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Last active January 6, 2024 14:30
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Equations spotted in the wild

$$\mathit{Total\ Correctness} = \mathit{Partial\ Correctness} + \mathit{Termination}$$ Program Verification

$$\mathit{Emacs} + \mathit{Go} = \mathit{Parametric\ Polymorphism}$$ Fulfilling a Pikedream: the ups of downs of porting 50k lines of C++ to Go.

$$\mathit{Product} = \mathit{Customer} \times \mathit{Business} \times \mathit{Technology}$$ What is a Product?

$$\mathit{Algorithm} = \mathit{Logic} + \mathit{Control}$$ Algorithm = Logic + Control

$$\mathit{Cost\ of\ Delay} = \mathit{User-Business\ Value} + \mathit{Time\ Criticality}\ + \mathit{Risk\ Reduction\ and}/\mathit{or\ Opportunity\ Enablement}$$ WSJF - Scaled Agile Framework

$$\mathit{Well}\ \text{-}\mathit{founded\ Semantics} + \mathit{Branch\ and\ Bound} = \mathit{Stable\ Models}$$ Well-founded Semantics + Branch and Bound = Stable Models

$$\mathit{Property\ Tests} + \mathit{Contracts} = \mathit{Integration\ Tests}$$ "Property Tests + Contracts = Integration Tests"

$$\mathit{Compiler}(\mathit{Program}) = \mathit{Algorithms} + \mathit{Data\ Structures}$$ Next-Paradigm Programming Languages (Wirth)

$$\mathit{Clingo} = \mathit{ASP} + \mathit{Control}$$ Clingo = ASP + Control : Preliminary Report

$$\mathit{Assets} = \mathit{Liabilities} + \mathit{Equity}$$ Balance Sheet - Definition & Examples

$$\mathit{Programming} = \mathit{Structure} + \mathit{Efficiency}$$ What is the use of Continuation Passing Style (CPS)?

$$\mathit{Screen} + \mathit{Camera} = \mathit{World}$$ How to use the SDL viewport properly?

$$\mathit{What} + \mathit{When} = \mathit{How}$$ The Timelines Approach to Consistency in Networked Games

$$\mathit{Successful\ Fiction\ Writing} = \mathit{Organizing} + \mathit{Creating} + \mathit{Marketing}$$ How To Write A Novel Using The Snowflake Method

$$\mathit{Model\ Theory} = \mathit{Universal\ Algebra} + \mathit{Logic} = \mathit{Algebraic\ Geometry} - \mathit{Fields}$$ Model theory - Wikipedia

$$\mathit{Demonic} + \mathit{Angelic\ Behaviour} = \mathit{Simulation\ Properties}$$ Deductive Verification with Ghost Monitors

$$\mathit{Dynamic\ Scope} + \mathit{Laziness} = \mathit{Counterfactuals}$$ Dynamic Scope + Laziness = Counterfactuals

$$\mathit{Safety} = \mathit{Progress} + \mathit{Preservation}$$ Types and Programming Languages, Section 8.3

$$\mathit{Money} \mathrel{+}= \mathit{Income} - \mathit{Spending}$$ Retire at 35

$$\mathit{Suffering} = \mathit{Pain} \times \mathit{Resistance}$$ Suffering = Pain x Resistance

$$\mathit{Separation\ Logic} + \mathit{Superposition\ Calculus} = \mathit{Heap\ Theorem\ Prover}$$ Separation Logic + Superposition Calculus = Heap Theorem Prover

$$\mathit{Constraint\ Program} = \mathit{Model} + \mathit{Search}$$ Constraint Programming

$$\mathit{Types} + \mathit{Values} = \mathit{Dependent\ Types} = \mathit{Types\ Refined\ with\ predicates\ over\ values}$$ Liquid Types

$$\mathit{Pitch\ Pipe} + \mathit{Piano} = \mathit{Pocket\ Pitch}$$ Pocket Pitch

$$\mathit{Refinement\ Types} = \mathit{Types} + \mathit{Logical\ Predicates}$$ Programming with Refinement Types

$$\mathit{Programming} = \mathit{Algorithms} + \mathit{Coding}$$ PlusCal Tutorial

$$\mathit{SAT} + \mathit{Theory\ Solvers} = \mathit{SMT}$$ First Order Logic (FOL) and Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT)

$$\mathit{GADTs} = \mathit{Algebraic\ Datatypes} + \mathit{Existential\ Types} + \mathit{Equality\ Constraints}$$ Polymorphic recursion in OCaml: return values

$$\mathit{Hoare\ triples} + \mathit{Monadic\ types} = \mathit{Hoare\ Type\ Theory}$$ Verification of Imperative Programs in Hoare Type Theory

$$\mathit{DSL\ design} = \mathit{Art} + \mathit{Lots\ of\ iterations}$$ FlashMeta: A Framework for Inductive Program Synthesis

$$\mathit{Inverse\ Semantics} + \mathit{Skolemization} = \mathit{Witness\ Function}$$ FlashMeta: A Framework for Inductive Program Synthesis

