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Forked from adam-singer/HelloIsolate.dart
Created November 20, 2012 03:39
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Hello world using new dart:isolate
#!/usr/bin/env dart
isolateCode() {
isolate.port.receive((msg, reply) => reply.send("re: $msg"));
void main() {
isolate.SendPort sendPort = isolate.spawnFunction(isolateCode);"Hello World").then(print);
function Isolate() {}
var $$ = {};
var $ = Isolate.$isolateProperties;
$$.ListIterator = {"": ["i", "list"],
"super": "Object",
get$hasNext: function() {
return this.i < this.list.length;
next$0: function() {
if (this.get$hasNext() !== true)
throw $.$$throw($.StateError$('No more elements'));
var value = this.list[this.i];
this.i = this.i + 1;
return value;
$$.StackTrace = {"": ["stack"],
"super": "Object",
toString$0: function() {
var t1 = this.stack;
return !(t1 == null) ? t1 : '';
$$.Closure = {"": [],
"super": "Object",
toString$0: function() {
return 'Closure';
$$.MetaInfo = {"": ["_tag>", "_tags", "_set>"],
"super": "Object"
$$.JSSyntaxRegExp = {"": ["_liblib$_pattern", "_multiLine", "_ignoreCase"],
"super": "Object",
firstMatch$1: function(str) {
var m, matchStart, t1, matchEnd;
m = $.regExpExec(this, $.checkString(str));
if (m == null)
matchStart = m.index;
t1 = $.get$length($.index(m, 0));
if (typeof t1 !== 'number')
throw $.iae(t1);
matchEnd = matchStart + t1;
return $._MatchImplementation$(this.get$pattern(), str, matchStart, matchEnd, m);
get$pattern: function() {
return this._liblib$_pattern;
get$multiLine: function() {
return this._multiLine;
get$ignoreCase: function() {
return this._ignoreCase;
is$JSSyntaxRegExp: true
$$._MatchImplementation = {"": ["pattern>", "str", "start", "end", "_groups"],
"super": "Object",
operator$index$1: function(index) {
return $.index(this._groups, index);
$$.ArgumentError = {"": ["message"],
"super": "Object",
toString$0: function() {
var t1 = this.message;
if (!(t1 == null))
return 'Illegal argument(s): ' + $.S(t1);
return 'Illegal argument(s)';
$$.RangeError = {"": ["message"],
"super": "ArgumentError",
toString$0: function() {
return 'RangeError: ' + $.S(this.message);
$$.NoSuchMethodError = {"": ["_receiver", "_memberName", "_arguments", "_namedArguments", "_existingArgumentNames"],
"super": "Object",
toString$0: function() {
var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, actualParameters, i, formalParameters;
t1 = {};
t1.sb_1 = $.StringBuffer_StringBuffer('');
t1.i_2 = 0;
t2 = this._arguments;
if (typeof t2 !== 'string' && (typeof t2 !== 'object' || t2 === null || t2.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior))
return this.toString$0$bailout(1, t1, t2);
for (; $.ltB(t1.i_2, t2.length); t1.i_2 = $.add(t1.i_2, 1)) {
if ($.gtB(t1.i_2, 0)) {
t3 = t1.sb_1;
$.getInterceptor(t3).add$1(t3, ', ');
t3 = t1.sb_1;
t4 = $.getInterceptor(t3);
t5 = t1.i_2;
if (t5 !== (t5 | 0))
throw $.iae(t5);
if (t5 < 0 || t5 >= t2.length)
throw $.ioore(t5);
t4.add$1(t3, $.NoSuchMethodError_safeToString(t2[t5]));
t2 = this._namedArguments;
if (!(t2 == null))
$.getInterceptor(t2).forEach$1(t2, new $.NoSuchMethodError_toString_anon(t1));
t2 = this._existingArgumentNames;
if (typeof t2 !== 'string' && (typeof t2 !== 'object' || t2 === null || t2.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior))
return this.toString$0$bailout(2, t1, t2);
actualParameters = $.toString(t1.sb_1);
t1.sb_1 = $.StringBuffer_StringBuffer('');
for (i = 0; i < t2.length; ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
t3 = t1.sb_1;
$.getInterceptor(t3).add$1(t3, ', ');
t3 = t1.sb_1;
t4 = $.getInterceptor(t3);
if (i >= t2.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
t4.add$1(t3, t2[i]);
formalParameters = $.toString(t1.sb_1);
t2 = this._memberName;
return 'NoSuchMethodError: incorrect number of arguments passed to method named \'' + $.S(t2) + '\'\n' + 'Receiver: ' + $.S($.NoSuchMethodError_safeToString(this._receiver)) + '\n' + 'Tried calling: ' + $.S(t2) + '(' + $.S(actualParameters) + ')\n' + 'Found: ' + $.S(t2) + '(' + $.S(formalParameters) + ')';
toString$0$bailout: function(state0, env0, env1) {
switch (state0) {
case 1:
t2 = env1;
t1 = env0;
case 2:
t2 = env1;
t1 = env0;
switch (state0) {
case 0:
t1 = {};
t1.sb_1 = $.StringBuffer_StringBuffer('');
t1.i_2 = 0;
t2 = this._arguments;
case 1:
state0 = 0;
if (!(t2 == null))
for (; $.ltB(t1.i_2, $.get$length(t2)); t1.i_2 = $.add(t1.i_2, 1)) {
if ($.gtB(t1.i_2, 0)) {
t3 = t1.sb_1;
$.getInterceptor(t3).add$1(t3, ', ');
t3 = t1.sb_1;
$.getInterceptor(t3).add$1(t3, $.NoSuchMethodError_safeToString($.index(t2, t1.i_2)));
t2 = this._namedArguments;
if (!(t2 == null))
$.getInterceptor(t2).forEach$1(t2, new $.NoSuchMethodError_toString_anon(t1));
t2 = this._existingArgumentNames;
case 2:
var t1, t2, t3, actualParameters, i, formalParameters;
state0 = 0;
if (t2 == null)
return 'NoSuchMethodError : method not found: \'' + $.S(this._memberName) + '\'\n' + 'Receiver: ' + $.S($.NoSuchMethodError_safeToString(this._receiver)) + '\n' + 'Arguments: [' + $.S(t1.sb_1) + ']';
else {
actualParameters = $.toString(t1.sb_1);
t1.sb_1 = $.StringBuffer_StringBuffer('');
for (i = 0; $.ltB(i, $.get$length(t2)); ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
t3 = t1.sb_1;
$.getInterceptor(t3).add$1(t3, ', ');
t3 = t1.sb_1;
$.getInterceptor(t3).add$1(t3, $.index(t2, i));
formalParameters = $.toString(t1.sb_1);
t2 = this._memberName;
return 'NoSuchMethodError: incorrect number of arguments passed to method named \'' + $.S(t2) + '\'\n' + 'Receiver: ' + $.S($.NoSuchMethodError_safeToString(this._receiver)) + '\n' + 'Tried calling: ' + $.S(t2) + '(' + $.S(actualParameters) + ')\n' + 'Found: ' + $.S(t2) + '(' + $.S(formalParameters) + ')';
$$.UnsupportedError = {"": ["message>"],
"super": "Object",
toString$0: function() {
return 'Unsupported operation: ' + $.S(this.get$message());
$$.UnimplementedError = {"": ["message>"],
"super": "Object",
toString$0: function() {
var t1 = this.message;
return !(t1 == null) ? 'UnimplementedError: ' + $.S(t1) : 'UnimplementedError';
$$.StateError = {"": ["message"],
"super": "Object",
toString$0: function() {
return 'Bad state: ' + this.message;
$$.StackOverflowError = {"": [],
"super": "Object",
toString$0: function() {
return 'Stack Overflow';
$$._ExceptionImplementation = {"": ["message"],
"super": "Object",
toString$0: function() {
var t1 = this.message;
return t1 == null ? 'Exception' : 'Exception: ' + $.S(t1);
is$Exception: true
$$.FormatException = {"": ["message"],
"super": "Object",
toString$0: function() {
return 'FormatException: ' + $.S(this.message);
is$Exception: true
$$.NullPointerException = {"": ["functionName", "arguments"],
"super": "Object",
toString$0: function() {
var t1 = this.functionName;
if (t1 == null)
return this.get$exceptionName();
return $.S(this.get$exceptionName()) + ' : method: \'' + $.S(t1) + '\'\n' + 'Receiver: null\n' + 'Arguments: ' + $.S(this.arguments);
get$exceptionName: function() {
return 'NullPointerException';
is$Exception: true
$$.IllegalJSRegExpException = {"": ["_pattern", "_errmsg"],
"super": "Object",
toString$0: function() {
return 'IllegalJSRegExpException: \'' + $.S(this._pattern) + '\' \'' + this._errmsg + '\'';
is$Exception: true
$$.RuntimeError = {"": ["message"],
"super": "Object",
toString$0: function() {
return 'RuntimeError: ' + this.message;
is$Exception: true
$$.FutureNotCompleteException = {"": [],
"super": "Object",
toString$0: function() {
return 'Exception: future has not been completed';
is$Exception: true
$$.FutureAlreadyCompleteException = {"": [],
"super": "Object",
toString$0: function() {
return 'Exception: future already completed';
is$Exception: true
$$.FutureUnhandledException = {"": ["source", "stackTrace>"],
"super": "Object",
toString$0: function() {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = $.toString(this.source);
t2 = 'FutureUnhandledException: exception while executing Future\n ' + $.S($.getInterceptor(t1).replaceAll$2(t1, '\n', '\n ')) + '\n' + 'original stack trace:\n ';
t3 = $.toString(this.stackTrace);
return t2 + $.S($.getInterceptor(t3).replaceAll$2(t3, '\n', '\n '));
is$Exception: true
$$._FutureImpl = {"": ["_isComplete", "_value", "_exception", "_stackTrace", "_exceptionHandled", "_successListeners", "_exceptionHandlers", "_completionListeners"],
"super": "Object",
get$value: function() {
if (this.get$isComplete() !== true)
throw $.$$throw($.FutureNotCompleteException$());
var t1 = this._exception;
if (!(t1 == null))
throw $.$$throw($.FutureUnhandledException$(t1, this.get$stackTrace()));
return this._value;
get$stackTrace: function() {
if (this.get$isComplete() !== true)
throw $.$$throw($.FutureNotCompleteException$());
return this._stackTrace;
get$isComplete: function() {
return this._isComplete;
get$hasValue: function() {
return this.get$isComplete() === true && this._exception == null;
then$1: function(onSuccess) {
var t1;
if (this.get$hasValue() === true)$1(this.get$value());
else if (this.get$isComplete() !== true) {
t1 = this._successListeners;
$.getInterceptor(t1).add$1(t1, onSuccess);
} else if (this._exceptionHandled !== true)
throw $.$$throw($.FutureUnhandledException$(this._exception, this.get$stackTrace()));
handleException$1: function(onException) {
var t1;
if (this._exceptionHandled === true)
if (this._isComplete) {
t1 = this._exception;
if (!(t1 == null))
this._exceptionHandled =$1(t1);
} else {
t1 = this._exceptionHandlers;
$.getInterceptor(t1).add$1(t1, onException);
_complete$0: function(exception) {
var t1, handler, listener, listener0;
this._isComplete = true;
try {
if (!(this._exception == null))
for (t1 = $.iterator(this._exceptionHandlers); t1.get$hasNext() === true;) {
handler =$0();
if ($.eqB($1(this._exception), true)) {
this._exceptionHandled = true;
if (this.get$hasValue() === true)
for (t1 = $.iterator(this._successListeners); t1.get$hasNext() === true;) {
listener =$0();$1(this.get$value());
else if (this._exceptionHandled !== true && this._successListeners.length > 0)
throw $.$$throw($.FutureUnhandledException$(this._exception, this.get$stackTrace()));
} finally {
for (t1 = $.iterator(this._completionListeners); t1.get$hasNext() === true;) {
listener0 =$0();
try {$1(this);
} catch (exception) {
_setValue$1: function(value) {
if (this._isComplete)
throw $.$$throw($.FutureAlreadyCompleteException$());
this._value = value;
_setException$2: function(exception, stackTrace) {
if (exception == null)
throw $.$$throw($.ArgumentError$(null));
if (this._isComplete)
throw $.$$throw($.FutureAlreadyCompleteException$());
this._exception = exception;
this._stackTrace = stackTrace;
$$._CompleterImpl = {"": ["_futureImpl"],
"super": "Object",
get$future: function() {
return this._futureImpl;
complete$1: function(value) {
completeException$2: function(exception, stackTrace) {
this._futureImpl._setException$2(exception, stackTrace);
completeException$1: function(exception) {
return this.completeException$2(exception,null)
$$.List = {"": [],
"super": "Object",
is$List: true,
is$Collection: true
$$._HashMapImpl = {"": ["_keys", "_values", "_loadLimit", "_numberOfEntries", "_numberOfDeleted"],
"super": "Object",
_probeForAdding$1: function(key) {
var t1, hash, insertionIndex, numberOfProbes, existingKey, numberOfProbes0;
if (key == null)
throw $.$$throw($.CTC2);
t1 = $.get$hashCode(key);
if (t1 !== (t1 | 0))
return this._probeForAdding$1$bailout(1, key, t1);
hash = (t1 & this._keys.length - 1) >>> 0;
for (insertionIndex = -1, numberOfProbes = 1; true; numberOfProbes = numberOfProbes0) {
t1 = this._keys;
if (hash < 0 || hash >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(hash);
existingKey = t1[hash];
if (existingKey == null) {
if (insertionIndex < 0)
return hash;
return insertionIndex;
} else if ($.eqB(existingKey, key))
return hash;
else if (insertionIndex < 0 && existingKey === $.CTC4)
insertionIndex = hash;
numberOfProbes0 = numberOfProbes + 1;
hash = $._HashMapImpl__nextProbe(hash, numberOfProbes, this._keys.length);
_probeForAdding$1$bailout: function(state0, key, t1) {
var hash, insertionIndex, numberOfProbes, existingKey, numberOfProbes0;
hash = $.and(t1, this._keys.length - 1);
for (insertionIndex = -1, numberOfProbes = 1; true; numberOfProbes = numberOfProbes0) {
t1 = this._keys;
if (hash !== (hash | 0))
throw $.iae(hash);
if (hash < 0 || hash >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(hash);
existingKey = t1[hash];
if (existingKey == null) {
if (insertionIndex < 0)
return hash;
return insertionIndex;
} else if ($.eqB(existingKey, key))
return hash;
else if (insertionIndex < 0 && existingKey === $.CTC4)
insertionIndex = hash;
numberOfProbes0 = numberOfProbes + 1;
hash = $._HashMapImpl__nextProbe(hash, numberOfProbes, this._keys.length);
_probeForLookup$1: function(key) {
var hash, numberOfProbes, t1, existingKey, numberOfProbes0;
if (key == null)
throw $.$$throw($.CTC2);
hash = $.and($.get$hashCode(key), this._keys.length - 1);
if (hash !== (hash | 0))
return this._probeForLookup$1$bailout(1, key, hash);
for (numberOfProbes = 1; true; numberOfProbes = numberOfProbes0) {
t1 = this._keys;
if (hash < 0 || hash >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(hash);
existingKey = t1[hash];
if (existingKey == null)
