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Created January 19, 2012 06:11
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Number classification in Haskell
data Classification = Perfect | Abundant | Deficient deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
squareRoot :: Int -> Int
squareRoot = floor . sqrt . fromIntegral
isFactor :: Int -> Int -> Bool
isFactor a b = a `mod` b == 0
factors :: Int -> [Int]
factors n = lowFactors ++ highFactors
where lowFactors = filter (isFactor n) [1..limit]
limit = squareRoot n
highFactors = map (n `div`) lowFactors
classify :: Int -> (Int, Classification)
classify n
| sumOfFactors == n' = (n, Perfect)
| sumOfFactors < n' = (n, Deficient)
| sumOfFactors > n' = (n, Abundant)
where n' = 2 * n
sumOfFactors = sum $ factors n
perfectNumbers = filter (\(n, c) -> c == Perfect) $ map classify [1..]
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