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Last active December 18, 2015 07:00
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Haskell 3-stage Brainfuck parser/reducer/evaluator
module Eval (bf_eval) where
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
import Control.Monad.ST (runST)
import Data.Char (chr)
import Reducer
bf_eval :: [ISC] -> String
bf_eval instrs =
runST $ bf_eval' instrs
bf_eval' instrs = do
cells <- MV.replicate 3000 (0 :: Int)
eval cells instrs 0 ""
eval cells [] _ out = return $ reverse out
eval cells (x:xs) ptr out =
case x of
Modify i -> do
p <- cells ptr
MV.write cells ptr (p + i)
eval cells xs ptr out
Move i -> eval cells xs (ptr + i) out
OutI -> do
c <- cells ptr
eval cells xs ptr (chr c:out)
LoopI body ->
let loop ptr' out' = do
p <- cells ptr
if p == 0 then
return out'
else do
out'' <- eval cells body ptr' out'
loop ptr' out''
in do
out' <- loop ptr out
eval cells xs ptr out'
module IR (Instruction(..), bf_to_ir) where
-- Simple IR for Brainfuck programs
data Instruction = LeftI
| RightI
| Plus
| Minus
| Out
| Loop [Instruction]
deriving (Show, Eq)
bf_to_ir :: String -> [Instruction]
bf_to_ir [] = []
bf_to_ir ('[':r) =
let x = bf_to_ir r
y = take (length x - 1) x in
case last x of
Loop r' -> Loop y : r'
_ -> error "unclosed loop?"
bf_to_ir (']':r) =
[Loop (bf_to_ir r)]
bf_to_ir ('+':r) = Plus : bf_to_ir r
bf_to_ir ('-':r) = Minus : bf_to_ir r
bf_to_ir ('<':r) = LeftI : bf_to_ir r
bf_to_ir ('>':r) = RightI : bf_to_ir r
bf_to_ir ('.':r) = Out : bf_to_ir r
module Main (main) where
import Control.Exception (assert)
import IR
import Reducer
import Eval
main =
let program = "++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>."
ir = bf_to_ir program
reduced = bf_reduce ir []
putStrLn program >>
putStrLn "" >>
print ir >>
putStrLn "" >>
print reduced >>
putStrLn "" >>
print (bf_eval reduced)
module Reducer (ISC(..), bf_reduce) where
import IR
-- Reduce Brainfuck instructions (from the IR) into more compact instructions
data ISC = Modify Int -- *ptr += x
| Move Int -- ptr += x
| OutI
| LoopI [ISC]
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Count and reduce instructions
reduceInstruction :: [Instruction] -> (Instruction, Instruction) -> Int -> (Int, [Instruction])
reduceInstruction [] _ n = (n, [])
reduceInstruction r@(x:xs) ins@(ins_inc, ins_dec) n
| x == ins_inc = reduceInstruction xs ins (n+1)
| x == ins_dec = reduceInstruction xs ins (n-1)
| otherwise = (n, r)
bf_reduce :: [Instruction] -> [ISC] -> [ISC]
-- base case
bf_reduce [] prg = reverse prg
-- beginning
bf_reduce (x:xs) [] =
case x of
Plus -> bf_reduce xs [Modify 1]
Minus -> bf_reduce xs [Modify (-1)]
LeftI -> bf_reduce xs [Move (-1)]
RightI -> bf_reduce xs [Move 1]
Out -> bf_reduce xs [OutI]
Loop body -> bf_reduce xs [LoopI (bf_reduce body [])]
bf_reduce ins@(x:xs) prg@(p:ps) =
case x of
Plus -> reduceModify p $ reduceInstruction ins (Plus, Minus) 0
Minus -> reduceModify p $ reduceInstruction ins (Plus, Minus) 0
LeftI -> reduceMove p $ reduceInstruction ins (RightI, LeftI) 0
RightI -> reduceMove p $ reduceInstruction ins (RightI, LeftI) 0
Out -> bf_reduce xs (OutI:prg)
Loop body -> bf_reduce xs (LoopI (bf_reduce body []) : prg)
reduceModify (Modify i) (n,r) = bf_reduce r (Modify (i+n) : ps) -- mutate existing Modify
reduceModify _ (n,r) = bf_reduce r (Modify n : prg) -- add new Modify
reduceMove (Move i) (n,r) = bf_reduce r (Move (i+n) : ps)
reduceMove _ (n,r) = bf_reduce r (Move n : prg)
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