return -1;
if ($.eqB(existingKey, key))
return hash;
numberOfProbes0 = numberOfProbes + 1;
hash = $._HashMapImpl__nextProbe(hash, numberOfProbes, this._keys.length);
_probeForLookup$1$bailout: function(state0, key, hash) {
var numberOfProbes, t1, existingKey, numberOfProbes0;
for (numberOfProbes = 1; true; numberOfProbes = numberOfProbes0) {
t1 = this._keys;
if (hash !== (hash | 0))
throw $.iae(hash);
if (hash < 0 || hash >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(hash);
existingKey = t1[hash];
if (existingKey == null)
return -1;
if ($.eqB(existingKey, key))
return hash;
numberOfProbes0 = numberOfProbes + 1;
hash = $._HashMapImpl__nextProbe(hash, numberOfProbes, this._keys.length);
_ensureCapacity$0: function() {
var newNumberOfEntries, capacity, numberOfFreeOrDeleted, t1;
newNumberOfEntries = this._numberOfEntries + 1;
if ($.geB(newNumberOfEntries, this._loadLimit)) {
this._grow$1(this._keys.length * 2);
capacity = this._keys.length;
numberOfFreeOrDeleted = capacity - newNumberOfEntries;
t1 = this._numberOfDeleted;
if (t1 > numberOfFreeOrDeleted - t1)
_grow$1: function(newCapacity) {
var capacity, oldKeys, oldValues, t1, t2, i, key, value, newIndex, t3;
capacity = this._keys.length;
this._loadLimit = $.tdiv(newCapacity * 3, 4);
oldKeys = this._keys;
oldValues = this._values;
this._keys = $._ListImpl_List(newCapacity);
this._values = $._ListImpl_List(newCapacity);
for (t1 = oldKeys.length, t2 = oldValues.length, i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) {
if (i >= t1)
throw $.ioore(i);
key = oldKeys[i];
if (key == null || key === $.CTC4)
if (i >= t2)
throw $.ioore(i);
value = oldValues[i];
newIndex = this._probeForAdding$1(key);
t3 = this._keys;
if (newIndex !== (newIndex | 0))
throw $.iae(newIndex);
if (newIndex < 0 || newIndex >= t3.length)
throw $.ioore(newIndex);
t3[newIndex] = key;
t3 = this._values;
if (newIndex >= t3.length)
throw $.ioore(newIndex);
t3[newIndex] = value;
this._numberOfDeleted = 0;
clear$0: function() {
var t1, length$, t2, t3, i;
this._numberOfEntries = 0;
this._numberOfDeleted = 0;
t1 = this._keys;
length$ = t1.length;
for (t2 = this._values, t3 = t2.length, i = 0; i < length$; ++i) {
t1[i] = null;
if (i >= t3)
throw $.ioore(i);
t2[i] = null;
oprator$indexSet$2: function(key, value) {
var index, t1;
index = this._probeForAdding$1(key);
t1 = this._keys;
if (index !== (index | 0))
throw $.iae(index);
if (index < 0 || index >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(index);
t1 = t1[index];
if (t1 == null || t1 === $.CTC4)
this._numberOfEntries = this._numberOfEntries + 1;
t1 = this._keys;
if (index >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(index);
t1[index] = key;
t1 = this._values;
if (index >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(index);
t1[index] = value;
operator$index$1: function(key) {
var index, t1;
index = this._probeForLookup$1(key);
if ($.ltB(index, 0))
t1 = this._values;
if (index !== (index | 0))
throw $.iae(index);
if (index < 0 || index >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(index);
return t1[index];
remove$1: function(key) {
var index, t1, value;
index = this._probeForLookup$1(key);
if ($.geB(index, 0)) {
this._numberOfEntries = this._numberOfEntries - 1;
t1 = this._values;
if (index !== (index | 0))
throw $.iae(index);
if (index < 0 || index >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(index);
value = t1[index];
t1[index] = null;
t1 = this._keys;
if (index >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(index);
t1[index] = $.CTC4;
this._numberOfDeleted = this._numberOfDeleted + 1;
return value;
get$isEmpty: function() {
return this._numberOfEntries === 0;
get$length: function() {
return this._numberOfEntries;
forEach$1: function(f) {
var length$, i, t1, key;
length$ = this._keys.length;
for (i = 0; i < length$; ++i) {
t1 = this._keys;
if (i >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
key = t1[i];
if (!(key == null) && !(key === $.CTC4)) {
t1 = this._values;
if (i >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(i);$2(key, t1[i]);
get$keys: function() {
var t1, list;
t1 = {};
list = $._ListImpl_List(this.get$length());
t1.i_10 = 0;
this.forEach$1(new $._HashMapImpl_keys_anon(t1, list));
return list;
get$values: function() {
var t1, list;
t1 = {};
list = $._ListImpl_List(this.get$length());
t1.i_1 = 0;
this.forEach$1(new $._HashMapImpl_values_anon(t1, list));
return list;
containsKey$1: function(key) {
return !$.eqB(this._probeForLookup$1(key), -1);
toString$0: function() {
return $.Maps_mapToString(this);
_HashMapImpl$0: function() {
this._numberOfEntries = 0;
this._numberOfDeleted = 0;
this._loadLimit = $._HashMapImpl__computeLoadLimit(8);
this._keys = $._ListImpl_List(8);
this._values = $._ListImpl_List(8);
is$Map: true
$$._DeletedKeySentinel = {"": [],
"super": "Object"
$$._KeyValuePair = {"": ["key>", "value="],
"super": "Object"
$$._LinkedHashMapImpl = {"": ["_list", "_map"],
"super": "Object",
oprator$indexSet$2: function(key, value) {
var t1;
if (this._map.containsKey$1(key) === true)
$.index(this._map, key).get$element().set$value(value);
else {
t1 = this._list;
$.getInterceptor(t1).addLast$1(t1, $._KeyValuePair$(key, value));
$.indexSet(this._map, key, this._list.lastEntry$0());
operator$index$1: function(key) {
var entry = $.index(this._map, key);
if (entry == null)
return entry.get$element().get$value();
remove$1: function(key) {
var entry = this._map.remove$1(key);
if (entry == null)
return entry.get$element().get$value();
get$keys: function() {
var t1, list, t2;
t1 = {};
list = $._ListImpl_List(this.get$length());
t1.index_10 = 0;
t2 = this._list;
$.getInterceptor(t2).forEach$1(t2, new $._LinkedHashMapImpl_keys_anon(t1, list));
return list;
get$values: function() {
var t1, list, t2;
t1 = {};
list = $._ListImpl_List(this.get$length());
t1.index_1 = 0;
t2 = this._list;
$.getInterceptor(t2).forEach$1(t2, new $._LinkedHashMapImpl_values_anon(t1, list));
return list;
forEach$1: function(f) {
var t1 = this._list;
$.getInterceptor(t1).forEach$1(t1, new $._LinkedHashMapImpl_forEach_anon(f));
containsKey$1: function(key) {
return this._map.containsKey$1(key);
get$length: function() {
return $.get$length(this._map);
get$isEmpty: function() {
return $.eq(this.get$length(), 0);
clear$0: function() {
var t1 = this._map;
t1 = this._list;
toString$0: function() {
return $.Maps_mapToString(this);
_LinkedHashMapImpl$0: function() {
this._map = $.HashMap_HashMap();
this._list = $.DoubleLinkedQueue$();
is$Map: true
$$.Object = {"": [],
"super": "",
operator$eq$1: function(other) {
return this === other;
get$hashCode: function() {
return $.Primitives_objectHashCode(this);
toString$0: function() {
return $.Primitives_objectToString(this);
$$.DoubleLinkedQueueEntry = {"": ["_previous<", "_next=", "_element>"],
"super": "Object",
_link$2: function(p, n) {
this._next = n;
this._previous = p;
prepend$1: function(e) {
$.DoubleLinkedQueueEntry$(e)._link$2(this._previous, this);
remove$0: function() {
var t1 = this._next;
t1 = this._previous;
this._next = null;
this._previous = null;
return this._element;
_asNonSentinelEntry$0: function() {
return this;
previousEntry$0: function() {
return this._previous._asNonSentinelEntry$0();
get$element: function() {
return this._element;
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry$1: function(e) {
this._element = e;
$$._DoubleLinkedQueueEntrySentinel = {"": ["_previous", "_next", "_element"],
"super": "DoubleLinkedQueueEntry",
remove$0: function() {
throw $.$$throw($.StateError$('Empty queue'));
_asNonSentinelEntry$0: function() {
get$element: function() {
throw $.$$throw($.StateError$('Empty queue'));
_DoubleLinkedQueueEntrySentinel$0: function() {
this._link$2(this, this);
$$.DoubleLinkedQueue = {"": ["_sentinel"],
"super": "Object",
addLast$1: function(value) {
add$1: function(value) {
removeLast$0: function() {
return this._sentinel._previous.remove$0();
removeFirst$0: function() {
return this._sentinel._next.remove$0();
lastEntry$0: function() {
return this._sentinel.previousEntry$0();
get$length: function() {
var t1 = {};
t1.counter_1 = 0;
this.forEach$1(new $.DoubleLinkedQueue_length_anon(t1));
return t1.counter_1;
get$isEmpty: function() {
var t1 = this._sentinel;
return t1._next === t1;
clear$0: function() {
var t1 = this._sentinel;
t1._next = t1;
t1 = this._sentinel;
t1._previous = t1;
forEach$1: function(f) {
var entry, nextEntry;
entry = this._sentinel._next;
for (; !(entry === this._sentinel); entry = nextEntry) {
nextEntry = entry.get$_next();$1(entry.get$_element());
iterator$0: function() {
return $._DoubleLinkedQueueIterator$(this._sentinel);
toString$0: function() {
return $.Collections_collectionToString(this);
DoubleLinkedQueue$0: function() {
this._sentinel = $._DoubleLinkedQueueEntrySentinel$();
is$Collection: true
$$._DoubleLinkedQueueIterator = {"": ["_sentinel", "_currentEntry"],
"super": "Object",
get$hasNext: function() {
return !(this._currentEntry.get$_next() === this._sentinel);
next$0: function() {
if (this.get$hasNext() !== true)
throw $.$$throw($.StateError$('No more elements'));
this._currentEntry = this._currentEntry.get$_next();
return this._currentEntry.get$element();
_DoubleLinkedQueueIterator$1: function(_sentinel) {
this._currentEntry = this._sentinel;
$$.String = {"": [],
"super": "Object",
is$String: true
$$._StringBufferImpl = {"": ["_buffer", "_length"],
"super": "Object",
get$length: function() {
return this._length;
get$isEmpty: function() {
return $.eq(this._length, 0);
add$1: function(obj) {
var str, t1, t3;
str = $.toString(obj);
if (str == null || $.get$isEmpty(str) === true)
return this;
t1 = this._buffer;
$.getInterceptor(t1).add$1(t1, str);
t1 = this._length;
if (typeof t1 !== 'number')
return this.add$1$bailout(1, t1, str);
t3 = $.get$length(str);
if (typeof t3 !== 'number')
return this.add$1$bailout(2, t1, t3);
this._length = t1 + t3;
return this;
add$1$bailout: function(state0, env0, env1) {
switch (state0) {
case 1:
str = env1;
t1 = env0;
case 2:
t3 = env1;
t1 = env0;
switch (state0) {
case 0:
str = $.toString(obj);
if (str == null || $.get$isEmpty(str) === true)
return this;
t1 = this._buffer;
$.getInterceptor(t1).add$1(t1, str);
t1 = this._length;
case 1:
state0 = 0;
t3 = $.get$length(str);
case 2:
var str, t1, t3;
state0 = 0;
this._length = $.add(t1, t3);
return this;
clear$0: function() {
this._buffer = $._ListImpl_List(null);
this._length = 0;
return this;
toString$0: function() {
var result, t1;
if ($.eqB($.get$length(this._buffer), 0))
return '';
if ($.eqB($.get$length(this._buffer), 1))
return $.index(this._buffer, 0);
result = $.stringJoinUnchecked($.Strings__toJsStringArray(this._buffer), '');
t1 = this._buffer;
t1 = this._buffer;
$.getInterceptor(t1).add$1(t1, result);
return result;
_StringBufferImpl$1: function(content$) {
$$.ObjectInterceptor = {"": [],
"super": "Object",
removeLast$0: function(receiver) { return receiver.removeLast$0(); },
charCodeAt$1: function(receiver, a0) { return receiver.charCodeAt$1(a0); },
substring$1: function(receiver, a0) { return receiver.substring$1(a0); },
clear$0: function(receiver) { return receiver.clear$0(); },
add$1: function(receiver, a0) { return receiver.add$1(a0); },
replaceAll$2: function(receiver, a0, a1) { return receiver.replaceAll$2(a0, a1); },
endsWith$1: function(receiver, a0) { return receiver.endsWith$1(a0); },
substring$2: function(receiver, a0, a1) { return receiver.substring$2(a0, a1); },
forEach$1: function(receiver, a0) { return receiver.forEach$1(a0); },
addLast$1: function(receiver, a0) { return receiver.addLast$1(a0); },
split$1: function(receiver, a0) { return receiver.split$1(a0); }
$$.JSArray = {"": [],
"super": "Object",
add$1: function(receiver, value) {
$.checkGrowable(receiver, 'add');
removeLast$0: function(receiver) {
$.checkGrowable(receiver, 'removeLast');
if ($.eqB($.get$length(receiver), 0))
throw $.$$throw($.RangeError$value(-1));
return receiver.pop();
addLast$1: function(receiver, value) {
$.checkGrowable(receiver, 'addLast');
clear$0: function(receiver) {
$.set$length(receiver, 0);
forEach$1: function(receiver, f) {
return $.Collections_forEach(receiver, f);
is$List: true,
is$Collection: true
$$.JSString = {"": [],
"super": "Object",
charCodeAt$1: function(receiver, index) {
if (!(typeof index === 'number'))
throw $.$$throw($.ArgumentError$(index));
if (index < 0)
throw $.$$throw($.RangeError$value(index));
if ($.geB(index, $.get$length(receiver)))
throw $.$$throw($.RangeError$value(index));
return receiver.charCodeAt(index);
endsWith$1: function(receiver, other) {
var otherLength;
otherLength = $.get$length(other);
if ($.gtB(otherLength, $.get$length(receiver)))
return false;
return $.eq(other, this.substring$1(receiver, $.sub($.get$length(receiver), otherLength)));
replaceAll$2: function(receiver, from, to) {
return $.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(receiver, from, to);
split$1: function(receiver, pattern) {
return $.stringSplitUnchecked(receiver, pattern);
substring$2: function(receiver, startIndex, endIndex) {
if (endIndex == null)
endIndex = $.get$length(receiver);
if ($.ltB(startIndex, 0))
throw $.$$throw($.RangeError$value(startIndex));
if ($.gtB(startIndex, endIndex))
throw $.$$throw($.RangeError$value(startIndex));
