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Last active April 26, 2016 17:29
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Restore cryptolocker encrypted files if you have ZFS
# If you have a box running ZFS serving your Windows file shares, and someone gets hit with CryptoLocker, here's an easy way to restore individually encrypted files.
# Assuming your infected dataset is named 'tank/officeshare'
# Find a snapshot of your data before cryptolocker infected it and clone it (something like zfs clone tank/officeshare@good tank/officesharegood
# Find a snapshot of your data after cryptolocker infected everything, but *after* the infected machines were removed from the network and clone it (something like zfs clone tank/officeshare@bad tank/officesharebad)
#Go into the tank/officesharebad directory and run the following command to scan through the bad clone for the 'DECRYPT_INSTRUCTION.TXT' file left behind by cryptolocker, gather 'bad' directories, then grab all the files from them to restore to the current 'officeshare'.
#This command works on FreeNAS or BSD-ish boxes
find . -type f -name 'DECRYPT_INSTRUCTION.TXT' | sed 's/\/DECRYPT_INSTRUCTION.TXT//' | sed 's/^\.\///' | grep -v '^.recycle' | tr -s '\n' '\000' | xargs -L 1 -J{} -0 find "{}" -type f -depth 1 ! -name "DECRYPT_INSTRUCTION*" -exec cp -v "/mnt/tank/officesharegood/{}" "/mnt/tank/officeshare/{}" \;
#Most of our NAS boxen are now running some variant of Linux, and the most recent variant uses the file name 'how to get data.txt'.
find . -type f -name 'how to get data.txt' | sed 's/\/how to get data.txt//' | sed 's/^\.\///' | grep -v '^.recycle' | tr -s '\n' '\000' | xargs -L 1 -I@@ -0 find "@@" -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -name "how to get data.txt" -exec cp -v "/tank/wp51-restore/SCDIR/{}" "/tank/wp51/SCDIR/{}" \;
#Once done, you may want to go to the current officeshare and run something like:
find . -type f -name 'DECRYPT_INSTRUCT*' -exec rm {} \;
#That will remove all the stupid 'DECRYPT_INSTRUCTION*' files left lying around.
#Also using the find and file commands to locate unidentified files may help:
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -L 1 -I{} sh -c 'file "{}" >> /mnt/tank/mimedetect'
#Now search through the mimedetect file and weed out commonly identified file types
#Adjust to your preferences
grep -v \./\.recycle mimedetect | grep -v "No such file" | egrep -v "(MS |Microsoft |)(Windows |)(Outlook|Excel|Access|Word|PowerPoint|Document|ASF|Cabinet|OOXML|Media (Video|Audio)|shortcut|icon|Autorun|3.x|COFF)" | egrep -v "Adobe (Photoshop|InDesign)" | egrep -v "Apple(Single|Double)" | egrep -v "(Composite|PDF|HTML|PostScript|XML|XML ) (document|Document)" | egrep -v "(JPEG|TIFF|raw|PNG|GIF) image data" | egrep -v "WAVE audio|Audio file|ISO Media|MPEG|Motion JPEG|CD-ROM filesystem" | egrep -v "(ASCII|ISO-8859|Unicode|\(with BOM\)) text" | egrep -v "(DOS|PE32|COM|VMS Alpha|PE32\+|i386) executable" | egrep -v "" | egrep -v "(Zip|MS|7-zip|gzip|BOA) (archive|compress|Compress)" | egrep -v "DOS EPS Binary|PDP-11|Rich Text Format|MDMP crash report|AutoDesk|TrueType font|Claris clip art|vCard|G3 data|bitmap font|FORTRAN program|G3 data|MSVC program database|8086 relocatable|SysEx|Applesoft BASIC|DBase|MSVC|Sendmail|GeoSwath|SYMMETRY|GLS_BINARY|image data" | egrep -v ": (data|empty)"
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