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Darius Kazemi dariusk

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var _ = require('underscore');
var fs = require('fs');
var pos = require('pos');
function getPos(sentence) {
var words = new pos.Lexer().lex(sentence);
var taggedWords = new pos.Tagger().tag(words);
taggedWords =, function(tag) {
return tag[1];

Projects I did in 2014

This year I was a little less prolific than last year (40-ish projects compared to 75-ish projects). But for the most part I did fewer throwaway projects. Oh also one of my 2014 projects is a book I wrote that was a year-long project that took up a lot of my free time in 2014. Also not on this list are some talks that I gave and all that kind of stuff, most notably my How I Won the Lottery talk from XOXO 2014.

Anyway here is the list of things I made:

dariusk /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
#! /usr/bin/python
""" Sample client for CCU
Note that in order for this to work you need to provision credentials
specifically for CCU - you cannot extend existing credentials to add
CCU as it's managed under "CCU" in the API credential system.
Configure->Organization->Manage APIs
Select "CCU APIs"
Create client collections/clients
Add authorization

So here's a thing that's been bothering me for a few weeks.

Lauren Hallden created Name My Bar back in April (press coverage here).

A couple weeks ago I saw people passing around the Hipster Business Name Generator. It's basically the same thing, although there are certainly some implementation differences. Also, that person is selling domain names via referrals.

Here's another thing that happened two weeks ago.

I released a toy that lets you generate indie game descriptions using Markov chains of the descriptions of 2015 IGF entrants.

dariusk /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
Hymn to Inana

##Hymn to Inana

Holy Inana, returning heroic youth!
Lo! You are the one who had to post that and have that caption, it wasn't necessary,
You are the one who gets royally abused,
O Goddess! You are the one who is even relevant in the first place!
You are the one who didn't have them at vue,
You are the one who is really gone!
It is you who Keeps Climbing Those Things When She Knows She Can’t, It is you who got stuck in his house namely his daughters room!

convert input.png -clone 0 -coalesce -gravity South -pointsize 25 -background none -stroke black -strokewidth 7 -annotate +0+0 "MYTEXT" -stroke white -strokewidth 4 -annotate +0+0 "MYTEXT" out.png
dariusk /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
convert input.png -coalesce -gravity South -pointsize 25 -background none -stroke white -strokewidth 4 -annotate +0+0 "THINGPUNK" output.png
dariusk / autocharts.js
Created July 8, 2014 18:36
Code snippet from @autocharts with an explanation
// I search twitter for the following strings. I'm looking specifically for questions that start with
// 'do you' or 'are you', but do not contain certain key words.
search('"do you" -what -why -who -where -which -when -how'),
search('"are you" -what -why -who -where -which -when -how')
.done(function(doYou,areYou) {
// I take the raw search results and I snip away
// the "do you" or "are you" and just grab the rest of the sentence. So "Are you a magician?" becomes
// "a magician". I collect a bunch of these. (I strip away "what" and similar, because "what are you
dariusk / affirmation
Created May 21, 2014 19:44
MuleSoft Contributor Agreement Acceptance by Darius Kazemi
I, Darius Kazemi, have read and do accept the MuleSoft Contributor Agreement
Accepted on Wed May 21 2014 15:44:54 GMT-0400 (EDT)
dariusk / adjs.js
Created April 24, 2014 15:35
Shakespearean Adjs and Nouns
var adjs = [ 'thy',