if ($.gtB(endIndex, $.get$length(receiver)))
throw $.$$throw($.RangeError$value(endIndex));
return receiver.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
substring$1: function($,startIndex) {
return this.substring$2($,startIndex,null)
is$String: true
$$._Manager = {"": ["nextIsolateId=", "currentManagerId=", "nextManagerId=", "currentContext=", "rootContext=", "topEventLoop>", "fromCommandLine>", "isWorker>", "supportsWorkers", "isolates>", "mainManager>", "managers>"],
"super": "Object",
get$useWorkers: function() {
return this.supportsWorkers;
get$needSerialization: function() {
return this.get$useWorkers();
_nativeDetectEnvironment$0: function() {
this.isWorker = $isWorker;
this.supportsWorkers = $supportsWorkers;
this.fromCommandLine = typeof(window) == 'undefined';
_nativeInitWorkerMessageHandler$0: function() {
$globalThis.onmessage = function (e) {
_IsolateNatives._processWorkerMessage(this.mainManager, e);
maybeCloseWorker$0: function() {
if ($.get$isEmpty(this.isolates) === true)
this.mainManager.postMessage$1($._serializeMessage($.makeLiteralMap(['command', 'close'])));
_Manager$0: function() {
this.topEventLoop = $._EventLoop$();
this.isolates = $.Map_Map();
this.managers = $.Map_Map();
if (this.isWorker === true) {
this.mainManager = $._MainManagerStub$();
$$._IsolateContext = {"": ["id=", "ports>", "isolateStatics"],
"super": "Object",
initGlobals$0: function() {
eval$1: function(code) {
var old, result, t1;
old = $._globalState().get$currentContext();
result = null;
try {
result =$0();
} finally {
t1 = old;
if (!(old == null))
return result;
_setGlobals$0: function() {
lookup$1: function(portId) {
return $.index(this.ports, portId);
register$2: function(portId, port) {
if (this.ports.containsKey$1(portId) === true)
throw $.$$throw($._ExceptionImplementation$('Registry: ports must be registered only once.'));
$.indexSet(this.ports, portId, port);
$.indexSet($._globalState().get$isolates(),, this);
unregister$1: function(portId) {
if ($.get$isEmpty(this.ports) === true)
_IsolateContext$0: function() {
var t1, t2;
t1 = $._globalState();
t2 = t1.get$nextIsolateId();
t1.set$nextIsolateId($.add(t2, 1)); = t2;
this.ports = $.Map_Map();
$$._EventLoop = {"": ["events"],
"super": "Object",
enqueue$3: function(isolate, fn, msg) {
var t1 =;
$.getInterceptor(t1).addLast$1(t1, $._IsolateEvent$(isolate, fn, msg));
dequeue$0: function() {
var t1 =;
if ($.get$isEmpty(t1) === true)
return t1.removeFirst$0();
runIteration$0: function() {
var event$ = this.dequeue$0();
if (event$ == null) {
if ($._globalState().get$isWorker() === true)
else if (!($._globalState().get$rootContext() == null) && $._globalState().get$isolates().containsKey$1($._globalState().get$rootContext().get$id()) === true && $._globalState().get$fromCommandLine() === true && $.get$isEmpty($._globalState().get$rootContext().get$ports()) === true)
throw $.$$throw($._ExceptionImplementation$('Program exited with open ReceivePorts.'));
return false;
return true;
_runHelper$0: function() {
if (!($._window() == null))
new $._EventLoop__runHelper_next(this).call$0();
for (; this.runIteration$0() === true;)
run$0: function(exception) {
var t1, e, trace;
if ($._globalState().get$isWorker() !== true)
try {
} catch (exception) {
t1 = $.unwrapException(exception);
e = t1;
trace = $.getTraceFromException(exception);
$._globalState().get$mainManager().postMessage$1($._serializeMessage($.makeLiteralMap(['command', 'error', 'msg', $.S(e) + '\n' + $.S(trace)])));
$$._IsolateEvent = {"": ["isolate", "fn", "message"],
"super": "Object",
process$0: function() {
$$._MainManagerStub = {"": [],
"super": "Object",
get$id: function() {
return 0;
set$id: function(i) {
throw $.$$throw($.UnimplementedError$(null));
set$onmessage: function(f) {
throw $.$$throw($._ExceptionImplementation$('onmessage should not be set on MainManagerStub'));
postMessage$1: function(msg) {
terminate$0: function() {
$$._BaseSendPort = {"": ["_isolateId>"],
"super": "Object",
_checkReplyTo$1: function(replyTo) {
if (!(replyTo == null) && !(typeof replyTo === 'object' && replyTo !== null && !!$_NativeJsSendPort) && !(typeof replyTo === 'object' && replyTo !== null && !!$_WorkerSendPort) && !(typeof replyTo === 'object' && replyTo !== null && !!$_BufferingSendPort))
throw $.$$throw($._ExceptionImplementation$('SendPort.send: Illegal replyTo port type'));
call$1: function(message) {
var completer, port;
completer = $.Completer_Completer();
port = $._ReceivePortImpl$();
this.send$2(message, port.toSendPort$0());
port.receive$1(new $._BaseSendPort_call_anon(completer, port));
return completer.get$future();
is$SendPort: true
$$._NativeJsSendPort = {"": ["_receivePort>", "_isolateId"],
"super": "_BaseSendPort",
send$2: function(message, replyTo) {
$._waitForPendingPorts([message, replyTo], new $._NativeJsSendPort_send_anon(this, replyTo, message));
send$1: function(message) {
return this.send$2(message,null)
operator$eq$1: function(other) {
return typeof other === 'object' && other !== null && !!$_NativeJsSendPort && $.eqB(this._receivePort, other._receivePort);
get$hashCode: function() {
return this._receivePort.get$_id();
is$_NativeJsSendPort: true,
is$SendPort: true
$$._WorkerSendPort = {"": ["_workerId>", "_receivePortId", "_isolateId"],
"super": "_BaseSendPort",
send$2: function(message, replyTo) {
$._waitForPendingPorts([message, replyTo], new $._WorkerSendPort_send_anon(this, replyTo, message));
send$1: function(message) {
return this.send$2(message,null)
operator$eq$1: function(other) {
var t1;
if (typeof other === 'object' && other !== null && !!$_WorkerSendPort)
t1 = $.eqB(this._workerId, other._workerId) && $.eqB(this._isolateId, other._isolateId) && $.eqB(this._receivePortId, other._receivePortId);
t1 = false;
return t1;
get$hashCode: function() {
return $.xor($.xor($.shl(this._workerId, 16), $.shl(this._isolateId, 8)), this._receivePortId);
is$_WorkerSendPort: true,
is$SendPort: true
$$._BufferingSendPort = {"": ["_id>", "_port<", "_futurePort>", "pending=", "_isolateId"],
"super": "_BaseSendPort",
send$2: function(message, replyTo) {
var t1 = this._port;
if (!(t1 == null))
t1.send$2(message, replyTo);
else {
t1 = this.pending;
$.getInterceptor(t1).add$1(t1, $.makeLiteralMap(['message', message, 'replyTo', replyTo]));
send$1: function(message) {
return this.send$2(message,null)
operator$eq$1: function(other) {
return typeof other === 'object' && other !== null && !!$_BufferingSendPort && $.eqB(this._id, other._id);
get$hashCode: function() {
return this._id;
_BufferingSendPort$2: function(isolateId, _futurePort) {
$._BufferingSendPort__idCount = $.add($._BufferingSendPort__idCount, 1);
this._futurePort.then$1(new $.anon(this));
is$_BufferingSendPort: true,
is$SendPort: true
$$._ReceivePortImpl = {"": ["_id>", "_callback>"],
"super": "Object",
_callback$2: function(arg0, arg1) { return$2(arg0, arg1); },
receive$1: function(onMessage) {
this._callback = onMessage;
close$0: function() {
this._callback = null;
toSendPort$0: function() {
return $._NativeJsSendPort$(this, $._globalState().get$currentContext().get$id());
_ReceivePortImpl$0: function() {
$._globalState().get$currentContext().register$2(this._id, this);
$$._PendingSendPortFinder = {"": ["ports>", "_visited"],
"super": "_MessageTraverser",
visitPrimitive$1: function(x) {
visitList$1: function(list) {
if (!($.index(this._visited, list) == null))
$.indexSet(this._visited, list, true);
$.getInterceptor(list).forEach$1(list, new $._PendingSendPortFinder_visitList_anon(this));
visitMap$1: function(map) {
var t1;
if (!($.index(this._visited, map) == null))
$.indexSet(this._visited, map, true);
t1 = map.get$values();
$.getInterceptor(t1).forEach$1(t1, new $._PendingSendPortFinder_visitMap_anon(this));
visitSendPort$1: function(port) {
var t1;
if (!!$_BufferingSendPort && port._port == null) {
t1 = this.ports;
$.getInterceptor(t1).add$1(t1, port.get$_futurePort());
_PendingSendPortFinder$0: function() {
this._visited = $._JsVisitedMap$();
$$._JsSerializer = {"": ["_nextFreeRefId", "_visited"],
"super": "_Serializer",
visitSendPort$1: function(x) {
if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null && !!$_NativeJsSendPort)
return this.visitNativeJsSendPort$1(x);
if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null && !!$_WorkerSendPort)
return ['sendport', x._workerId, x._isolateId, x._receivePortId];
if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null && !!$_BufferingSendPort)
return this.visitBufferingSendPort$1(x);
throw $.$$throw('Illegal underlying port ' + $.S(x));
visitNativeJsSendPort$1: function(port) {
return ['sendport', $._globalState().get$currentManagerId(), port._isolateId, port._receivePort.get$_id()];
visitBufferingSendPort$1: function(port) {
var t1 = port._port;
if (!(t1 == null))
return this.visitSendPort$1(t1);
throw $.$$throw('internal error: must call _waitForPendingPorts to ensure all ports are resolved at this point.');
_JsSerializer$0: function() {
this._visited = $._JsVisitedMap$();
$$._JsCopier = {"": ["_visited"],
"super": "_Copier",
visitSendPort$1: function(x) {
if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null && !!$_NativeJsSendPort)
return this.visitNativeJsSendPort$1(x);
if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null && !!$_WorkerSendPort)
return this.visitWorkerSendPort$1(x);
if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null && !!$_BufferingSendPort)
return this.visitBufferingSendPort$1(x);
throw $.$$throw('Illegal underlying port ' + $.S(this.get$p()));
visitNativeJsSendPort$1: function(port) {
return $._NativeJsSendPort$(port._receivePort, port._isolateId);
visitWorkerSendPort$1: function(port) {
return $._WorkerSendPort$(port._workerId, port._isolateId, port._receivePortId);
visitBufferingSendPort$1: function(port) {
var t1 = port._port;
if (!(t1 == null))
return this.visitSendPort$1(t1);
throw $.$$throw('internal error: must call _waitForPendingPorts to ensure all ports are resolved at this point.');
_JsCopier$0: function() {
this._visited = $._JsVisitedMap$();
$$._JsDeserializer = {"": ["_deserialized"],
"super": "_Deserializer",
deserializeSendPort$1: function(x) {
var managerId, isolateId, receivePortId, isolate;
managerId = $.index(x, 1);
isolateId = $.index(x, 2);
receivePortId = $.index(x, 3);
if ($.eqB(managerId, $._globalState().get$currentManagerId())) {
isolate = $.index($._globalState().get$isolates(), isolateId);
if (isolate == null)
return $._NativeJsSendPort$(isolate.lookup$1(receivePortId), isolateId);
} else
return $._WorkerSendPort$(managerId, isolateId, receivePortId);
$$._JsVisitedMap = {"": ["tagged"],
"super": "Object",
operator$index$1: function(object) {
return object['__MessageTraverser__attached_info__'];
oprator$indexSet$2: function(object, info) {
var t1 = this.tagged;
$.getInterceptor(t1).add$1(t1, object);
object['__MessageTraverser__attached_info__'] = info;
reset$0: function() {
this.tagged = $._ListImpl_List(null);
cleanup$0: function() {
var length$, i;
length$ = $.get$length(this.tagged);
if (typeof length$ !== 'number')
return this.cleanup$0$bailout(1, length$);
i = 0;
for (; i < length$; ++i)
$.index(this.tagged, i)['__MessageTraverser__attached_info__'] = null;
this.tagged = null;
cleanup$0$bailout: function(state0, length$) {
var i = 0;
for (; $.ltB(i, length$); ++i)
$.index(this.tagged, i)['__MessageTraverser__attached_info__'] = null;
this.tagged = null;
$$._MessageTraverserVisitedMap = {"": [],
"super": "Object",
operator$index$1: function(object) {
oprator$indexSet$2: function(object, info) {
reset$0: function() {
cleanup$0: function() {
$$._MessageTraverser = {"": [],
"super": "Object",
traverse$1: function(x) {
var t1, result;
t1 = x;
if (t1 == null || typeof t1 === 'string' || typeof t1 === 'number' || typeof t1 === 'boolean')
return this.visitPrimitive$1(x);
result = null;
try {
result = this._dispatch$1(x);
} finally {
return result;
_dispatch$1: function(x) {
if (x == null || typeof x === 'string' || typeof x === 'number' || typeof x === 'boolean')
return this.visitPrimitive$1(x);
if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null && (x.constructor === Array || !!$List))
return this.visitList$1(x);
if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null && !!$Map)
return this.visitMap$1(x);
if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null && !!$SendPort)
return this.visitSendPort$1(x);
if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null && !!$SendPortSync)
return this.visitSendPortSync$1(x);
return this.visitObject$1(x);
visitObject$1: function(x) {
throw $.$$throw('Message serialization: Illegal value ' + $.S(x) + ' passed');
$$._Copier = {"": [],
"super": "_MessageTraverser",
visitPrimitive$1: function(x) {
return x;
visitList$1: function(list) {
var copy, len, i;
if (typeof list !== 'object' || list === null || list.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior)
return this.visitList$1$bailout(1, list);
copy = $.index(this._visited, list);
if (!(copy == null))
return copy;
len = list.length;
copy = $._ListImpl_List(len);
$.indexSet(this._visited, list, copy);
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (i >= list.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