$$k\text{-}\mathit{FAIR} = k\text{-}\mathit{LIVENESS} + \mathit{FAIR}$$ Revisiting SAT-based Liveness Algorithms

$$\mathit{Cyclic\ proof} = \mathit{pre}\text{-}\mathit{proof}\ \mathcal{P} + \mathit{soundness\ condition}\ \mathcal{S}(\mathcal{P})$$ An introduction to cyclic proof

$$\mathit{coinduction} = \mathit{use\ of\ finality\ for\ coalgebras}$$ A Tutorial on (Co)Algebras and (Co)Induction

$$\mathit{Query} = \mathit{operation} + \mathit{pattern}$$ Adaptable Traces for Program Explanations

$$\mathit{word} + \mathit{word} = \mathit{compound\ word}$$ Why Chinese HATES 1 Syllable Words

$$\mathit{Consistency} = \mathit{joy}$$ The dev container CLI

$$\mathit{Genetic\ Algorithms} + \mathit{Neural\ Networks} = \mathit{Best\ of\ Both\ Worlds}$$ Genetic Algorithms + Neural Networks = Best of Both Worlds

$$\mathit{Profiling} = \mathit{Clustering} + \mathit{Synthesis}$$ Data-Driven Learning of Invariants and Specifications

$$\mathit{HOL} = \mathit{Functional\ Programming} + \mathit{Logic}$$ A Proof Assistant for Higher-Order Logic

$$\mathit{Lauschen} = \mathit{Hören} + \mathit{Fühlen}$$ Lauschen = Hören + Fühlen ... Wie Du dein eigenes Lied empfängst

$$\mathit{Code\ Review} = \mathit{Discussion} + \mathit{Code}$$

$$\mathit{Pull\ Requests} = \mathit{Compare\ View} + \mathit{Issue} + \mathit{Commit\ Comments}$$

Pull Requests 2.0

$$\mathit{ocamldebug} + \mathit{Time} = \mathit{max_int}$$ ocamldebug + Time = max_int

$$\mathit{Grokking} = \mathit{Phase\ Changes} + \mathit{Regularisation} + \mathit{Limited\ Data}$$ A Mechanistic Interpretability Analysis of Grokking

$$\mathit{Posterior\ probability} = \mathit{prior\ probability} + \mathit{new\ evidence}$$ Posterior Probability & the Posterior Distribution

$$\mathit{Static\ Analysis} + \mathit{LLM} = \mathit{AutoFix}$$ AutoFix

$$\mathit{Noninfluence} = \mathit{Noninterference} + \mathit{Nonleakage}$$ Information Flow Control Revisited: Noninfluence = Noninterference + Nonleakage

$$\mathit{Truffle} + \mathit{fries} = \mathit{Truffle\ fries}$$ Is GrabFood trialling AI generated pictures?

$$\mathit{MRDTs} = \mathit{Sequential\ data\ types} + \mathit{3-way\ merge}$$ Programming and proving distributed systems with persistent data structures

$$\mathit{backward\ compatibility} = \mathit{source\ compatibility} + \mathit{behavioral\ compatibility}$$ Proving Backward Compatibility for Object-Oriented Libraries

$$\mathit{SMT} = \mathit{SAT} + \mathit{expressiveness}$$ Quantifiers in Satisfiability Modulo Theories

$$\mathit{Prolog} = \mathit{Syntactic\ Unification} + \mathit{Backward\ Chaining} + \mathit{REPL}$$ How to implement a Prolog interpreter in a purely functional language?

$$\mathit{Go} + \mathit{Services} = \mathit{One\ Goliath\ Project}$$ Go + Services = One Goliath Project

$$\mathit{SelectML} = \mathit{OCaml} + \mathit{Select\ Query}$$

An SQL Frontend on top of OCaml for Data Analysis

$$\mathit{Tactile} + \mathit{Adaptive} = \mathit{Flux}$$ Flux

$$\mathit{360\ breathing} + \mathit{Kegel\ connection} = \mathit{The\ Foundation}$$ 360 breathing + Kegel connection = The Foundation

$$\mathit{mutable\ state} + \mathit{lazy\ evaluation} = \mathit{death}$$ Why isn't lazy evaluation used everywhere?

$$\mathit{run} + \mathit{time} = \mathit{???}$$ "run" + "time" = ???

$$\mathit{SAT} = \mathit{ASP} + \mathit{Tertium\ non\ datur}$$ $$\mathit{ASP} = \mathit{SAT} + \mathit{Completion\ and\ loop\ Formulas}$$ From SAT to ASP and back!?

$$\mathit{ASP} = \mathit{KR} + \mathit{DDB} + \mathit{Search}$$ SAT and SMT for Answer Set Programming

$$\mathit{MOTIVE} + \mathit{MEANS} + \mathit{OPPORTUNITY} = \mathit{CRIME}$$ MOTIVE + MEANS + OPPORTUNITY = CRIME

$$\mathit{Coherence} = \mathit{Memoizing} + \mathit{Early\ Assumes}$$ Decidable Verification of Uninterpreted Programs

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