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Created March 17, 2012 06:40
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Save darkf/2055832 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
calculus assignment bs
(* Take a tree of expressions in and output the expression tree of the differentiation of it. (or something like that.)
Copyright (c) 2012 darkf
MIT license
(* Assignment:
type Node =
| Constant of int
| Variable of string
| Mult of Node * Node
| Plus of Node * Node
| Minus of Node * Node
| Cos of Node
| Sin of Node
(*let tree = Mult ((Variable "x"), Plus (
(Plus ((Constant 2), (Variable "x")))
(Minus ((Variable "x"), (Constant 4))))))*)
let tree = Mult (Constant 5, Variable "x")
let rec diff x = match x with
| Plus(x,y) -> Plus (diff x, diff y)
| Minus(x,y) -> Minus (diff x, diff y)
| Mult(x,y) -> Plus(
Mult (diff x, y),
Mult (x, diff y)
//| Cos(x) ->
//| Sin(x) ->
| Constant(x) -> Constant 0
| Variable(x) -> Constant 1
printfn "%A" (diff tree)
System.Console.ReadKey(true) |> ignore
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