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dariusk/ Secret

Created November 9, 2013 00:56
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Teen House Party

A Preview of a Novel

Charmaine and Vivianna ran into each other in the garage. "Where did you get that phone, Vivianna?" Vivianna ignored her. She thought about Vivianna. Vivianna and that teal phone of hers. She loved her so damn much. She wanted that phone. Nothing else would do. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke.

As Mariellen entered the front yard, she saw Mehetabel making trouble. "why do you have to go and open your big ass mouth stfu & sit down hoe?" asked Mariellen.

Mehetabel beamed. "because I just burnt my mouth eating burrito."

As Mehetabel entered the front yard, she saw Belinda making trouble. "What's your favourite and worst United vs Arsenal game?" Mehetabel asked.


Charmaine entered the garage. Rica was there, as if waiting. Charmaine avoided Rica.

As Mariellen entered the front yard, she saw Belinda making trouble. "why would you say that knowing that would piss me off?"

"because I don't wanna hear you speak," said Belinda.

Belinda encountered Rica in the garage. Belinda avoided Rica. She thought about Rica. Rica and that fashionable skirt of hers. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke.

Rica encountered Charmaine in the garage. "What is your favourite coffee in Victoria?" asked Rica.

Charmaine squirmed. "hazelnut."

Vivianna and Belinda ran into each other in the garage. "why do you know my full initials?" Vivianna demanded.

Belinda recoiled. "because I thought they got my initials wrong."

Mariellen and Rica ran into each other in the garage. Mariellen played nervously with her scarf in a successful bid to avoid talking to Rica.

Charmaine and Belinda ran into each other in the garage. Charmaine avoided Belinda.

As Rica entered the garage, she saw Charmaine making trouble. "why do you eat all of their food?"

Charmaine sighed. "because I love looking at beautiful people but I could not care less about what's going on in their lives."

Vivianna encountered Mariellen in the front yard. "What's the best song on TMMLP2?"

Mariellen flinched. "Salute."

Nobody was in the foyer, so Mariellen found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Mariellen debated just leaving the house.

Nobody was in the front yard, so Vivianna found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The lawn caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She thought about Rica. Rica and that fashionable skirt of hers. She loved her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke.

Charmaine entered the master bathroom. She dutifully avoided the blonde onyx bathtub out of some primal respect for its otherness.

As Vivianna entered the front yard, she saw Mehetabel making trouble. Vivianna stared at Mehetabel suspiciously.

Mariellen and Rica ran into each other in the great hall. "what's the best space for an artist and they're creativity?"

"Visually, Gravity," said Rica.

Rica entered the great hall. Mariellen was there, as if waiting. "Why do you like all my instagram pics ans follow me on everything I have?" Rica asked.


Charmaine entered the master bathroom. "Wow, check out that blonde onyx countertop," she said to no one in particular.

"Perfect, I've got the dining room all to myself," thought Belinda. She dutifully avoided the dining room table out of some primal respect for its otherness.

Mehetabel entered the living room. Mehetabel turned on the TV for a while.

As Rica entered the foyer, she saw Vivianna making trouble. "What is your favourite film or movie guys and gals?" Rica demanded.

"Watching BLOW cause BLOW."

Mehetabel entered the living room. Rica was there, as if waiting. Mehetabel stared at Rica suspiciously.

Rica entered the foyer. Rica debated just leaving the house.

Rica entered the living room. Rica turned on the TV for a while.

After some time, Charmaine found herself in the library. Charmaine flipped through some books.

Vivianna entered the living room. "Wow, check out that flat screen TV," she said to no one in particular. She thought about Vivianna. Vivianna and that teal phone of hers. She wanted that phone. Nothing else would do. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place?

After some time, Belinda found herself in the kitchen. Belinda checked the fridge for snacks.

Charmaine encountered Mehetabel in the guest bedroom. Charmaine appeared concerned. "What is your favourite thing to do with your itti ones on the weekend?" she asked.

"The smell of methanol and the sound of open headers."

Mehetabel and Charmaine ran into each other in the guest bedroom. "What's your favourite bad movie?" Mehetabel asked.


"Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Charmaine. The tribal Afghan rug caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen.

Nobody was in the guest bedroom, so Mehetabel found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She stared at the poster of a... Monet? uncomprehendingly.

Charmaine and Mariellen ran into each other in the master bedroom. "What is your favourite Saturday morning breakfast menu?" Charmaine asked.

"Theme Park - Jamaica."

Rica entered the foyer. Rica debated just leaving the house.

Vivianna entered the great hall. Mehetabel was there, as if waiting. "Why do you have friends?" asked Vivianna.

Mehetabel beamed. "because I know that the friends that I do have right now are actually fucking real."

Vivianna encountered Mehetabel in the great hall. Vivianna stared at Mehetabel suspiciously.

Charmaine entered the great hall. Vivianna was there, as if waiting. "What's the best snap chat you've ever gotten?" inquired Charmaine.

Vivianna squirmed. "Idania."

Belinda entered the garage. The BMW caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen.

Mehetabel and Mariellen ran into each other in the great hall. "why do you feel the need to yell?"

Mariellen flinched. "because I feel like such shit, just in time for the 3 day weekend 乘."

Rica entered the library. Charmaine was there, as if waiting. "What's your favourite bad movie?"

" She."

As Charmaine entered the library, she saw Rica making trouble. "What's the best thing to eat before playing basketball?"

