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with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps;
with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;
procedure Race_Example is
-- custom integer type and random number generator for it
type Indices is range 0 .. 1024;
package Random is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Result_Subtype => Indices);
-- map/dictionary/whatever else it gets called
package Map is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps (Key_Type => Indices, Element_Type => Indices);
with Ada.Real_Time;
with procedure Handle_Collision(ObjA, ObjB : Collisions.Geometry_Object);
package Collisions is
type Geometry_Float is private;
type Vector2D is record
X, Y: Geometry_Float;
package body Inductive is
function Is_Succ (Item: in Nat) return Boolean
if Item = 0 then
return True;
return Is_Succ (Nat'Pred (Item));
end if;
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./launch_architect
X11 thread management initialised.
openGL Server version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 340.76
(07:18:43 PM) charlie5 [] entered the room.
(08:17:53 PM) sukaeto: dbotton: the use cases for generics and the use cases for interfaces are different
(08:19:35 PM) sukaeto: dbotton: for an example of something you can do with generics that you cannot with interfaces, consider a package that takes a some function F(X : T1) return T2 and contains a function G(X : T1_Sets.Set) return T2_Sets.Set
(08:19:45 PM) sukaeto: you can't do this with interfaces
(08:20:11 PM) sukaeto: you just can't get the compile time type guarantees
(08:21:48 PM) sukaeto: for a simpler example, when you have package Int_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors(Positive, Integer);
(08:21:56 PM) sukaeto: and Vec : Int_Vectors.Vector
(08:22:13 PM) sukaeto: you know that all the elements of Vec are Integer
(08:22:33 PM) sukaeto: you don't get that guarantee with an interface
(08:22:45 PM) sukaeto: you can have a Vector of Interface T
darkestkhan / ex.adb
Created May 12, 2014 14:53
access to array example
with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Ex is
package TIO renames Ada.Text_IO;
type X is array (Positive range <>) of Boolean;
type X_Acc is access X;
W: X_Acc := new X'(False, True);
darkestkhan / Ada_Books
Created April 21, 2014 09:03
Just a links to books about Ada ;)
(09:02:10 AM) Allegra: books: Adapower has a nice list of on-line Ada books, at
(09:02:11 AM) Allegra: or: The Big Online Book of Linux Ada Programming is available at
(09:02:11 AM) Allegra: or: The University of Brighton in the UK has both John English's AdaCraft ( and Mike Smith's "OOP in Ada95" (, though the Smith book seems to be offline a lot.
(09:02:12 AM) Allegra: or: A commercial book highly recommended for those who already know another programming language is Norman H. Cohen's "Ada as a Second Language", ISBN 0-07-011607-5
(09:02:13 AM) Allegra: or: See a list at
(09:02:13 AM) Allegra: or: AdaIC has learning materials available at
(09:02:14 AM) Allegra: or: M. Ben Ari's "Ada for Software Engineers" (
with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Exceptions_Example is
package TIO renames Ada.Text_IO;
-- Own exception.
Fake_Error: exception;
FD: TIO.File_Type;
with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Test is
type S is array (Integer range <>) of Integer;
function "&" (Left, Right: in S) return S
X: S (1 .. Left'Length + Right'Length);
for K in 1 .. Left'Length loop
This from Lazyfoo:
GLuint targetColor;
GLubyte* colors = (GLubyte*)&targetColor;
colors[ 0 ] = 000;
colors[ 1 ] = 255;
colors[ 2 ] = 255;
colors[ 3 ] = 255;
Traslates in Ada to:
Target_Colour: constant GL.UInt := 16#FF_FF_FF_00#