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Created June 17, 2024 22:37
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Example Cloudflare
variable "records" {
description = "Cloudflare DNS zone records"
type = set(object({
tf_obj_id = string # tf key used to organize records
name = string
proxied = bool
value = string
priority = number
ttl = number
type = string
zone_id = string
variable "page_rules" {
description = "Cloudflare page rules"
type = map(object({
actions = set(object({
always_use_https = bool
automatic_https_rewrites = string
disable_apps = bool
disable_performance = bool
disable_railgun = bool
disable_security = bool
disable_zaraz = bool
edge_cache_ttl = number
ssl = string
forwarding_url = set(object({
status_code = number
url = string
priority = number
status = string
target = string
zone_id = string
# DNS Zone Records
resource "cloudflare_record" "default" {
# generate unique object key to reference record
for_each = { for record in var.records : record.tf_obj_id => record }
name =
value = each.value.value
priority = each.value.priority
type = each.value.type
proxied = each.value.proxied
zone_id = each.value.zone_id
resource "cloudflare_page_rule" "default" {
for_each = var.page_rules
dynamic "actions" {
for_each = each.value.actions
content {
always_use_https = actions.value.always_use_https
automatic_https_rewrites = actions.value.automatic_https_rewrites
disable_apps = actions.value.disable_apps
disable_performance = actions.value.disable_performance
disable_railgun = actions.value.disable_railgun
disable_security = actions.value.disable_security
disable_zaraz = actions.value.disable_zaraz
edge_cache_ttl = actions.value.edge_cache_ttl
ssl = actions.value.ssl
dynamic "forwarding_url" {
for_each = actions.value.forwarding_url
content {
status_code = forwarding_url.value.status_code
url = forwarding_url.value.url
priority = each.value.priority
status = each.value.status
target =
zone_id = each.value.zone_id
# How to test complex structures
records = [
tf_obj_id = "MX/"
name = ""
proxied = "false"
value = ""
priority = 10
ttl = 1
type = "MX"
zone_id = "REDACTED1"
tf_obj_id = "MX/"
name = ""
proxied = "false"
value = ""
priority = 10
ttl = 1
type = "MX"
zone_id = "REDACTED2"
tf_obj_id = "A/"
name = "stats"
proxied = "true"
value = ""
priority = null
ttl = 1
type = "A"
zone_id = "REDACTED3"
page_rules = {
# Zone:
"*" = {
actions = [{
always_use_https = false
automatic_https_rewrites = "on"
disable_apps = false
disable_performance = false
disable_railgun = false
disable_security = false
disable_zaraz = false
edge_cache_ttl = 0
ssl = "flexible"
forwarding_url = []
priority = 3
status = "active"
target = "*"
zone_id = "REDANCTED"
"*" = {
actions = [{
always_use_https = false
automatic_https_rewrites = null
disable_apps = false
disable_performance = false
disable_railgun = false
disable_security = false
disable_zaraz = false
edge_cache_ttl = 0
ssl = null
forwarding_url = [{
status_code = 301
url = ""
priority = 1
status = "active"
target = "*"
zone_id = "REDACTED2"
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