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Created April 30, 2013 20:17
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
'use strict';
module.metadata = {
'stability': 'unstable'
const { Cc, Ci } = require('chrome');
const array = require('../util/array');
const observers = require('../deprecated/observer-service');
const { defer } = require('sdk/core/promise');
const windowWatcher = Cc[';1'].
const appShellService = Cc[';1'].
const WM = Cc[';1'].
const io = Cc[';1'].
const BROWSER = 'navigator:browser',
URI_BROWSER = 'chrome://browser/content/browser.xul',
NAME = '_blank',
FEATURES = 'chrome,all,dialog=no';
function isWindowPrivate(win) {
if (!win)
return false;
// if the pbService is undefined, the PrivateBrowsingUtils.jsm is available,
// and the app is Firefox, then assume per-window private browsing is
// enabled.
try {
return win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
catch(e) {}
// Sometimes the input is not a nsIDOMWindow.. but it is still a winodw.
try {
return !!win.docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoadContext).usePrivateBrowsing;
catch (e) {}
return false;
exports.isWindowPrivate = isWindowPrivate;
function getMostRecentBrowserWindow() {
return getMostRecentWindow(BROWSER);
exports.getMostRecentBrowserWindow = getMostRecentBrowserWindow;
function getHiddenWindow() {
return appShellService.hiddenDOMWindow;
exports.getHiddenWindow = getHiddenWindow;
function getMostRecentWindow(type) {
return WM.getMostRecentWindow(type);
exports.getMostRecentWindow = getMostRecentWindow;
* Returns the ID of the window's current inner window.
function getInnerId(window) {
return window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).
exports.getInnerId = getInnerId;
* Returns the ID of the window's outer window.
function getOuterId(window) {
return window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).
exports.getOuterId = getOuterId;
* Returns `nsIXULWindow` for the given `nsIDOMWindow`.
function getXULWindow(window) {
return window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).
exports.getXULWindow = getXULWindow;
function getDOMWindow(xulWindow) {
return xulWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).
exports.getDOMWindow = getDOMWindow;
* Returns `nsIBaseWindow` for the given `nsIDOMWindow`.
function getBaseWindow(window) {
return window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).
exports.getBaseWindow = getBaseWindow;
* Returns the `nsIDOMWindow` toplevel window for any child/inner window
function getToplevelWindow(window) {
return window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
exports.getToplevelWindow = getToplevelWindow;
function getWindowDocShell(window) window.gBrowser.docShell;
exports.getWindowDocShell = getWindowDocShell;
function getWindowLoadingContext(window) {
return getWindowDocShell(window).
exports.getWindowLoadingContext = getWindowLoadingContext;
* Removes given window from the application's window registry. Unless
* `options.close` is `false` window is automatically closed on application
* quit.
* @params {nsIDOMWindow} window
* @params {Boolean} options.close
function backgroundify(window, options) {
let base = getBaseWindow(window);
base.visibility = false;
base.enabled = false;
if (!options || options.close !== false)
observers.add('quit-application-granted', window.close.bind(window));
return window;
exports.backgroundify = backgroundify;
* Takes hash of options and serializes it to a features string that
* can be used passed to ``. For more details on features string see:
function serializeFeatures(options) {
return Object.keys(options).reduce(function(result, name) {
let value = options[name];
// the chrome and private features are special
if ((name == 'private' || name == 'chrome'))
return result + ((value === true) ? ',' + name : '');
return result + ',' + name + '=' +
(value === true ? 'yes' : value === false ? 'no' : value);
}, '').substr(1);
* Opens a top level window and returns it's `nsIDOMWindow` representation.
* @params {String} uri
* URI of the document to be loaded into window.
* @params {nsIDOMWindow} options.parent
* Used as parent for the created window.
* @params {String}
* Optional name that is assigned to the window.
