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Created March 23, 2017 02:52
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A little bit disgusting, but you can totally create classes with ivars in cocoa script :D
// Copy-paste this into 💎 and run it 🔥
// Scroll to bottom for usage
// Use any C function, not just ones with BridgeSupport
function CFunc(name, args, retVal) {
// Due to particularities of the JS bridge, we can't call into MOBridgeSupport objects directly
// But, we can ask key value coding to do the dirty work for us ;)
function setKeys(o, d) {
const funcDict = NSMutableDictionary.dictionary()
funcDict.o = o
Object.keys(d).map( k => funcDict.setValue_forKeyPath(d[k], "o." + k) )
function makeArgument(a) {
if (!a) return null;
const arg = MOBridgeSupportArgument.alloc().init();
setKeys(arg, {
type64: a.type,
return arg;
const func = MOBridgeSupportFunction.alloc().init();
const argArr = makeArgument );
setKeys(func, {
name: name,
arguments: argArr,
returnValue: makeArgument(retVal),
return func;
@encode(char*) = "*"
@encode(id) = "@"
@encode(Class) = "#"
@encode(void*) = "^v"
@encode(CGRect) = "{CGRect={CGPoint=dd}{CGSize=dd}}"
// This assumes the ivar is an object type. Return value is pretty useless.
const object_getInstanceVariable = CFunc("object_getInstanceVariable", [{type: "@"}, {type:'*'}, {type: "^@"}], {type: "^{objc_ivar=}"});
// Again, ivar is of object type
const object_setInstanceVariable = CFunc("object_setInstanceVariable", [{type: "@"}, {type:'*'}, {type: "@"}], {type: "^{objc_ivar=}"});
function ObjCClass (handlers, ivars = [], superclass = NSObject){
var className = "GeneratedClass" + NSUUID.UUID().UUIDString()
var cls = MOClassDescription.allocateDescriptionForClassWithName_superclass_(className, superclass)
// Add each handler to the clas description
for(var selectorString in handlers) {
var selector = NSSelectorFromString(selectorString)
cls.addInstanceMethodWithSelector_function_(selector, handlers[selector])
} name => cls.addInstanceVariableWithName_typeEncoding(name, "@"))
return cls.registerClass();
function getIvar(obj, name) {
const retPtr = MOPointer.alloc().init();
object_getInstanceVariable(obj, 'ivar', retPtr);
return retPtr.value();
************** Usage ******************
const MyClass = new ObjCClass({
test() {
log("ivar is " + getIvar(this, 'ivar'));
}, ["ivar"], NSObject)
const obj =;
// Yes you can do this
obj.setValue_forKey("abcd", "ivar")
// But this is more elegant!
object_setInstanceVariable(obj, "ivar", "efgh");
/* output:
ivar is null
ivar is abcd
ivar is efgh
Script executed in 0.025665s
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