copy[i] = this._dispatch$1(list[i]);
return copy;
visitList$1$bailout: function(state0, list) {
var copy, len, i, t1;
copy = $.index(this._visited, list);
if (!(copy == null))
return copy;
len = $.get$length(list);
copy = $._ListImpl_List(len);
$.indexSet(this._visited, list, copy);
for (i = 0; $.ltB(i, len); ++i) {
t1 = this._dispatch$1($.index(list, i));
if (i >= copy.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
copy[i] = t1;
return copy;
visitMap$1: function(map) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = {};
t1.copy_1 = $.index(this._visited, map);
t2 = t1.copy_1;
if (!(t2 == null))
return t2;
t1.copy_1 = $.Map_Map();
$.indexSet(this._visited, map, t1.copy_1);
$.getInterceptor(map).forEach$1(map, new $._Copier_visitMap_anon(t1, this));
return t1.copy_1;
$$._Serializer = {"": [],
"super": "_MessageTraverser",
visitPrimitive$1: function(x) {
return x;
visitList$1: function(list) {
var copyId, id;
copyId = $.index(this._visited, list);
if (!(copyId == null))
return ['ref', copyId];
id = this._nextFreeRefId;
this._nextFreeRefId = id + 1;
$.indexSet(this._visited, list, id);
return ['list', id, this._serializeList$1(list)];
visitMap$1: function(map) {
var copyId, id;
copyId = $.index(this._visited, map);
if (!(copyId == null))
return ['ref', copyId];
id = this._nextFreeRefId;
this._nextFreeRefId = id + 1;
$.indexSet(this._visited, map, id);
return ['map', id, this._serializeList$1(map.get$keys()), this._serializeList$1(map.get$values())];
_serializeList$1: function(list) {
var len, result, i;
if (typeof list !== 'string' && (typeof list !== 'object' || list === null || list.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior))
return this._serializeList$1$bailout(1, list);
len = list.length;
result = $._ListImpl_List(len);
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (i >= list.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
result[i] = this._dispatch$1(list[i]);
return result;
_serializeList$1$bailout: function(state0, list) {
var len, result, i, t1;
len = $.get$length(list);
result = $._ListImpl_List(len);
for (i = 0; $.ltB(i, len); ++i) {
t1 = this._dispatch$1($.index(list, i));
if (i >= result.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
result[i] = t1;
return result;
$$._Deserializer = {"": [],
"super": "Object",
deserialize$1: function(x) {
if (x == null || typeof x === 'string' || typeof x === 'number' || typeof x === 'boolean')
return x;
this._deserialized = $.HashMap_HashMap();
return this._deserializeHelper$1(x);
_deserializeHelper$1: function(x) {
if (x == null || typeof x === 'string' || typeof x === 'number' || typeof x === 'boolean')
return x;
switch ($.index(x, 0)) {
case 'ref':
return this._deserializeRef$1(x);
case 'list':
return this._deserializeList$1(x);
case 'map':
return this._deserializeMap$1(x);
case 'sendport':
return this.deserializeSendPort$1(x);
return this.deserializeObject$1(x);
_deserializeRef$1: function(x) {
var id = $.index(x, 1);
return $.index(this._deserialized, id);
_deserializeList$1: function(x) {
var id, dartList, len, i, t1;
id = $.index(x, 1);
dartList = $.index(x, 2);
if (typeof dartList !== 'object' || dartList === null || (dartList.constructor !== Array || !!dartList.immutable$list) && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior)
return this._deserializeList$1$bailout(1, dartList, id);
$.indexSet(this._deserialized, id, dartList);
len = dartList.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (i >= dartList.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
t1 = this._deserializeHelper$1(dartList[i]);
if (i >= dartList.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
dartList[i] = t1;
return dartList;
_deserializeList$1$bailout: function(state0, dartList, id) {
var len, i;
$.indexSet(this._deserialized, id, dartList);
len = $.get$length(dartList);
for (i = 0; $.ltB(i, len); ++i)
$.indexSet(dartList, i, this._deserializeHelper$1($.index(dartList, i)));
return dartList;
_deserializeMap$1: function(x) {
var result, id, keys, values, len, i, key;
result = $.Map_Map();
id = $.index(x, 1);
$.indexSet(this._deserialized, id, result);
keys = $.index(x, 2);
if (typeof keys !== 'string' && (typeof keys !== 'object' || keys === null || keys.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior))
return this._deserializeMap$1$bailout(1, x, result, keys);
values = $.index(x, 3);
if (typeof values !== 'string' && (typeof values !== 'object' || values === null || values.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior))
return this._deserializeMap$1$bailout(2, values, result, keys);
len = keys.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (i >= keys.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
key = this._deserializeHelper$1(keys[i]);
if (i >= values.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
$.indexSet(result, key, this._deserializeHelper$1(values[i]));
return result;
_deserializeMap$1$bailout: function(state0, env0, env1, env2) {
switch (state0) {
case 1:
keys = env2;
result = env1;
x = env0;
case 2:
keys = env2;
result = env1;
values = env0;
switch (state0) {
case 0:
result = $.Map_Map();
id = $.index(x, 1);
$.indexSet(this._deserialized, id, result);
keys = $.index(x, 2);
case 1:
state0 = 0;
values = $.index(x, 3);
case 2:
var result, id, keys, x, values, len, i;
state0 = 0;
len = $.get$length(keys);
for (i = 0; $.ltB(i, len); ++i)
$.indexSet(result, this._deserializeHelper$1($.index(keys, i)), this._deserializeHelper$1($.index(values, i)));
return result;
deserializeObject$1: function(x) {
throw $.$$throw('Unexpected serialized object');
$$._Timer = {"": ["_once", "_handle"],
"super": "Object",
_Timer$repeating$2: function(milliSeconds, callback) {
this._handle = $._window().setInterval$2(new $.anon1(this, callback), milliSeconds);
_Timer$2: function(milliSeconds, callback) {
this._handle = $._window().setTimeout$2(new $.anon0(callback, this), milliSeconds);
$$.Uri = {"": ["scheme", "userInfo", "domain", "port", "path", "query", "fragment"],
"super": "Object",
isAbsolute$0: function() {
if ('' === this.scheme)
return false;
if (!('' === this.fragment))
return false;
return true;
toString$0: function() {
var sb, t1, t2;
sb = $.StringBuffer_StringBuffer('');
t1 = this.scheme;
$.Uri__addIfNonEmpty(sb, t1, t1, ':');
t2 = this.userInfo;
if (!$.eqB(t2, '') || !$.eqB(this.domain, '') || !$.eqB(this.port, 0) || $.eqB(t1, 'file')) {
$.getInterceptor(sb).add$1(sb, '//');
$.Uri__addIfNonEmpty(sb, t2, t2, '@');
t1 = $.getInterceptor(sb);
t2 = this.domain;
t1.add$1(sb, t2 == null ? 'null' : t2);
t1 = this.port;
if (!$.eqB(t1, 0)) {
$.getInterceptor(sb).add$1(sb, ':');
$.getInterceptor(sb).add$1(sb, $.toString(t1));
t1 = $.getInterceptor(sb);
t2 = this.path;
t1.add$1(sb, t2 == null ? 'null' : t2);
t1 = this.query;
$.Uri__addIfNonEmpty(sb, t1, '?', t1);
t1 = this.fragment;
$.Uri__addIfNonEmpty(sb, t1, '#', t1);
return $.toString(sb);
$$.Maps__emitMap_anon = {"": ["result_3", "box_0", "visiting_2"],
"super": "Closure",
call$2: function(k, v) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = this.box_0;
if (t1.first_1 !== true) {
t2 = this.result_3;
$.getInterceptor(t2).add$1(t2, ', ');
t1.first_1 = false;
t1 = this.result_3;
t2 = this.visiting_2;
$.Collections__emitObject(k, t1, t2);
$.getInterceptor(t1).add$1(t1, ': ');
$.Collections__emitObject(v, t1, t2);
$$.isolateCode_anon = {"": [],
"super": "Closure",
call$2: function(msg, reply) {
return reply.send$1('re: ' + $.S(msg));
$$._IsolateNatives__spawn_anon = {"": ["completer_1", "port_0"],
"super": "Closure",
call$2: function(msg, replyPort) {
$$.anon = {"": ["this_0"],
"super": "Closure",
call$1: function(p) {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = this.this_0;
for (t2 = $.iterator(t1.get$pending()); t2.get$hasNext() === true;) {
t3 =$0();
p.send$2($.index(t3, 'message'), $.index(t3, 'replyTo'));
$$.DoubleLinkedQueue_length_anon = {"": ["box_0"],
"super": "Closure",
call$1: function(element) {
var t1 = this.box_0;
t1.counter_1 = $.add(t1.counter_1, 1);
$$._LinkedHashMapImpl_forEach_anon = {"": ["f_0"],
"super": "Closure",
call$1: function(entry) {$2(entry.get$key(), entry.get$value());
$$._BaseSendPort_call_anon = {"": ["completer_1", "port_0"],
"super": "Closure",
call$2: function(value, ignoreReplyTo) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && !!$Exception;
t2 = this.completer_1;
if (t1)
$$._NativeJsSendPort_send_anon = {"": ["this_5", "replyTo_4", "message_3"],
"super": "Closure",
call$0: function() {
var t1, t2, t3, isolate, shouldSerialize, msg;
t1 = {};
t2 = this.this_5;
t3 = this.replyTo_4;
isolate = $.index($._globalState().get$isolates(), t2.get$_isolateId());
if (isolate == null)
if (t2.get$_receivePort().get$_callback() == null)
shouldSerialize = !($._globalState().get$currentContext() == null) && !$.eqB($._globalState().get$currentContext().get$id(), t2.get$_isolateId());
msg = this.message_3;
t1.msg_1 = msg;
t1.reply_2 = t3;
if (shouldSerialize) {
t1.msg_1 = $._serializeMessage(t1.msg_1);
t1.reply_2 = $._serializeMessage(t1.reply_2);
$._globalState().get$topEventLoop().enqueue$3(isolate, new $._NativeJsSendPort_send__anon(t2, t1, shouldSerialize), 'receive ' + $.S(msg));
$$._NativeJsSendPort_send__anon = {"": ["this_7", "box_0", "shouldSerialize_6"],
"super": "Closure",
call$0: function() {
var t1, t2;
t1 = this.this_7;
if (!(t1.get$_receivePort().get$_callback() == null)) {
if (this.shouldSerialize_6 === true) {
t2 = this.box_0;
t2.msg_1 = $._deserializeMessage(t2.msg_1);
t2.reply_2 = $._deserializeMessage(t2.reply_2);
t1 = t1.get$_receivePort();
t2 = this.box_0;
t1._callback$2(t2.msg_1, t2.reply_2);
$$._waitForPendingPorts_anon = {"": ["callback_0"],
"super": "Closure",
call$1: function(_) {
$$._WorkerSendPort_send_anon = {"": ["this_2", "replyTo_1", "message_0"],
"super": "Closure",
call$0: function() {
var t1, t2, workerMessage, t3;
t1 = this.this_2;
t2 = this.replyTo_1;
workerMessage = $._serializeMessage($.makeLiteralMap(['command', 'message', 'port', t1, 'msg', this.message_0, 'replyTo', t2]));
t2 = $._globalState().get$isWorker() === true;
t3 = $._globalState;
if (t2)
$.index(t3().get$managers(), t1.get$_workerId()).postMessage$1(workerMessage);
$$._PendingSendPortFinder_visitMap_anon = {"": ["this_0"],
"super": "Closure",
call$1: function(e) {
return this.this_0._dispatch$1(e);
$$._LinkedHashMapImpl_values_anon = {"": ["box_0", "list_2"],
"super": "Closure",
call$1: function(entry) {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = this.list_2;
t2 = this.box_0;
t3 = t2.index_1;
t2.index_1 = $.add(t3, 1);
$.indexSet(t1, t3, entry.get$value());
$$._HashMapImpl_values_anon = {"": ["box_0", "list_2"],
"super": "Closure",
call$2: function(key, value) {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = this.list_2;
t2 = this.box_0;
t3 = t2.i_1;
t2.i_1 = $.add(t3, 1);
$.indexSet(t1, t3, value);
$$._LinkedHashMapImpl_keys_anon = {"": ["box_0", "list_2"],
"super": "Closure",
call$1: function(entry) {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = this.list_2;
t2 = this.box_0;
t3 = t2.index_10;
t2.index_10 = $.add(t3, 1);
$.indexSet(t1, t3, entry.get$key());
$$._HashMapImpl_keys_anon = {"": ["box_0", "list_2"],
"super": "Closure",
call$2: function(key, value) {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = this.list_2;
t2 = this.box_0;
t3 = t2.i_10;
t2.i_10 = $.add(t3, 1);
$.indexSet(t1, t3, key);
$$._Copier_visitMap_anon = {"": ["box_0", "this_2"],
"super": "Closure",
call$2: function(key, val) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = this.box_0.copy_1;
t2 = this.this_2;
$.indexSet(t1, t2._dispatch$1(key), t2._dispatch$1(val));
$$._PendingSendPortFinder_visitList_anon = {"": ["this_0"],
"super": "Closure",
call$1: function(e) {
return this.this_0._dispatch$1(e);
$$.Futures_wait_anon = {"": ["pos_5", "result_4", "completer_3", "box_0", "values_2"],
"super": "Closure",
call$1: function(value) {
var t1, t2, remaining;
t1 = this.values_2;
$.indexSet(t1, this.pos_5, value);
t2 = this.box_0;
remaining = $.sub(t2.remaining_1, 1);
t2.remaining_1 = remaining;
if ($.eqB(remaining, 0) && this.result_4.get$isComplete() !== true)
$$.Futures_wait_anon0 = {"": ["future_8", "result_7", "completer_6"],
"super": "Closure",
call$1: function(exception) {
if (this.result_7.get$isComplete() !== true)
this.completer_6.completeException$2(exception, this.future_8.get$stackTrace());
return true;
$$.NoSuchMethodError_toString_anon = {"": ["box_0"],
"super": "Closure",
call$2: function(key, value) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = this.box_0;
if ($.gtB(t1.i_2, 0)) {
t2 = t1.sb_1;
$.getInterceptor(t2).add$1(t2, ', ');
t2 = t1.sb_1;
$.getInterceptor(t2).add$1(t2, key);
t2 = t1.sb_1;
$.getInterceptor(t2).add$1(t2, ': ');
t2 = t1.sb_1;
$.getInterceptor(t2).add$1(t2, $.NoSuchMethodError_safeToString(value));
t1.i_2 = $.add(t1.i_2, 1);
$$._IsolateNatives__startNonWorker_function = {"": ["functionName_1", "replyPort_0"],
"super": "Closure",
call$0: function() {
$._IsolateNatives__startIsolate($globalThis[this.functionName_1], this.replyPort_0);
$$._IsolateNatives__spawnWorker_anon = {"": ["worker_0"],
"super": "Closure",
call$1: function(e) {
$._IsolateNatives__processWorkerMessage(this.worker_0, e);
