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Created December 25, 2018 01:13
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advent of code 2018 day 24
;; fails on the real input
(import (use "advent-utils")
grammar<- parson-parse feed)
(import (use "lib/pretty-print")
(import (use "lib/sort")
(let input (with-input-file '.read-all "advent24"))
;(let input (with-input-file '.read-all "advent24.test"))
(to (battle)
(format "Round: ~w vs. ~w\n"
(each '.count (armies "Infection"))
(each '.count (armies "Immune System")))
(unless (some '.empty? armies.values)
(to (fight-round)
(let a1 (select-targets "Infection" infection immune-system))
(let a2 (select-targets "Immune System" immune-system infection))
(attacking (map<- (chain a1 a2)))
(for each! ((`(,army ,groups) armies.items))
(armies .set! army (those '.alive? groups))))
(to (select-targets my-name my-groups enemy-groups)
(let result (flexarray<-))
(let enemies (call flexarray<- enemy-groups)) ;; clumsy: probably ought to be a set
(let enemy-nums (call flexarray<- (as-list (1 .up-to enemy-groups.count)))) ;; just for the messages
(for each! ((`(,i ,group) (sort-by-key my-groups.items
(given (`(,_ ,group))
(unless enemies.empty?
(let damages (for each ((enemy enemies.values))
(group .would-damage enemy)))
;; (for each! ((`(,j ,damage) damages.items))
;; (format "~d group ~w would deal defending group ~w ~w damage\n"
;; my-name (+ i 1) (enemy-nums j) damage))
(let j (arg-max enemies.keys (given (j)
(let enemy (enemies j))
(list<- (damages j) ;; or just compute it here
(when (< 0 (damages j))
(result .push! `(,group ,(enemies j)))
(enemies .pop! j)
(enemy-nums .pop! j))))
(to (attacking selections)
(for each! ((group (sort-by-key selections.keys (given (g) (- g.initiative)))))
(unless (= 0 group.count)
(match (selections .get group)
(target (group .attack! target))))))
(to (cook-group n-units hit-points qualities attack-damage attack-type initiative)
(let `(,weaknesses ,immunities)
(for foldr ((`(,type ,attack-strings) qualities)
(`(,weaks ,immunes) '(() ())))
(let attacks (each symbol<- attack-strings))
(match type
("weak" `((,@attacks ,@weaks) ,immunes))
("immune" `(,weaks (,@attacks ,@immunes))))))
(group<- n-units hit-points
(call set<- immunities)
(call set<- weaknesses)
attack-damage (symbol<- attack-type) initiative))
(to (group<- initial-n-units hit-points immunities weaknesses attack-damage attack-type initiative)
(let n-units (box<- initial-n-units))
(to (effective-power) (* n-units.^ attack-damage))
(surely ('.empty? (immunities .intersect weaknesses))) ; TODO method .intersect?
(let qualities (map<- (chain (for each ((immune immunities.keys)) `(,immune immunity))
(for each ((weak weaknesses.keys)) `(,weak weakness)))))
(make group
({.count} n-units.^)
({.effective-power} (effective-power))
({.initiative} initiative)
({.target-selection-key} (list<- (- (effective-power)) (- initiative)))
({.would-damage target}
(target .damage-from attack-type (effective-power)))
({.attack! target}
(target .receive! attack-type (effective-power)))
({.damage-from attacker-attack-type attack-power}
(match (qualities .get attacker-attack-type)
('immunity 0)
('weakness (* 2 attack-power))
(#no attack-power)))
({.receive! attacker-attack-type attack-power}
(let damage (group .damage-from attacker-attack-type attack-power))
(let mortality (min n-units.^ (damage .quotient hit-points)))
(n-units .^= (- n-units.^ mortality))
(format "power ~w, damage ~w, killing ~w units, leaving ~w\n"
attack-power damage mortality n-units.^))
({.alive?} (< 0 n-units.^))
(pp {group {size n-units.^}
{hp hit-points}
{immune-to immunities.keys}
{weak-to weaknesses.keys}
{attack attack-damage attack-type {initiative initiative}}}))))
(let grammar (grammar<- "
main: army**separator :end.
army: army_name ':\n' [group* :hug] :hug.
army_name: { (!':' :skip)* }.
group: :nat ' units each with ' :nat ' hit points ' opt_qualities
'with an attack that does ' :nat ' ' word
' damage at initiative ' :nat '\n' :Group.
opt_qualities: '(' qualities ') ' | :hug.
qualities: quality_list++'; ' :hug.
quality_list: {'weak'|'immune'} ' to ' [word++', ' :hug] :hug.
word: :letter+ :join. # TODO ugly
separator: '\n'.
(let semantics (grammar (map<- `((Group ,(feed cook-group))))))
(let parse-main (semantics 'main))
(to (parse string)
('.results (parson-parse parse-main string)))
(let armies (map<- (parse input)))
(let immune-system (armies "Immune System"))
(let infection (armies "Infection"))
(each! '.show immune-system)
(each! '.show infection)
(display "\nPart 1\n")
(to (show-count)
(for each! ((`(,army ,groups) (sort armies.items)))
(format "~d:\n" army)
(for each! ((`(,i ,group) groups.items))
(format "Group ~w contains ~w units\n" (+ i 1) group.count))))
(to (part-1)
(sum (for each ((groups armies.values))
(sum (each '.count groups)))))
(format "~w\n" (part-1))
(display "\nPart 2\n")
(to (part-2)
(format "~w\n" (part-2))
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