {at t {state p tool}} new-tool)
;; (surely (usable? new-tool p) "New tool usable" new-tool)
{at (+ t 7) {state p new-tool}})
;; (to (time<=? {at t1 state1} {at t2 state2})
;; (<= t1 t2))
(to (time-bound<=? effort1 effort2)
(<= (time-bound<- effort1)
(time-bound<- effort2)))
(to (time-bound<- {at t {state p tool}})
(match (manhattan-distance p target)
(0 (if (= tool 'torch) t (+ t 7)))
(d (+ t d 7))))
(import (priority-queues<- time-bound<=?)
pq-empty? pq-min
empty-pq unit-pq pq-merge pq-insert pq-remove-min)
(begin searching ((pq (pq-insert empty-pq start-effort)))
(to (continue new-efforts)
(searching (pq-merge (pq-remove-min pq)
(foldl pq-insert empty-pq (keep-early new-efforts)))))
(let effort (pq-min pq))
(let {at t state} effort)
(let t0 (bests state))
(if (< t0 t)
(do (format "at ~3w skip\n" t)
(continue '()))
(do (let {state p tool} state)
(format "at ~3w ~3w ~w size ~w\n"
t (manhattan-distance p target) state bests.count)
;; (surely (usable? tool p) "Tool is still usable after move")
(if (and (= p target) (= tool 'torch))
t ; Final result: time to reach the target with torch equipped.
(do (let moves
(for filter ((q (neighbors<- p)))
(and (usable? tool q)
{at (+ t 1) {state q tool}})))
(let swap (equip effort (swap-tool p tool)))
(continue `(,swap ,@moves))))))))
(to (swap-tool q tool)
(let candidates ((usables (type<- q)) .keys))
(if (= tool candidates.first) ;TODO clumsy
(to (neighbors<- `(,x ,y))
`((,(+ x 1) ,y)
(,x ,(+ y 1))
,@(if (< 0 x) `((,(- x 1) ,y)) '())
,@(if (< 0 y) `((,x ,(- y 1))) '())))
(to (manhattan-distance p q)
(+ (abs (- (p 0) (q 0)))
(abs (- (p 1) (q 1)))))
(format "~w\n" (part-2))
;; Other answers:
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