$$._IsolateNatives__processWorkerMessage_function = {"": ["replyTo_1", "entryPoint_0"],
"super": "Closure",
call$0: function() {
$._IsolateNatives__startIsolate(this.entryPoint_0, this.replyTo_1);
$$._IsolateNatives__startIsolate_anon = {"": [],
"super": "Closure",
call$0: function() {
$._TimerFactory__factory = $._timerFactory;
$$.anon0 = {"": ["callback_1", "this_0"],
"super": "Closure",
call$0: function() {
$$.invokeClosure_anon = {"": ["closure_0"],
"super": "Closure",
call$0: function() {
$$.invokeClosure_anon0 = {"": ["closure_2", "arg1_1"],
"super": "Closure",
call$0: function() {
$$.invokeClosure_anon1 = {"": ["arg2_5", "closure_4", "arg1_3"],
"super": "Closure",
call$0: function() {
return$2(this.arg1_3, this.arg2_5);
$$.anon1 = {"": ["this_1", "callback_0"],
"super": "Closure",
call$0: function() {
$$.startRootIsolate_anon = {"": [],
"super": "Closure",
call$0: function() {
$._TimerFactory__factory = $._timerFactory;
$$._EventLoop__runHelper_next = {"": ["this_0"],
"super": "Closure",
call$0: function() {
if (this.this_0.runIteration$0() !== true)
$._window().setTimeout$2(this, 0);
$.Arrays_indexOf = function(a, element, startIndex, endIndex) {
var t1, i;
t1 = a.length;
if (startIndex >= t1)
return -1;
if (startIndex < 0)
startIndex = 0;
for (i = startIndex; i < endIndex; ++i) {
if (i < 0 || i >= t1)
throw $.ioore(i);
if ($.eqB(a[i], element))
return i;
return -1;
$.add = function(a, b) {
return typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number' ? a + b : $.add$slow(a, b);
$.sub = function(a, b) {
return typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number' ? a - b : $.sub$slow(a, b);
$.Arrays_lastIndexOf = function(a, element, startIndex) {
var t1, i;
if (typeof a !== 'string' && (typeof a !== 'object' || a === null || a.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior))
return $.Arrays_lastIndexOf$bailout(1, a, element, startIndex);
if (startIndex < 0)
return -1;
t1 = a.length;
if (startIndex >= t1)
startIndex = t1 - 1;
for (i = startIndex; i >= 0; --i) {
if (i !== (i | 0))
throw $.iae(i);
if (i < 0 || i >= a.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
if ($.eqB(a[i], element))
return i;
return -1;
$._BufferingSendPort$ = function(isolateId, _futurePort) {
var t1 = new $._BufferingSendPort($._BufferingSendPort__idCount, null, _futurePort, [], isolateId);
t1._BufferingSendPort$2(isolateId, _futurePort);
return t1;
$.gtB = function(a, b) {
return typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number' ? a > b : $.gt$slow(a, b) === true;
$.geB = function(a, b) {
return typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number' ? a >= b : $.ge$slow(a, b) === true;
$.ltB = function(a, b) {
return typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number' ? a < b : $.lt$slow(a, b) === true;
$.index = function(a, index) {
var key;
if (typeof a == "string" || a.constructor === Array) {
key = index >>> 0;
if (key === index && key < a.length)
return a[key];
return $.index$slow(a, index);
$.indexSet = function(a, index, value) {
var key;
if (a.constructor === Array && !a.immutable$list) {
key = index >>> 0;
if (key === index && key < a.length) {
a[key] = value;
$.indexSet$slow(a, index, value);
$.checkNumbers = function(a, b) {
if (typeof a === 'number')
if (typeof b === 'number')
return true;
else {
throw $.$$throw($.ArgumentError$(b));
return false;
$.isJsArray = function(value) {
return !(value == null) && value.constructor === Array;
$.add$slow = function(a, b) {
if ($.checkNumbers(a, b))
return a + b;
return a.operator$add$1(b);
$.sub$slow = function(a, b) {
if ($.checkNumbers(a, b))
return a - b;
return a.operator$sub$1(b);
$.tdiv = function(a, b) {
if ($.checkNumbers(a, b))
return $.truncate(a / b);
return a.operator$tdiv$1(b);
$.eq = function(a, b) {
if (a == null)
return b == null;
if (b == null)
return false;
if (typeof a === "object")
if (!!a.operator$eq$1)
return a.operator$eq$1(b);
return a === b;
$.eqB = function(a, b) {
if (a == null)
return b == null;
if (b == null)
return false;
if (typeof a === "object")
if (!!a.operator$eq$1)
return a.operator$eq$1(b) === true;
return a === b;
$.gt$slow = function(a, b) {
if ($.checkNumbers(a, b))
return a > b;
return a.operator$gt$1(b);
$.ge$slow = function(a, b) {
if ($.checkNumbers(a, b))
return a >= b;
return a.operator$ge$1(b);
$.lt$slow = function(a, b) {
if ($.checkNumbers(a, b))
return a < b;
return a.operator$lt$1(b);
$.shl = function(a, b) {
if ($.checkNumbers(a, b)) {
if (b < 0)
throw $.$$throw($.ArgumentError$(b));
if (b > 31)
return 0;
return (a << b) >>> 0;
return a.operator$shl$1(b);
$.and = function(a, b) {
if ($.checkNumbers(a, b))
return (a & b) >>> 0;
return a.operator$and$1(b);
$.xor = function(a, b) {
if ($.checkNumbers(a, b))
return (a ^ b) >>> 0;
return a.operator$xor$1(b);
$._MessageTraverserVisitedMap$ = function() {
return new $._MessageTraverserVisitedMap();
$.index$slow = function(a, index) {
var t1;
if (!(typeof a === 'string'))
t1 = !(a == null) && a.constructor === Array;
t1 = true;
if (t1) {
if (!(typeof index === 'number' && Math.floor(index) === index)) {
if (!(typeof index === 'number'))
throw $.$$throw($.ArgumentError$(index));
if (!($.truncate(index) === index))
throw $.$$throw($.ArgumentError$(index));
if ($.ltB(index, 0) || $.geB(index, $.get$length(a)))
throw $.$$throw($.RangeError$value(index));
return a[index];
return a.operator$index$1(index);
$.indexSet$slow = function(a, index, value) {
if (!(a == null) && a.constructor === Array) {
if (!(typeof index === 'number' && Math.floor(index) === index))
throw $.$$throw($.ArgumentError$(index));
if (index < 0 || $.geB(index, $.get$length(a)))
throw $.$$throw($.RangeError$value(index));
$.checkMutable(a, 'indexed set');
a[index] = value;
a.oprator$indexSet$2(index, value);
$.checkMutable = function(list, reason) {
if (!!(list.immutable$list))
throw $.$$throw($.UnsupportedError$(reason));
$.checkGrowable = function(list, reason) {
if (!!(list.fixed$length))
throw $.$$throw($.UnsupportedError$(reason));
$.S = function(value) {
var res = $.toString(value);
if (!(typeof res === 'string'))
throw $.$$throw($.ArgumentError$(value));
return res;
$._JsCopier$ = function() {
var t1 = new $._JsCopier($._MessageTraverserVisitedMap$());
return t1;
$.iae = function(argument) {
throw $.$$throw($.ArgumentError$(argument));
$.ioore = function(index) {
throw $.$$throw($.RangeError$value(index));
$.checkNull = function(object) {
if (object == null)
throw $.$$throw($.NullPointerException$(null, $.CTC3));
return object;
$.checkNum = function(value) {
if (!(typeof value === 'number')) {
throw $.$$throw($.ArgumentError$(value));
return value;
$.$$throw = function(ex) {
var jsError;
if (ex == null)
ex = $.CTC2;
jsError = new Error(); = ex;
jsError.description = ex;
jsError.dartException = ex;
jsError.toString = $$0;
throw jsError;
$.toStringWrapper = function() {
return $.toString(this.dartException);
$.unwrapException = function(ex) {
var message, type, name$, ieErrorCode, ieFacilityNumber, t1;
if ("dartException" in ex)
return ex.dartException;
message = ex.message;
if (ex instanceof TypeError) {
type = ex.type;
name$ = ex.arguments ? ex.arguments[0] : "";
if ($.eqB(type, 'property_not_function') || $.eqB(type, 'called_non_callable') || $.eqB(type, 'non_object_property_call') || $.eqB(type, 'non_object_property_load'))
return $.NullPointerException$(null, $.CTC3);
else if ($.eqB(type, 'undefined_method'))
return $.NoSuchMethodError$('', name$, [], $.makeLiteralMap([]), null);
ieErrorCode = ex.number & 0xffff;
ieFacilityNumber = ex.number>>16 & 0x1FFF;
if (typeof message === 'string')
if ($.getInterceptor(message).endsWith$1(message, 'is null') === true || $.getInterceptor(message).endsWith$1(message, 'is undefined') === true || $.getInterceptor(message).endsWith$1(message, 'is null or undefined') === true)
return $.NullPointerException$(null, $.CTC3);
else {
if ($.contains$1(message, ' is not a function') !== true)
t1 = ieErrorCode === 438 && ieFacilityNumber === 10;
t1 = true;
if (t1)
return $.NoSuchMethodError$('', '<unknown>', [], $.makeLiteralMap([]), null);
return $._ExceptionImplementation$(typeof message === 'string' ? message : '');
if (ex instanceof RangeError) {
if (typeof message === 'string' && $.contains$1(message, 'call stack') === true)
return $.StackOverflowError$();
return $.ArgumentError$(null);
if (typeof InternalError == 'function' && ex instanceof InternalError)
if (typeof message === 'string' && message === 'too much recursion')
return $.StackOverflowError$();
return ex;
$.getTraceFromException = function(exception) {
return $.StackTrace$(exception.stack);
$.makeLiteralMap = function(keyValuePairs) {
var iterator, result;
iterator = $.iterator(keyValuePairs);
result = $.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap();
for (; iterator.get$hasNext() === true;)
return result;
$.invokeClosure = function(closure, isolate, numberOfArguments, arg1, arg2) {
if ($.eqB(numberOfArguments, 0))
return $._callInIsolate(isolate, new $.invokeClosure_anon(closure));
else if ($.eqB(numberOfArguments, 1))
return $._callInIsolate(isolate, new $.invokeClosure_anon0(closure, arg1));
else if ($.eqB(numberOfArguments, 2))
return $._callInIsolate(isolate, new $.invokeClosure_anon1(arg2, closure, arg1));
throw $.$$throw($._ExceptionImplementation$('Unsupported number of arguments for wrapped closure'));
$._JsVisitedMap$ = function() {
return new $._JsVisitedMap(null);
$.convertDartClosureToJS = function(closure, arity) {
var function$;
if (closure == null)
function$ = closure.$identity;
if (!!function$)
return function$;
function$ = function() {
return $$5(closure, $._currentIsolate(), arity, arguments[0], arguments[1]);
closure.$identity = function$;
return function$;
$.FormatException$ = function(message) {
return new $.FormatException(message);
$.checkString = function(value) {
if (!(typeof value === 'string')) {
throw $.$$throw($.ArgumentError$(value));
return value;
$._MatchImplementation$ = function(pattern, str, start, end, _groups) {
return new $._MatchImplementation(pattern, str, start, end, _groups);
$.throwCyclicInit = function(staticName) {
throw $.$$throw($.RuntimeError$('Cyclic initialization for static ' + $.S(staticName)));
$.Future_Future$immediate = function(value) {
return $._FutureImpl__FutureImpl$immediate(value);
$.typeNameInSafari = function(obj) {
var name$ = $.constructorNameFallback(obj);
if (name$ === 'Window')
return 'DOMWindow';
if (name$ === 'CanvasPixelArray')
return 'Uint8ClampedArray';
if (name$ === 'WebKitMutationObserver')
return 'MutationObserver';
if (name$ === 'AudioChannelMerger')
return 'ChannelMergerNode';
if (name$ === 'AudioChannelSplitter')
return 'ChannelSplitterNode';
if (name$ === 'AudioGainNode')
return 'GainNode';
if (name$ === 'AudioPannerNode')
return 'PannerNode';
if (name$ === 'JavaScriptAudioNode')
return 'ScriptProcessorNode';
if (name$ === 'Oscillator')
return 'OscillatorNode';
if (name$ === 'RealtimeAnalyserNode')
return 'AnalyserNode';
return name$;
$.typeNameInOpera = function(obj) {
var name$ = $.constructorNameFallback(obj);
if (name$ === 'Window')
return 'DOMWindow';
return name$;
$.typeNameInFirefox = function(obj) {
var name$ = $.constructorNameFallback(obj);
if (name$ === 'Window')
return 'DOMWindow';
if (name$ === 'XMLDocument')
return 'Document';
if (name$ === 'WorkerMessageEvent')
return 'MessageEvent';
if (name$ === 'DragEvent')
return 'MouseEvent';
if (name$ === 'DataTransfer')
return 'Clipboard';
if (name$ === 'MouseScrollEvent')
return 'WheelEvent';
if (name$ === 'OfflineResourceList')
return 'DOMApplicationCache';
return name$;
$.typeNameInIE = function(obj) {
var name$ = $.constructorNameFallback(obj);
if (name$ === 'Window')
return 'DOMWindow';
if (name$ === 'Document') {
if (!!obj.xmlVersion)
return 'Document';
return 'HTMLDocument';
if (name$ === 'ApplicationCache')
return 'DOMApplicationCache';
if (name$ === 'CanvasPixelArray')
return 'Uint8ClampedArray';
if (name$ === 'DataTransfer')
return 'Clipboard';
if (name$ === 'DragEvent')
return 'MouseEvent';
if (name$ === 'HTMLDDElement')
return 'HTMLElement';
if (name$ === 'HTMLDTElement')
return 'HTMLElement';
if (name$ === 'HTMLTableDataCellElement')
return 'HTMLTableCellElement';
if (name$ === 'HTMLTableHeaderCellElement')
return 'HTMLTableCellElement';
if (name$ === 'HTMLPhraseElement')
return 'HTMLElement';
if (name$ === 'MSStyleCSSProperties')
return 'CSSStyleDeclaration';
if (name$ === 'MouseWheelEvent')
return 'WheelEvent';
return name$;
$.constructorNameFallback = function(object) {
var constructor$, name$, t1, string;
if (object == null)
return 'Null';
constructor$ = object.constructor;
if (typeof(constructor$) === 'function') {
name$ = constructor$.name;
if (typeof name$ === 'string')
t1 = !(name$ === '') && !(name$ === 'Object') && !(name$ === 'Function.prototype');
t1 = false;
if (t1)
return name$;
string =;
return string.substring(8, string.length - 1);
$.Completer_Completer = function() {
return $._CompleterImpl$();
$.getFunctionForTypeNameOf = function() {
if (!(typeof(navigator) === 'object'))
return $.typeNameInChrome;
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
if (userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') !== -1 || userAgent.indexOf('DumpRenderTree') !== -1)
