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Created June 11, 2019 14:12
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Single Broadcaster testing config
'use strict'
const { exec, spawn } = require('child_process')
const Swarm = require('../src/swarm')
const { series, eachLimit, parallel } = require('async')
const Api = require('../src/api')
const TestHarness = require('../src/index')
let th = new TestHarness(){
name: 'darkbroad1',
// name: 'dark',
// local: true,
// local: false,
email: null, // email to send alerts (from GCE) to
// discordUserId: '394997415003815936', // id of Discord user to send alert from Prometheus to (use `Copy ID` on profile to get)
discordUserId: null,
localBuild: true,
// publicImage: 'livepeer/go-livepeer:loki',
// publicImage: false, // if true will be used 'livepeer/go-livepeer:edge' or can be set
// to any other publicly available image
// livepeerBinaryPath: null, // this will use the livepeer binary in the GCP bucket.
// livepeerBinaryPath: '/Users/dark/go/src/', // this will use the livepeer binary in the GCP bucket.
standardSetup: true, // request token, register orchestartors, etc...
updateMachines: false,
installNodeExporter: true,
installGoogleMonitoring: false,
metrics: true,
noGCPLogging: true,
// constrainResources: true,
blockchain: {
name: 'lpTestNet',
networkId: 54321,
controllerAddress: '0xA1fe753Fe65002C22dDc7eab29A308f73C7B6982',
machines: {
zone: 'europe-west1-b',
// machineType: 'n1-highcpu-2',
// machineType: 'n1-highcpu-4',
orchestratorMachineType: 'n1-highcpu-2',
// machineType: 'n1-highmem-4',
// managerMachineType: 'n1-standard-2',
managerMachineType: 'n1-highmem-2',
broadcasterMachineType: 'n1-highcpu-16',
transcoderMachineType: 'n1-highcpu-8',
streamerMachineType: 'n1-standard-2',
// machineType: 'n1-standard-2'
nodes: {
s_a: {
instances: 6,
type: 'streamer',
// flags: '-v 6 '
t_a: {
// how many containers to run as transcoders.
instances: 0,
type: 'transcoder',
// these are the livepeer binary flags, add them as you wish.
// the test-harness overrides flags that has to do with directories or
// ip/port bindings, these are automated.
flags: '-v 6 -maxSessions 3 '
o_a: {
instances: 6,
orchSecret: 'o2',
type: 'orchestrator',
flags: `-v 6 -initializeRound=true -gasPrice 200 -gasLimit 20000000 -maxSessions 40000 -transcoder -fake `
broadcasters: {
type: 'broadcaster',
// googleStorage: {
// bucket: 'lptest-fran',
// key: 'examples/test-harness-226018-e3a05729b733.json'
// },
instances: 1,
flags: `-v 6 -gasPrice 200 -gasLimit 2000000 -currentManifest=true -maxSessions 400000 -transcodingOptions P240p30fps16x9,P360p30fps16x9,P720p30fps16x9 `
}, (err, experiment) => {
if (err) throw err
// console.log('experiment:', experiment)
console.log('so far so good, manager IP: ', experiment.baseUrl)
// return
// let api = new Api(experiment.parsedCompose, experiment.baseUrl)
// const swarm = new Swarm(
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