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Last active January 19, 2019 20:16
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πŸ“ JavaScript Fundamentals (Pluralsight course) β€” Notes
// IIFE:
let app = (function() {
let carId = 123;
let getId = function() {
return carId * 2;
return {
getId: getId,
zzz: "123"
console.log(app.getId); // function getId()
console.log(app.getId()); // 246
console.log(app.zzz); // 123
// This:
let o = {
carId: 123,
getId: function()
return this.carId * 2;
console.log(o.getId()); // 246
// Call (calling function but with different context):
let o = {
carId: 123,
getId: function()
return this.carId;
let newCar = { carId: 456 };
console.log(; // 456
// Apply (the same as call but with params):
let o = {
carId: 123,
getId: function(prefix, suffix)
return prefix + this.carId + suffix;
let newCar = { carId: "456" };
console.log(o.getId.apply(newCar, ['ID: ', '!'])); // ID: 456!
// Bind (change the context of this):
let o = {
carId: 123,
getId: function()
return this.carId;
let newCar = { carId: "456" };
let newFn = o.getId.bind(newCar);
console.log(newFn()); // 456
// Arrow function:
let getId = a => 123 + a;
console.log(getId('a')); // 123a
// Constructor Functions (note: remember about this keyword!):
function Car(id) {
this.carId = id;
this.start = function() {
console.log('starting!: ' + this.carId);
let car = new Car(123);
car.start(); // starting!: 123
// Prototypes:
function Car(id) {
this.carId = id;
Car.prototype.start = function(){
console.log('starting: ' + this.carId);
Car.prototype.engineType = "Diesel";
let car = new Car(123);
car.start(); // starting: 123
console.log(car.engineType); // Diesel
// JSON - stringify:
let car = {
id: 123,
style: "cabrio"
console.log(JSON.stringify(car)); // {"id":123,"style":"cabrio"}
// JSON - parse:
let jsonIn =
{"carId": 123}
let car = JSON.parse(jsonIn);
console.log(car); // Object { carId: 123 }
// Array iteration:
let carIds = [
{carId: 123, style: 'sedan'},
{carId: 456, style: 'cabriolet'}
carIds.forEach(car => console.log(car));
Object { carId: 123, style: "sedan" }
Object { carId: 456, style: "cabriolet" }
carIds.forEach((car, index) => console.log(car, index));
Object { carId: 123, style: "sedan" }
Object { carId: 456, style: "cabriolet" }
// Array filtering:
let carIds = [
{carId: 123, style: 'sedan'},
{carId: 456, style: 'cabriolet'}
let cabrios = carIds.filter(x => === 'cabriolet');
Object { carId: 456, style: "cabriolet" }
length: 1
// Array testing:
let carIds = [
{carId: 123, style: 'sedan'},
{carId: 456, style: 'cabriolet'}
let result = carIds.every(x => x.carId > 100);
console.log(result); // true
// Array - locate first match:
let carIds = [
{carId: 123, style: 'sedan'},
{carId: 456, style: 'cabriolet'}
let result = carIds.find(x => x.carId > 100);
console.log(result); // Object { carId: 123, style: "sedan" }
// Class:
class Car {
constructor(id) { = id; // beware of this keyword
identify() {
return `car no. ${}`;
let car = new Car(123); = 456;
console.log(; // 456
console.log(car.identify()); // car no. 456
console.log(typeof(car.identify)); // function
import { basename } from "path";
// Class inheritance:
class Vehicle {
constructor() {
this.type = 'car';
start() {
return `Starting ${this.type}`;
class Car extends Vehicle {
constructor() {
return 'in Car.start() ' + super.start();
let car = new Car();
console.log(car.start()); // in Car.start() Starting car
// Module (in scripts/models/car.js):
export class Car () {
constructor(id) { = id;
// index.js:
import { Car } from './models/car.js';
let car = new Car(123);
// Window:
// Properties: document, location, console, innerHeight, innerWidth, pageXOffset, pageYOffset
// Methods: alert(), back(), confirm()
year = 2018;
// Timeout & Interval:
let timeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
console.log('2 secs. passed...');
}, 2000);
// if need to cancel:
let intervalId = setInterval(function() {
}, 1);
// if need to cancel:
// Location:
// Properties: href, hostname, port, pathname, search
// Methods: assign(), reload()
console.log(document.location.href); // http://localhost:8080/
console.log(location.href); // http://localhost:8080/
console.log(; // localhost:8080
console.log(location.hostname); // localhost
console.log(location.port); // 8080
console.log(location.protocol); // http:
console.log(location.origin); // http://localhost:8080
console.log(location.pathname); // /
// Document:
// Properties: body, forms, links
// Methods: createElement(), createEvent(), getElementById(), getElementsByClassName()
// Events: onload, onclick, onkeypress
<h1>JS fundamentals</h1>
<p id="first" class="p1">1st para</p>
<p name="name1" class="p1">2nd para</p>
<p class="p3">3rd para</p>
let el = document.getElementById('first');
let els = document.getElementsByClassName('p1');
let elss = document.getElementsByTagName('p');
// Document - modify DOM:
let el = document.getElementById('first');
el.textContent = 'new text here yo';
el.setAttribute('name', 'nameValue');
//el.classList.add('my classname yo'); = 'red';
// Try catch:
try {
let car = newCar;
catch (error) {
// Finally:
try {
let car = newCar;
catch (error) {
finally {
console.log("i'm always executed");
// Throw:
try {
throw new Error('my custom error...')
catch(error) {
// Promises (for asynchronous code):
let promise = new Promise(
function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(resolve, 1000, 'someValue');
value => console.log('fulfilled ' + value),
error => console.log('rejecteed ' + error)
// XHR:
let xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
};"GET", "", true);
// HTTP Request via jQuery:
// npm install jQuery
import $ from 'jquery';
data => console.log(data));
// HTTP Request via jQuery with Premise:
import $ from 'jquery';
let promise = $.get("");
data => console.log(data),
error => console.log(error)
// HTTP POST with jquery:
import $ from 'jquery';
let user = {
name: 'Dariusz Wozniak',
country: 'Poland'
let promise = $.post("", user);
data => console.log('data: ', data),
error => console.log('error: ', error)
// Prevent Form Submission:
<form action="/somepath" method="post" id="user-form">
<input name="user" placeholder="user name"/>
<span id="user-error"></span>
<input name="country" placeholder="country name"/>
<span id="country-error"></span>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
let form = document.getElementById('user-form');
form.addEventListener('submit', event => {
event.preventDefault(); // prevent from submitting form
// Access Form Fields:
let form = document.getElementById('user-form');
form.addEventListener('submit', event => {
let user = form.elements['user'];
let country = form.elements['country'];
console.log(user.value, country.value);
// Sending POST from form:
import $ from 'jquery';
let form = document.getElementById('user-form');
form.addEventListener('submit', event => {
let user = form.elements['user'];
let country = form.elements['country'];
let userToPost = {
user: user.value,
country: country.value
let promise = $.post("", userToPost);
data => console.log('data: ', data),
error => console.log('error: ', error)
event.preventDefault(); // must be here for above demo purposes!
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