return $.typeNameInChrome;
else if (userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') !== -1)
return $.typeNameInFirefox;
else if (userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') !== -1)
return $.typeNameInIE;
else if (userAgent.indexOf('Opera') !== -1)
return $.typeNameInOpera;
else if (userAgent.indexOf('AppleWebKit') !== -1)
return $.typeNameInSafari;
return $.constructorNameFallback;
$.getTypeNameOf = function(obj) {
if ($._getTypeNameOf == null)
$._getTypeNameOf = $.getFunctionForTypeNameOf();
return $$1(obj);
$.toStringForNativeObject = function(obj) {
return 'Instance of ' + $.getTypeNameOf(obj);
$.hashCodeForNativeObject = function(object) {
return $.Primitives_objectHashCode(object);
$.defineProperty = function(obj, property, value) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, property,
{value: value, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
$.dynamicBind = function(obj, name$, methods, arguments$) {
var tag, hasOwnProperty, method, i, entry, proto;
tag = $.getTypeNameOf(obj);
hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
method = $.lookupDynamicClass(hasOwnProperty, methods, tag);
if (method == null && !($._dynamicMetadata0() == null))
for (i = 0; i < $._dynamicMetadata0().length; ++i) {
entry = $._dynamicMetadata0()[i];
if ($_set(), tag)) {
method = $.lookupDynamicClass(hasOwnProperty, methods, entry.get$_tag());
if (!(method == null))
if (method == null)
method = $.lookupDynamicClass(hasOwnProperty, methods, $.getTypeNameOf($.CTC5));
proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
if (method == null)
method = function () {if (Object.getPrototypeOf(this) === proto) {throw new TypeError(name$ + " is not a function");} else {return Object.prototype[name$].apply(this, arguments);}};
if (!, name$))
$.defineProperty(proto, name$, method);
return method.apply(obj, arguments$);
$.lookupDynamicClass = function(hasOwnProperty, methods, className) {
return, className) ? methods[className] : null;
$.typeNameInChrome = function(obj) {
var name$ =;
if (name$ === 'Window')
return 'DOMWindow';
if (name$ === 'CanvasPixelArray')
return 'Uint8ClampedArray';
if (name$ === 'WebKitMutationObserver')
return 'MutationObserver';
if (name$ === 'AudioChannelMerger')
return 'ChannelMergerNode';
if (name$ === 'AudioChannelSplitter')
return 'ChannelSplitterNode';
if (name$ === 'AudioGainNode')
return 'GainNode';
if (name$ === 'AudioPannerNode')
return 'PannerNode';
if (name$ === 'JavaScriptAudioNode')
return 'ScriptProcessorNode';
if (name$ === 'Oscillator')
return 'OscillatorNode';
if (name$ === 'RealtimeAnalyserNode')
return 'AnalyserNode';
return name$;
$.dynamicFunction = function(name$) {
var f, methods, dartMethod, bind;
f = Object.prototype[name$];
if (!(f == null) && !!f.methods)
return f.methods;
methods = {};
dartMethod = Object.getPrototypeOf($.CTC5)[name$];
if (!(dartMethod == null))
methods['Object'] = dartMethod;
bind = function() {return $$4(this, name$, methods,;};
bind.methods = methods;
$.defineProperty(Object.prototype, name$, bind);
return methods;
$.Primitives_objectHashCode = function(object) {
var hash = object.$identityHash;
if (hash == null) {
hash = $.add($.Primitives_hashCodeSeed, 1);
$.Primitives_hashCodeSeed = hash;
object.$identityHash = hash;
return hash;
$.Primitives_printString = function(string) {
if ('\nThis program is using an experimental feature called "mirrors". As\ncurrently implemented, mirrors do not work with minification, and will\ncause spurious errors depending on how code was optimized.\n\nThe authors of this program are aware of these problems and have\ndecided the thrill of using an experimental feature is outweighing the\nrisks. Furthermore, the authors of this program understand that\nlong-term, to fix the problems mentioned above, mirrors may have\nnegative impact on size and performance of Dart programs compiled to\nJavaScript.\n' === string)
$.Primitives_mirrorsEnabled = true;
else if (typeof dartPrint == "function") {
if (typeof window == "object") {
if (typeof console == "object")
if (typeof print == "function") {
throw 'Unable to print message: ' + String(string);
$.Primitives_parseInt = function(string) {
var match, base, result;
match = /^\s*[+-]?(?:0(x)[a-f0-9]+|\d+)\s*$/i.exec(string);
if (match == null)
throw $.$$throw($.FormatException$(string));
base = !($.index(match, 1) == null) ? 16 : 10;
result = parseInt(string, base);
if ($.get$isNaN(result) === true)
throw $.$$throw($.FormatException$(string));
return result;
$._dynamicMetadata = function(table) {
$dynamicMetadata = table;
$._ReceivePortImpl$ = function() {
var t1 = $._ReceivePortImpl__nextFreeId;
$._ReceivePortImpl__nextFreeId = $.add(t1, 1);
t1 = new $._ReceivePortImpl(t1, null);
return t1;
$.Primitives_objectTypeName = function(object) {
var name$, decompiled;
name$ = $.constructorNameFallback(object);
if ($.eqB(name$, 'Object')) {
decompiled = String(object.constructor).match(/^\s*function\s*(\S*)\s*\(/)[1];
if (typeof decompiled === 'string')
name$ = decompiled;
return $.getInterceptor(name$).charCodeAt$1(name$, 0) === 36 ? $.getInterceptor(name$).substring$1(name$, 1) : name$;
$.Primitives_objectToString = function(object) {
return 'Instance of \'' + $.S($.Primitives_objectTypeName(object)) + '\'';
$.Primitives_newList = function(length$) {
var result;
if (length$ == null)
return new Array();
if (!(typeof length$ === 'number' && Math.floor(length$) === length$) || length$ < 0)
throw $.$$throw($.ArgumentError$(length$));
result = new Array(length$);
result.fixed$length = true;
return result;
$.regExpMakeNative = function(regExp, global, exception) {
var pattern, multiLine, ignoreCase, sb, t1, e;
pattern = regExp.get$pattern();
multiLine = regExp.get$multiLine();
ignoreCase = regExp.get$ignoreCase();
sb = $.StringBuffer_StringBuffer('');
if (multiLine === true) {
t1 = sb;
$.getInterceptor(t1).add$1(t1, 'm');
if (ignoreCase === true) {
t1 = sb;
$.getInterceptor(t1).add$1(t1, 'i');
if (global === true) {
t1 = sb;
$.getInterceptor(t1).add$1(t1, 'g');
try {
t1 = new RegExp(pattern, $.toString(sb));
return t1;
} catch (exception) {
t1 = $.unwrapException(exception);
e = t1;
throw $.$$throw($.IllegalJSRegExpException$(pattern, String(e)));
$.regExpExec = function(regExp, str) {
var result = $.regExpGetNative(regExp).exec(str);
if (result == null)
return result;
$.buildDynamicMetadata = function(inputTable) {
var result, i, tag, tags, set, tagNames, j;
result = [];
for (i = 0; i < inputTable.length; ++i) {
tag = inputTable[i][0];
tags = inputTable[i][1];
set = {};
tagNames = $.getInterceptor(tags).split$1(tags, '|');
for (j = 0; j < tagNames.length; ++j)
set[tagNames[j]] = true;
$.getInterceptor(result).add$1(result, $.MetaInfo$(tag, tags, set));
return result;
$.regExpGetNative = function(regExp) {
var r = regExp._re;
return r == null ? regExp._re = $.regExpMakeNative(regExp, false) : r;
$._dynamicMetadata0 = function() {
if (typeof($dynamicMetadata) === 'undefined') {
var t1 = [];
return $dynamicMetadata;
$.MetaInfo$ = function(_tag, _tags, _set) {
return new $.MetaInfo(_tag, _tags, _set);
$.stringContainsUnchecked = function(receiver, other, startIndex) {
return !$.eqB($.indexOf$2(receiver, other, startIndex), -1);
$.stringReplaceJS = function(receiver, replacer, to) {
return receiver.replace(replacer, to.replace('$', '$$$$'));
$.stringReplaceAllUnchecked = function(receiver, from, to) {
var result, length$, i;
if (typeof receiver !== 'string')
return $.stringReplaceAllUnchecked$bailout(1, receiver, from, to);
if (typeof from === 'string')
if (from === '')
if (receiver === '')
return to;
else {
result = $.StringBuffer_StringBuffer('');
length$ = receiver.length;
$.getInterceptor(result).add$1(result, to);
for (i = 0; i < length$; ++i) {
$.getInterceptor(result).add$1(result, receiver[i]);
$.getInterceptor(result).add$1(result, to);
return $.toString(result);
return $.stringReplaceJS(receiver, $.regExpMakeNative($.JSSyntaxRegExp$(from.replace($.regExpMakeNative($.get$quoteRegExp(), true), "\\$&"), false, false), true), to);
else if (typeof from === 'object' && from !== null && !!$JSSyntaxRegExp)
return $.stringReplaceJS(receiver, $.regExpMakeNative(from, true), to);
else {
throw $.$$throw('String.replaceAll(Pattern) UNIMPLEMENTED');
$.dynamicSetMetadata = function(inputTable) {
var t1 = $.buildDynamicMetadata(inputTable);
$.stringJoinUnchecked = function(array, separator) {
return array.join(separator);
$.stringSplitUnchecked = function(receiver, pattern) {
if (typeof pattern === 'string')
return receiver.split(pattern);
else if (typeof pattern === 'object' && pattern !== null && !!$JSSyntaxRegExp)
return receiver.split($.regExpGetNative(pattern));
throw $.$$throw('String.split(Pattern) UNIMPLEMENTED');
$._PendingSendPortFinder$ = function() {
var t1 = $._MessageTraverserVisitedMap$();
t1 = new $._PendingSendPortFinder([], t1);
return t1;
$.Collections_forEach = function(iterable, f) {
var t1;
for (t1 = $.iterator(iterable); t1.get$hasNext() === true;)$1($0());
$.Collections_collectionToString = function(c) {
var result = $.StringBuffer_StringBuffer('');
$.Collections__emitCollection(c, result, $._ListImpl_List(null));
return $.toString(result);
$.Collections__emitCollection = function(c, result, visiting) {
var isList, t1, first, t2;
$.getInterceptor(visiting).add$1(visiting, c);
isList = typeof c === 'object' && c !== null && (c.constructor === Array || !!$List);
t1 = $.getInterceptor(result);
t1.add$1(result, isList ? '[' : '{');
for (t1 = $.iterator(c), first = true; t1.get$hasNext() === true; first = false) {
t2 =$0();
if (!first)
$.getInterceptor(result).add$1(result, ', ');
$.Collections__emitObject(t2, result, visiting);
t1 = $.getInterceptor(result);
t1.add$1(result, isList ? ']' : '}');
$.Collections__emitObject = function(o, result, visiting) {
var t1;
if (typeof o === 'object' && o !== null && (o.constructor === Array || !!$Collection))
if ($.Collections__containsRef(visiting, o)) {
t1 = $.getInterceptor(result);
t1.add$1(result, typeof o === 'object' && o !== null && (o.constructor === Array || !!$List) ? '[...]' : '{...}');
} else
$.Collections__emitCollection(o, result, visiting);
else if (typeof o === 'object' && o !== null && !!$Map)
if ($.Collections__containsRef(visiting, o))
$.getInterceptor(result).add$1(result, '{...}');
$.Maps__emitMap(o, result, visiting);
$.getInterceptor(result).add$1(result, o);
$.Collections__containsRef = function(c, ref) {
var t1, t2;
for (t1 = $.iterator(c); t1.get$hasNext() === true;) {
t2 =$0();
if (t2 == null ? ref == null : t2 === ref)
return true;
return false;
$.Futures_wait = function(futures) {
var t1, completer, result, values, i, future;
t1 = {};
if (typeof futures !== 'string' && (typeof futures !== 'object' || futures === null || futures.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior))
return $.Futures_wait$bailout(1, futures, t1);
if ($.get$isEmpty(futures) === true)
return $.Future_Future$immediate($.CTC3);
completer = $.Completer_Completer();
result = completer.get$future();
t1.remaining_1 = futures.length;
values = $._ListImpl_List(futures.length);
for (i = 0; i < futures.length; ++i) {
future = futures[i];
future.then$1(new $.Futures_wait_anon(i, result, completer, t1, values));
future.handleException$1(new $.Futures_wait_anon0(future, result, completer));
return result;
$.StringBuffer_StringBuffer = function(content$) {
return $._StringBufferImpl$(content$);
$.NoSuchMethodError$ = function(_receiver, _memberName, _arguments, _namedArguments, existingArgumentNames) {
return new $.NoSuchMethodError(_receiver, _memberName, _arguments, _namedArguments, existingArgumentNames);
$.NoSuchMethodError_safeToString = function(object) {
var t1;
if (typeof object === 'number' && Math.floor(object) === object || typeof object === 'number' || typeof object === 'boolean' || null == object)
return $.toString(object);
if (typeof object === 'string') {
t1 = $.getInterceptor(object).replaceAll$2(object, '\\', '\\\\');
t1 = $.getInterceptor(t1).replaceAll$2(t1, '\n', '\\n');
t1 = $.getInterceptor(t1).replaceAll$2(t1, '\r', '\\r');
return '"' + $.S($.getInterceptor(t1).replaceAll$2(t1, '"', '\\"')) + '"';
return $.Primitives_objectToString(object);
$._CompleterImpl$ = function() {
return new $._CompleterImpl($._FutureImpl$());
$.Maps_mapToString = function(m) {
var result = $.StringBuffer_StringBuffer('');
$.Maps__emitMap(m, result, $._ListImpl_List(null));
return $.toString(result);
$.Maps__emitMap = function(m, result, visiting) {
var t1 = {};
$.getInterceptor(visiting).add$1(visiting, m);
$.getInterceptor(result).add$1(result, '{');
t1.first_1 = true;
$.getInterceptor(m).forEach$1(m, new $.Maps__emitMap_anon(result, t1, visiting));
$.getInterceptor(result).add$1(result, '}');
$.print = function(object) {
if (typeof object === 'string')
$._FutureImpl$ = function() {
return new $._FutureImpl(false, null, null, null, false, [], [], []);
$._FutureImpl__FutureImpl$immediate = function(value) {
var res = $._FutureImpl$();
return res;
$.ArgumentError$ = function(message) {
return new $.ArgumentError(message);
$._StringBufferImpl$ = function(content$) {
var t1 = new $._StringBufferImpl(null, null);
return t1;
