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Created November 1, 2021 16:43
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Visualize Z3's proofs
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Darius Foo (
# License: GPLv3
from z3 import *
s = Solver()
x, y = Ints('x y')
s.add(2 * x > 3 * y)
s.add(y > x)
s.add(y > 0)
s.add(x > 0)
a, b = Bools('a b')
# s.add(x > 0)
# s.add(x == 0)
f = a == a
# f = a == Not(Not(a))
# s.add(Not(a == Not(Not(a))))
# s.add(a == Not(a))
# s.add(And(a, Not(a)))
# s.add(And(a, Not(a)))
# s.add(Not(ForAll([a], Implies(a, a))))
# s.add(Not(Implies(a, a)))
# s.add(Implies(a, b))
# s.add(Not(b))
# s.add(a)
def to_tex(pf, n=0):
name = pf.decl().name()
if name in {'mp', 'trans', 'monotonicity', 'iff-false', 'iff-true', 'th-lemma', 'lemma', 'unit-resolution', 'quant-inst', 'and-elim'}:
hyp = []
for i in range(pf.num_args() - 1):
con = pf.arg(pf.num_args() - 1)
sep = '\\\\'
# sep = sep + sep
hyps = f'\n{" "*n}{sep}\n{" "*n}'.join(to_tex(h, n+1) for h in hyp)
cons = to_tex(con, n+1)
res = f'\\inferrule* [right={name}]\n{" "*n}{{{hyps}}}\n{" "*n}{{{cons}}}'
# return f'\\fbox{{${res}$}}'
return res
# elif name == 'rewrite':
# return to_tex(pf.arg(0), n+1)
elif name in {'asserted', 'rewrite'}:
# note the extra space in the premise here...
return f'\\inferrule* [right={name}] {{ }} {{{to_tex(pf.arg(0), n+1)}}}'
# return to_tex(pf.arg(0))
elif name in {'or', 'Or'}: # ?
return f'{to_tex(pf.arg(0))} \\vee {to_tex(pf.arg(1))}'
elif name == 'and':
return f'{to_tex(pf.arg(0))} \\wedge {to_tex(pf.arg(1))}'
elif name == '=>':
return f'{to_tex(pf.arg(0))} \\to {to_tex(pf.arg(1))}'
elif name == '<=':
return f'{to_tex(pf.arg(0))} \\leq {to_tex(pf.arg(1))}'
elif name == '>=':
return f'{to_tex(pf.arg(0))} \\geq {to_tex(pf.arg(1))}'
elif name == '>':
return f'{to_tex(pf.arg(0))} > {to_tex(pf.arg(1))}'
elif name == '=':
# return f'{to_tex(pf.arg(0))} \\leftrightarrow {to_tex(pf.arg(1))}'
return f'{to_tex(pf.arg(0))} = {to_tex(pf.arg(1))}'
elif name == 'not':
thing = to_tex(pf.arg(0))
if len(thing) > 1 and pf.arg(0).decl().name() not in {'true', 'false'}:
thing = f'({thing})'
return f'\\neg {thing}'
elif name == 'false':
return f'\\bot'
elif name == 'true':
return f'\\top'
# print('name', name)
return str(pf)
# return f'\\fbox{{${pf}$}}'
if s.check() == sat:
p = s.proof()
# print(p)
\usepackage[a0paper, landscape]{geometry}
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