* @params {Object} options.features
* Map of key, values like: `{ width: 10, height: 15, chrome: true, private: true }`.
function open(uri, options) {
console.log("URI : " + io.newURI(uri, null, null).scheme);
if (['chrome', 'resource'].indexOf(io.newURI(uri, 'UTF-8', null).scheme) < 0)
throw new Error("only chrome and resource uris are allowed");
options = options || {};
let newWindow = windowWatcher.
openWindow(options.parent || null,
uri || URI_BROWSER, || null,
serializeFeatures(options.features || {}),
options.args || null);
return newWindow;
} = open;
function onFocus(window) {
let { resolve, promise } = defer();
if (isFocused(window)) {
else {
window.addEventListener("focus", function focusListener() {
window.removeEventListener("focus", focusListener, true);
}, true);
return promise;
exports.onFocus = onFocus;
function isFocused(window) {
const FM = Cc[";1"].
let childTargetWindow = {};
FM.getFocusedElementForWindow(window, true, childTargetWindow);
childTargetWindow = childTargetWindow.value;
let focusedChildWindow = {};
if (FM.activeWindow) {
FM.getFocusedElementForWindow(FM.activeWindow, true, focusedChildWindow);
focusedChildWindow = focusedChildWindow.value;
return (focusedChildWindow === childTargetWindow);
exports.isFocused = isFocused;
* Opens a top level window and returns it's `nsIDOMWindow` representation.
* Same as `open` but with more features
* @param {Object} options
function openDialog(options) {
options = options || {};
let features = options.features || FEATURES;
if (!!options.private &&
!array.has(features.toLowerCase().split(','), 'private')) {
features = features.split(',').concat('private').join(',');
let browser = getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
// if there is no browser then do nothing
if (!browser)
return undefined;
let newWindow = browser.openDialog.apply(
options.url || URI_BROWSER, || NAME,
options.args || null
return newWindow;
exports.openDialog = openDialog;
* Returns an array of all currently opened windows.
* Note that these windows may still be loading.
function windows(type, options) {
options = options || {};
let list = [];
let winEnum = WM.getEnumerator(type);
while (winEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
let window = winEnum.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
// Only add non-private windows when pb permission isn't set,
// unless an option forces the addition of them.
if (options.includePrivate || !isWindowPrivate(window)) {
return list;
} = windows;
* Check if the given window is interactive.
* i.e. if its "DOMContentLoaded" event has already been fired.
* @params {nsIDOMWindow} window
function isInteractive(window)
window.document.readyState === "interactive" || isDocumentLoaded(window)
exports.isInteractive = isInteractive;
* Check if the given window is completely loaded.
* i.e. if its "load" event has already been fired and all possible DOM content
* is done loading (the whole DOM document, images content, ...)
* @params {nsIDOMWindow} window
function isDocumentLoaded(window) {
return window.document.readyState == "complete";
exports.isDocumentLoaded = isDocumentLoaded;
function isBrowser(window) {
try {
return window.document.documentElement.getAttribute("windowtype") === BROWSER;
catch (e) {}
return false;
exports.isBrowser = isBrowser;
function getWindowTitle(window) {
return window && window.document ? window.document.title : null;
exports.getWindowTitle = getWindowTitle;
function isXULBrowser(window) {
return !!(isBrowser(window) && window.XULBrowserWindow);
exports.isXULBrowser = isXULBrowser;
* Returns the most recent focused window
function getFocusedWindow() {
let window = WM.getMostRecentWindow(BROWSER);
return window ? window.document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow : null;
exports.getFocusedWindow = getFocusedWindow;
* Returns the focused element in the most recent focused window
function getFocusedElement() {
let window = WM.getMostRecentWindow(BROWSER);
return window ? window.document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement : null;
exports.getFocusedElement = getFocusedElement;
function getFrames(window) {
return Array.slice(window.frames).reduce(function(frames, frame) {
return frames.concat(frame, getFrames(frame))
}, [])
exports.getFrames = getFrames;
function getScreenPixelsPerCSSPixel(window) {
return window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).
exports.getScreenPixelsPerCSSPixel = getScreenPixelsPerCSSPixel;
function getOwnerBrowserWindow(node) {
Takes DOM node and returns browser window that contains it.
let window =;
// If anchored window is browser then it's target browser window.
if (isBrowser(window)) return window;
// Otherwise iterate over each browser window and find a one that
// contains browser for the anchored window document.
let document = window.document;
let browsers = windows("navigator:browser", { includePrivate: true });
return array.find(browsers, function isTargetBrowser(window) {
return !!window.gBrowser.getBrowserForDocument(document);
exports.getOwnerBrowserWindow = getOwnerBrowserWindow;
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