$.ListIterator$ = function(list) {
return new $.ListIterator(0, list);
$.getInterceptor = function(object) {
if (typeof object === 'string')
return $.CTC;
if ($.isJsArray(object))
return $.CTC0;
return $.CTC1;
$.get$length = function(receiver) {
if (typeof receiver === 'string' || $.isJsArray(receiver))
return receiver.length;
return receiver.get$length();
$.set$length = function(receiver, newLength) {
if ($.isJsArray(receiver)) {
if (newLength < 0)
throw $.$$throw($.RangeError$value(newLength));
$.checkGrowable(receiver, 'set length');
receiver.length = newLength;
} else
return newLength;
$.toString = function(value) {
if (typeof value == "object" && value != null)
if ($.isJsArray(value))
return $.Collections_collectionToString(value);
return value.toString$0();
if (value === 0 && (1 / value) < 0)
return '-0.0';
if (value == null)
return 'null';
if (typeof value == "function")
return 'Closure';
return String(value);
$.get$isEmpty = function(receiver) {
if (typeof receiver === 'string' || $.isJsArray(receiver))
return receiver.length === 0;
return receiver.get$isEmpty();
$.iterator = function(receiver) {
if ($.isJsArray(receiver))
return $.ListIterator$(receiver);
return receiver.iterator$0();
$.indexOf$2 = function(receiver, element, start) {
if ($.isJsArray(receiver))
return $.Arrays_indexOf(receiver, element, start, receiver.length);
else {
if (start < 0)
return -1;
return receiver.indexOf(element, start);
return receiver.indexOf$2(element, start);
$.Strings__toJsStringArray = function(strings) {
var length$, i, string, array;
if (typeof strings !== 'object' || strings === null || (strings.constructor !== Array || !!strings.immutable$list) && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior)
return $.Strings__toJsStringArray$bailout(1, strings);
length$ = strings.length;
if ($.isJsArray(strings)) {
for (i = 0; i < length$; ++i) {
if (i >= strings.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
string = strings[i];
if (!(typeof string === 'string'))
throw $.$$throw($.ArgumentError$(string));
array = strings;
} else {
array = $._ListImpl_List(length$);
for (i = 0; i < length$; ++i) {
if (i >= strings.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
string = strings[i];
if (!(typeof string === 'string'))
throw $.$$throw($.ArgumentError$(string));
array[i] = string;
return array;
$.UnsupportedError$ = function(message) {
return new $.UnsupportedError(message);
$.FutureAlreadyCompleteException$ = function() {
return new $.FutureAlreadyCompleteException();
$.lastIndexOf$1 = function(receiver, element) {
if ($.isJsArray(receiver))
return $.Arrays_lastIndexOf(receiver, element, receiver.length);
else if (typeof receiver === 'string') {
return receiver.lastIndexOf(element);
return receiver.lastIndexOf$1(element);
$.FutureUnhandledException$ = function(source, stackTrace) {
return new $.FutureUnhandledException(source, stackTrace);
$.get$isNaN = function(receiver) {
return isNaN(receiver);
$.ceil = function(receiver) {
return Math.ceil(receiver);
$.floor = function(receiver) {
return Math.floor(receiver);
$.truncate = function(receiver) {
return receiver < 0 ? $.ceil(receiver) : $.floor(receiver);
$.contains$1 = function(receiver, other) {
return $.contains$2(receiver, other, 0);
return receiver.contains$1(other);
$.contains$2 = function(receiver, other, startIndex) {
return $.stringContainsUnchecked(receiver, other, startIndex);
$.NullPointerException$ = function(functionName, arguments$) {
return new $.NullPointerException(functionName, arguments$);
$.get$hashCode = function(receiver) {
var length$, i, hash, hash0, hash1;
if (receiver == null)
return 0;
if (typeof receiver === 'number')
return receiver & 536870911;
if (typeof receiver === 'boolean')
return receiver ? 1077375012 : 3247177846;
if ($.isJsArray(receiver))
return $.Primitives_objectHashCode(receiver);
if (!(typeof receiver === 'string'))
return receiver.get$hashCode();
length$ = receiver.length;
for (i = 0, hash = 0; i < length$; ++i, hash = hash1) {
hash0 = 536870911 & hash + receiver.charCodeAt(i);
hash1 = 536870911 & hash0 + (524287 & hash0) << 10;
hash1 = hash1 ^ (hash1 >> 6);
hash0 = 536870911 & hash + (67108863 & hash) << 3;
hash0 = hash0 ^ (hash0 >> 11);
return 536870911 & hash0 + (16383 & hash0) << 15;
$.JSSyntaxRegExp$ = function(pattern, ignoreCase, multiLine) {
return new $.JSSyntaxRegExp(pattern, multiLine, ignoreCase);
$.RegExp_RegExp = function(pattern, ignoreCase, multiLine) {
return $.JSSyntaxRegExp$(pattern, ignoreCase, multiLine);
$.RuntimeError$ = function(message) {
return new $.RuntimeError(message);
$.isolateCode = function() {
$.port().receive$1(new $.isolateCode_anon());
$.main = function() {
$.spawnFunction($.isolateCode).call$1('Hello World').then$1($.print);
$.port = function() {
if ($._lazyPort == null)
$._lazyPort = $.ReceivePort_ReceivePort();
return $._lazyPort;
$.IllegalJSRegExpException$ = function(_pattern, _errmsg) {
return new $.IllegalJSRegExpException(_pattern, _errmsg);
$.spawnFunction = function(topLevelFunction) {
var name$ = (topLevelFunction.$name || null);
if (name$ == null)
throw $.$$throw($.UnsupportedError$('only top-level functions can be spawned.'));
return $._IsolateNatives__spawn(name$, null, false);
$.FutureNotCompleteException$ = function() {
return new $.FutureNotCompleteException();
$._currentIsolate = function() {
return $._globalState().get$currentContext();
$.startRootIsolate = function(entry) {
var t1, rootContext;
t1 = $._Manager$();
if ($._globalState().get$isWorker() === true)
rootContext = $._IsolateContext$();
$globals = rootContext.isolateStatics;
if (!($._window() == null))
rootContext.eval$1(new $.startRootIsolate_anon());
$._globalState = function() {
return $globalState;
$._globalState0 = function(val) {
$globalState = val;
$._callInIsolate = function(isolate, function$) {
$._ExceptionImplementation$ = function(message) {
return new $._ExceptionImplementation(message);
$._serializeMessage = function(message) {
if ($._globalState().get$needSerialization() === true)
return $._JsSerializer$().traverse$1(message);
return $._JsCopier$().traverse$1(message);
$._waitForPendingPorts = function(message, callback) {
var finder = $._PendingSendPortFinder$();
$.Futures_wait(finder.ports).then$1(new $._waitForPendingPorts_anon(callback));
$._deserializeMessage = function(message) {
if ($._globalState().get$needSerialization() === true)
return $._JsDeserializer$().deserialize$1(message);
return message;
$.RangeError$value = function(value) {
return new $.RangeError('value ' + $.S(value));
$._window = function() {
return typeof window != "undefined" ? window : null;
$._timerFactory = function(millis, callback, repeating) {
return repeating === true ? $._Timer$repeating(millis, callback) : $._Timer$(millis, callback);
$._JsDeserializer$ = function() {
return new $._JsDeserializer(null);
$._IsolateContext$ = function() {
var t1 = new $._IsolateContext(null, null, null);
return t1;
$._Manager$ = function() {
var t1 = new $._Manager(0, 0, 1, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
return t1;
$._EventLoop$ = function() {
return new $._EventLoop($.Queue_Queue());
$.ReceivePort_ReceivePort = function() {
return $._ReceivePortImpl$();
$.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap = function() {
return $._LinkedHashMapImpl$();
$._LinkedHashMapImpl$ = function() {
var t1 = new $._LinkedHashMapImpl(null, null);
return t1;
$.DoubleLinkedQueue$ = function() {
var t1 = new $.DoubleLinkedQueue(null);
return t1;
$._Timer$ = function(milliSeconds, callback) {
var t1 = new $._Timer(true, null);
t1._Timer$2(milliSeconds, callback);
return t1;
$._Timer$repeating = function(milliSeconds, callback) {
var t1 = new $._Timer(false, null);
t1._Timer$repeating$2(milliSeconds, callback);
return t1;
$._KeyValuePair$ = function(key, value) {
return new $._KeyValuePair(key, value);
$._DoubleLinkedQueueEntrySentinel$ = function() {
var t1 = new $._DoubleLinkedQueueEntrySentinel(null, null, null);
return t1;
$.DoubleLinkedQueueEntry$ = function(e) {
var t1 = new $.DoubleLinkedQueueEntry(null, null, null);
return t1;
$._HashMapImpl$ = function() {
var t1 = new $._HashMapImpl(null, null, null, null, null);
return t1;
$._DoubleLinkedQueueIterator$ = function(_sentinel) {
var t1 = new $._DoubleLinkedQueueIterator(_sentinel, null);
return t1;
$._HashMapImpl__computeLoadLimit = function(capacity) {
return $.tdiv(capacity * 3, 4);
$._HashMapImpl__nextProbe = function(currentProbe, numberOfProbes, length$) {
return (currentProbe + numberOfProbes & length$ - 1) >>> 0;
$.StackTrace$ = function(stack) {
return new $.StackTrace(stack);
$.HashMap_HashMap = function() {
return $._HashMapImpl$();
$.StackOverflowError$ = function() {
return new $.StackOverflowError();
$.StateError$ = function(message) {
return new $.StateError(message);
$._ListImpl_List = function(length$) {
return $.Primitives_newList(length$);
$.Map_Map = function() {
return $._HashMapImpl$();
$._IsolateNatives__thisScript = function() {
return $thisScriptUrl;
$._IsolateNatives__processWorkerMessage = function(sender, e) {
var msg, t1, entryPoint, replyTo;
msg = $._deserializeMessage(;
switch ($.index(msg, 'command')) {
case 'start':
t1 = $.index(msg, 'id');
entryPoint = $globalThis[$.index(msg, 'functionName')];
replyTo = $._deserializeMessage($.index(msg, 'replyTo'));
$._globalState().get$topEventLoop().enqueue$3($._IsolateContext$(), new $._IsolateNatives__processWorkerMessage_function(replyTo, entryPoint), 'worker-start');
case 'spawn-worker':
$._IsolateNatives__spawnWorker($.index(msg, 'functionName'), $.index(msg, 'uri'), $.index(msg, 'replyPort'));
case 'message':
$.index(msg, 'port').send$2($.index(msg, 'msg'), $.index(msg, 'replyTo'));
case 'close':
$._IsolateNatives__log('Closing Worker');
case 'log':
$._IsolateNatives__log($.index(msg, 'msg'));
case 'print':
if ($._globalState().get$isWorker() === true)
$._globalState().get$mainManager().postMessage$1($._serializeMessage($.makeLiteralMap(['command', 'print', 'msg', msg])));
$.print($.index(msg, 'msg'));
case 'error':
throw $.$$throw($.index(msg, 'msg'));
$._IsolateNatives__log = function(msg, exception) {
var trace;
if ($._globalState().get$isWorker() === true)
$._globalState().get$mainManager().postMessage$1($._serializeMessage($.makeLiteralMap(['command', 'log', 'msg', msg])));
try {
} catch (exception) {
trace = $.getTraceFromException(exception);
throw $.$$throw($._ExceptionImplementation$(trace));
$._IsolateNatives__spawn = function(functionName, uri, isLight) {
var completer, port, signalReply;
completer = $.Completer_Completer();
port = $.ReceivePort_ReceivePort();
port.receive$1(new $._IsolateNatives__spawn_anon(completer, port));
signalReply = port.toSendPort$0();
if ($._globalState().get$useWorkers() === true && !isLight)
$._IsolateNatives__startWorker(functionName, uri, signalReply);
$._IsolateNatives__startNonWorker(functionName, uri, signalReply);
return $._BufferingSendPort$($._globalState().get$currentContext().get$id(), completer.get$future());
$._IsolateNatives__startWorker = function(functionName, uri, replyPort) {
if ($._globalState().get$isWorker() === true)
$._globalState().get$mainManager().postMessage$1($._serializeMessage($.makeLiteralMap(['command', 'spawn-worker', 'functionName', functionName, 'uri', uri, 'replyPort', replyPort])));
$._IsolateNatives__spawnWorker(functionName, uri, replyPort);
$._IsolateNatives__startNonWorker = function(functionName, uri, replyPort) {
if (!(uri == null))
throw $.$$throw($.UnsupportedError$('Currently spawnUri is not supported without web workers.'));
$._globalState().get$topEventLoop().enqueue$3($._IsolateContext$(), new $._IsolateNatives__startNonWorker_function(functionName, replyPort), 'nonworker start');
$._IsolateNatives__startIsolate = function(topLevel, replyTo) {
$globals = $._globalState().get$currentContext().isolateStatics;
$._lazyPort = $.ReceivePort_ReceivePort();
replyTo.send$2('spawned', $.port().toSendPort$0());
if (!($._window() == null))
$._globalState().get$currentContext().eval$1(new $._IsolateNatives__startIsolate_anon());$0();
$._IsolateNatives__spawnWorker = function(functionName, uri, replyPort) {
var t1, uri0, worker, workerId;
if (functionName == null)
functionName = 'main';
if (uri == null)
uri = $._IsolateNatives__thisScript();
if ($.Uri$fromString(uri).isAbsolute$0() !== true) {
t1 = $._IsolateNatives__thisScript();
uri0 = $.S($.getInterceptor(t1).substring$2(t1, 0, $.lastIndexOf$1($._IsolateNatives__thisScript(), '/'))) + '/' + $.S(uri);
uri = uri0;
worker = new Worker(uri);
worker.set$onmessage(new $._IsolateNatives__spawnWorker_anon(worker));
t1 = $._globalState();
workerId = t1.get$nextManagerId();
t1.set$nextManagerId($.add(workerId, 1));
$.indexSet($._globalState().get$managers(), workerId, worker);
worker.postMessage$1($._serializeMessage($.makeLiteralMap(['command', 'start', 'id', workerId, 'replyTo', $._serializeMessage(replyPort), 'functionName', functionName])));
$.int_parse = function(source) {
return $.Primitives_parseInt(source);
$.Queue_Queue = function() {
return $.DoubleLinkedQueue$();
$.Uri$fromString = function(uri) {
var t1 = $.get$Uri__splitRe().firstMatch$1(uri);