"Shopping," said Rica.

Vivianna encountered Mariellen in the master bedroom. Vivianna stared at Mariellen suspiciously.

Charmaine encountered Rica in the library. Charmaine played nervously with her hat in a successful bid to avoid talking to Rica.

Rica encountered Charmaine in the library. Rica avoided Charmaine.

"Perfect, I've got the bathroom all to myself," thought Mehetabel. "Wow, check out that framed photo of a fish," she said to no one in particular. She thought about Rica. She liked her so damn much. She wanted that skirt. Nothing else would do. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place?

Vivianna and Mehetabel ran into each other in the great hall. "What is your favourite coffee in Victoria?"

"Capitalmy favorite coffee place ever, their light roast is ," said Mehetabel.

After some time, Vivianna found herself in the library. Vivianna flipped through some books. She thought about Mehetabel. Mehetabel and that fashionable phone of hers. She wanted that phone. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke.

As Rica entered the living room, she saw Belinda making trouble. Rica avoided Belinda.

As Charmaine entered the foyer, she saw Vivianna making trouble. Charmaine stared at Vivianna suspiciously.

Mariellen encountered Charmaine in the great hall. "why would you call me just to hang up me ?"


As Charmaine entered the great hall, she saw Mariellen making trouble. "Where did you get that scarf, Mariellen?" Mariellen ignored her.

Rica and Vivianna ran into each other in the foyer. "What's the best bang for your buck?"

Vivianna sighed. " Worth Auto Show I determined the Mercedes CLA250."

Rica and Vivianna ran into each other in the front yard. "what's your favorite color?"

" food," said Vivianna.

As Rica entered the front yard, she saw Vivianna making trouble. Rica stared at Vivianna suspiciously.

"Perfect, I've got the front yard all to myself," thought Vivianna. She stared at the tree uncomprehendingly.

After some time, Mehetabel found herself in the master bedroom. The king-sized bed caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen.

Mariellen entered the great hall. Charmaine was there, as if waiting. Mariellen stared at Charmaine suspiciously. She thought about Charmaine. She wanted that hat. Nothing else would do. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her?

As Charmaine entered the great hall, she saw Mariellen making trouble. "what's the best iPhone app for ignoring texts?"

Mariellen beamed. "Flick Fishing."

Charmaine and Rica ran into each other in the great hall. "What is your favourite thing to do with your itti ones on the weekend?"

"The morrisons Christmas advert."

Nobody was in the library, so Mariellen found herself uncharacteristically at ease. "Wow, check out that bookshelf," she said to no one in particular. She thought about Vivianna. She hated her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Why did everyone want to be like her?

Rica entered the great hall. Belinda was there, as if waiting. Rica seemed disinterested. "What's your favourite bad movie?" she inquired.

"Jason Statham."

Nobody was in the bathroom, so Rica found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She stared at the toilet uncomprehendingly.

After some time, Vivianna found herself in the back yard. She stared at the gas grill uncomprehendingly.

As Belinda entered the great hall, she saw Charmaine making trouble.

Belinda encountered Mehetabel in the great hall. Belinda eyed Mehetabel's crimson sweater with envy.

As Mariellen entered the great hall, she saw Rica making trouble. "What is the best color of semen to have?" asked Mariellen.

"Don't forget to wear green tomorrow because greenthe best color of the color spectrum, and East is ," said Rica.

After some time, Mariellen found herself in the master bedroom. She stared at the teak dresser uncomprehendingly.

Belinda entered the great hall. Rica was there, as if waiting. Belinda eyed Rica's fashionable skirt with envy.

As Belinda entered the great hall, she saw Rica making trouble. Belinda avoided Rica.

"Perfect, I've got the kitchen all to myself," thought Vivianna. Vivianna checked the fridge for snacks.

Charmaine entered the great hall. Mariellen was there, as if waiting. Charmaine eyed Mariellen's crimson skirt with envy.

Mehetabel entered the great hall. Charmaine was there, as if waiting. "What is your favourite Saturday morning breakfast menu?" asked Mehetabel.

"Lunch House."

As Mariellen entered the great hall, she saw Mehetabel making trouble. "Where did you get that sweater, Mehetabel?" Mehetabel ignored her.

Mehetabel entered the great hall. Mariellen was there, as if waiting. "what's the best space for an artist and they're creativity?" Mehetabel inquired.

"Aircraftthe best place, sky is the best space, of course the best job is ."

Mariellen entered the great hall. Mehetabel was there, as if waiting. Mariellen played nervously with her scarf in a successful bid to avoid talking to Mehetabel.

Mehetabel encountered Belinda in the great hall. Mehetabel avoided Belinda.

As Mariellen entered the guest bedroom, she saw Mehetabel making trouble. Mariellen stared at Mehetabel suspiciously.

Rica and Charmaine ran into each other in the great hall. "Where did you get that hat, Charmaine?" Charmaine ignored her.

Vivianna entered the kitchen. She stared at the knife set uncomprehendingly. She thought about Belinda. Belinda and that ostentatious necklace of hers. She envied her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place?

Charmaine and Rica ran into each other in the great hall. Charmaine avoided Rica.

Mehetabel encountered Mariellen in the guest bedroom. "What's the best feeling you've ever had?"

"Knowing you have helped someone out," said Mariellen.

After some time, Charmaine found herself in the library. She dutifully avoided the mahogany work desk out of some primal respect for its otherness.

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