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Created September 17, 2021 15:38
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Is this the best way to generate a Zip file in Scripter?
const colors = figma.getLocalPaintStyles()
.map(c => {
const {name, paints} = c
const paint = paints[0]
if (isSolidPaint(paint)) {
const {opacity, color} = paint
const {r,g,b} = color
return {name, color: {red: r, green: g, blue: b, alpha: opacity} }
} else {
return undefined
}).filter(c => c)
const zipper = createWorker(async w => {
const JSZip_ = await w.import("jszip@3.7.1/dist/jszip.min.js")
const JSZip = JSZip_()
const colors = await w.recv()
const zip = JSZip();
const info = {
author : "darknoon.figma.ExportXCAssets",
version : 1,
// TODO: parse namespaces
const folderContents = {
properties: {
"provides-namespace" : true
.file("Contents.json", JSON.stringify(folderContents))
for (let c of colors) {
const {name, color} = c
const folder = zip.folder(`${name}.colorset`)
const contents = {
colors: [
// Add other variants here
color : {
"color-space" : "srgb",
components : color,
idiom : "universal"
folder.file("Contents.json", JSON.stringify(contents))
const result = await zip.generateAsync({type : "uint8array"})
const zip = await zipper.recv();
//print("Result: ", zip)
//print("Opening window…")
let downloadWindow = createWindow({width:300, height:300}, async w => {
const data = await w.recv();
if (true) {
const blob = new w.Blob([data], {type: "application/zip"})
const blobURL = w.URL.createObjectURL(blob)
const button = w.createElement("a") as WebDOM.HTMLAnchorElement;
button.href = blobURL = ""
// Show the Blob URL… clicking doesn't trigger a download tho
button.textContent = "Option-click to download"
button.setAttribute("download", "")
} else {
// This API seems to not be available in Scripter
const f = new File([data], "")
w.window.saveAs(f, "")
await downloadWindow
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