return new $.Uri($.Uri__emptyIfNull($.index(t1, 1)), $.Uri__emptyIfNull($.index(t1, 2)), $.Uri__emptyIfNull($.index(t1, 3)), $.Uri__parseIntOrZero($.index(t1, 4)), $.Uri__emptyIfNull($.index(t1, 5)), $.Uri__emptyIfNull($.index(t1, 6)), $.Uri__emptyIfNull($.index(t1, 7)));
$.Uri__emptyIfNull = function(val) {
return !(val == null) ? val : '';
$.Uri__parseIntOrZero = function(val) {
if (!(val == null) && !$.eqB(val, ''))
return $.int_parse(val);
return 0;
$._IsolateEvent$ = function(isolate, fn, message) {
return new $._IsolateEvent(isolate, fn, message);
$._MainManagerStub$ = function() {
return new $._MainManagerStub();
$.Uri__addIfNonEmpty = function(sb, test, first, second) {
var t1;
if (!('' === test)) {
t1 = $.getInterceptor(sb);
t1.add$1(sb, first == null ? 'null' : first);
t1 = $.getInterceptor(sb);
t1.add$1(sb, second == null ? 'null' : second);
$.UnimplementedError$ = function(message) {
return new $.UnimplementedError(message);
$._JsSerializer$ = function() {
var t1 = new $._JsSerializer(0, $._MessageTraverserVisitedMap$());
return t1;
$._NativeJsSendPort$ = function(_receivePort, isolateId) {
return new $._NativeJsSendPort(_receivePort, isolateId);
$._WorkerSendPort$ = function(_workerId, isolateId, _receivePortId) {
return new $._WorkerSendPort(_workerId, _receivePortId, isolateId);
$.Arrays_lastIndexOf$bailout = function(state0, a, element, startIndex) {
var i;
if (startIndex < 0)
return -1;
if ($.geB(startIndex, $.get$length(a)))
startIndex = $.sub($.get$length(a), 1);
for (i = startIndex; $.geB(i, 0); i = $.sub(i, 1))
if ($.eqB($.index(a, i), element))
return i;
return -1;
$.stringReplaceAllUnchecked$bailout = function(state0, receiver, from, to) {
var result, length$, i;
if (typeof from === 'string')
if (from === '')
if ($.eqB(receiver, ''))
return to;
else {
result = $.StringBuffer_StringBuffer('');
length$ = $.get$length(receiver);
$.getInterceptor(result).add$1(result, to);
for (i = 0; $.ltB(i, length$); ++i) {
$.getInterceptor(result).add$1(result, $.index(receiver, i));
$.getInterceptor(result).add$1(result, to);
return $.toString(result);
return $.stringReplaceJS(receiver, $.regExpMakeNative($.JSSyntaxRegExp$(from.replace($.regExpMakeNative($.get$quoteRegExp(), true), "\\$&"), false, false), true), to);
else if (typeof from === 'object' && from !== null && !!$JSSyntaxRegExp)
return $.stringReplaceJS(receiver, $.regExpMakeNative(from, true), to);
else {
throw $.$$throw('String.replaceAll(Pattern) UNIMPLEMENTED');
$.Futures_wait$bailout = function(state0, futures, t1) {
var completer, result, values, i, future;
if ($.get$isEmpty(futures) === true)
return $.Future_Future$immediate($.CTC3);
completer = $.Completer_Completer();
result = completer.get$future();
t1.remaining_1 = $.get$length(futures);
values = $._ListImpl_List($.get$length(futures));
for (i = 0; $.ltB(i, $.get$length(futures)); ++i) {
future = $.index(futures, i);
future.then$1(new $.Futures_wait_anon(i, result, completer, t1, values));
future.handleException$1(new $.Futures_wait_anon0(future, result, completer));
return result;
$.Strings__toJsStringArray$bailout = function(state0, strings) {
var length$, i, string, array;
length$ = $.get$length(strings);
if ($.isJsArray(strings)) {
for (i = 0; $.ltB(i, length$); ++i) {
string = $.index(strings, i);
if (!(typeof string === 'string'))
throw $.$$throw($.ArgumentError$(string));
array = strings;
} else {
array = $._ListImpl_List(length$);
for (i = 0; $.ltB(i, length$); ++i) {
string = $.index(strings, i);
if (!(typeof string === 'string'))
throw $.$$throw($.ArgumentError$(string));
if (i >= array.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
array[i] = string;
return array;
$$1 = $.typeNameInSafari;
$.typeNameInSafari.$name = "typeNameInSafari";
$$1 = $.typeNameInOpera;
$.typeNameInOpera.$name = "typeNameInOpera";
$$1 = $.typeNameInFirefox;
$.typeNameInFirefox.$name = "typeNameInFirefox";
$$5 = $.invokeClosure;
$.invokeClosure.$name = "invokeClosure";
$$1 = $.typeNameInIE;
$.typeNameInIE.$name = "typeNameInIE";
$$1 = $.constructorNameFallback;
$.constructorNameFallback.$name = "constructorNameFallback";
$$1 = $.print;
$.print.$name = "print";
$$0 = $.isolateCode;
$.isolateCode.$name = "isolateCode";
$$4 = $.dynamicBind;
$.dynamicBind.$name = "dynamicBind";
$$3 = $._timerFactory;
$._timerFactory.$name = "_timerFactory";
$$0 = $.toStringWrapper;
$.toStringWrapper.$name = "toStringWrapper";
$$1 = $.typeNameInChrome;
$.typeNameInChrome.$name = "typeNameInChrome";
$$ = {};
Isolate.makeConstantList = function(list) {
list.immutable$list = true;
list.fixed$length = true;
return list;
$.CTC3 = Isolate.makeConstantList([]);
$.CTC1 = new Isolate.$isolateProperties.ObjectInterceptor();
$.CTC0 = new Isolate.$isolateProperties.JSArray();
$.CTC = new Isolate.$isolateProperties.JSString();
$.CTC4 = new Isolate.$isolateProperties._DeletedKeySentinel();
$.CTC2 = new Isolate.$isolateProperties.NullPointerException(null, Isolate.$isolateProperties.CTC3);
$.CTC5 = new Isolate.$isolateProperties.Object();
$._TimerFactory__factory = null;
$._getTypeNameOf = null;
$.Primitives_hashCodeSeed = 0;
$.Primitives_mirrorsEnabled = false;
$._ReceivePortImpl__nextFreeId = 1;
$.Primitives_DOLLAR_CHAR_VALUE = 36;
$._HashMapImpl__DELETED_KEY = Isolate.$isolateProperties.CTC4;
$._HashMapImpl__INITIAL_CAPACITY = 8;
$._lazyPort = null;
$.MIRROR_OPT_IN_MESSAGE = '\nThis program is using an experimental feature called "mirrors". As\ncurrently implemented, mirrors do not work with minification, and will\ncause spurious errors depending on how code was optimized.\n\nThe authors of this program are aware of these problems and have\ndecided the thrill of using an experimental feature is outweighing the\nrisks. Furthermore, the authors of this program understand that\nlong-term, to fix the problems mentioned above, mirrors may have\nnegative impact on size and performance of Dart programs compiled to\nJavaScript.\n';
$._SPAWNED_SIGNAL = 'spawned';
$._BufferingSendPort__idCount = 0;
Isolate.$lazy($, 'quoteRegExp', 'quoteRegExp', 'get$quoteRegExp', function() {
return $.JSSyntaxRegExp$('[-[\\]{}()*+?.,\\\\^$|#\\s]', false, false);
Isolate.$lazy($, '_splitRe', 'Uri__splitRe', 'get$Uri__splitRe', function() {
return $.RegExp_RegExp('^(?:([^:/?#.]+):)?(?://(?:([^/?#]*)@)?([\\w\\d\\-\\u0100-\\uffff.%]*)(?::([0-9]+))?)?([^?#]+)?(?:\\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?$', false, false);
var $ = null;
$$ = {};
Isolate = Isolate.$finishIsolateConstructor(Isolate);
var $ = new Isolate();
$.$defineNativeClass = function(cls, desc) {
var fields = desc[''] || [];
var generateGetterSetter = function(field, prototype) {
var len = field.length;
var lastCharCode = field.charCodeAt(len - 1);
var needsAccessor = (lastCharCode & 63) >= 60;
if (needsAccessor) {
var needsGetter = (lastCharCode & 3) > 0;
var needsSetter = (lastCharCode & 2) == 0;
var renaming = (lastCharCode & 64) != 0;
var accessorName = field = field.substring(0, len - 1);
if (renaming) {
var divider = field.indexOf(":");
accessorName = field.substring(0, divider);
field = field.substring(divider + 1);
if (needsGetter) {
var getterString = "return this." + field + ";";
prototype["get$" + accessorName] = new Function(getterString);
if (needsSetter) {
var setterString = "this." + field + " = v;";
prototype["set$" + accessorName] = new Function("v", setterString);
return field;
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
generateGetterSetter(fields[i], desc);
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
for (var method in desc) {
if (method !== '') {
if (, method)) {
$.dynamicFunction(method)[cls] = desc[method];
(function(table) {
for (var key in table) {
$.defineProperty(Object.prototype, key, table[key]);
toString$0: function() { return $.toStringForNativeObject(this); },
get$hashCode: function() { return $.hashCodeForNativeObject(this); }
$.$defineNativeClass('Worker', {"": [],
get$id: function() {
set$id: function(i) { = i;
set$onmessage: function(f) {
this.onmessage = f;
postMessage$1: function(msg) {
return this.postMessage(msg);
$.$defineNativeClass('DOMWindow', {"": [],
setTimeout$2: function(handler, timeout) {
return this.setTimeout($.convertDartClosureToJS(handler, 0),timeout);
setInterval$2: function(handler, timeout) {
return this.setInterval($.convertDartClosureToJS(handler, 0),timeout);
// 2 dynamic classes.
// 2 classes
// 0 !leaf
var $globalThis = $;
var $globalState;
var $globals;
var $isWorker = false;
var $supportsWorkers = false;
var $thisScriptUrl;
function $static_init(){};
function $initGlobals(context) {
context.isolateStatics = new Isolate();
function $setGlobals(context) {
$ = context.isolateStatics;
$globalThis = $;
$$0 = $.main
// BEGIN invoke [main].
if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.readyState != 'complete') {
document.addEventListener('readystatechange', function () {
if (document.readyState == 'complete') {
if (typeof dartMainRunner === 'function') {
dartMainRunner(function() { $.startRootIsolate($.main); });
} else {
}, false);
} else {
if (typeof dartMainRunner === 'function') {
dartMainRunner(function() { $.startRootIsolate($.main); });
} else {
// END invoke [main].
function init() {
Isolate.$isolateProperties = {};
Isolate.$defineClass = function(cls, fields, prototype) {
var generateGetterSetter = function(field, prototype) {
var len = field.length;
var lastCharCode = field.charCodeAt(len - 1);
var needsAccessor = (lastCharCode & 63) >= 60;
if (needsAccessor) {
var needsGetter = (lastCharCode & 3) > 0;
var needsSetter = (lastCharCode & 2) == 0;
var renaming = (lastCharCode & 64) != 0;
var accessorName = field = field.substring(0, len - 1);
if (renaming) {
var divider = field.indexOf(":");
accessorName = field.substring(0, divider);
field = field.substring(divider + 1);
if (needsGetter) {
var getterString = "return this." + field + ";";
prototype["get$" + accessorName] = new Function(getterString);
if (needsSetter) {
var setterString = "this." + field + " = v;";
prototype["set$" + accessorName] = new Function("v", setterString);
return field;
var constructor;
if (typeof fields == 'function') {
constructor = fields;
} else {
var str = "function " + cls + "(";
var body = "";
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
if (i != 0) str += ", ";
var field = fields[i];
field = generateGetterSetter(field, prototype);
str += field;
body += "this." + field + " = " + field + ";\n";
str += ") {" + body + "}\n";
str += "return " + cls + ";";
constructor = new Function(str)();
constructor.prototype = prototype;
return constructor;
var supportsProto = false;
var tmp = Isolate.$defineClass('c', ['f?'], {}).prototype;
if (tmp.__proto__) {
tmp.__proto__ = {};
if (typeof tmp.get$f !== 'undefined') supportsProto = true;
Isolate.$pendingClasses = {};
Isolate.$finishClasses = function(collectedClasses) {
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
for (var cls in collectedClasses) {
if (, cls)) {
var desc = collectedClasses[cls];
Isolate.$isolateProperties[cls] = Isolate.$defineClass(cls, desc[''], desc);
if (desc['super'] !== "") Isolate.$pendingClasses[cls] = desc['super'];
var pendingClasses = Isolate.$pendingClasses;
Isolate.$pendingClasses = {};
var finishedClasses = {};
function finishClass(cls) {
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
if (, cls)) return;
finishedClasses[cls] = true;
var superclass = pendingClasses[cls];
if (!superclass) return;
var constructor = Isolate.$isolateProperties[cls];
var superConstructor = Isolate.$isolateProperties[superclass];
var prototype = constructor.prototype;
if (supportsProto) {
prototype.__proto__ = superConstructor.prototype;
prototype.constructor = constructor;
} else {
function tmp() {};
tmp.prototype = superConstructor.prototype;
var newPrototype = new tmp();
constructor.prototype = newPrototype;
newPrototype.constructor = constructor;
for (var member in prototype) {
if (member == '' || member == 'super') continue;
if (, member)) {
newPrototype[member] = prototype[member];
for (var cls in pendingClasses) finishClass(cls);
Isolate.$lazy = function(prototype, staticName, fieldName, getterName, lazyValue) {
var sentinelUndefined = {};
var sentinelInProgress = {};
prototype[fieldName] = sentinelUndefined;
var getter = new Function("{ return $." + fieldName + ";}");
prototype[getterName] = function() {
var result = $[fieldName];
try {
if (result === sentinelUndefined) {
$[fieldName] = sentinelInProgress;
try {
result = $[fieldName] = lazyValue();
} catch (e) {
if ($[fieldName] === sentinelInProgress) {
$[fieldName] = null;
throw e;
} else if (result === sentinelInProgress) {
return result;
} finally {
$[getterName] = getter;
Isolate.$finishIsolateConstructor = function(oldIsolate) {
var isolateProperties = oldIsolate.$isolateProperties;
var isolatePrototype = oldIsolate.prototype;
var str = "{\n";
str += "var properties = Isolate.$isolateProperties;\n";
for (var staticName in isolateProperties) {
if (, staticName)) {
str += "this." + staticName + "= properties." + staticName + ";\n";
str += "}\n";
var newIsolate = new Function(str);
newIsolate.prototype = isolatePrototype;
isolatePrototype.constructor = newIsolate;
newIsolate.$isolateProperties = isolateProperties;
return newIsolate;
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